

单词 鲜明

鲜明 adjective ()

bright adj
vivid adj

鲜明 noun ()

crisp n


鲜明度 n

sharpness n

对比鲜明的 adj

stark adj


have a clear-cut stand [idiom.]
show one's colors

See also:


fresh adj
rare adj

bright (in color)
aquatic foods

External sources (not reviewed)

获得任命的被拘留者穿鲜明的绿 色工作服,并发挥许多不同的 功能,包括协助登记员和护士,并负责牢房内的卫生。
The appointed detainees wore distinctive green overalls, and undertook numerous different functions, including helping the registrar and the nurses, and being responsible for hygiene in the cells.
适用于这里 的情况与适用于加拿大的情况所形成 鲜明 对 比 意味着世界贸易组织判例法的适用性是有 限的。
For the most part the very different circumstances applying here, as contrasted to those in the Canada case, means this WTO case law is of limited relevance.
她必须使其形象更鲜明,重 新明确 其相对优势;她必须作为一个合作伙伴与民间社会和许多社会群体、非政府组织及私营企业 分享舞台。
It must sharpen its profile and redefine its comparative advantage; and it must operate as a partner, sharing the stage with civil society and a host of social groups, NGOs and private enterprises.
在柯达的热敏成像仪上成像时,柯达 DITR
[...] 4401 胶片能够再现具有卓越背景清晰度的高对比 鲜明 图 像
When imaged on Kodak's thermal imagers, KODAK DITR 4401 Film delivers high-contrast, sharp image reproduction with
[...] exceptional background clarity.
毛里求斯战略》高级别五年期审查--称为“毛里求斯+5”--在此期间,世界领导 人讨论了加强脆弱国家的复原能力的方法和手段,过去十年来,其中许多国家遭 遇了实际经济增长倒退的局面,与其他许多发展中国家形 鲜明 的 对 比。
A high-level five-year review of the Mauritius Strategy – called “Mauritius+5” – during which world leaders discussed ways and means of strengthening the resilience of those vulnerable countries, many of which had suffered a decline in real economic growth over the last decade, in marked contrast to many other developing nations.
产生的伽玛曲线在低 亮度区域的颜色渐鲜明,对 比度更加柔和。
The resulting gamma curve has a sharp gradient in the low‑brightness areas, and the contrast is softer.
安理会对确保索马里的责 任追究无所作为;而形鲜明对照 的是,安理会积极行动,打击海盗,包括今年 早时考虑建立专门的索马里法院,审判索马里和区域内海盗嫌疑人,包括拥有治 外法权的索马里专门打击海盗法院。
The inaction of the Council to ensure accountability in Somalia is in sharp contrast with, for instance, Security Council initiatives on combating piracy, including by considering earlier this year the establishment of specialized Somali courts to try suspected pirates both in Somalia and in the region, including an extraterritorial Somali specialized antipiracy court.
与此形鲜明对比 的是,似乎极少部分 的文献篇幅讨论或认识到发展中国家的知识产权持有者在诸如英国、美国或日本这样的国 家维护其权益所面临的难题,例如,诉讼费用也许高得令人望而却步。
By contrast, it seems to us that there is very little discussion or recognition of the problems which face IP rights holders from the developing world in enforcing their rights in countries like the UK, the US or Japan, for example, where the costs of litigation may be prohibitive.
非洲内部的贸易则与此形鲜明的对 比:贸易量在燃料、非燃料初级产品、 粮食和制成品中间分布更加均匀。
Intra-African trade offers a contrast: it has been more evenly distributed among fuels, non-fuel primary products, food and manufactured goods.
小学净入学率上升的这一趋势与前一时期观察到的趋势形 鲜明 对 比 ,这段 时期该比率平均下降了 4%,从 1990-91 学年的 90%降至 1998-99 学年的 86%。
This upward trend in the net primary-school enrolment ratio stands in contrast to the trend observed during the preceding period, when the ratio declined by 4 per cent, on average, from 90 per cent in the 1990-91 school year to 86 per cent in 1998-99.
她指出,关于被占领的叙利亚戈 兰的决议草案 A/C.4/65/L.16 案文与 1982 年以来使 用的相关决议草案的案文基本相同,同时强调该决议 草案旗鲜明地反 对外国占领和吞并,并忆及安全理 事会已宣布了以色列关于强加其法律、管辖权和行政 权的决定。
Noting that the text of draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.16, on the occupied Syrian Golan, was essentially the same as those that had been used since 1982, she underscored its strong message against foreign occupation and annexation and recalled that Israel’s decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration had been declared by the Security Council.
但是,与这些成功实例形鲜明对比 的是,位于正在形成的集装箱 流动轴辐系统的辐线上的小岛屿发展中国家的集装箱流动停滞不长。
However, that success was in contrast [...]
to the stagnating container flows in small island developing States on the spokes
of the emerging hubs-and-spokes system of container flows.
