单词 | 鲀 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鱿noun—squidn鱿—cuttlefish鲀—leatherfishExamples:炒鱿鱼—be fired 鱿鱼n—shrimpn
海水养殖的其他鱼类包括鰤鱼、鲻鱼、鲷鱼、 [...] 鲈鱼、黄鱼、石斑鱼、石首鱼、大菱鲆和其他比目鱼、笛鲷、军曹鱼、鲳鲹、鳕 鱼、河鲀和金枪鱼。 fao.org | Other finfish species cultured in marine water include amberjacks, seabreams, [...] seabasses, croakers, grouper, drums, mullets, turbot and other flatfishes, snappers, cobia, [...] pompano, cods, puffers andtunas. fao.org |
泰国是鱿鱼和墨鱼最大出口国, 其次是西班牙、中国和阿根廷,而摩洛哥和毛里塔尼亚是章鱼主要出口国。 fao.org | Thailand is the largest exporter of squid and cuttlefish, followed by Spain, China and Argentina, while Morocco and Mauritania are the principal octopus exporters. fao.org |
围网、鱿鱼钓和舷提网捕捞中普遍使用高强度人造光帮助捕 捞,特别是在亚洲。 fao.org | Fishing with the help of powerful artificial lights is common in purse seining, squid jigging and stick-held dip netting, particularly in Asia. fao.org |
2011年全年鱿鱼供应也很紧张,这反映 在了贸易数字中。 fao.org | Squid supplies were also quite tight throughout 2011. fao.org |
钩和绳钓 钩和绳钓是指将自然或人工饵料放在钩上吸引鱼、鱿鱼或其他物种并捕捞的 渔具。 fao.org | Hook and line refers to gear to which fish, squid or other species are attracted by natural or artificial bait or lures placed on a hook, on which they are caught. fao.org |
然而,考虑到大洋性鱿鱼分布广泛,繁殖力强,它 们目前不可能被过度开发。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, considering that oceanic squids are widely distributed and highly productive, it is unlikely that they are currently overexploited. daccess-ods.un.org |
管理国上次报告说,Loligo 和 illex 两种鱿鱼是领土捕鱼业和经济的支柱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Loligo and illex squid are the mainstay of the fisheries and economy of the Territory, as previously reported by the administering Power. daccess-ods.un.org |
可以在几个 区域和公海上捕捞 Loligo 鱿鱼。 daccess-ods.un.org | Loligo squid are fished in several zones and on the high seas. daccess-ods.un.org |
我昨天才看了安切洛蒂的访谈,他真的很幸运还能留住自己的工作,要是在意大利,他早就被炒鱿鱼了。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | I was reading Ancelotti’s interview yesterday, he claimed to be lucky retaining his job, unlike in Italy where he would have been unemployed by now. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
除了这两种鱿鱼外,还争取捕获一些有鳍鱼,包括南方蓝鳕鱼、海鳕鱼和 hoki。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to those two squid species, a number of finfish are targeted, including southern blue whiting, hake and hoki. daccess-ods.un.org |
鱿鱼种群因北太平洋不断变化的环境条件而在渔获量、丰度和分布方面差异很 大。 daccess-ods.un.org | The stocks of squids display large variability in catches, abundance and distribution in response to changing environmental conditions in the north Pacific. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘鲁的金枪鱼、竹荚鱼、鲐鱼以及大鱿鱼法律要求悬挂该国国旗 的船主遵守适用的国家和区域养护和管理措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Peru’s legislation for tuna, horse mackerel, chub mackerel and giant squid fisheries required shipowners operating vessels flying its flag to comply with applicable national and regional conservation and management measures. daccess-ods.un.org |
提供的menuy昆诺阿藜, lentl ,大米hamburguers ,素食主义者,与鸡包装纸,鱿鱼及虾hamburguers太多。 instantworldbooking.com | The menuy offers quinua, lentl, rice hamburguers, veggie & chicken wraps, squid & shrimp hamburguers too. instantworldbooking.com |
Loligo 和 Illex 两种鱿鱼是领土捕鱼业和经济的支柱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Loligo and Illex squid are the mainstay of the fisheries and economy of the Territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
后,本森得到了末底改和里格比的生活方式的味道,他也成为一个懒鬼,并立即被炒鱿鱼。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After Benson gets a taste of Mordecai and Rigby’s lifestyle, he too becomes a slacker and promptly gets fired. seekcartoon.com |
坚持客观公正的人可能被拘 留、监禁或杀害,至少也会被炒鱿鱼。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Insisting on objectivity can lead to being fired from one’s job, if not to detention, prison or death. unesdoc.unesco.org |
小吃往往转向,从传统的西班牙食物融合项目,如猪肉酿鱿鱼,红烧牛肉的脸颊,和鞑靼牛排,所以要冒险的,如果你选择从任何墨尔本美食指南的小吃餐厅。 zh.melbournehotel.com | Tapas often veer from traditional Spanish foods to fusion items like pork stuffed calamari, braised beef cheek, and steak tartare, so be adventurous if you select a tapas restaurant from any Melbourne food guide. melbournehotel.com |
先前被评估为中度开 发的蓝尖尾无须鳕,受到充分开发;先前为中度到充分开发的羽鼬鳚,受到充分 到过度开发;滑柔鱼仍为充分开发;以前没有参考资料的巴塔哥尼亚鱿鱼,受到 充分开发;以往为充分到过度开发的南方蓝鳕鱼,现在是过度开发;蓝鳕鱼的状 况仍为充分开发到枯竭。 daccess-ods.un.org | Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing is a concern within the CCAMLR Convention area and creates uncertainties regarding the actual volume of catches, especially of the Antarctic toothfish. daccess-ods.un.org |
介 贝 类 水 产 动 物 泛 指 所 有 有 壳 的 水 栖 动 物 , 一 般 可 分 为 四 类 , 即 甲 壳 类 ( 如 蟹 、 小 龙 虾 、 龙 虾 和 虾 ) 、 腹 足 类 ( 如 鲍 鱼 、 笠 贝 、 蜗 牛 和 蛾 螺 ) 、 双 壳 类 ( 如 蚝 、 蚬 、 贻 贝 和 扇 贝 ) 及 头 足 类 ( 如 章 鱼 、 鱿 鱼 和 乌 贼 ) 。 cfs.gov.hk | Shellfish is a broad term for all aquatic animals that have a shell of some kind. It generally divided into four groups namely crustaceans (examples: crabs, crayfish, lobster, and shrimp), gastropods (examples: abalone, limpet, snail, and whelk), bivalves (examples: oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops), and cephalopods (examples: octopus, squid, and cuttlefish). cfs.gov.hk |