单词 | 鸣 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鸣—cry (of birds)Examples:共鸣n—resonancen chordn 共鸣pl—vibespl 鸣叫v—tweetv
本中心鸣谢"情永在宠物善终服务"以优惠价HK$500为BB提供葬礼及火化。 hk-aac.com | Thanks to "Love Forever Pets" to provide funeral and cremate for B B at the price of HK$500 only. hk-aac.com |
此系列不但因集中的音色令声音更有承托力,而且具有鲜明的及丰富的共鸣、平均的音质,具特色的音调,流畅的高音等。 tomleemusic.com.hk | This series not only bolsters the player's sound by providing clear focus, but gives vibrant and rich resonance, even timbre, character-filled tone, fluent altissimo, and more. tomleemusic.com.hk |
按下按钮时,下方 LED 会以橘色闪烁;备份过程中会以绿色闪烁;备份完成时,蜂鸣器会鸣响一次。 support2.imation.com | When the button is pushed, the LED below flashes amber; during backup, it blinks green; when the backup is complete, a buzzer sounds once. support2.imation.com |
不过,由於特首及政府的民望高企,如果游行的诉求是强调对抗,巿民未必会产生共鸣。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, because CE and SARG now enjoy considerable public support, any rally which aims at creating confrontation may not be able to win the heart of the people. hkupop.hku.hk |
获资助机构必须在所有与项目有关的机器设备、设施、宣传或 传媒活动或为项目而出版的刊物上加上经由工贸署署长书面核 准的字眼,以鸣谢基金提供赞助。 smefund.tid.gov.hk | Acknowledgement of the SDF support as approved in writing by DGTI must appear on all equipment, facilities, publicity or media events related to a project funded by the SDF or in publications arising from the project. smefund.tid.gov.hk |
如果没有这个前提,传媒首先就没有文章可作,专栏作者和电台主持人也得另找题材;就算传媒怎样起劲鼓动,市民也不会为所动,因为传媒所言都不会在人际网络中引起共鸣。 hkupop.hku.hk | Persuasive messages and mobilizing information are influential largely because they resonate with something that is already existing within people's mind. hkupop.hku.hk |
1) “Soma 学院提 供的按摩" - 特别鸣谢美国长者服务 有限公司的 Carolyn Russell 为接受按摩的人士安排了两个 奇妙的按摩。 napca.org | 1) “Massage from Soma Institute” – A special thanks goes to Carolyn Russell from SSAI in arranging two wonderful magic touches on those who received the massages. napca.org |
邵耀华主席同时指出,BBA第一场由台湾育成整合中心(SiiC)首席顾问苏怀仁博士鸣枪起跑,提出适合台湾医疗器材与生技制药产业发展方向,促使台湾成为全方位3S(System、Software、Service)生技大厂,进而创造国际大厂抢先投资的优质环境。 tipschina.gov.cn | Dr. Soo will offer his viewpoints on appropriate development for Taiwan's medical device and biopharmaceutical industries, which will enable Taiwan to become a comprehensive "3S" powerhouse, referring to systems, software, and services, and will create a top-notch environment conducive to attracting leading international companies. tipschina.gov.cn |
这项工程的另一目的还在於加强绘画与雕塑之间的对话﹔重新给予图形艺术应有的位置,让这些艺术品与博物馆的所有藏品和谐共鸣。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | It also involved strengthening the dialogue between painting [...] and sculpture, by putting the graphic arts back in their rightful place, in [...] resonance with allthe museum’s [...]collections. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
球成为死球指的是当裁判鸣哨使比赛停顿, 将判给scrum或球出界裁判将判给争边球, 非犯规方获判选 择处罚方式, 反攻踢或达阵攻门及罚踢攻门完成後, scrum进行不顺利或未 完结须要重组等。 irblaws.com | The ball becomes dead when the referee would have awarded a scrum, lineout, an option to the non-infringing team, drop out or after a conversion or successful penalty kick at goal. irblaws.com |
