单词 | 鲜为人知 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鲜为人知 —rarely known anyone (idiom); almost unknownless common: secret all but a few See also:为人—for sb • behave • conduct oneself • be endearing • personal character • for others' interest • have a way with people 人为 adj—anthropogenic • human-made adj 人为—human attempt or effort • having human cause or origin 人知 adj—unknown adj 为人 n—person n
气候变化引发的灾难 往往鲜为人知,造 成的受害人往往默不作声,这个问题十分特别,需要有一个独 立的授权机制予以特别的关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | Climate change often involves silent disasters that create silent victims, and this issue is a special case requiring particular attention by an independent mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
令人遗憾的是,许多鲨鱼种群的状况不 为 人知 或 鲜为人知。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, the state of many shark [...] populations is unknown or poorly known. daccess-ods.un.org |
提案是拍摄印度尼西亚东部的 鲜为人知 的 海 岛Sumba上的Nihiwatu度假村。 ba-repsasia.com | The proposal was to shoot the Nihiwatu [...] resort on a little-known island called Sumba [...]in Eastern Indonesia. ba-repsasia.com |
实际解决气候变 化问题需要有评估工具,可以用来充分评估以下情况,如扩大的 且 鲜为人知 的 跨时空成因 链;相矛盾的责任依据;与知识有关、需要采取有效政策来处理的主要不确定情况;以及在 全球范围内对共同面临的风险实行负责管理所遇到的挑战。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Action to address climate change needs assessment tools that can take adequate account of extended and poorly understood causal chains across time and space, conflicting bases of responsibility, fundamental uncertainties relating to the knowledge required for effective policies, and the challenge of responsible management of collective risk at the global scale. unesdoc.unesco.org |
长鳍鲭鲨(I. paucus)的分布和状况仍鲜为人知,34 在没有这种资料的情况 下,应当谨慎管理这类鱼种的渔业。 daccess-ods.un.org | Little continues to be known about the distribution and state of longfin mako ( I. paucus ) populations,34 and without such information, management [...] of fisheries [...]that catch this species should be cautious. daccess-ods.un.org |
西班牙人建立了城市据点,传播了基督教以及西班牙文化;此外,还建立了 一些鲜为人知的代 议制政府形式,如市政会或市政府,这对殖民地的政治社会生 [...] 活意义重大。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Spanish founded cities, built forts and spread Christianity and Spanish culture; they also [...] established certain forms of limited [...] “representative” government, known as “cabildos” or [...]municipal governments, which were of great [...]importance in the colony’s political and social life. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然鲜为人知,但在 Masimo 的发展历程中曾经发生过许多其他事情,都可以证明 20 多年前我们对自己立下的誓言。 masimo.cn | While less noticeable, there have been many other things that happened along Masimo’s journey that also stand as proud examples of the promises we made to ourselves over 20 years ago. masimo.com |
名列财富500 [...] 强第397 位的华为公司,改变了通信产业的格局,但在业外,华为却依 然 鲜为人知。 australiachina.com.au | Ranked number 397 in the Fortune 500 list, [...] Huawei has transformed the landscape of telecommunications – but it [...] remains a little-known giant outside [...]its own industry. australiachina.com.au |
在联合国秘书处各部门和实体内,尽管新闻部在特定领域,如对外宣传、网站 [...] 和语言合作伙伴关系等方面采取了行动,但多语制协调员的作用还 是 鲜为人知 ;也 没有邀请他们参与协调推进总体共同目标的战略计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Within the United Nations Secretariat’s departments and entities, despite significant ad hoc actions taken by DPI in specific areas, such as outreach, websites and [...] language partnerships, the role of the Coordinator for [...] Multilingualism is not well known; there has been no [...]strategic plan to [...]involve them in contributing in a coordinated way to the overall common objective. daccess-ods.un.org |
