

单词 鸣金收兵

See also:


fig. finish work
call it a day
used with negatives: the task is far from over
recall troops
withdraw troops
wind up

收兵 v

retreat v

External sources (not reviewed)

兵们还对空鸣枪示警,以驱散巴勒斯坦人,并施放了若干催泪弹,最后 还对一些巴勒斯坦人使用了警棍,以迫使他们离开他们自己的土地。
The soldiers also fired warning shots [...]
in the air to disperse the Palestinians, as well as several tear gas canisters and
finally used their batons against some Palestinians to force them to leave their own land.
军法署署长审查了调查期收集的证词,认定在当时的情况下,这 鸣枪 示警的兵没有刑事责任。
The MAG reviewed the testimony collected in the course of the investigation and concluded that, under the circumstances, the soldier who fired the [...]
shot was not criminally liable.
士兵们对这辆装着袋子并正在靠近的马 鸣 枪 示 警,兵们认为袋内可能装有炸药。
The soldiers fired warning shots at the approaching carriage, which was loaded with bags that the soldiers thought contained [...]
我在先前進行的辯論中曾說過,將來的 問責制,可能只會是短樁的海市蜃樓,又或 收 天 下 之 兵 , 聚 之咸陽”所鑄 成金人。
As I said in a previous debate, the future system of accountability might only be a
mirage on short piles, or one of those Xianyang
[...] bronze statues cast from weapons confiscated from all over the Qin Empire.
所有国家官员都已回到他们在国家北部的岗位 上,包括安全和国防部队、专兵团 、 金 融 警 察和公 共财政官员以及海关和收官员,从而使我们有可能 在全国境内恢复公共权威。
All State officials have returned to their posts in the north of the
country, including the
[...] security and defence forces, the prefect corps, the financial police and public treasury, and customs [...]
and tax officers,
thereby making it possible to restore public authority throughout the national territory.
这可以解释为什么代 表团看到探视者在来客接待处向值勤 兵 支 付 现 金。
This would explain why the delegation saw
[...] visitors paying cash to the gendarme on duty at the [...]
visitors’ reception desk.
使用无线按键上的 Arm 按钮布防时, 系统可发出一次警鸣叫表示收到命 令;而使用无线按键上的 Disarm 按钮撤防时,系统将发出两次警鸣叫表示收到命令。
When arming the system by using the Arm button on the wireless key, the system will acknowledge the command by sounding a single bell squawk (if bell squawk is enabled) and when disarming using the Disarm button
on the wireless key
[...] the system will acknowledge the command by sounding two bell squawks (if bell squawk is enabled) that can be heard from the exterior of the premises.
收入第 2 款表 IS2.1 显示,2012-2013 两 年期估计数增加的主要原因是,预计房地 金收 入 增 加(12 417 900 美元),但增 加数额被银行利息预计减少额(387 300 美元)和杂项收入预计减少额(189 900 美 元)部分抵销。
As indicated in table IS2.1 of Income section 2, the estimated increase for 2012-2013 is due mainly to the projected increase under rental of premises ($12,417,900), partially offset by projected decreases under bank interest ($387,300) and miscellaneous income ($189,900).
在人类靠近的情况下,震旦鸦雀个体或者集群会采取逃逸、 兵 行 为 和警 鸣 叫 或 这些行为的组合做出反应, 兵 行 为 和警 鸣 叫 常 常伴随出现。
As flock size increased, parrotbills tended to show a combination of sentinel behavior and alarm-calling.
但是, 今年的施政報告沒有再提出類似的目標,希望不是政府認為慳電減排的工作 已經達標,以為大可以金收兵。
In the policy address this year, however, no similar target was raised. It is hoped that the Government has not formed the view that the target has already been achieved, thereby thinking that it may as well sound an honourable retreat.
在前全国保卫人民大会人兵变开 始后,刚 果 ( 金 ) 武 装 部队第 803 团的 100 多名兵为恩 杜马保卫刚果民兵组织提供增援,以袭击并抢掠 Mpofi-Kibua 轴线 的沿线村庄,杀害了很多刚果(金)武 装 部队 兵。
Following the beginning of the ex-CNDP mutiny, over 100 FARDC deserters of the 803rd regiment reinforced NDC in order to attack and pillage the villages along the Mpofi-Kibua axis, killing dozens of FARDC soldiers.