(f) 若比赛继续进行,将会构成危险情况或球员严重受伤时, 裁判必须及时鸣哨。 irblaws.com | (f) The referee must blow the whistle when it would be dangerous to let play continue or when it is probable that [...] a player hasbeen seriously injured. irblaws.com |
为何能引起共鸣,张坎蒂在电子邮件里写道,「人们发觉自己并不孤独,还能用有趣的新方式认识邻居」。 thisbigcity.net | It’s about understanding your neighbors in a new and enlightening way. thisbigcity.net |
澳门四季酒店的鸣诗餐厅现推出海鲜盛会自助晚餐,於世界各地搜罗精选海鲜,海鲜爱好者可一次过大啖波士顿龙虾、纽西兰蓝青口、翡翠螺及加拿大雪蟹,可谓一流享受!四季酒店行政总厨高伟士将率领来自不同地方的厨师,炮制各国美食,更会特别设计多款精选甜品,令食客大饱口福。 yp.mo | Not only offering delicious seafood such as Boston Lobsters, New Zealand Blue Lips Mussels, Hokkaido Scallops and Canadian Snow crab, Four Seasons Hotel Macau’s Executive and his international culinary team will present a series of dishes from different countries as well as delightful desserts. yp.mo |
为全面照顾客人的需要,集雅廊精心挑选更多优质家居精品,例如法国莱捷刀具、日本鸣海高级骨瓷;以及来自德国的高宝瓷器摆设、人手绘画的喜姆瓷像、经典史戴芙小熊等,都成为客人趋之若鹜的热门产品。 sogo.com.hk | What's more, it houses other selected brand names suchas makers of French knives by Laguiole, fine bone chinaware from Japan by Narumi, decorative items by Goebel, hand painted porcelain figurines by M.I. Hummel and classic teddy bears by Steiff, all of which originate from Germany. sogo.com.hk |
除了廉价小说之外,还有许多故事都能引起共鸣,莎士比亚作品内,总有值得学习的教训,若能及早鼓励年轻人阅读这些着作,就能应用 在生活各处,例如许多人都想当律师,在辛巴威若想进入大学修读法律,至少在英文文学科目得拿到优等,这也是我努力推广文学的一项原因。 thisbigcity.net | There is always something to be learned inShakespeare and if I can encourage these youngsters to master these texts at an early age, they could take it up to wherever they want. thisbigcity.net |
备份过程中下方 LED 会亮起;备份完成时,蜂鸣器会鸣响一次。 support2.imation.com | During backup, the LED below illuminates; when the backup is complete, a buzzer sounds once. support2.imation.com |
助听器兼容令电话不受 RF 干扰,能消除於使用助听器同时产生的蜂鸣声、嗡嗡声及高频噪音。 philips.com.tw | Hearing Aid Compatibility means the phone is immune to any RF interference, eliminating the buzzing, humming, or whining noise that can otherwise occur, if you use it in combination with a hearing aid. philips.com.my |
4.9.1 所 有 与 项 目 有 关 的 宣 传 品 上 , 须 印 有 环 保 基 金 的 名 称 及 徽 号 ,以鸣谢资助 来 源 。 ecf.gov.hk | 4.9.1 The source of funding (both the name and logo of the ECF) must be acknowledged in all publicity material resulting from the project. ecf.gov.hk |
音讯质素提升以达至音量正常化、消除背景噪音及嗡鸣声,50Hz 及 60Hz 适用。 mammals.org | Audio enhancements for volume normalization, background noise removal, and hum removal for both 50Hz and 60Hz. mammals.org |
由大众积极参予我们举办之无障碍公众教育活动、「金德共创光明接力游2007」及「音乐无障碍共融共鸣音乐会」等活动中可见一斑。 hksb.org.hk | The encouraging number of public attendance in our Barrier-free Access Public Education Campaign in a number of shopping plazas, the active participation of people from [...] different walks of life in our Kingdom Swimathon for [...] Brightness 2007 and the Music Inclusion [...]Concert were good evidence. hksb.org.hk |
首先特别鸣谢Trey Ratcliff制作了那麽棒的影片!若大家曾到过Queenstown,一定会对影片中的景点感到熟悉。 4tern.com | First of all, we would like to thank Trey Ratcliff for making such a great visuals of Queenstown. 4tern.com |
