单词 | 魔幻 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 魔幻 adjective —magic adj魔幻 —magicalless common: illusion See also:魔 adj—magic adj 魔 n—devil n 幻 n—fantasy n 幻 pl—hallucinations pl
透明的天庭让您忘忧于魔幻般的天空。 msccruises.com.cn | A transparent ceiling allows passengers to [...] experience all the magic of sailing as they [...]gaze at the starlit skies. msccruises.com.eg |
无论您想在非洲游猎还是在迈阿密度过一 个 魔幻 的 夜 晚,我们都能帮助您实现您的梦想。 msccruises.com.cn | Whatever you desire, from an [...] African safari to a magical night in Miami, [...]this is the perfect chance to make your holiday dreams last a little longer. msccruises.com.eg |
本周正在Sykkylven以及Sunnmøre地区拍摄的场景将出现在这部电影开场部分,这部电影是根据世界著名的网络游戏DOTA(远古遗迹守卫)改编 的 魔幻 电 影。 ekornes.cn | The scenes recorded in Sykkylven and the Sunnmøre region this week are the opening scenes of the movie, which is based on the world-known computer game «DotA» (Defense of the Ancients). ekornes.sg |
以独家的精湛技艺,伯爵魔幻地创 造出Magic Gardens of Piaget系列,每件璀璨瑰丽的珠宝均以花园题材为灵感。 piaget.com.cn | It has taken all of Piaget's secrets to [...] create enough magic to transform the [...]elements of a structured garden into the marvellous [...]pieces of the Magic Gardens of Piaget collection. en.piaget.com |
采用了同样的双翼设计提供提升力和推进力,小叮当飞行器依靠FlyTech技术给年轻一代的女孩带 来 魔幻 般 的 飞行体验。 tipschina.gov.cn | Featuring the same dual wing design to [...] provide lift and propulsion, the Tinker Bell flyer from [...] FlyTech brings the magic of flight to a young [...]generation of girls. tipschina.gov.cn |
冬季的原野与故事里描述的一样具有神奇的魔力,当你跨坐在雪地摩托上进入其中时,两腿间所爆发出的引擎轰鸣为这 种 魔幻 感 受 带来了全新的注解。 visitfinland.com | The wintry wilderness is every bit as magical as stories make it out to be, and a roaring engine between your legs brings a whole new aspect to entering it. visitfinland.com |
拉維切,大膽以科學命題為兒童劇場的題材,將生命的起源、物競天擇的原理、文明的誕生,甚至人類對大自然奧秘的探索和摧毀的力量等課題,以多媒體和靈動的偶戲、優美的音樂及創新 的 魔幻 技 法 ,在舞台上化成一幅幅極具視覺美感和詩意的奇景,深深打動觀眾的心,啟發小朋友探知大自然奧秘的興趣。 hkiac.gov.hk | Genesis is an internationally acclaimed production written by Meridiano Teatret's artistic director Giacomo Ravicchio, who boldly selects science as the theme for his children's theatre, examining such topics as the origin of life, natural selection, the birth of civilisation, and the power of humans to explore and destroy Nature. hkiac.gov.hk |
晶莹剔透的 冰雪魔幻般地 将博登湖变成了一个童话世界。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Snow and ice magically transforms the Lake Constance countryside into a winter fairy tale. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
她与贝斯手Jan Roder与鼓手Kay Lübke组成的乐队Being,是一个经典形式的三重奏组合,一个有着梦呓似的本能和谐 的 魔幻 三 人 组。 yugongyishan.com | Her band „Being” with Jan Roder on bass [...] and Kay Lübke on drums is a [...] classic trio setup, a magic triangle whose intuitive harmony borders on the somnambulistic. yugongyishan.com |
戈德堡出演的电视剧和电视节目还包括:《星空奇遇记之 星空奇兵》、《巴格达咖啡馆》、获得艾美奖提名的 HBO [...] 戏剧《黄昏时刻》、《灰姑娘》、《凯姆洛的武士》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》、 《 魔幻 帝 国 》、《布公仔圣诞奇遇》、Showtime [...]的《篱笆》和 Nick Jr 的《乌比的小汉堡》。 unicef.org | Ms. Goldberg’s television appearances include: Star Trek: The Next Generation; Baghdad Café; the Emmy-nominated HBO drama, In the Gloaming; The Wonderful World of Disney’s Rogers & Hammerstein’s [...] Cinderella; A Knight in Camelot; Alice in [...] Wonderland; The Magical Legend of the [...]Leprechauns; It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas [...]Movie; Showtime’s Good Fences; and Whoopi’s Littleburg on Nick Jr. unicef.org |
