单词 | 鯷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鳀—anchovyExamples:鳀鱼n—anchoviespl
小型中上层 鱼类(沙丁鱼和鯷鱼)主要种群被评估为完全开发或过度开发。 fao.org | The main stocks of small pelagic [...] fish (sardine and anchovy) are assessed [...]as either fully exploited or overexploited. fao.org |
为分析趋势,全球产量可分为三类主要内容:除鯷鱼外的海洋产量;鯷鱼产量以 及内陆水域产量(图4)。 fao.org | To analyse trends, global production can be separated into three major components: marine catches excluding anchoveta (Engraulis ringens); anchoveta catches; and inland water catches (Figure 4). fao.org |
小 型中上层物种是这一区域最丰富的类别,日本鯷在2003年提供了190万吨产量, 但此后下降到2009年和2010年的大约110万吨。 fao.org | Small pelagics are the most abundant category in this area, [...] with the Japaneseanchovy providing 1.9 million [...]tonnes in 2003 but having since declined [...]to about 1.1 million tonnes in 2009 and 2010. fao.org |
由于这一预防性管理决定,2011年鯷鱼产量超过 2009年的水平。 fao.org | Thanks to this precautionary management decision, the 2011 anchovetacatches exceeded their 2009 level. fao.org |
尽 管对一些物种(例如受环境机理变化驱动的鯷鱼)的成因是众所周知,但对许多 其他物种的成因依然不了解。 fao.org | Although the causes are well known for some species (e.g. anchoveta – driven by changing environmental regimes), they remain unknown for many others. fao.org |
除了因鯷鱼产量下降导致秘鲁和智利产量下降外,2009和2010年海洋总捕 捞量出现下降趋势的其他主要捕鱼国有:亚洲的日本、韩国和泰国;美洲的阿根 廷、加拿大和墨西哥;欧洲的冰岛以及较小程度的新西兰。 fao.org | Besides decreased production by Peru and Chile as a consequence of the drop inanchoveta catches, other major fishing countries with downward trends in total marine catches in 2009 and 2010 were: Japan, the Republic of korea, and Thailand in Asia; Argentina, Canada and Mexico in the Americas; Iceland in Europe; and to a lesser extent New Zealand. fao.org |
东南太 平洋最丰富的物种是鯷鱼、智利竹筴鱼和南美拟沙丁鱼,占目前和历史产量的80% 多,而中东部太平洋最丰富的物种是美洲拟沙丁鱼和太平洋鯷鱼。 fao.org | The most abundant species in the Southeast Pacific are the anchoveta, the Chilean jack mackerel and the South American pilchard or sardine (Sardinops sagax), accounting for more than 80 percent of the current and historical catches, while in the Eastern Central Pacific the most abundant species are California pilchard and Pacificanchoveta. fao.org |
例如,60%多的物种产量比 [...] 2009年有10%以上的变化,但全球总量(不包括鯷鱼)的变化只有1.2%。 fao.org | A demonstration of this is that catches of more than 60 percent of the species varied [...] by more than 10 percent in comparison with 2009 but the global total [...] (excluding anchoveta) changed by [...]only 1.2 percent. fao.org |
例子包括咸鯷鱼、小虾及 西鲱、烟燻白鲑、墨鱼及八爪鱼、鱼肉火腿、盐腌的乾鳕科鱼、烟燻或盐 [...] 腌的鱼糊及鱼子、腌制及烟燻的裸盖鱼、西鲱及三文鱼、乾贝類、乾鲣鱼 (katsuobushi),以及沸煮并脱水的鱼(niboshi)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples [...] include:salted anchovies, shrimp, and shad; [...]smoked chub, cuttlefish and octopus; fish ham; dried and salted species [...]of the Gadidae species; smoked or salted fish paste and fish roe; cured and smoked sablefish, shad, and salmon; dried shellfish, dried bonito (katsuobushi), and boiled, dried fish (niboshi). cfs.gov.hk |
相反,南非鯷鱼继续得到改善,预计在2009年为完全开发。 fao.org | In contrast, [...] Southern African anchovyhas continued to [...]improve and its status was estimated to be fully exploited in 2009. fao.org |
在黑海,小型中上层鱼类(主要是黍鲱和鯷鱼)从上世纪九十年代可能因不利海 洋条件造成的急剧衰退中得到一定程度恢复,但依然被认为是完全开发或过度开 [...] 发,包括鲆鱼的评估显示,多数其他种群可能是从完全开发到过度开发。 fao.org | In the Black Sea, the situation of small pelagic fish [...] (mainly sprat and anchovy) has recovered [...]somewhat from the drastic decline suffered [...]in the 1990s, probably as a consequence of unfavourable oceanographic conditions, but they are still considered fully exploited to overexploited, an assessment shared with turbot, while most other stocks are probably fully exploited to overexploited. fao.org |
东南太平洋的两个主要鯷鱼种群、北太平洋的阿拉斯加狭鳕和大西洋的蓝 鳕被完全开发。 fao.org | The two main stocks of anchovetain the Southeast Pacific, Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the North Pacific and blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) in the Atlantic are fully exploited. fao.org |