国家必须尊重和 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加和拨出必要的资源,尤其 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如,街头流浪儿童、儿 兵 、 残 疾儿童、 被拐卖的儿童、家庭的儿童户主和生活 收 容 机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 受到剥削和虐待的更大的风险。
States must respect and promote the rights of children living in poverty, including by strengthening and allocating the necessary resources to child protection strategies and programmes, with a particular focus on marginalized
children, such as street
[...] children, child soldiers, children with disabilities, victims of trafficking, child heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk [...]
of exploitation and abuse.
南南合作是南方人民和国家的共同事业,源于共同经历和 鸣 , 建立在共 同目标和团结一致的基础上,而且除其他外,依循不附带任何条件的尊重国家主 权和自主的原则。
South-South cooperation is a common endeavour of peoples and countries of the South, born out of shared experiences and sympathies, based on their common objectives and solidarity, and guided by, inter alia, the principles of respect for national sovereignty and ownership, free from any conditionalities.
面临人类接近时, 不同季节和不同集群大小中兵行为 和警 鸣 叫 的 出现与否呈现极显著的差异,方差分量估计表明,警戒行为表现的差异主要由集群大小引起 [动物学报  54 (4):622–629, 2008]。
Our study indicated that seasonal changes in vigilance responses of reed parrotbills to human approach is mainly affected by flock size [Acta Zoologica Sinica 54(4): 622–629, 2008].
针对这起明显侵犯黎巴嫩主权和违反安理会第 1701(2006)号决议的事件,黎 巴嫩军队在黎巴嫩境鸣枪警告,但没有对以色列的敌军巡逻队开枪。
Responding to this clear violation of Lebanese sovereignty and Security Council resolution 1701 (2006), the Lebanese Army fired warning shots inside Lebanese territory, but not towards the Israeli enemy patrol.
对于逃兵可能受到 的惩罚,法官指出申诉人从未声称 收 到 过 任何 兵 的 命 令。
As to hypothetical sanctions for
desertion, the Court noted that the complainant had
[...] never claimed having received any convocation to [...]
enrol in the army.
外部独立评估 报告的这一涉及面广而又重要的组成部分引起了广泛的 鸣 , 即选定数量有限的战略目标将 有助于使教科文组织的工作重点更加突出,而且,为了实现这一目标,应确立全面拟订 C/5 号文件的具体标准,包括评估交付能力和影响力、比较优势、退出战略、日落条款以及全球 性的持续的评估文化。
This wide-ranging and important part of the report on the IEE gave rise to a broad agreement that the selection of a limited number of strategic objectives would help increase UNESCO’s focus and that, in order to reach this objective, specific criteria should be established for the overall preparation of the C/5 document, including the assessment of capacity to deliver and impact, comparative advantage, as well as exit strategies, sunset provisions and a global, ongoing culture of evaluation.
一些患有慢性病的证人,例 如糖尿病或心脏病患者,药品遭以色列 兵 没 收 , 不能按需要服药。
Some witnesses who suffer from chronic medical conditions, such as
diabetes or heart conditions, were not provided access to their required medicines,
[...] which were taken by Israeli soldiers.
(A) 在公司法之規限下,董事可於任期期間兼任本公司任何其他受薪 職務或職位(核數師除外),有關任期及條款可由董事會決定,並可按照董事會之決 定,收取根據或依照任何其他公司細則所規定之任何酬金以外之額外報酬(不論是以 工資、金、收益分 享或其他形式之報酬)。
(A) Subject to the Companies Act, a Director may hold any other office or place of profit with the Company (except that of Auditors) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and upon such terms as the Board may determine, and may be paid such extra remuneration thereof (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise) as the Board may determine, and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to any remuneration provided for, by or pursuant to any other Bye-law.