本报告所述期间,特派团工作人员或财产没有受到直接威胁,但是,7 月 19 日,一 个鲜为人知的团 体在中央区 Birgunj 焚烧了我派驻尼泊尔的代表的模拟像,据报道 是对泄露的关于毛派军队人员整编和转业培训的“非正式文件”的反应。 daccess-ods.un.org | There were no direct threats made against Mission staff or property during the reporting period but an effigy of my Representative in Nepal was burnt in Birgunj in the Central region on 19 July by a little-known group, reportedly in reaction to the leaked “non-paper” on the integration and rehabilitation of Maoist army personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然趋势鲜为人知,提高能源利用效率肯定有诸多好处,因为越来越多的便携设备集成了WIFI,这些应用必须使用小容量电池和有 [...] 限的功耗来支持无线通信链路。 litepoint.com | While the [...] trend is little known, the increasing [...]energy efficiency certainly has numerous benefits for the growing number [...]of portable devices that integrate WiFi, which must work with small batteries and limited power consumption available to support the wireless communications link. litepoint.com |
苹果iTunes最鲜为人知的功 能之一,就是它可以像管理数字音乐那样,管理PDF文档,你知道吗? oapdf.com | Apple's iTunes, one of the most little-known feature is [...] that it can manage digital music, as the management of PDF documents, you know? oapdf.com |
大获成功的出口型产业的一个经典实例是众所周知的瑞士“神 秘的汽车和飞机行业”:一个 鲜为人知 的 高度专业化制造型企业网 络和问题解决者,它们为一定范围的领域,诸如精密和微机械、材 料技术、塑料和纺织业等提供零配件。 gza.ch | The classic example of a successful export-oriented branch of industry is what is known as Switzerland’s «secret automotive and aircraft industry»: a little known network of highly specialized manufacturing companies and problem-solvers providing components for a range of areas, from precision and micro-mechanics to materials technology, plastics and textiles. gza.ch |
这一鲜为人知相异接近于Trisetum sibiricum并且或许不值得具体成列。 flora.ac.cn | This is a little-known variant close [...] to Trisetum sibiricum and perhaps does not merit specific rank. flora.ac.cn |
然而,鲜为人知的是 ,这一户外庆典是澳大利亚的David Atkins Enterprises公司(DAE)为世博会设计和制作的。 china.embassy.gov.au | What many did not know, however, is that [...] the Ceremony was designed and produced for Expo by Australian company David Atkins Enterprises (DAE). china.embassy.gov.au |
在这个动荡的年代,Emil Jagenberg 收养的外甥 Günter [...] Meyer-Jagenberg 赴美国旅行并在那里了解到了饮料纸盒,而在当时的欧洲,饮料纸盒 却 鲜为人知。 www2.sig.biz | At this time of upheaval, Günter Meyer-Jagenberg, adopted nephew of Emil [...] Jagenberg, travels to the USA, and there becomes acquainted with beverage cartons, [...] which were still largely unknown in Europe. www2.sig.biz |
鲜为人知的是 ,他的生活信息的主要来源是他的书信的科林蒂安(c.96),比其他新约著作的作者的名字是一定的基督教文学的最早的一块。 mb-soft.com | Little is known of his life; the main source of information is [...] his Epistle to the Corinthians (c.96), the earliest piece [...]of Christian literature other than New Testament writings for which the name of the author is certain. mb-soft.com |
鲜为人知但却 非常重要的一个事实是池塘中的所有生命形态当它们身体温度增高的时候会需要更多的氧气。 oase-livingwater.com | Less well known but significantly [...] more important is the fact that all life forms in the pond require more oxygen as their body temperature increases. oase-livingwater.com |
国际公法工作组在该领域的活动 鲜为人知 , 主 要包括在欧洲联盟成员国之间 定期交换信息和透彻看法,协调各自对所谓的无效保留的反应。 daccess-ods.un.org | Little is known of the work of COJUR in [...] this area, which consists primarily of periodic exchanges of information and in-depth [...]exchanges of views among members of the European Union in order to coordinate their reactions to reservations that are deemed to be impermissible. daccess-ods.un.org |
