

单词 鲍勃・伍德沃德

External sources (not reviewed)

然而目前,一些参与的伙伴,具体 而言,就是最鲍勃·伍德沃德书 中所揭示的在阿富 汗驻有重兵的伙伴们,它们支持的是起码要对叛乱活 [...]
Yet, currently, some of the partners engaged — specifically those who are running
the larger numbers of forces, as
[...] illustrated recently in Bob Woodward’s book — are [...]
not in favour of anything less than a
full-scale counter-insurgency.
(d) 繼續致力締造有利的環境,使優秀專業的資訊科技人 才伍得以蓬勃發展 ,以應付社會的需要。
(d) making ongoing efforts in creating an environment in which a well-qualified information technology workforce can flourish and meet the needs of the society.
约翰尼布沃提供 了一个在即将上映的电影“午餐夫人S'urprise”的角色,将获得明星唐·诺茨,杰西卡·贝尔,霍比特人,和亚历 克 · 鲍德 温。
Johnny Bravo is offered a role in the upcoming movie "Lunch Lady S'urprise" and will get to star with Don Knotts, Jessica Biel, a Hobbit, and Alec Baldwin.
马斯夸鲍兹.托扎沃伊告 诉他的小粉丝们,他们可以在电视上看到他唱同样的歌曲,他们还能在校园里的海报上看到他的身影。
Masqaraboz Tozayoy told his fans that they could watch him on television singing the same song, and that they would also find him on posters in their schools.
视频:联合国儿童基金会鲍勃.科恩 (Bob Coen) 报道,在美国最危险的城市之一 [...]
- 新泽西州的卡姆登郡长大的少年马塞尔所面临的困难。
VIDEO: UNICEF's Bob Coen reports on [...]
the struggle facing Marcell, an adolescent growing up in Camden, New Jersey, one of
the most dangerous cities in the United States of America.
这张照片是伍德伯里和佩奇公司拍摄的,这家公司是由英国摄影 沃 尔 特 ·本特 利 · 伍德 伯 里 和詹姆斯·佩奇于 1857 年成立的,专门拍摄人像、人种图像和荷兰东印度生活的照片。
The photograph was taken by the firm of Woodbury & Page, which was established in 1857 by the British photographers Walter Bentley Woodbury and James Page, and specialized in portraits, ethnographic images, and photographs of life in the Dutch East Indies.
我们的机器人发生在世界上的地位,就像我们这样...只有机器人! 在这一部分:鲍勃无法行使!米凯伊作出不适当的评论!斯 沃 和 鲍勃 开 始搏击俱乐部!甚至更多! 讥笑他们无力的尝试谈判没有自由意志或自我知识中受益一个复杂的社会!他们哭作出重要决定纯粹是基于预编程的恐惧...
We the Robots takes place in a world just like ours...only with ROBOTS!
近代制图史学家,例如 G. 马尔科姆·刘易斯(G. Malcolm
[...] Lewis)在《制图之邂逅:解析美洲土著人制图与地图使用》 以及刘易斯和大卫·伍德沃 (David Woodward) 在《制图学史》 [...]
Recent historians of cartography, notably G. Malcolm Lewis in Cartographic Encounters: Perspectives
on Native American Mapmaking and Map
[...] Use, and Lewis and David Woodward in History [...]
of Cartography, also have used the map
as an example of indigenous cartography.
在乌兹别克斯坦费加纳省的第二中学,一位名叫“马斯夸 鲍 兹 .托 扎 沃 伊 ”的小丑先生教儿童如何正确洗手。
Masqaraboz Tozavoy', the clown, teaches children [...]
at Secondary School Number Two, in Ferghana Province, Uzbekistan, how to wash hands correctly.
我非常喜欢采用这种寓教于乐的方式向儿童宣传良好的卫生习惯,”马斯夸 鲍 兹 .托 扎 沃 伊 说,“我的工作始终是让人们开心。
I am proud to be part of this noble effort and very much like the entertainment-education approach for promoting good hygiene practices among children,” said Masqaraboz Tozavoy.
