单词 | 鲤鱼旗 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鲤鱼旗 —koinobori, a Japanese carp-shaped windsock flown celebrate |
投喂的超过67.7%养殖鱼类产量为淡水 鱼 , 包 括 鲤鱼 和 其 他 鲤 科 鱼、 罗非鱼、鲶鱼和其他淡水鱼。 fao.org | More than 67.7 percent of [...] farmed fed fish production is contributed by freshwater fishes, including carps and other cyprinids, tilapias, catfishes and miscellaneous freshwater fishes. fao.org |
用 于皮革的常见物种包括鲨鱼、鲑鱼、魣鳕、鳕鱼、盲鳗、罗非鱼、尼罗鲈 、 鲤鱼 和鲷。 fao.org | Species commonly used for leather include shark, salmon, ling, cod, hagfish, [...] tilapia, Nile perch, carp and seabass. fao.org |
烹饪用的鱼类包括鲤鱼(圣诞节的一个重要 的菜)、鲱鱼、梭鲈鱼、比目鱼、鳟鱼、鲑 鱼、鲷鱼、鳕鱼、鲭鱼、梭子鱼、鲱鱼和鳗 鱼。 paiz.gov.pl | Species of fish used for culinary reasons include carp (an important [...] dish for Christmas), herring, zander, sole, trout, [...]salmon, bream, cod, mackerel, pike, sprat and eel. paiz.gov.pl |
使用实质量的植物蛋白粉和油的其他物种和物种组包括遮 目 鱼、 鲻鱼、淡水虾、大盖巨脂鲤和淡 水鳌虾。 fao.org | Other species and species groups that use substantial amounts of plant protein meals and oils include milkfish, mullets, freshwater prawns, cachama and freshwater crayfishes. fao.org |
2010年世界食用鱼养殖产量的三分之 一未使用饲料,为双壳贝类和滤食性 鲤 科 鱼 类。 fao.org | One-third of the world’s farmed food [...] fish harvested in 2010 was achieved without the use of feed, through the production of [...] bivalves and filter-feeding carps. fao.org |
稻田里正在养殖大量水生物种,包 括鲤科鱼类、罗非鱼、鲶鱼和鳊鲂鱼。 fao.org | A broad range of aquatic species [...] including different carps, tilapias, catfish [...]and breams are being farmed in rice fields. fao.org |
国际社会受携带“不遵守”旗帜的IUU 捕 鱼 的 刺 激使粮农组织成员要求召开船 旗国表现的技术磋商会。 fao.org | The international community’s [...] irritation with IUU fishing by vessels carrying flags of “non-compliance” [...]led FAO Members to request [...]that a Technical Consultation on Flag State Performance be convened. fao.org |
必须采取有效的养护和管 理措施,必须更加努力改善在公海上 捕 鱼 的 船 旗 国与沿海国之间的合作,以确保有关国家管辖范围内区域 [...] 公海的措施互不抵触。 daccess-ods.un.org | Effective conservation and management measures must be taken, and [...] efforts must be increased to improve [...] cooperation between flag States fishing in the high seas [...]and coastal States in order to [...]ensure the compatibility of measures concerning the high seas in areas within national jurisdiction. daccess-ods.un.org |
在国家产量统计和粮农组织预计中有记录的5种杂交鱼类2010年世界产量为罗 非鱼杂交 种33.33万吨(中国和巴拿马的奥利亚罗 非 鱼 x 尼 罗罗 非 鱼 ) 、 胡子鲶杂交 种11.69万吨(泰国的革胡子鲶x斑点胡鲶)、巨 脂 鲤 杂 交 种2.16万吨(巴西的细 鳞巨脂鲤x大盖巨脂鲤)以及巨脂鲤另 外 的杂交种4900吨(巴西的大盖巨脂鲤x短 盖巨脂鲤)和条纹鲈杂交种4200吨(美国、意大利和以色列的金眼鲈x条纹鲈)。 fao.org | Five finfish hybrids have been recorded with national production statistics and FAO estimates, indicating world production levels in 2010 of 333 300 tonnes of blue and Nile tilapia hybrid (Oreochrom aureus x O. niloticus, in China and in Panama), 116 900 tonnes of Clarias catfish hybrid (Clarias gariepinus x C. macrocephalus, in Thailand), 21 600 tonnes of “tambacu” hybrid (Piaractus mesopotamicus x Colossoma macropomum, in Brazil), 4 900 tonnes of “tambatinga” hybrid (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus brachypomus, in Brazil) and 4 200 tonnes of striped bass hybrid (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis, in the United States of America, Italy and Israel). fao.org |
更多信息:本图集涉及主要上市金枪 鱼 和 旗鱼。 fao.org | Principal Market Tunas and Billfishes are considered in this Atlas. fao.org |
在这方面,我们特别支持可持续渔业决 议执行部分第 27 段,其中邀请各国和国际金融机构 及组织向发展中国家提供援助,使它们能够发展国家 开发渔业资源的能力,包括建立悬挂本国 国 旗 的 捕鱼 船队 ,进行增值加工,扩大渔业工业的经济基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that context we particularly support operative paragraph 27 of the sustainable fisheries resolution, which invites States and international financial institutions and organizations to, inter-alia, provide assistance to developing States to enable them to develop their national capacity to exploit fisheries resources, including [...] developing their [...] domestically flagged fishing fleets, value-added processing and the expansion of their economic bases within the fishing industry. daccess-ods.un.org |