WowWee是Optimal集团(纳斯达克股票代码:OPMR)的一家下属公司,也是领先的革新高科技消费者机器人和娱乐产品的开发商,该公司与迪斯尼消费者产品部门赋予时髦、活泼的小叮当卡通人物以生命,将其变为一 个 魔幻 般 的 飞行玩具。 tipschina.gov.cn | WowWee, an Optimal Group company (NASDAQ: OPMR) and leading developer of innovative hi-tech consumer robotic and entertainment products, [...] and Disney Consumer Products have brought the sassy and spirited Tinker Bell character [...] to life, as a magical flying toy. tipschina.gov.cn |
今個夏天要消暑,可以到威尼斯人的「冰Fun [...] 世界」走一轉,避開炎炎夏日之餘更趣味滿fun! [...] 今年的冰雕展共分為十個展區,包括夢幻如仙境般的「童話森林」、趣味十足的 「 魔幻 冰 雕 宮」和幾可亂真的「極地之旅」等,所有冰雕均造工精細、美輪美奐,包保一家大小樂而忘返!「冰Fun [...] 世界」現已隆重開幕,展期至本年9月16日。 yp.mo | This year, magnificent ice artisans fill the 10 exhibition [...] zones, including the beautiful ‘Fairy Tale [...] Forest’, exciting ‘Magic Ice Maze’ and realistic [...]‘Journey to the North and South Poles’. yp.mo |
在這趟魔幻寫實 的行程裡,我們前往過往穆齊夫妻在史塔頓島生活的地點,水岸探險讓我發現許多寶藏,例如石造鋼琴、鹽山、舊房屋、愛國壁畫、公共階梯連結的秘密公園、聖喬治劇場等。 thisbigcity.net | As a part of the magical realism tour I was [...] led to a series of stillspots that were a part of Antonio and his wife Esterre’s [...]life in Staten Island. The waterfront adventure led me to treasures like the stone piano, mountains of salt, historic homes, patriotic murals, a hidden park at the top of a public staircase and the St. George Theater. thisbigcity.net |
对 于低年级学生,童话和虚幻故事会受落;而高年级学生则会迷 上 魔幻 、 世界、动物、神话 和“小孩都喜欢”等内容。 cpsc.gov | Fairy tales and make-believe are popular [...] with the early elementary grade [...] children, while topics of magic, the world, animals, [...]mysteries, and “kids just like them” [...]are appealing to older elementary grade children. cpsc.gov |
連場精彩熱鬧的歌舞,配合「食物運輸帶」、「超級大昆蟲」、「巨型檸檬」及「特大茶杯」等別出心裁的巨型道具、加上投影與色彩豐富的場景設計,交織成一幕幕目不暇給 的 魔幻 奇 觀 ,將格列佛勇敢面對難關的故事活現舞台。 hkiac.gov.hk | The spectacular stage design, including humorous props such as a gigantic food conveyor belt, an insect and a lemon, is wonderfully combined with projection, music and dance to bring the wacky characters in the Jonathan Swift classic, Gulliver's Travels, to life. hkiac.gov.hk |
他誘人的、魔幻的世 界是感官享受之一,吸引觀眾分享他對自然界的熱情。 ravenelart.com | His enchanting and magic world is a feast [...] for the senses and invites the audience to share his passion and enthusiasm for nature. ravenelart.com |
這對兄弟檔演員談到了「哈利波特的 魔幻 世 界 特展」、在演出史上最大規模電影系列之後的生活和經營主題標籤 #pleasegodnoscreamingchildrennexttomeontheplane (拜託老天,在飛機上別讓我旁邊坐著大吵大鬧的小孩)為何出奇地成功。 hk.marinabaysands.com | The actors discuss Harry Potter: The Exhibition, life after the biggest movie franchise in history and why the hashtag #pleasegodnoscreamingchildrennexttomeontheplane works like magic. marinabaysands.com |
通过沙漠之旅可体验美丽且具有魔幻 色 彩的阿拉伯半岛。 shangri-la.com | Experience the beauty and magic of the Arabian Peninsula [...] on desert safaris. shangri-la.com |
