单词 | 鲟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鲟—sturgeon(almost always used)less common: Acipenser sturio
海淡水洄游鱼 [...] 类产量份额,包括虹鳟和其他鲑科鱼类、鳗鱼和鲟鱼,从1990年的6.3%收缩到 2010年的2.5%。 fao.org | The share of diadromous fishes, including rainbow trout and other [...] salmonids, eels and sturgeons, shrank from [...]6.3 percent in 1990 to 2.5 percent in 2010. fao.org |
为获得肉和鱼子酱养殖鲟鱼在亚 洲、欧洲和美洲稳定开展,尽管产量依然很少。 fao.org | Culture of sturgeons, formeat and [...] for caviar, has risen steadily in Asia, Europe and America although production is still small. fao.org |
在弗鲁蒂根热带馆中,不仅养殖鲟鱼,生产鱼子酱(品牌为“Oona”,在古代凯尔特语中意为“独一无二”),还养殖热带植物和水果。 swissworld.org | As well as sturgeon and its caviar (which is sold under the name of "Oona", a Gaelic word meaning "unique, the one, the only"), the Tropenhaus in Frutigen grows exotic plants and fruits. swissworld.org |
在热带馆的餐厅中,游客可以品尝到这些产品,当然也包括鲟鱼肉在内。 swissworld.org | Visitors to the centre can sample the [...] produce, including sturgeon meat, at the [...]centre’s restaurants. swissworld.org |
之所以选择养殖鲟鱼,有着多种原因。 swissworld.org | There are several reasons why Siberian sturgeon was chosen. swissworld.org |
鲟鱼的鱼子出现在宴会上,根据记录,这要追述到公元前四世纪希腊哲学家亚里士多德。 knowfood.cn | Accordingly, the roe of sturgeon was present in banquets at the time back to the fourth century BC according to records from the Greek philosopher Aristotle. knowfood.cn |
在位于伯尔尼高原的弗鲁蒂根(Frutigen),从2005年就开始养殖西伯利亚鲟鱼。 swissworld.org | As improbable as it may sound, the town of Frutigen in the heart of the Bernese Oberland has been a production [...] centre for sturgeon caviar since 2005. swissworld.org |
展台周围摆满了富有历史性的俄罗斯水产中心出产的、畅销世界各地的鲟鱼和鱼子酱。 maxicom.de | The biggest crowd gathered around the stand with a display of sturgeon and caviar, products from the historic fishery centre of Russia which are in demand all over the world. maxicom.de |
专家们进行了两年的研究和试验,直至能够证实,鲟鱼最适合在这种条件下生存。 swissworld.org | After much brainstorming experts involved in the Lötschberg project came up with the idea of building a hothouse ("Tropenhaus") to farm fish that were capable of surviving at such high temperatures. swissworld.org |
当鱼子酱这个词横空出现时,这意味着它是源于鲟鱼的鱼籽,而不考虑鲟鱼是否来自伊朗,美国或其他地方。 knowfood.cn | When the word caviar appears alone, it implies that it the roe is of sturgeon origin, regardless of whether the sturgeon comes from Iran, the United States, or anywhere else. knowfood.cn |
GTHⅡ-β与西伯利亚鲟相似性为98.3%,与其他硬骨鱼类除鲈形目外都超过60%,与鸟类的相似性最低,为42.8%。 actazool.org | The highdegree similarity of amur sturgeon GTHⅡ β-subunit with Siberian sturgeon was 98.3%; It was more than 60% similarity between chondrastei with teleostei except Perciformes, whereas the lowest similarity was with avian(42.8%). actazool.org |
轻链的相对分子量各不相同,施氏鲟为27kD,小体鲟28.5 kD,西伯利亚鲟30kD,哲罗鲑28.5 kD和金鳟16kD。 actazool.org | The molecular weight of the heavy chains of five fishes was about 97 kD, and the molecular weight of the light chains was 27 kD for Amur sturgeon, 28.5 kD for Sterlet, 30 kD for Siberian sturgeon, 28.5 kD for Taimen and 16 kD for golden rainbow trout . actazool.org |
因此,朝廷令各地方每年进献的贡品中,虎、鹿、獐、狍以及野鸡等的干鲜肉必不可少,至鲟鳇、白、鲢等海产品也是指名必贡之物。 sypm.org.cn | Therefore, the Court made each year by the local Empire of the tribute in, Tiger, deer, deer, roe deer and pheasants, the dry meat is essential, toAcipenser Huso, white, silver and other seafood is named in tribute. sypm.org.cn |
此外,在弗鲁蒂根养殖鲟鱼,还有助于拯救鲟鱼这一濒危物种。 swissworld.org | A second reason was that farming would help protect this species which, as the World Sturgeon Conservation Society and partner of the Tropenhaus project confirms, is teetering on the brink of extinction. swissworld.org |
其中西伯利亚鲟、施氏鲟和小体鲟的等电点约为5.85,哲罗鲑和金鳟的等电点约为6.55,其蛋白质结构上具有一定的相似性,且均为糖蛋白 [动物学报53(2): 264–269, 2007]。 actazool.org | Antiserum against Ig in egg yolk of the Amur sturgeon also cross-reacted with Igs in egg yolk of othersturgeons and cross–reacted weakly with Igs from the salmonid fishes suggesting that Igs in egg yolk of fish may not be species specific[Acta Zoologica Sinica 53(2):264 –269, 2007]. actazool.org |
知识渊博的美食家提出要求,至少需在鱼子酱的词上做两个修改,指定的起源与鱼的种类,比如伊朗特拉,美国白鲑鱼,加利福尼亚鲟鱼……还有现在的养殖与野生 knowfood.cn | Knowledgeable gourmets demand at least two modifying words preceding caviar to designate provenance as well as fish species: Iranian Osetra, American whitefish, California sturgeon…and now, farmed versus wild. knowfood.cn |