

单词 鱼贯而出

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

毛里求斯出,所有从事鱼业和 相关活动的船只都需要有执照 而 对 于从事非法、无管制和未报告的捕 捞活动的船只不发给执照。
Mauritius stated that all vessels engaged in fishing and related activities required a licence, and licences [...]
were not issued to vessels involved
in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities.
许多发展中国家由于自身承担的国际义 而 没 有出台前后连贯的国家政策。
Many developing States were unable to put in place coherent national strategies because of their international obligations.
经社会了解到太平洋小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能而出台的 各种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这 一地区拥有世界最大面积的红树林,提供了金 鱼 和 其 他全球重 鱼 种 产卵 和幼体生长的重要区域。
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were
[...] being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent of mangrove forests in the world and provided a critical spawning and juvenile growth area for tuna and other globally significant fish species.
主任在回答问题时解释说,之所以就秘书处的例行活动提交报告,是为了使执行委员 会随时了解为执行其各项决定而开展的工作 而 为 了 贯 彻 责 任制,也有必要汇报工作人员 进行出访。
In response to questions, the Chief Officer explained that the intention of a report on routine Secretariat activities was to keep the Executive Committee apprised of the work
undertaken to implement its
[...] decisions, and that reporting on staff missions was necessary in the interests of accountability.
专用钩线分 配允许使用加饵料的钩线小船鱼, 而 不 是 使用网捕捞超过16%分配的单个可转让 配额(ITQ),不发生任何违规行为。
The special line of dispensation allows small
[...] vessels to fish with baited hooks and lines rather than nets to [...]
catch 16 percent more than their
allocated individual transferable quota (ITq) limit without incurring any penalty.
很多会员国呼吁在 33 C/5 中继续采用 32 C/5 的贯穿整 个计划的作法,但强调活动需要 更加出重点 ,特别是要重视有关最不发达国家妇女和青年的活动,并要加强与其它联合国 机构、千年发展目标和教科文组织自已的战略目标的联系。
Many Member States called for a continuation of the mainstreaming approach of the 32 C/5 in the 33 C/5 as well, emphasizing however the need for more focused activities, particularly in favour of women and youth in LDCs, as well as for closer linkages with other United Nations agencies, MDGs and UNESCO’s own strategic objectives.
渔业通过两个途径对粮食安全出贡 献 :提 鱼 供 人 食用,特别是对低收入 消费者,而改善 粮食可供性和饮食的充足性,以此作出直接贡献;以及通过创 造渔业部门的收入作出间接贡献。
Fisheries contribute to food security
through two pathways:
[...] directly, by providing fish for people, especially low-income consumers, to eat, thereby improving both food [...]
availability and
the adequacy of diets; and indirectly, by generating income from the fisheries sector.
而底层 延绳钓可能接触和损害海洋底层动物,使底层物体位置 不规范,延绳钓渔业的确有潜力在 鱼 时 不 对生境造成严重损害,并按照相对节 省能源的方式进行。
While bottom-set longlines may snag and damage benthic epifauna and irregular objects on the bottom, longline fisheries do offer the potential to conduct fishing without severe [...]
habitat damage and
to do so in a relatively energy-conscious manner.
秘书处发起这两次审查,不仅是答复各区域组织所 出 的 问 询,也是受联 合国系统其他组织(特别是世界卫生组织(世卫组织)和联合国教育、科学及 文化组织(教科文组织))的范例所启发,为要努力在与非政府组织的关系方 面采取一种更为贯而合理的办法。
The Secretariat launched the two reviews not only in response to the queries raised by regional groups, but also in an effort to take a more coherent and rational approach to relations with NGOs, inspired by the example of other United Nations system organizations, notably the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
贯彻工作组出并经安全理事会核可的结论,并依据和按照适用的国际 法和安全理事会的有关决议,包括安全理事会第 [...]
1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009) 号决议,我被授权以工作组主席的身份,确认联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特 派团(联刚稳定团)和联合国在保护刚果民主共和国儿童方面所发挥的关键作用。
In follow-up to the recommendations of the Working [...]
Group, approved by the Security Council, and subject to and consistent
with applicable international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, including Security Council resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), I am entrusted, in my capacity as the Chairman of the Working Group, to recognize the critical role that the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) and the United Nations have played in the protection of children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
(b) 并包括(a)款(1)或(2)项内所提到的任何武器的任何部件,此 种武器经过设计或改造以减低武器发射时所造成的噪音或火
[...] 光的任何配件,以及任何利用炸药操作的电动工具、冲头、杆 柄或利用空气压力操作的任何扣钉枪;(c) 但不包括仅为发鱼叉而设计或改造的器具。
(b) and includes any component part of any weapon mentioned in paragraph (a) (i) or (ii), any accessory to any such weapon designed or adapted to diminish the noise or flash caused by firing the weapon and any explosive-operated power tool, ramset, hilt or fire nail fastener operated by
pneumatic pressure; (c) but does not include an article designed or
[...] adapted solely to discharge a spear for spearing fish.
