

单词 魔爪

魔爪 ()

evil clutches

See also:


magic adj


devil n


claws n
claw n
paw n

name of a river

External sources (not reviewed)

(g) 确保儿童不失踪或落入人贩子和剥削者 魔爪; ( h) 调查失踪案件,并设法为藏匿儿童提供出路
(h) Investigate cases of disappearances and find ways to make access available to hidden children
我相信,社會各界只要同心同德,共同塑造一個關懷下一代的社 會,讓他們健康地成長,這樣便能鞏固他們對毒品說“不
[...] ”的決心,亦可 以為已經誤墮毒海的青少年提供協助,拯救他們脫離毒品 魔爪。
I believe that as long as various sectors of the community could pull their hearts and minds together for the shaping of a society that cares for the next generation for them to grow up healthily, their determination to say "No" to drugs could be reinforced, and assistance could
also be provided to young people who have inadvertently picked up the habit, thereby
[...] saving them from the claws of drugs.
我们希望,委员会今后在处置类似案情时,别开创一种鼓 励对落入偷渡蛇魔爪,既 无身份证,又无人陪伴未的成年儿童,予以毫无必要 地安置的模式,这样做会致使儿童面临人口贩运、伤害,乃至死亡的严重风险。
We hope that the Committee’s future approach in similar cases will not establish a pattern that provides encouragement to the needless placement of unaccompanied children, without documents, in the hands of smugglers, which exposes them to serious risks of human trafficking, injury, and death.
[...] 相信是充分反映了獨裁的政權及極權 魔爪 , 在 香港各階層、各政治 組織已經非常牢固,是牢不可破的。
President, regarding the motion on the Xinhai Revolution, if it is vetoed by this Council, I
believe it fully reflects that the dictatorial
[...] regime and the evil grip of the totalitarian [...]
power have so firmly taken hold
of different echelons and political groups in Hong Kong that they are invincible.
从海盗转向印度洋南部和 东部进行袭击就可以看出,他们有能力作出调整,避 开海军建立的安全通道,将他们 魔爪 伸 向 索马里海 岸以外约 1 000 哩至 1 200 哩的地方。
The shift of attacks to the south and east of the Indian Ocean reflects the pirates’ ability to adapt to bypass the security corridor established by naval forces and to extend their reach to approximately 1,000 to 1,200 miles from Somali Coast.
其實 , 大業主 有其一套 說 法:就是如果業 主立案 法 團 過 於 容 易 成立,便 會 有 人 想 伸魔爪入建築物 來 加以控 制 云云。
Actually, property developers as majority owners have been holding an argument like this: If OCs can be set up too easily, some people would try to extend their evil influences to residential buildings.
我記得當天民建聯等多個團體說我“搞亂”香港,又說要斬去我魔爪、剪 去我的頭髮,要我變成“甩毛”。
I remember on that day Members of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB) and some other parties said that I messed up Hong Kong, even saying that they wanted to chop my evil hands and cut my hair so that I would become "No Hair".
相信我们阿拉伯社会也不能幸免于这一现象的威胁、挑战和影响,因此必须 有一个协调一致的法律架构用以应对,并须有全面的基础设施来保护落入贩魔 爪的人 ,并向受害者提供全面的支持、协助和护理,以使他们康复并重新融入社 会,认识到所有国家、社区组织和国家政府及非政府机构团体均负有社会和道义
Conscious of the gravity of the phenomenon of trafficking in persons, which has in recent years emerged as one of the greatest threats to the nature, security and stability of human communities, impacting on poor, developing and rich States alike,Believing that our Arab societies are not immune to the dangers, challenges
無法忘記的,是我國在日本魔爪 下, 烽火的血淚和歷史的傷痕;無法忘記的,是日本政府厚顏無耻,未有對 過往的暴行表現過悔意,一直拒絕道歉賠償;無法忘記的,是軍國主義幽靈 的再現,促使右翼政府不斷藉篡改教科書,以及參拜靖國神社來美化戰爭罪 行;更是無法忘記中國人用血用肉,來抵抗日本人的大刀大槍,來保衞自己 的家園。