小米这一品牌在西方鲜为人知,而在中国,它则是最流行的智能手机品牌之一,也是 “中国制造”与精明的品牌营销及高质量的产品并不矛盾的鲜活范例。 labbrand.com | Relatively unknown in the west, Xiaomi is [...] one of China’s most popular smartphone brands and a living example that “made [...]in China” is not incompatible with smart branding and quality products. labbrand.com |
Armand Nicolet -尽管在美国鲜为人知,但是 Armand Nicolet 手表一直保持着在瑞士小镇 [...] Tramelan 建立之初一样纯净、永恒不变的传统。 hk.ashford.com | Armand Nicolet - [...] Despite being a little-known name in the United [...]States, Armand Nicolet watches maintain a timeless tradition [...]that is as pure as the day it began in the small town of Tramelan, Switzerland. ashford.com |
Thomas是争议性话题畅销书《奢华如何失去风华》的作者,这本在2007年推出的书籍揭发了奢侈品工业中一 些 鲜为人知 的 黑 暗秘密,轰动业界。 joyce.com | As the author of controversial book, Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Lustre, Thomas sent shockwaves through the industry when she first wrote an exposé about the “dark side” of the luxury business in 2007. joyce.com |
透露一个鲜为人知的功 能:使用顺时针而不是逆时针方向绕圈,即可创建反转的投射阴影(即内部阴影)。 html5rocks.com | Revealing a little known feature; using clockwise [...] vs. anti-clockwise winding to create the inverse of a drop-shadow (the inner-shadow). html5rocks.com |
这种相当鲜为人知的分类群只由少数采集而被记录。 flora.ac.cn | This rather little-known taxon is recorded only from a few collections. flora.ac.cn |
自那以后,设计成为媒体不断增加关注的焦点,并从一 个 鲜为人知 的 概 念演变成多数老百姓家喻户晓的词汇。 norway.org.cn | Since then, design has become the focus of growing attention [...] in the media, and has been transformed [...] from a virtually unknown concept to a household [...]word for much of the population. norway.or.kr |
可以跑跑马拉松,出席让您感兴趣的标新立异的会议,出席者与您惯常接触的同事和朋友圈非常不同,或者独自 去 鲜为人知 的 目 的地旅行。 china.blackstone.com | It could be running a marathon, attending a conference that interests you on an off-beat subject that will be populated by people very different from your usual circle of associates and friends or traveling to an obscure destination alone. blackstone.com |
很好,这样在你输入到行末尾之前它会一直保持表格高度,而且还有一 个 鲜为人知 的 特 点,那就是当你输入的内容超出后行高都会自动加大,一旦到下一页,仍在尾部保持设置好的固定行高。 oapdf.com | Well, so that you input to the line before the end of the form it has maintained a high degree, but also a little-known feature, that is, when you enter the content will automatically increase beyond underwent high, once to the next page, the tail is still good to keep to set a fixed row height. oapdf.com |
题目直指威尼斯双年展历史中一件 鲜为人知 的 丑 闻:纽約艺术策展人 Christian Leigh 於1993年制作「I Love You More Than My Own Death」(亦称「Transactions」) 的「大型跨代艺坛盛会」1,展示了多位着名 但 鲜为人知 的 艺术家、设计家和建筑师的作品。 venicebiennale.hk | It is a direct reference to a scandalous moment in the history of the Venice Biennale when, in 1993, a then New York-based, independent curator, Christian Leigh, produced "I Love You More Than My Own Death" (also titled "Transactions"), a "giant cross-generational art-world ball"1 that showcased works by lesser known and renowned artists, [...] designers and architects. venicebiennale.hk |
一个近似当代爱迪生, 鲜为人知的, 但不低于显著的查尔斯凯特林是一个多产的发明家–包括汽车自起动 (记得手摇?), “乙基”汽油, 与现代制冷与空调,但他的生意伙伴, 爱德华契约, 利用这么多专利凯特林的数百. aboutgolf.com | An approximate contemporary of Edison, the lesser known but no less significant Charles Kettering was a prolific inventor–including the automotive self-starter (remember the hand cranks?), “ethyl” gasoline, and modern refrigeration and air conditioning. aboutgolf.com |