另一个广受关注的案件是,科沃解 放军 退 伍军 人协会在科沃解放 军前指挥官 Sabit Geci 最近被 逮捕后,对欧盟驻科法治特派团发出了威胁。
In another
[...] high-profile case, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) War Veterans Association made [...]
threats against EULEX after
the recent arrest of former KLA commander Sabit Geci.
委员会现任成员如下:亚历山大·塔戈雷·梅德罗斯·德阿尔布克尔克(巴 西);奥斯瓦尔多·佩德罗·阿斯蒂斯(阿根廷);劳伦斯·福拉吉米 · 阿 沃 西 卡 (尼 日利亚);哈拉尔·布雷克(挪威);加洛·卡雷拉·乌尔塔多(墨西哥);弗朗西 斯·查尔斯(特立尼达和多巴哥);彼得·克罗克(爱尔兰);因杜拉尔·法古尼(毛 里求斯);米哈伊·西尔维乌·格尔曼(罗马尼亚);阿布·巴卡尔·贝希里(马来 西亚);乔治·焦什维利(格鲁吉亚);埃马纽埃尔·卡尔恩吉(喀麦隆);尤 里 ·鲍 里索维奇·卡兹明(俄罗斯联邦);吕文正(中国);伊萨克·奥乌苏·奥杜罗(加 纳);朴永安(大韩民国);费尔南多·曼弗雷多(葡萄牙);西瓦拉马克里什南·拉 詹(印度);迈克尔·安塞尔姆·马克·罗塞特(塞舌尔);菲利普·亚历山大·西 蒙兹(澳大利亚);卜部哲郎(日本)。
The current members of the Commission are as follows: Alexandre Tagore Medeiros de Albuquerque (Brazil); Osvaldo Pedro Astiz (Argentina); Lawrence Folajimi Awosika (Nigeria); Harald Brekke (Norway); Galo Carrera Hurtado (Mexico); Francis L. Charles (Trinidad and Tobago); Peter F. Croker (Ireland); Indurlall Fagoonee (Mauritius); Mihai Silviu German (Romania); Abu Bakar Jaafar (Malaysia); George Jaoshvili (Georgia); Emmanuel Kalngui (Cameroon); Yuri Borisovitch Kazmin (Russian Federation); Wenzheng Lu (China); Isaac Owusu Oduro (Ghana); Yong-ahn Park (Republic of Korea); Fernando Manuel Maia Pimentel (Portugal); Sivaramakrishnan Rajan (India); Michael Anselme Marc Rosette (Seychelles); Philip Alexander Symonds (Australia); and Tetsuro Urabe (Japan).
哈苏奈法官、西马法官、本努纳法官、坎卡多·特林达德法官和优素福法官 在法院判决书后附上了一项联合声明;哈苏奈和优素福法官在法院判决书后附上 了联合反对意见;基思法官和格 伍德 法 官 在法院判决书后附上了联合声明;本 努纳法官在法院判决书后附上了反对意见;坎卡多·特林达德法官在法院判决书 后附上了个别意见;马希乌专案法官在法院判决书后附上了反对意见;曼普亚专 案法官在法院判决书后附上了个别意见。
Judges Al-Khasawneh, Simma, Bennouna, Cançado Trindade and Yusuf appended a joint declaration to the Judgment of the Court; Judges Al-Khasawneh and Yusuf appended a joint dissenting opinion to the Judgment of the Court; Judges Keith and Greenwood appended a joint declaration to the Judgment of the Court; Judge Bennouna appended a dissenting opinion to the Judgment of the Court; Judge Cançado Trindade appended a separate opinion to the Judgment of the Court; Judge ad hoc Mahiou appended a dissenting opinion to the Judgment of the Court; Judge ad hoc Mampuya appended a separate opinion to the Judgment of the Court.
他在许多制造业企业担任过不同职位,例如,德国迪伦的BTR/斯 伍德 有 限 公司以及美国斯特伯鲁的斯 伍德 北 美分公司,他于2001年加入Xerium集团,并从2003年起负责该集团整个北美区业务。
After various posts in industry, for example at BTR/Stowe Woodward AG in Düren and Stowe Woodward North America in Westborough, USA, he moved on to the Xerium Group in 2001, where he was responsible for the entire North America business from 2003.