We can never forget the shamelessness of the Japanese Government, its refusal to show any remorse for its past atrocities and to extend any apology and pay any compensation. We can never forget how the revival of the spectre of Japanese militarism has led the right-wing Japanese Government to doctor history through continuous textbook revisions, and to glorify war criminals by paying tribute to them at the Yasukuni Shrine.
爪具嵌 固件的機械特性、尺寸、荷載承載力及個別 專利型號/系列,須展示於呈交屋宇署批准的相關圖則內。
The mechanical properties, dimensions, load capacities and specific proprietary model number/series of metal spider fixing should be shown in the relevant plans submitted for approval.
针对种族、文化和宗教的有害言 论和魔化往 往会导致冲突和暴力,不会被任何社 [...]
Harmful rhetoric and demonization along racial, [...]
cultural and religious lines often led to conflict and violence and had no place in any society.
黑者鼠标系列于2010年开卖,其中黑者及黑 魔 战 很 荣幸的同时选入WCG的官方指定使用产品 。
BLACK mouse series was first introduced in year 2010, with both BLACK and BLACK Element that were honorably selected as WCG’s Official Hardware sponsor in 2010.
合會活動和有組織罪案已伸爪牙, 肆虐本港社會的廣闊部份,包括交通事業、 建造業、學校、酒店、娛樂場所、卡拉 OK 酒吧、以及在旺角、油 ㆞、銅鑼灣及新 界各㆞的店舖。
Triad activities and organized crime have spread their tentacles over a wide segment of our community, that is, transport, construction, schools, hotels, entertainment facilities, karaoke bars and shops in Mong Kok, Yau Ma Tei, Causeway Bay and the New Territories.
报告还将详细研究 2009 至 2010
[...] 年间出现的四个小型组织;它们分别出现在 西爪哇的万隆、爪哇的克拉登、 北苏门答腊的棉 兰及苏门答腊的楠榜,楠榜的组织最终与棉兰组织结 盟。
It also examines in detail four
small groups that emerged in
[...] 2009-2010 – in Bandung, West Java; in Klaten, Central Java; [...]
in Medan, North Sumatra; and in
Lampung, Sumatra, that ended up in alliance with the Medan group.
(a) 抽取樣本比率最少應為每個相關具代表性玻璃幕爪具類 型的 1%或 3 個,以較多者為準,而測試樣本 的設置方式須配合經批准圖則內的建議嵌固件細 節。
(a) Sampling rate should be at least 1% or 3 numbers, whichever is more, of each representative type of the spider components concerned, and the test specimens should be set up in such a manner that is compatible with the proposed fixing details given in the approved plans.
最后,国际社会某些成员选择利用武力解决利比 亚冲突,以及对第 1973(2011)号决议的规定任意解 释,造成了如同出魔鬼一样的威胁,这对我们大家 是一个实际的教训。
Finally, the threats unleashed like a genie from a bottle by the Libyan conflict are the fruit of the use-offorce scenario elected by some members of the international community to resolve the Libyan conflict and of the arbitrary interpretation of the provisions of resolution 1973 (2011), which is an object lesson for us all.
[...] 扫描仪中获得图像(单个和多个页面),屏幕截图,使用滤镜,合并图像,选择图像区域(支 魔 术 棒 )以至于其他的图像格式。
It can load and save from several image file formats, acquire from TWain scanners
(single and multi pages), capture video, applies filters, merge images, select
[...] image regions (Magic Wand supported) [...]
and other.
在召唤各位家长牙仙/牙(岛,费舍尔),复活节兔子/ E
[...] “紫菀Bunnymund(休·杰克曼)和” 魔 / 大 口 ,北学习的人,他们是在月球感应杰克作为他们的新成员。
After summoning fellow Guardians the Tooth Fairy/Tooth (Isla Fisher),
the Easter Bunny/E. Aster Bunnymund (Hugh
[...] Jackman) and the Sandman/Sandy, North [...]
learns from the Man in the Moon that they are
to induct Jack as their new member.




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