西北太平洋 的日本鯷和东南太平洋的智利竹筴鱼被认为遭过度开发。 fao.org | Japanese anchovy(Engraulis japonicus) [...] in the Northwest Pacific and Chilean jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) in the Southeast [...]Pacific are considered to be overexploited. fao.org |
但小型中 上层种类,特别是鯷鱼,是用来生产鱼粉的主要物种组,世界上鱼粉和鱼油产量 因这些物种的产量波动而每年波动。 fao.org | However, small pelagics, in particularanchoveta,are the main groups of species used for reduction, and the volume of fishmeal and fish oil produced worldwide annually fluctuates according to the fluctuations in the catches of these species. fao.org |
2010 年,由于减少了鯷鱼产量,鱼粉产量下降到1500万吨,与2009年相比下降12.9%, 与2008年相比下降18.2%以及与2000年相比下降42.8%。 fao.org | In 2010, it dropped to 15.0 million tonnes owing to reduced catches of anchoveta, representing a 12.9 percent decrease compared with 2009, of 18.2 percent compared with 2008 and of 42.8 percent with respect to 2000. fao.org |
鱼油取 自适当的來源,例如鲱鱼、沙甸鱼、西鲱及鯷鱼。 cfs.gov.hk | Fish oils are derived from suitable sources such as herring, [...] sardines, sprat, and anchovies. cfs.gov.hk |
世界海洋捕捞渔业产量 由于鯷鱼产量大大下降,秘鲁被印度尼西亚和美国超越,不再是继中国之后 在海洋捕捞产量方面的主要生产者。 fao.org | With the great decrease in anchoveta catches, Peru is no longer second after China in the ranking of the major marine producer countries in terms of quantity as it has been surpassed by Indonesia and the United States of America. fao.org |
Perupez是一家秘鲁水产业公司,致力於选取、加工和供应多种海产的市场,包含鳗鱼、乌贼、鬼头刀、干贝、有壳生物、鯷鱼和胡瓜鱼等等。 peru.org.tw | PERUPEZ is a Peruvian fishery company dedicated to the extraction, processing and commercialization of various [...] hydro-biological resources, including Congel eel, Giant squid, Mahi-Mahi, Squid, Scallop, [...] Shellfishes,anchovy,Smelt,etc. peru.org.tw |
2010年,东南太平洋产量(除鯷鱼外)下降,而东南大西洋产量 增加,但对早前历史趋势的研究揭示了这两个区域产量明显向下的轨迹。 fao.org | In 2010, catches in the Southeast Pacific (excluding anchoveta) decreased whereas in the Southeast Atlantic they grew, but examination of historical trends from an earlier period reveals clear downward trajectories in both areas. fao.org |
鲭科鱼类:把可能含有组胺的鱼类(例如吞拿鱼、马鲛、沙甸鱼及鯷鱼)妥善冷藏在摄氏4度或以下。 cfs.gov.hk | Scombroid fish: Properly refrigerate fish that may contain histamine such as tuna, mackerel, sardineandanchovy at 4°Cor below. cfs.gov.hk |
尽管2010年产量下降,鯷鱼还是再次成为产量最高的物种。 fao.org | Despite the decreased 2010 catches, anchoveta is again the most-caught species. fao.org |
会合共令 245 公顷潮下软质生境消失,对於大屿山西面的海洋生态而言,会有重大影 响,因为这样会导致底栖生物的生境大规模消失,而这些生物是底栖鱼 类(例如黄花鱼(石首鱼科))的食物来源;这些底栖鱼类和浮游鱼类 (例如鯷科、鲱科和带鱼科)都是海豚的重要猎食对象。 logisticshk.gov.hk | The total loss of 245 ha of subtidal soft bottom 10 habitat due to Option 2 was assessed as a significant impact on the marine ecology of West Lantau since there would be large scale loss of habitat for benthic organisms, which are a source of food for demersal (bottom-dwelling) fish such as croakers, Sciaenidae, which in turn, in addition to pelagic fish (eg engraulids, clupeids and trichiurids), are known to be important prey for dolphins. logisticshk.gov.hk |
厄尔尼诺现象对鯷鱼产量有相当大的影响, 过去几十年经历了一系列高峰和急剧下降,从1994年的1250万吨到2010年的420 万吨。 fao.org | The El Niño phenomenon has considerable effects on catchesof anchoveta, which has experienced a series of peaks and drastic drops in the last few decades, going from 12.5 million tonnes in 1994 to 4.2 million tonnes in 2010. fao.org |
2010年秘鲁的鯷鱼产量明显下降主要是由于最后一个季度实施的管理措施 (例如休渔),以保护拉尼娜事件(冷水)后出现在鯷鱼种群中大量的幼鱼, 这有利于产卵和产生良好补充。 fao.org | A marked decrease in anchovetacatches by Peru in 2010 was mostly due to management measures (e.g. fishing closures) that were applied in the final quarter to protect the high number of juveniles present in the anchoveta stock as a consequence of the La Niña event (cold water), which had favoured spawning and generated a good recruitment. fao.org |
品种,同时在该地区集中了西班牙主要的欧洲鯷生产企业(有78.2%的欧洲鯷生产企业在此落 户), 有61家集团公司在桑托尼亚,拉雷德, [...] 克林德雷斯和卡斯特罗乌迪亚雷斯建厂。 gruposodercan.es | This anchovyproductionhas a higher concentration in the region than [...] in any other part of Spain (accounting for 78.2% of [...]the companies), in one group of 61 firms located mainly around the towns of Santoña, Laredo, Colindres and Castro Urdiales. gruposodercan.es |