Oggy的表弟杰克,绿色和聪明的猫,希望找到新的计划,,杀Cockroches,而他们的邻居 鲍勃 的 大 牛头犬厌倦了任何意外(他使Oggy和/或杰克殴打)。
Oggy’s cousin Jack, green and smart cat, wants to
find new plans to kill the Cockroches while
[...] their neighbour, Bob the big bulldog [...]
is fed up about any accidents (which he makes Oggy and/or Jack beaten).
澳大利亚最高法庭在 1982 年山达基教会伍德沃德案中 也强调这个概念有伸缩性;高等法院在案中指出,“安全概念的 内容不恒定,很大程度上取决于不同时期的具体环境”。
, in which the High Court stressed “that security is a concept with a fluctuating content, depending very much on circumstances as they exist from time to time”.98 93.
伍德先生 提交的工作文件第二节中概述了委员会 2010 年的讨论情况,并 列出了讨论中提出的具体建议清单。
The working paper presented by Mr. Wood included, in Section II, a summary of the debate within the Commission in 2010 and a list of specific suggestions made on that occasion.
塞尔维亚总鲍里 斯·塔迪奇和克罗地亚新当选总统 沃 · 约 西 波维奇在四、五月间访问了波斯尼 亚和黑塞哥维那,他们当时就敦促保持适度,推动和解,并公开支持波斯尼亚和 黑塞哥维那的主权和领土完整。
Both Serbia’s President, Boris Tadic and Croatia’s newly elected President, Ivo Josipovic, [...]
visited Bosnia and Herzegovina
in April and May, at which time they urged moderation, pressed for reconciliation and publicly supported Bosnia and Herzegovina’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
诺华(瑞士)是2009年申请量排名第一的申请人,有136件国际商标申请,接下来是利得(德国)、汉高(德国)、浙江医药公司(中国)、禧玛诺(日本)、KRKA(斯洛文尼亚)、吉瑞大药厂(匈牙利)、欧莱雅(法国)、博世和西门子(德国)、Egis制药(匈牙利)、辉瑞(瑞士)、杨森制药(比利时)、拜尔 德 国 ) 、葛兰素集团(联合王国) 勃 林 格 殷格翰 德 国 ) 、雀巢(瑞士)、赛诺菲–安万特(法国)、卡拉威高尔夫公司(美国)和西门子(德国)。
With 136 international trademark applications, Novartis (Switzerland) was the largest filer in 2009 followed by Lidl (Germany), Henkel (Germany), Zhejiang Medicine Company (China), Shimano (Japan), KRKA (Slovenia), Richter Gedeon (Hungary), L’Oréal (France), BSH Bosch und Siemens (Germany), Egis Gyógyszergyár (Hungary), Pfizer (Switzerland), Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belgium), Bayer (Germany), Glaxo Group (UK), Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany), Nestlé (Switzerland), Sanofi Aventis (France), Callaway Golf Company (USA) and Siemens (Germany).
其次是雀巢(瑞士)、汉高德国) 、 勃 林 格 殷格翰(德国)、诺华(瑞士)、杨森制药(比利时)、博世和西门子(德国)、浙江医药公司(中国)、欧莱雅(法国)、德国电信(德国)、阿斯利康(瑞典)、KRKA(斯洛文尼亚)、葛兰素集团(英国)、拜尔斯道夫(德国)、MIP [...]
Metro(德国)、赫佛公司(奥地利)、3 Suisses International
With 216 international trademark
[...] applications, Lidl from Germany was the largest filer in 2008, followed by Nestlé (Switzerland), Henkel (Germany), Boehringer [...]
Ingelheim (Germany), Novartis
(Switzerland), Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belgium), BSH Bosch und Siemens (Germany), Zhejiang Medicine Company (China), L’Oréal (France), Deutsche Telekom (Germany), AstraZeneca (Sweden), KRKA (Slovenia), Glaxo Group (UK), Beiersdorf (Germany), MIP Metro (Germany), Hofer Kommanditgesellschaft (Austria), 3 Suisses International (France), ITM Enterprises (France), Egis Gyógyszergyár (Hungary), Actavis Group PTC (Iceland).