(D) 雖有本細則第(A)段之條文,本公司可按照董事會的推薦意見,透
[...] 過普通決議案議決本公司以配發入賬列作繳足股份形式全數支付任何一特定股息,而 不授予股東任何權利選擇以金收取 該 等股息代替有關股份配發。
(D) The Company may upon the recommendation of the Board by ordinary resolution resolve in respect of any one particular dividend of the Company that notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (A) of this Article a dividend may be satisfied wholly in the form of an allotment of shares credited as fully
paid up without offering any right to
[...] shareholders to elect to receive such dividend in cash in lieu of such [...]
收入估计数包括房地金收入、 专门机构 和其他机构偿付的服务费用、银行利息、出售旧设备、往年支出退款、非会员国 [...]
The estimated income relates to rental of premises, [...]
reimbursement for services provided to specialized agencies and others,
bank interest, sale of used equipment, refund of previous years’ expenditures, contributions of non-member States, television and similar services and miscellaneous income.
雖然西九文化區的資 本成本粗略計算相等於西九文化區可供出售的用地的預計土 地收益,零售/飲食/娛樂設施的 金收 入 , 將會是保持西九 文化區在財政上可持續營運的主要收入來源。
While the capital costs for WKCD is
roughly equal to the
[...] estimated land revenue from the WKCD site available for disposal, the rental proceeds [...]
from the RDE facilities
would be the main source of income for keeping WKCD financially sustainable.
委員察悉,政府當局會動議一 項委員會審 議 階 段修正 案,在條例草案加入
[...] 新 訂第6NA條,規定如印 花 稅 署署長合理地 相信有關舉辦商從 舉辦獲批准足球比賽投注而就該 課 稅期取得的 淨 投金 收 入 , 多 於根據建 議的新 訂第6N條作出的通 知 所 指 明的淨 投金 收 入數額 ,有權就該 課 稅期發出補 加 評估。
Members note that the Administration will move a CSA to add a new section 6NA so that the Collector is empowered to make an additional assessment for that charging period, if he reasonably believes that the net stake receipts that were derived from the conduct of authorized betting
on football matches
[...] by the conductor in respect of that charging period exceed the amount of net stake receipts as specified in the notice of assessment [...]
given under the proposed new section 6N.
實際利率乃將估計日 後金收入(包 括所有支付或收取構成整體實際利率之費用、交易成本及其他所有溢價或折價) 按金融資產之預期使用年期,或較短期間(倘 合 [...]
The effective interest rate is the rate
that exactly discounts
[...] estimated future cash receipts (including all fees paid or received that form [...]
an integral part of the
effective interest rate, transaction costs and other premiums or discounts) through the expected life of the financial asset, or, where appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying amount on initial recognition.
發行後 其尚未轉換之債券總金額低於發行總 額之10%時,本公司得選擇於債券強 制轉換或收回基準日按當時之轉換價
[...] 格將持有人之轉換公司債轉換為權利 證書或按債券面額將持有人之轉換公 司債以金收回。
If the total value of outstanding convertible bonds becomes less than 10% of the total principal, the Corporation also has the option, at any
time, to convert the bonds to entitlement certificates at the conversion price or to
[...] redeem the bonds by cash at face value.
但这一数字可能并不是招募的儿童总数,因为 2010 年劳工组收到 201 份招募儿兵的投诉(与 2009 年收到 8 6 份投诉相比投诉数大幅增加),而且 国家监察和报告任务组继续一如既往地定期收到有关招募未成年人的报告。
However, this most likely does not represent the total number of children recruited,
[...] given that ILO received 201 complaints of child soldier recruitment in 2010 (a significant [...]
over the 86 complaints received in 2009), and there continued to be a steady stream of underage recruitment reports submitted regularly to the task force.




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