在此,我们特别鸣谢积极参与本年的10.10.10抗贫主日的堂会,也盼望有更多堂会能预备明年十月份档期(崇 [...] 真会深水埗堂已安排了明年的10.10.10抗贫主日),以不同形式和参与,同心合意关怀及服待贫穷人,促进教 会合一见证。 hkcnp.org.hk | Here, we would liketo give special [...] thanks to churches which actively participated in “10.10.10 Anti Poverty Sunday” this [...]year. It is our hope that more churches could allocate a Sunday in October next year (Sham Shui Po Tsung Tsin Church has already fixed a date next year for “10.10.10 Anti Poverty Sunday”), and serve and care for the poor in different ways and forms of participation in one spirit, bearing witness to the unity of the Church. hkcnp.org.hk |
鸣谢感谢以下的纽约市健康与心理卫生局人员协助编制本指南(依英文字母顺序 排名 nyc.gov | Thank you to the following New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene staff who contributed to this guide (in alphabetical order) nyc.gov |
爆炸品,包括军事用、商业用或自制爆炸品、容易引起爆炸的器材、爆鸣器、烟雾弹、发射弹、手榴弹、导弹、子弹夹、地雷、其他具爆炸性的军事用品、具爆炸物品或器材的复制品或仿制品。 dragonair.com | Explosive material, including military, commercial or home-made explosive, explosive devices, detonators, smoke cartridges, bullet bombs, grenades, missiles, magazines (gun part) mines and other explosive military ordinance, replica or imitation explosive material or devices. dragonair.com |
南澳鲍鱼,昆士兰带子,西澳带子,美国带子,日本带子,日本帆立贝,波士顿龙虾,加拿大雪场蟹件,阿拉斯加黑鳕鱼,智利/乌拉圭鲈鱼,美国黄海螺肉,贝里斯海螺肉,阿拉斯加桂花蚌,澳洲海参,格林兰岛比目鱼,加拿大多春鱼,纽西兰青衣鱼柳,半壳青口,青口肉,尤鱼头,尤鱼翼,纽西兰龙脷鱼,柠檬龙脷鱼,蓝壳青口,澳洲皇帝虾,越南白虾,越南虎虾,越南鲶鱼柳,越南墨鱼仔,菲律宾蚬肉,日本仿制蟹棒,日本蚝肉,日本炸蚝,日本烧鱼卷,日本鸣门巻,泰国海鲜什锦。 dch.com.hk | South Australia abalone, Queensland scallop meat, West Australian scallop meat, USA scallop meat, Japan scallop meat (Roe off), Japan boiled scallop (Roe on), Boston lobster, Canadian snow crab section, Alaskan black cod, Chilean / Uruguay seabass, USA yellow conch meat, Belize conch meat, Alaska sea cucumber meat, Australia sea cucumber, Greenland halibut, Canadian female capelin, New Zealand ling fillet, Half shell mussel, Mussel meat, Squid head & tentacle, Squid wing, New Zealand sole, Lemon sole, Whole blue shell mussel, Australian king prawn, Vietnam white shrimp, Vietnam black tiger, Vietnam pangasius fillet, Vietnam baby cuttlefish, Philippines clam meat, Japan crab stick, Japan oyster meat, Japan breaded oyster meat, Japan chikuwa, Japan naruto maki, Thailand seafood mix. dch.com.hk |
华夏协会有心为侨教及当地中文教育略尽棉薄之力,但孤掌难鸣,力量有限,故以此次结合台、纽、澳三地资源的成功合作模式为典范,呼吁所有热心推广华语文的人士与团体,大家一起来为我们下一代,开创中文学习的大好环境。 hwahsia.org.nz | However, with the combined resources of Taiwan, New Zealand and Australia, together we can make a successful cooperative model to appeal to all Chinese language people and organizations so that we can all work together for the next generation to create an excellent environment for learning Chinese. hwahsia.org.nz |
特别要鸣谢的是香港政府、香港赛马会、香港公益金、以及所有捐款者,全赖他们在财政上的支持,我们的工作才可顺利推行。 hksb.org.hk | A particular word of thanks should go to the Hong Kong Government, the Hong Kong Jockey Club, the Community Chest and all the donors for their financial support, without which our work could not have been carried out. hksb.org.hk |