单词 | 鸦 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鸦—crowExamples:乌鸦n—crowspl 水老鸦—common name for cormorant 渡鸦—raven (family Corvidae)
在市区其他区域里,涂鸦与街头艺术仍然存在,但并未随处可见。 thisbigcity.net | Elsewhere in the city, graffiti and street art is evident, but not pervasive. thisbigcity.net |
我们有严谨的政策预防涂鸦和帮派等行为。 sfusd.edu | We implement policies that address graffiti abatement and gang prevention. sfusd.edu |
来自纽约的Eric Haze,在1980年代早期带起了街头涂鸦的热潮,并将涂鸦文化以艺术的身份带进画廊和媒体的平台上。 think-silly.com | Eric Haze was an essential part of the collective of New York artists that brought graffiti as an art form into the arena of art galleries and media in the early 1980s. think-silly.com |
而自从州长宣布China Camp将会关闭的消息,涂鸦和破坏公物的事件增加了。 ktsf.com | Since Governor Jerry Brown announced the list of state parks that will be closed, China Camp’s park ranger Cecilia Rejas has witnessed more vandalism and graffiti. ktsf.com |
在香港女律师协会、香港善导会、SKY CITY CHURCH及其他爱心机构的支持下,CEET和KONGO不单拥有更多空间以涂鸦艺术协助一些赋有艺术天份而未有机会去发挥的弱势社群,亦能利用涂鸦艺术向社会大众展示爱和关怀。 frenchmay.com | With the help of HK Federation of Women Lawyers, The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Sky City Church and other caring organizations and corporations, CEET and KONGO are able to use graffiti art to help underprivileged artists and to demonstrate love and care for the underprivileged in the community. frenchmay.com |
在墙壁上涂鸦的孩子, 颜色笔可能被没收,或者可能在 事後需要协助清洁墙壁(Parke, 1969)。 yorkcas.org | A child who colours on the wall might have his crayons put away and might also have to help clean up (Parke, 1969). yorkcas.org |
该公司过去已有多起成功案例:例如2001年与史蒂芬‧斯普劳斯(Stephen Sprouse)合作的「文字涂鸦与玫瑰花涂鸦」;2002年日本艺术家村上隆(Takashi Murakami)设计的「樱花包」及多种包款;亦或是2008年美国艺术家理查‧普林斯(Richard Prince)的「都会夜色」经典包系列等等。 ravenelart.com | Previous LV collaborations include those with American designer and artist Stephen Sprouse (2001, “letters and roses graffiti”), Japanese artist Takashi Murakami (2002, “cherry blossom” and other handbag collections), and American painter and photographer Richard Prince (2008, “Big City After Dark” classic collection). ravenelart.com |
James Watson 和 Francis Crick 在从事突破性的 DNA 研究期间即在此共饮,RAF 酒吧的天花板上有着二战时期用口红、香烟及烛蜡画成的涂鸦。 visitbritain.com | It’s where James Watson and Francis Crick drank during their ground-breaking research into DNA and the RAF bar has a ceiling with World War II graffiti daubed in lipstick, smoke and candle wax. visitbritain.com |
孩子们能利用Kids Designer II绘画、涂鸦、书写、将本产品当成滑鼠、甚至是游戏机。 geniusnetusa.com | With Kids Designer II, they can paint, draw, write, use it as a mouse or even play a game. geniusnetusa.com |
时至今天,公共空间里的所有东西 — 小至一盏街灯、一个电话亭,甚至是一幅涂鸦、一项街头表演,也可以视为公共艺术。 think-silly.com | Nowadays every object in a public space, be it a street light, a phone booth, a piece of graffiti and a performance, is seen as public art. think-silly.com |
Cinemin Swivel由WowWee Technologies(纳斯达克股票代码:OPMR)设计,并由德州仪器(Texas Instruments)的DLP® Technology提供动力支援,是一款最新的投影设备,艺术家们可以利用该设备将动态的图像投射到城市建筑上,将其作为一种艺术表现方式,这种方式被称为“光子轰炸”、“涂鸦投影”或“城市投影”。 tipschina.gov.cn | Designed by WowWee Technologies (NASDAQ: OPMR), and powered by Texas Instruments' DLP® Technology, the Cinemin Swivel is one of the latest projection devices enabling artists to cast dynamic images onto urban structures as a means of artistic expression, referred to as "Photon Bombing,""Guerilla Projection" or "Urban Projection. tipschina.gov.cn |
