单词 | 鸡尾酒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鸡尾酒 noun —cocktail n鸡尾酒 —cocktail (loanword)See also:鸡 n—chickens pl • pigeon n • duck n 鸡—fowl • (slang) prostitute 尾 n—tail n • remnant n 尾—remainder • extremity • horse's tail • sixth of the 28 constellations • pointed posterior section of a locust etc
2008年的42BELOW鸡尾酒世界 杯是这个年度赛事举办的第五年年头,将会吸引数百名观众前来这个被冰雪覆盖的山峦包围的新西兰皇后镇观赛。 tipschina.gov.cn | The 42BELOW Cocktail World Cup 2008 is [...] the fifth year of this annual event that sees hundreds of people travel to the snow [...]covered slopes that surround Queenstown in New Zealand. tipschina.gov.cn |
在9月9日至13日的五天时间里,45位调酒师将角逐本 届 鸡尾酒 世 界杯冠军头衔,挑战2007年获得此项殊荣的美国参赛队Team [...] Vegas。 tipschina.gov.cn | Over the five days between the 9th - 13th [...] September 45 contestants will battle it out [...] to become the Cocktail World Champions, [...]taking over the throne from the 2007 winning team from Team Vegas, USA. tipschina.gov.cn |
酒吧还提供各类流行鸡尾酒和啤酒。 msccruises.com.cn | It also serves a wide selection of the most popular international long drinks and beers. msccruises.com.eg |
宽敞客房、豪华床上用品、高科技设施、全新打造的大堂、早餐、晚餐,以及部分 Bistro 餐厅供应的香醇鸡尾酒…… 非凡体验惊喜连连。 marriott.com.cn | We offer spacious rooms, plush bedding [...] and high-tech amenities, plus a redesigned lobby, and [...] breakfast, dinner, and cocktails at the Bistro [...]in select locations. marriott.com |
接着为论坛安排的是由瑞士和日内瓦当局以及国际教育局联合举行 的 鸡尾酒 会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Forum was [...] followed by a cocktail offered jointly [...]by the Swiss and Genevan authorities and the IBE. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在这里,酒吧服务员的数量足足是娱乐类职员的两倍之多!他们将展示混合和调制马天尼酒的技巧来制作各种各样 的 鸡尾酒。 msccruises.com.cn | Here, the bar staff double up as entertainers, showing off their skills as they mix martinis and shake a wide [...] variety of other cocktails. msccruises.com.eg |
特别是因为它是一个机会,享受醉人 的 鸡尾酒 的 杀 手山气海,不同年龄段的景点和自然景观。 cn.badgood.info | Especially because it's a chance to enjoy the intoxicating cocktail of killer mountain-sea air, sights of different ages and natural landscapes. en.badgood.info |
随着我们在 2013 年推出全新的灰燕鸡尾酒菜单 ,女士们可以在 Cin Cin 酒廊及雪茄吧享受无限畅饮的指定 鸡尾酒。 fairmont.cn | Join us in Cin Cin Wine & Cigar Lounge for free flow of selected cocktails for ladies as we launch the new Grey Goose Cocktail Menu for 2013. fairmont.com |
鱼缸中色彩斑斓的珊瑚和千姿百态的 热带鱼为参加鸡尾酒聚会 的人们提供了极 富生机和灵动感的绝妙背景。 radissonblu.com | Colourful corals and a variety of tropical fish provide the backdrop for this lively gathering [...] place, perfect for a cocktail reception. radissonblu.com |
比如,一杯香味完美的水果冰沙则与Mercedes 的吸引力齐名,富有维他命的水果汁则相应于 BMW 汽车系列,速度健将的 [...] Ferrari 则用以命名给一杯充满诱惑的鸡尾酒。 wheelhousecafe.vnnavi.com.vn | For example, a glass of synthetic vitamins with delicious flavors will match the charm of a Mercedes whereas fruit juice [...] with vitamin suits the strength of the BMW or Ferrari known for speed is set as name of an [...] attractive shot of cocktail. wheelhousecafe.vnnavi.com.vn |
繁华市景壮美湖景尽收眼底,给您难以置信的全新体验;现代化装修风格;配有“锦江酒店”特别制定的“东方之梦King Dream” 床 (2m x 2m);床头设羽绒被、枕头菜单可供选择;室内电子温控;卫星平板液晶电视(接收CNN, HBO, CCTV);DVD播放器以及I-pod扩展坞;咖啡机;直线电话配有语音信箱;高速上网;迷你吧;熨斗及熨衣板;以及客房保险箱;免费享受行政酒廊每日早点以及“快乐时光 ” 鸡尾酒 会。 wuhan.dragontrail.com | With magnificent views of the city and lakes this incredibly spacious studio offers contemporary style decor with Jin Jiang "King Dream" Bed (2m x 2m) with Duvet, Pillow Menu available, Climate control, Flat screen TV with satellite (CNN, HBO, CCTV), DVD Player and I-pod Docking station, Coffee maker, Direct dial telephone with Voice mail, High speed internet, Mini-bar, Iron & ironing board and In-room safe. wuhan.dragontrail.com |
研讨会结束后,全体与会者参加了在半岛酒店举办的联 谊 鸡尾酒 会 和 自助晚餐会。 norway.org.cn | After the seminar, the participants were also [...] treated to a cocktail and buffet dinner and a mingling session at the Peninsula Hotel norway.cn |