南部金枪鱼养护委积极鼓励非成员加入该组织,并实行了市场激励机制,鼓 励目前占已知全球南部蓝鳍金枪鱼捕 获量 99.9%的船旗国成为成员或合作非成 员。 daccess-ods.un.org | CCSBT actively encouraged non-members to join the organization and had market incentives in place to encourage flag States that currently take 99.9 per cent of the known global catch of southern bluefin tuna to become members or cooperating non-members. daccess-ods.un.org |
在鲤科鱼 中, 27.7%是非投喂滤食性物种,剩余的以低蛋白饲料喂养。 fao.org | Among carps, 27.7 percent are [...] non-fed filter-feeders and the rest are fed with low-protein feeds. fao.org |
例如,喂养鲤科鱼的FC R从2008年的1.8预期下降到2020 年的1.6,喂养鲶鱼的从1.5下降到1.3,喂养遮目鱼的从2.0降低到1.6。 fao.org | For example, [...] the FCR for fed carps is expected to [...]fall from 1.8 in 2008 to 1.6 in 2020, that for catfishes to decline from [...]1.5 to 1.3, and that for milkfish to drop from 2.0 to 1.6. fao.org |
鱼作为稻天的生物控制动因:鲤鱼和 尼 罗罗非鱼的潜力》。 fao.org | Fish as biocontrol agents in rice: the potential of common carp Cyprinus carpio [...] and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. fao.org |
采用定位捕鱼和同样类型渔具和设备,例如停泊 [...] 场所,也使休闲捕鱼者与沿岸从事小型商业渔业的渔民产生竞争。经常在特定区 域和季节捕捞高度图像化物种的其他特殊休闲渔业,例如 鲑 鱼 、 枪 鱼 、 旗鱼 和剑 鱼,在总产量中占相当比例。 fao.org | Other specialized recreational [...] fisheries target highly iconic [...] species such as salmon, marlins, sailfish and swordfish, [...]often in particular areas and seasons, [...]contributing significantly to the total catch. fao.org |
在 这方面还应考虑的领域有:艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防教育,青年、文化旅游和对发展移民族群 [...] 网的支持;信息传播技术与文化;促进少数族裔的文化权利;促进伦理和人权;和平文化与 反对歧视;支持纪念贩卖奴隶与奴隶制 的 旗 舰 项目“奴隶之路”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Additional areas to be considered in this context are HIV/AIDS preventive education, youth, cultural tourism and support for the development of diaspora networks; ICTs and culture; promotion of cultural rights of minorities; promotion of ethics and human rights; culture [...] of peace and fight against [...] discrimination; support to the flagship project “The Slave [...]Route” in memory of the slave trade and slavery. unesdoc.unesco.org |
湖中生活着多种鱼类,例如,鲤鱼、 红鳍、梭鱼、鲶鱼和珍稀的白虾等 shangri-la.com | Various fish such as carp, red fins, [...] pike, catfish and also rare white shrimp can be found in the Hulun Lake. shangri-la.com |
由于同一物种可能在不同生产系统作为喂养的鱼或不喂养的 鱼,难以获得几种水产养殖物种的准确产量数据和使用的饲料信 息,特别是一些杂食性物种(例如 鲤鱼 和 印 度的主 要 鲤 科 鱼 ) 以及 草食性物种(例如草鱼)。 fao.org | As the same species of fish may be cultured as fed fish or non-fed fish in different production systems, it is difficult to obtain precise production data and information on the use of feed for several aquaculture species, [...] especially some omnivorous species [...] (e.g. common carp, and Indian major carps) and herbivorous species (e.g. grass carp). fao.org |
新西兰向粮农组织提 供获准使用底层捕捞方法在公海捕鱼 的 悬挂 国 旗 的 船 舶清单。 daccess-ods.un.org | New Zealand provided a list to FAO of flagged vessels that had approval to fish on the high seas using bottom fishing methods. daccess-ods.un.org |
水产饲料(插文22)一般用来饲养杂食性鱼类(例如罗 非 鱼 、 鲶 鱼 、 鲤鱼和 遮 目鱼)、肉食性鱼类(例如鲑鱼、鳟鱼、鳗鱼、鲈鱼、鲷鱼和金枪鱼)和甲壳 类物种(海洋和咸水对虾、淡水虾、螃蟹和龙虾)。 fao.org | Aquafeeds (Box 22) are generally used for feeding omnivorous fishes (e.g. tilapia, catfish, common carp, and milkfish), carnivorous fishes (e.g. salmon, trout, eel, seabass, seabream and tuna) and crustacean species (marine and brackish-water shrimps, freshwater prawns, crabs and lobsters). fao.org |