世界上继续存在的 饥饿现象与全球的这种军事开支形成了非 鲜明的 对比,因为千年发展目标第一项就是要减少世界贫困 人口。
The persistence of hunger in the world contrasts most strongly with this military spending globally, since the first Millennium Development Goal is that of reducing the number of poor people in the world.
这次会议的特点是采用了一鲜明的 跨 学科办法,既有一般审议,也 有特别问题,会上分析了若干国际文书及其对国家和私人行动方在外层空间的 活动产生的影响。
The meeting was marked by a strong interdisciplinary approach including general considerations as well as special issues and consisting of an analysis of several international instruments and their effect on the practice of States and private actors in outer space.
该代表团认为,对影响力进行评价要达到的目 的之一,除其他外,正是帮助亚太经社会保持 鲜明 的 工作重点、并使其工 作切实与本组织的使命及各成员国的优先重点相契合。
The delegation held the view that an objective impact evaluation should, among other things, help keep the work of ESCAP in sharp focus and fully aligned with the Organization’s mandate and the priorities of member States.
实现这种增长主要靠的是需求带动出 口量快速扩大,并伴有其他经济指标的改善,如失业率明显下降、公共赤字大幅 减少以及国际收支盈余――与之前几十年的连年赤字形 鲜明 对 比
This growth rate was fuelled mainly by rapidly expanding exports, which were demand induced, and was accompanied by other economic indicators such as a clear reduction in unemployment, an impressive reduction in public deficit, and a surplus in the balance of payments – in sharp contrast to the deficit that was the norm during previous decades.
与欧洲形鲜明对 比 的是,北美洲的女性预期寿命优势下降了,在 1950-1955 年和 2005-2010 年期 间从 5.8 岁减少到 5.1 岁。
In sharp contrast with Europe, the female advantage in life expectancy declined in Northern America from 5.8 to 5.1 years between the periods 1950-1955 and 2005-2010.
委 员会处理利比亚问题分为三个特 鲜明 的 阶 段:“之 前”局势,其间提交了许多侵犯移徙工人权利的报告; 过渡时期,其间最初出现一些混乱,委员会在收到人 权高专办和非政府组织关于许多移徙者在利比亚遇 到的困难的信息之后,呼吁面临类似问题的邻国保持 边境开放,呼吁欧洲联盟国家出于人道主义接纳来自 地中海对岸的移徙者;有关当前形势,将在下次会议 上讨论。
There had been three distinct phases in the Committee’s dealings with Libya: the “before” situation, during which there had been many reports of violations of migrant workers’ rights; the transition period, during which there had been some initial confusion, and the Committee, receiving information from OHCHR and NGOs on the difficulties encountered by many migrants in Libya, had appealed to neighbouring states, which faced similar problems for migrants, to keep borders open and to European Union countries to offer a humane reception to migrants coming across the Mediterranean; and the current situation, which would be discussed at the next session.
在大会自 1999 年以来对科索沃局势的参与非常有限的背景下,我谈谈安全 理事会和根据第 1244(1999)号决议设立的科索沃特派团的对 鲜明 的 作 用。
Against that background of a very limited General Assembly involvement with the situation in Kosovo since 1999, I turn to the sharply contrasting role of the Security Council and UNMIK established under resolution 1244.
与以往使用阴离子表面活性剂的文献形 鲜明 的 对比,非离子表面活性剂能采用两种成分(胶凝剂和表面活性剂)并能在大得多的范围内形成凝胶,从而可在几个数量级的范围内系统性地定制凝胶的机械性能。
In contrast to previous literature work using anionic surfactants, the use of nonionic surfactants allows gels to be formed in a much wider composition range of the two components (gelator and surfactant) yielding the ability to systematically tailor the mechanical properties of the gels across several orders of magnitude.
专家组指出,上述作法与兵变 分子提出的抱怨形鲜明对比
The Group notes that the practices described above are in stark contrast with the grievances of the mutineers.
皇后镇奢华滑雪胜地的许多大规模酒吧与Hidetsugu Ueno-san自己在银座的小酒吧High-Five形成了非 鲜明 的 对比,银座的房产价格在日本最贵,每平方米超过了20万美元。
The spacious bars in the luxury ski town in Queenstown are in total contrast to Hidetsugu Ueno-san's own pint sized bar 'High-Five' in Ginza that boasts the most expensive real estate in Japan at over $200,000USD per square metre.
在国际社 会成员共同行动,迅速并满怀同情心地帮助全世界承 受灾难、悲剧和违反人权行为之苦的人们时,我们共 同的人性和人道主义本能令人自豪 鲜明 地 展示了 出来,它们要求我们不应在这种令人痛惜和不道德的 状况面前继续保持缄默。