以《魔戒》系列、《金剛》、《魔幻 王 國 》、《D-9異形禁區》與及《阿凡達》等獲獎電影創作項目為人所熟悉的WETA,創立的收藏品專門店將曾於一眾電影出現的經典道具複製品以及角色場景模型等,以驚異的設計和精細手工讓它們猶如活物般重現眼前,影迷們親身接觸後,必定感到夢想成真。 think-silly.com | Its store specializes in collectables such as film character figures and props models. think-silly.com |
绅士 SENSE –海上魔幻空间 LIVE THE MAGIC OF THE SEA 全新概念的奢华休闲帆船,注重航海的休闲体验及海上生活的舒适性。 beneteau.cn | Beneteau Sailing Yachts offers complete ranges for the customers to satisfy every sailing program. beneteau.cn |
带神秘色彩如迷信和运气方面的故事,会 比 魔幻 故 事 更受欢迎。 cpsc.gov | Mystic elements like superstition and luck become more favorable to [...] read about than stories of magic. cpsc.gov |
參與製作電影包括「加勒比海盜」、「達文西密碼」、「天使與魔鬼」、「緣份精華遊」、「街頭超人」、「朱古力獎門人」、「小飛俠前傳 之 魔幻 童 心 」、「史密夫決戰史密妻」、「靈感應」、「狂野極速」、「職業特工隊」、「盜海豪情」系列、「天羅盜網」、「特攻闊少爺」、「窺兇殺人」、「火拼時速」系列、「犯罪帝國」、「魔法童話夜」、「貓女俠」、「哈利波特混血王子的背叛」、「狼人」、「義勇群英」、「最後武士」及「功夫夢」,以及電視劇集「24」、「滅罪鑑證科」、「鐵證懸案」、「醫神」、「欲骨查」、「TV [...] Record」及「逃」。 fso-createhk.gov.hk | The company participated in the production of films including "Pirates of the [...] Caribbean", "The Da Vinci [...] Code", "Angels & Demons", "The Holiday", "Hancock", "Hulk", "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory", "Finding Neverland", "Mr & Mrs Smith", [...]"Ghost Whisperer", [...]"The Fast and The Furious", "Mission: Impossible", "Ocean" series, "The Italian Job", "Largo Winch", "Disturbia", "Rush Hour" series, "American Gangster", "Bedtime Stories", "Catwoman", "Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince", "Wolfman", "G.I. Joe", "The Last Samurai" and "The Karate Kid"; and TV dramas "24", "CSI", "Cold Case", "Bones", "House", "TV Record" and "Prison Break". fso-createhk.gov.hk |
它受到国际潮流如欧洲存在主义和拉丁美 洲 魔幻 现 实 主义的激发。 embassyusa.cn | It has been vitalized by international currents such as European existentialism [...] and Latin American magical realism. eng.embassyusa.cn |
其精彩的全新广告策划将品牌产品分成四个鲜明,惊心动魄 的 魔幻 世 界 的产品系列 – 然而是他们全新的网站www.rogerdubuis.com ,给予每个空间更整体的感官体验。 iontime.ch | Their brilliant new advertising campaign stages the product families in four bold and emotional worlds – but it’s the new website www.rogerdubuis.com, which gives the comprehensive view on their distinctive universe. iontime.ch |
将近 1200 位观众观看了这 场魔幻秀,以及随后放映的几个短片。 motion.kodak.com | Nearly 1,200 [...] spectators saw a magic show, followed by [...]a series of short films. motion.kodak.com |
你们誓言擦去所有轻蔑之墙上所谓非洲是科技沙漠,是充斥荒谬异教之 歌和魔幻思想的撒哈拉,无视非洲将大力推动科学进步并带动受益国大 幅前进的陈词滥调。 daccess-ods.un.org | You have promised to break down the barriers of disdain and to dispel all those tired clichés according to which Africa is a scientific and technological desert, a Sahara resonating with nonsensical pagan chants and voodoo rites, unmoved by and indifferent to the powerful tide of scientific progress that bears up and pushes forward the winning countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
典禮節目包括18區啦啦隊在前奏節目中表演,魔術大師李行齊進行大 型 魔幻 表 演;香港城市室樂團現場演奏全港運動會主題曲「人人起勁」、鼓樂及舞蹈匯演等。 news.gov.hk | The ceremony’s programme included [...] performances by district [...] cheering teams, a grand illusion show by magician Avon Lee, and [...]the City Chamber Orchestra of [...]Hong Kong playing the games’ theme song ‘Come on Games On’. news.gov.hk |