人一生中的各种仪式出生、 成长、结婚、离婚和殯葬等仪式),游戏和体 育活动,亲族关系与亲族关系的仪式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份和长 幼尊卑的仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、 鱼 和 收获 习俗,源于地名的姓名和源于父名的姓名,丝绸文化和工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、穿孔、人体绘 画)。
Life-cycle rituals – birth; rites of passage; wedding, divorce and funerary rituals; games and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; settlement patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social practices; practices relating to hunting, fishing and gathering; geonymic [...]
and patronymic nomenclature;
silk culture and crafts (production [fabrication], sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art (tattooing, piercing, painting).
关于渔业的全球统计数字问题,粮农组织 出 , 建立其渔业统计方案的目 的是监测渔业和水产养殖对粮食安全及其他社会经济因素的贡献 而 不 是评 估鱼 种现状和渔业管理。
In regard to global statistics on fisheries, FAO noted that its fisheries
statistics programme had been established
[...] to monitor the contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to food security and other socio-economic factors, not for the assessment of stock status and fisheries management.
工业 可位于其它任何地方而鲑鱼生境 必须位于淡水与 潮汐盐水相遇的地方。
Industry could be
[...] located elsewhere, whereas salmon habitat must [...]
be situated where freshwater meets tidal salt water.
这些步骤包 括:维持和平行动部(维和部)和人道主义事务厅委托 进行独立研究;维和部散发“行动构想”及“关于经 验教训的说明”文件;经常性地将保护平民任务纳入 联合国维持和平行动的任务规定;在秘书长报告中更 加贯一致而有系 统地考虑保护平民问题;将关于保 护平民问题的若干段落显著地列入维持和平行动特 别委员会的 2010 年建议中(见 A/64/19),包括制定全 特派团保护战略的战略框架;编制关于保护平民的培 训单元;评估执行保护任务所需的资源。
These include the independent study commissioned by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; the operational concept and the lessons learned note circulated by DPKO; and the regular inclusion of protection of civilians tasks in the mandates of United Nations peacekeeping operations; the more consistent and systemic consideration of protection of civilians issues in the Secretary-General’s reports; the significant inclusion of several paragraphs on the protection of civilians in the 2010 recommendations of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (see A/64/19), including the development of a strategic framework for mission-wide protection strategies; the elaboration of protection of civilians training modules; and an assessment of the resource requirements for implementing protection mandates.
Nobita asks
[...] Doraemon if mermaids exist while Gian says First a Kappa now a mermaid?
他请委员会特别就下列方面出前瞻 性意见:不同计划的主要优先事项和次优先事项;它们与 《中期战略》的战略目标的相互关系;如何加强跨学科和跨部门的工作方法;把非洲、最不发达国 家、妇女和青年的需贯穿于 各项工作之中。
He invited the Commission to provide future-oriented indications in particular regarding the principal and other priorities of the different programmes, their interrelationship with the strategic objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy, the ways and means of ensuring enhanced transdisciplinarity and intersectorality, the mainstreaming of needs of Africa, the least developed countries, women and youth.
出,31 C/4有一贯穿全 篇的主题,符合总干事 提出的关于集中精力,重点突出,明确优先工作 和使教科文组织在今后的国际合作中成为一个重 要的合作伙伴的目标。
He pointed out that document 31 C/4, built around a single unifying theme, responded to the Director-General’s aim to concentrate, focus and set priorities and to make the Organization a proactive partner in the framework of international cooperation.
此战略虽是一份有用的基准文件,但是全民教育运动内的各个合作伙伴尚未显 出将 其贯彻到底的决心。
Though this strategy constitutes a useful reference tool, various partners within the EFA movement have not demonstrated the will to follow through on it.
本次级方案的战略方向 体现在各项国际商定的发展目标中,包括千年发展目标、发展筹资问题多哈成 果文件、世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响联合国会议的成果、将于 2011 年举行的第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的成果,以及亚太经社会关于亚 太经社会区域实现千年发展目标的第 62/1、63/4 和 64/6 号决议、关于亚太经 社会区域 2015 年底以前实现千年发展目标经费筹措问题的第 64/7 号决议,关 于为应对粮食-燃料-金融多重危 而贯 彻 落 实《巴厘成果文件》的第 65/1 号决 议和关于加强亚洲及太平洋二类作物开发扶贫中心的第 65/4 号决议。
The strategic direction of the subprogramme is imbedded in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, the Doha Outcome Document on Financing for Development, the outcome of the United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development, the outcome of the forthcoming Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, in 2011, and Commission resolutions 62/1, 63/4, and 64/6 on achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the ESCAP region, 64/7 on financing for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 in the ESCAP region, 65/1 on implementation of the Bali Outcome Document in addressing the food, fuel and financial crises, and 65/4 on strengthening of the Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Secondary Crops Development in Asia and the Pacific.