墨尔本最好的五个酒吧体育酒吧和精心的主题场馆,填补了法案,无论你是一个奇特 的 鸡尾酒 时 髦 当场或者在一个老派的酒吧一个基本BREW的兼收并蓄。 zh.melbournehotel.com | The five best Melbourne bars are an eclectic mix [...] of sports bars and elaborately themed venues that fill the bill whether you're looking for a fancy cocktail at a trendy [...]spot or a basic brew at an old-school pub. melbournehotel.com |
薄荷和檸檬是哈瓦那酒吧常見的 鸡尾酒 配 搭 ,用來作為美酒的點綴。 ilovelkf.hk | Mint and Limes are a common theme at Havana Bar, merging supplies with decoration. ilovelkf.hk |
这里甚至是图书馆也拥有自己的酒吧,所以无论是您想在早上品尝一杯卡布奇诺,在游泳后来一 杯 鸡尾酒 , 还 是餐后小酌,甚至是接触迪斯科疯狂后的口渴,您永远就在理想的场地旁边。 msccruises.com.cn | So whether you want to savour a cappuccino in the [...] morning, sip a cocktail after your swim, enjoy an aperitif before dinner, [...]or quench your thirst between [...]dances in the disco, you’re never far from the ideal venue. msccruises.com.eg |
红酒,鸡尾酒,啤酒等 shangri-la.com | Wine, cocktail, beer, etc. shangri-la.com |
精湛的鸡尾酒, RE D DOOR调酒大师Jacky薛,担任众多的国际酒业公司和酒吧品牌大使和顾问,主创 的 鸡尾酒 单 融 合了东西方的配料和口味,必有一款适合与众不同的你。 restaurantweek.cn | Jacky Xue, REDDOOR’s Mixologist Director,formerly the ambassador and consultant to many different bar’s and international liquor companies, has made a tasty cocktail list that cover’s the full spectrum, fusing Western and Eastern delicacies. restaurantweek.cn |
即使完全失去其头发和头皮被硬、 注入 HARG 鸡尾酒细胞做不玩的事情更多,ⅱ、 毛绒资格地区位于心脏的类型。 ikumou.drsato02.com | Even if completely loses its hair and scalp were [...] hard, inject HARG cocktail cells do not play [...]things more, Type Ⅱ, in downy eligible [...]areas are situated in the heart. ikumou.drsato02.com |
我们为那些专门建立类似于那些在situlas在Halstatt期间担任礼仪饮料美味 的 鸡尾酒。 instantworldbooking.com | We serve delicious cocktails that were specially created to resemble the ceremonial drinks that were served in situlas during the Halstatt period. instantworldbooking.com |
到了晚上, [...] 则变身为一个社交俱乐部,现场的音乐响起, 处处是香槟鸡尾酒。 oneandonlyresorts.com | By night, it metamorphoses into a sociable club, where the music is live and [...] the Champagne cocktails flow. oneandonlyresorts.com |
典礼于“Wolke 21”的21楼举行,江诗丹顿首席执行官陶睿思先生、Hübner集团总裁Hübner先生、以及维也纳Wempe集团的总经理Pelz先生共同欢迎各位来宾。 在 鸡尾酒 会 上 ,贵宾们一边鸟瞰维也纳城市的迷人美景,一边欣赏Quai de l’Ile系列精彩的宣传影片。 vacheron-constantin.com | On the 21st floor of the event location “Wolke 21”, Mr Juan-Carlos-Torres - CEO of Vacheron Constantin - Mr. Hübner - Owner of the Ambassador Hübner - and Mr. Pelz - Managing Director of the Ambassador Wempe Vienna, welcomed the guests who enjoyed not only the beautiful view over the illuminated city of Vienna, but also the animated Quai de l’Ile films that were shown during the cocktail. vacheron-constantin.com |
酒店内设丰味坊、MoMo [...] 2 Go 吧台及酒廊,全天供应咖啡、鸡尾酒 及 休 闲餐饮,缤纷美食令人难忘。 marriott.com.cn | To satisfy your craving, our MoMo cafe, MoMo 2 Go and lounges [...] offer coffee, cocktails and casual dining [...]throughout the day. marriott.com.au |
创意精美的鸡尾酒是让宾客流连于Gobo Upstairs酒廊的最佳理由,顶层露天Sky Bar更让您尽享现代都市夜店体验,城市夜景一览无遗。 shangri-la.com | At the open-air rooftop Sky Bar, a cosmopolitan evening of drinks and city views awaits. shangri-la.com |
这种超大剂量的假冒鸡尾酒式药 物导致了两名新疆患者的死亡,让九名病人(或更多)因血糖过低而住院。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | This fake cocktail with its large dosage [...] killed two patients in Xinjiang, and nine more individuals were hospitalized due to severe hypoglycemia. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这款礼盒中所有体验都与酒有关:红酒品尝,红酒派送,法式红酒配套,葡萄酒与奶酪,红酒spa,酒廊餐馆,葡萄酒与甜点,时 尚 酒 吧 , 鸡尾酒 课 程 等。 delysee.com | Wine tasting, bottles of wine, wine dinner, wine and cheese, wine spa, wine lounge, wine and snacks, cocktails, cocktail lessons, [...] etc. Relaxing, funny, interesting and surprising activities, our giftboxes [...] have everything that one would like about wine. delysee.com |
五光十色变幻莫测的热情氛围,让变色龙酒吧成为放松身心的绝佳场所,随着驻唱乐队的现场音乐释放身心,啜饮着手中的精选混 合 鸡尾酒 、 葡 萄酒和啤酒,享受无拘无束的时光。 shangri-la.com | Radiating sophistication and a welcoming ambience, Chameleon Bar is the ideal place to unwind. Relax to a selection of fusion cocktails, wine and beer at hand. shangri-la.com |