虽然饲料通常被视为是限制水产养殖发展的一个主要因素, [...] 但目前食用水产品养殖中有三分之一(2000万吨)无需人工投喂,如双壳类及滤 食性鲤科鱼类。 fao.org | While feed is generally perceived to be a major constraint to aquaculture development, one-third of all farmed food fish production (20 [...] million tonnes) is currently achieved without artificial feeding, as is the case for [...] bivalves and filter-feeding carps. fao.org |
此外, 印度洋金枪鱼委职能或船旗国和 港口国义务规定不明确,严重阻碍印度洋金枪鱼 委的有效和高效运作。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the lack of clear [...] delineation of the functions of the [...] IOTC Commission or of flag State and port State obligations [...]were significant impediments [...]to the effective and efficient functioning of the IOTC Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
利 用配合水产饲料生产低价值食用鱼(按销售条件),例如非滤食 性 鲤 科 鱼 、 罗非 鱼、鲶 鱼和遮目鱼,以及高价值物种,例如海水鱼、鲑科鱼、海水对虾、淡水鳗 [...] 鱼、鳢鱼和甲壳类。 fao.org | Compound aquafeeds are used for the production of both lower-value (in [...] marketing terms) foodfish species, such [...] as non-filter-feeding carps, tilapias, catfishes and [...]milkfish, as well as higher-value [...]species, such as marine finfishes, salmonids, marine shrimps, freshwater eels, snakeheads and crustaceans. fao.org |
用于水产饲料更普 [...] 遍地是养殖高营养层的鱼类和甲壳类(鱼粉含量17–65%和3–25%的鱼油)。但在 低营养层鱼类物种/物种组(鲤科鱼、 罗 非 鱼 、 鲶鱼、遮目鱼等),也在饲料中加 入不同量的鱼粉和鱼油。 fao.org | However, [...] low-trophic-level finfish species/species groups (carps, tilapias, [...]catfishes, milkfish, etc.) are also fed fishmeal [...]and fish oil in varying amounts in their diets. fao.org |
经序列分析表明克隆的草鱼 IGF-ⅠcDNA为Ea-2亚型,ORF与鲤鱼有95 %的同源性,与人有63%的同源性;草鱼 IGF-Ⅰ蛋白与鲤鱼 IGF-Ⅰ仅2个氨基酸残基不同,与人 IGF-Ⅰ也仅有13个残基不同。 actazool.org | Sequence analysis showed that similar to [...] Common carp IGF-ⅠcDNA, [...] the cloned Grass carp IGF-ⅠcDNA was also Ea-2 subtype, and the homology of nucleotide sequence in open reading frame was up to 95% compared with the counterpart of Common carp, only nine amino [...]acid were different [...]between the two prepro-IGF-Ⅰs. The homology of nucleotide sequence in ORF of Grass carp was 63% compared with the counterpart of human. actazool.org |
陆生动物粉和油 [...] 在非欧洲国家,在高和低营养层物种和物种组(例如鲑鱼、鳟鱼、海洋鱼 类、海水对虾、鲶鱼、罗非鱼、鲤科 鱼 和 鲻 鱼)配合饲料中正在增加使用陆地动 [...]物蛋白粉和油,尽管类型和水平取决于物种和物种组。 fao.org | In non-European countries, the use of terrestrial animal protein meals and oils within compound aquafeeds is increasing for both high- and low-trophic-level species and species groups (e.g. salmons, [...] trouts, marine finfishes, marine shrimps, [...] catfishes, tilapias, carps and mullets), although [...]the type and level vary depending [...]upon species and species group. fao.org |
秘鲁报告说,公海上悬挂外国国旗的 捕 捞金 枪 鱼 的 船 只,如得到主管机关 事先许可,根据国家渔业法律的规定,可在秘鲁海港或海湾向另外一艘货船转运 [...] 渔获物,运至海外。 daccess-ods.un.org | Peru reported that [...] foreign-flagged tuna vessels fishing on the high seas [...]could, subject to prior authorization by the competent [...]authority and pursuant to national fisheries laws, trans-ship fish to another cargo vessel in a Peruvian port or harbour for transport abroad. daccess-ods.un.org |
孕妇、计划怀孕的 妇女及年幼的孩子应当限制摄取鲨鱼(flake)、broadbill、 枪 鱼 、 旗鱼 , 不 超过每两周一次,在这两周 中不食用其它鱼类。 zeromercury.org | Pregnant women, women planning pregnancy and young children should limit their intake of shark (flake), broadbill, marlin and swordfish to no more than one serve per fortnight with no other fish to be consumed during that fortnight. zeromercury.org |
与会者认识到,区域渔业管理组织成员必须在全球开展合作, 每个船旗国或捕鱼实体 都必须确保其捕鱼能力与各区域渔业管理组织确定的捕 [...] 鱼机会相称。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants recognized that it was imperative that members of regional fisheries management organizations [...] collaborate at the global [...] level, and that each flag State or fishing entity ensure [...]that its fishing capacity was commensurate with [...]its fishing opportunities as determined by each tuna regional fisheries management organization. daccess-ods.un.org |