Our common humanity and humanitarian instinct — so proudly and vividly on display when the members of the international community rise together to assist those afflicted by disaster, tragedy and human rights violations around the world with speed and compassion — demand that we not remain silent in the face of this deplorable, immoral situation.
但是,特别报告员注意到,这些举措虽然重要,但 仍然存在各种缺点,涉及制订和落实这些举措的方式必须确认和尊重文化的多样 性,以及土著或部落鲜明特点
Nonetheless, the Special Rapporteur notes that, while important, these initiatives still suffer from a variety of shortcomings and need to be designed and implemented in a manner that recognizes and respects cultural diversity and distinct indigenous or tribal identities.
世界粮食 计划署 致 力于采用共同的方法制订发展方案, 即 动 员各乡, 尤 其是弱 势 群 体参加乡 级 小 组,开 展一系 列 具鲜 明 特 征 的活动,并且参与粮食 计 划署社会支助项目支 持的以工换粮方案。
World Food Programme has been working towards development programme through a common method towards the commune integration in the commune cluster that provides a bundle of activities of restoring a distinct possibility as well as food programme for work supported by WFP’s social support project, especially for the vulnerable group.
例如,我们看 到 2003 年在联合国科特迪瓦行动(联科行动)成立前, 西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)在科特迪瓦的努
力;2005 年西非经共体在多哥取得的成功;非洲联盟 多次调解,特别是为马达加斯加和苏丹;非盟和平与 安全理事会采取坚决反对政变的立场,或最近在 9
[...] 月 28 日几内亚大屠杀事件后采鲜明立场 ;以及非洲维 和部队,如非洲联盟驻苏丹特派团(非苏特派团)在向 [...]
非洲联盟/联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合 行动)移交职权前,和非洲联盟驻索马里特派团,所 采取的行动等等。
We can note, for example, the commitment of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in Côte d’Ivoire in 2003 before the establishment of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire and the ECOWAS success in Togo in 2005; the many cases of mediation by the African Union, in particular for Madagascar and
the Sudan, the firm
[...] positions taken by its Peace and Security [...]
Council against coups d’état, or recently in Guinea after the massacre of 28 September; and the actions by African peacekeeping
forces, such as the African Union Mission in the Sudan before the transfer of authority to the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, and the African Union Mission in Somalia.
多样及配置得宜的建筑体量,保证了合宜的户外公共空间尺度及对基地周围环境的尊重,三向度延伸的带状艺术工作及展示空间带来了园区内不同机能空间融合的可能,也在高密度的城市环境中建立 鲜明 的 现 代文化艺术产业园区的形象。
Different scale and functional spaces are juxtaposed inside the complex and linked horizontally and vertically by the continuous band of artist studios and galleries, which also creates a distinct image of the Modern Culture and Arts Center in the high-density urban environment.
在德勤管理咨询的服务战略中,我们始终将‘拥有深入的行业了解’,‘充分发挥德勤管理咨询多业务线条多服务能力的特色‘,’为客户提供行业特 鲜明 的 专精化整合性方案 ‘  为首要服务理念。
According to Deloitte Consulting services strategy, we insistently stick to 'deepening the  understanding of industries', 'giving full play to the features of providing multi-service-line services' and 'providing industry-specialized and integrated solutions to the clients' as primary service concept.
藏于地下的建筑艺术虽不冒犯但 鲜明 ; 天 衣无缝地符合了客户的总体规划——打造一个融汇事件,结点,惊喜和盛况在内的与众不同的公共空间。
The lower levels below the ground have been designed to be unobtrusive yet striking; flowing and fitting seamlessly with the principles of the client’s master plan to create varied public spaces with incidence, nodal points, surprise and event.
以 色列的这一挑衅性明鲜明地反 映了占领国对巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人的恶意, [...]
而且无疑是国际社会对以色列继续在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土 上开展非法定居活动等一再违反其国际法义务的行为不采取行动的后果,致使以 色列更加目空一切,逍遥法外。
This provocative
[...] Israeli declaration is a clear reflection of [...]
the malicious intentions of the occupying Power towards the
Palestinian people and their leadership, and is unquestionably a consequence of international inaction towards Israel’s consistent violations of its obligations under international law, including its continued illegal settlement activities throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, which has emboldened Israel’s defiance and impunity.




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