1999年7月,福伊特收购了Scapa,鲍勃• 盖洛起先担任北美区成形网的销售副总裁,随后他负责全球成形网业务和在美国所有织物的业务。
Following the July 1999 Voith acquisition of Scapa, where he last served as Vice President Sales & Marketing for forming fabrics in North America, Bob Gallo took on global responsibility for forming fabrics followed by regional responsibility for all fabrics for the Americas.
到2009年年底,排在前20位的注册人是:汉高(德国)、诺华(瑞士)、杨森制药(比利时)、欧莱雅(法国)、雀巢(瑞士)、联合利华(荷兰)、ITM企业(法国)、巴斯夫(德国)、赛诺菲–安万特(法国)、西门子(德国)、利得 德 国 ) 、拜尔 德 国 )、Biofarma(法国) 勃 林 格 殷格翰 德 国 )、吉瑞大药厂(匈牙利)、先正达(瑞士)、飞利浦(荷兰)、艺康(德国)、默克(德国)、赫佛(奥地利) 和德国电信(德国)。
The top twenty holders by the end of 2009 were: Henkel (Germany), Novartis (Switzerland), Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belgium), l’Oréal (France), Nestlé (Switzerland), Unilever (Netherlands), ITM Enterprises (France), BASF (Germany), Sanofi-Aventis (France), Siemens (Germany), Lidl (Germany), Bayer (Germany), Biofarma (France), Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany), Richter Gedeon (Hungary), Syngenta (Switzerland), Philips (Netherlands), Ecolab (Germany), Merck (Germany), Hofer  (Austria) and Deutsche Telekom (Germany).
这一倡议现在已成为尼加拉瓜民族骄傲的旗帜, 它是大会第六十三届会议主席米格尔·德斯科托·布 罗克曼神父在著名神学家莱昂德· 勃 夫 的 宝贵合作 下提出的。
This initiative, which is now the proud banner of the Nicaraguan nation, sprung from the mind and heart of Father Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, President of the General Assembly at its sixty-third session, with the invaluable cooperation of the renowned theologian Leonardo Boff.
特别报告员衷心感谢南特国际法中心研究员达尼埃尔·穆勒为编写本报告、特别是关于保留对 话的第一部分提供宝贵帮助。还感谢席琳·弗尔歇和 勃 罗 ·桑 多纳 托 · 德 利 昂 为编写与以往 报告类似的导言收集资料,遗憾的是,为了控制这第十七次、也是最后一次报告的篇幅,这些 资料未能派上用场。
or ratifying State shall transmit to the Pan American Union, prior to the deposit of the respective instrument, the text of the reservation which it proposes to formulate, so that the Pan American Union may inform the signatory States thereof and ascertain whether they accept it or not.
Mr. Ellwood explained: "We will look at further office locations outside of Jakarta where we feel there is a demand from our clients and candidates for our unique and specialist approach to recruitment.
1920 年 4 月,奥斯曼帝国解体,胜利的同盟国指示西亚美尼亚附于新的共和国,并任命美国 总伍德罗·威尔逊来仲裁土耳其(奥斯曼帝国的后继国)和亚美尼亚之间的边界。
In April 1920, the victorious Allied Powers, dismantling the Ottoman Empire, directed that Western Armenia be attached to the new republic and appointed U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to arbitrate the boundary between Turkey (successor to the Ottoman Empire) and Armenia.
伍德全球总裁兼首席运营官Steve Selcer说:“我非常高兴看到奥伍德 品 牌 在亚洲继续成长,这不仅给我们带来了新的市场和新的客户,而且还为我们的全球客户提供了新的选择。
I am pleased to see the continued growth of our brand across Asia which gives us access to new markets and new customers while providing additional alternatives to our global customers," said Steve Selcer, President and COO of Oakwood Worldwide.




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