项目倡议人准备提供约1 000平方米的楼面,让青年和涂鸦艺术工作者进行创作。 devb.gov.hk | The project proponent plans to provide about 1 000 square metres of floor area for youth and graffiti artists. devb.gov.hk |
这是目前柏林围墙遗迹最长的一段,亦为露天博物馆及国际自由纪念物,更是柏林第二大观光景点,估计每年游客约80万人次;围墙倒塌後,柏林政府於1990年广邀世界各地艺术家,彩绘在苏联时期空白的围墙东侧,而西侧则早已涂满抗议艺术及涂鸦,整座艺廊共有105幅壁画,其中包括知名的布里兹涅夫及昂奈克亲吻图、东德汽车Trabant冲破围墙图。 thisbigcity.net | The gallery consists of 105 mural paintings, including the iconic kiss between Leonid Breshnev and Erich Honecker and the painting of a Trabant, the famous East German car, breaking through the wall. thisbigcity.net |
学校的修理和油漆(由於涂鸦引起)工作由校区设施维修 部门负责。 sfusd.edu | SFUSD facilities maintenance department makes necessary repairs and paints any graffiti. sfusd.edu |
废弃车辆、破坏或者受损的巴士站、狗屎污染/强制纠正、涂鸦、喧闹、垃圾回收、拒绝回收、街道照明问题、街道树木问题、道路和行人道安全问题。 sotonnewcom.org.uk | Abandoned vehicles, damaged or broken bus shelters, dog fouling/enforcement, graffiti, potholes, recycling, refuse collections, street lighting, trees, unsafe roads and pavements. sotonnewcom.org.uk |
发烧界最受欢迎男歌手之一刘罡,在涂鸦唱片推出的专辑备受推崇,《把你唱醉》是男声发烧碟经典作,现首次以真24/96 Hi Rez高清版本推出,绝对不可错过。 hifitrack.com | Renowned China Baritone Liu Gang's classic album “Drunk with Singing”, now firtst time comes in True 24/96 Hi Rez format! hifitrack.com |
无线手写笔具备1024级压力敏感度—让您轻松写意涂鸦、绘画、打草稿与签名。 geniusnetusa.com | The cordless pen has advanced 1024 pressure sensitivity - draw, paint, sketch and sign easily. geniusnetusa.com |
虽 然 英 国 就 换 约 及 广 州 入 城 问 题 与 中 国 发 生 激 烈 纠 纷 , 但 由 於 此 战 的 缘 故 , 英 国 将 中 国 问 题 视 作 次 要 课 题 , 因 而 延 迟 了 第 二次鸦片战争 的 爆 发 。 hkahe.com | Though Britain had been quarrelling with China over issues of treaty revision and of the Canton City Question, and though Britain was determined “to teach China another lesson,” the War postponed the outbreak of the Second OpiumWar (1856-1860). hkahe.com |
创作范围涉及流行时尚视觉设计、范本涂鸦艺术、立体雕塑与公共艺术等。 ravenelart.com | The creative vision extends from trendy fashion visuals, stencil graffiti, sculpture, and public art. ravenelart.com |
专业文献及互联网上都藏有大量以美沙酮治疗鸦片毒瘾的经验,提供美沙酮服务的 有关工作人员都应充份利用这些资料,以便掌握有关经验,他们亦可直接向其他有关机 构或有关工作人员谘询。 chp.gov.hk | The vast body of experience with the use of methadone in the treatment of opioid dependence should be utilized to the maximum. chp.gov.hk |
当天更会有传达祝福的许愿墙,大会还会借助三百位到场人士的力量,齐心创造大型光影涂鸦,寓意以「光明希望」划破天空,把祝福传达给远方的眼疾病人。 yp.mo | Moreover, ORBIS not only will present a featured wall for pledging wishes, it will also join hands with the 300 participants to create a large-scale light painting to hope and light to the visually impaired people around the world. yp.mo |
本次活动展出了一组最新的原创纽约地铁站地图画作,还有来自来自纽约的世界着名涂鸦艺术家Sonic Bad所创作的一次性手绘礼服。 macau.com | The event showcased the latest paintings of original NYC subway station maps and one-off hand-painted dresses by world famous graffiti artist Sonic Bad (New York), as well as a Hong Kong photography collection by Alon Garty and bespoke jewellery and exotic skin accessories by Eremett. macau.com |