根据上述决议,联合检查组在其 1997 年年度报告(A/52/34)所附的一个题为“建立一 个关于联合检查组报告的后续行动的更有效的制度”的文件中 出 了 一 套 贯 彻 落 实制度的建 议。
Following the above resolution, the JIU proposed a follow-up system in a document entitled “Towards a more effective system of follow-up on reports of the Joint Inspection Unit”, which was included as an annex to its annual report of 1997 (A/52/34).
[...] 系统或与该生态系统有关,是脆弱海洋生态系统群落的成员,但是与该系统的关 系的性质可能不尽相同,许多海鱼 种 还常 常 出 现 在 目前未被界定为脆弱海洋生 态系统的结构完整的生境。
While many fish species occur on, or are associated with, VMEs and are members of VME communities,
the nature of the relationship may
[...] vary, and many benthic fish species also frequent [...]
other structured habitats not currently defined as VMEs.
大型的野生动物种类(如鹰、海豹)捕 食同为捕食者的鱼类,如鳟鱼和鱼 , 而 小 型 的食鱼野生动物(如翠鸟)则倾向于捕食较小的饵料鱼, [...]
一项研究已经发现这些饵料鱼中汞的组织水平更高(US EPA,1997)。
The larger wildlife species (such as eagles, seals) prey on
fish that are also predators, such as
[...] trout and salmon, whereas smaller fish-eating [...]
wildlife (such as kingfishers) tend
to feed on the smaller forage fish, which have been found in a study to have higher tissue levels of mercury (US EPA, 1997).
危地 马拉强调,设立替代机制可以鼓励各国加入区域渔业管理组织,并忆及此举是 2003 年《安提瓜公约》谈判的成效之一,该公约允许渔业实体参加美洲金 鱼委 的而不成为其成员。
Guatemala emphasized that the creation of alternative mechanisms could encourage States to join regional fisheries management organizations, and recalled this as one effect of the negotiation of
the 2003 Antigua Convention,
[...] which permitted fishing entities to participate in the work of IATTC without being a member.
重申支持联合国粮食及农业组织以及相关次区域和区域渔业管理组织和安 排出的鲨鱼养护 和管理举措,并关切地注意到仍然缺少有关鲨鱼种群和捕捞情 [...]
况的基本数据,只有为数不多的国家实施了《养护和管理鲨鱼国际行动计划》, 并不是所有区域渔业管理组织和安排都针对专门捕捞鲨鱼的作业并为管制其他
Reaffirming its support for the initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and relevant subregional and regional fisheries management
organizations and arrangements on the conservation
[...] and management of sharks, and noting with [...]
concern that basic data on shark stocks
and harvests continue to be lacking, that only a small number of countries have implemented the International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks, and that not all regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements have adopted conservation and management measures for directed shark fisheries and for the regulation of by-catch of sharks from other fisheries
1972年,以鱼类和候鸟而非对 人类)的毒性研究为依据,美国环境保护署全面禁止使用DDT,一种曾被广泛使用来杀灭致病虫害的廉价而有效的杀虫剂。
In 1972, on the basis of
[...] data on toxicity to fish and migrating birds (but not to humans), [...]
the United States Environmental
Protection Agency banned virtually all uses of DDT, an inexpensive and effective pesticide once widely deployed to kill disease-carrying insects.
常驻代表咨委会在所涉审查期间的另一个工作重点是就经社会第六十 七届会议所通过的 15 项决议贯彻执行提出指导意见。
Another key focus of the work of the Advisory Committee during the period under review had been to provide guidance on the implementation of the 15 resolutions adopted by the Commission at its sixty-seventh session.
该建议所出的贯彻落实制度强调,(a) 参与组织的理事机关应积极、认真地审议联检 组的报告;(b) 应迅速执行经核准的各项建议,并且就执行措施提出全面报告和分析这些措 施所造成的影响。
The follow-up system proposed therein emphasized: (a) that the reports should be given active and serious consideration by the legislative organs of the participating organizations; and (b) that there should be expeditious implementation of the approved/accepted recommendations, with full reporting on the implementation measures and analysis of the resulting impact.
在这个制度中,多边和双边捐助方与伙伴国家和执业人员以协调和协 作的方式努力实现法治天下。这应该成为双边捐助方、受援国、多边和区域组织 以及非政府组织的一个全球平台,以便 出 最 大 努力, 贯 一 致地引导政策,并 不断改进做法。
This should be a global platform for bilateral donors, recipients, multilateral and regional organizations and non-governmental organizations to maximize efforts, coherently inform policy and consistently improve practice.




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