

单词 魏晋



generic term for historic period 220-589 between Han and Sui
Wei, Jin and North-South dynasties

See also:

the Jin Dynasties (265-420)
move forward
surname Jin

External sources (not reviewed)

NVIDIA的3D视觉提供优异的质量,性能和兼容性要求我们的消费者享受身临其境的3D娱乐体验,说: 魏晋 思 想 的产物,联想集团董事。
NVIDIA’s 3D Vision delivers superior quality, performance and compatibility required
to our consumers to enjoy an immersive 3D entertainment
[...] experience,” said Wei Jin, director of [...]
Lenovo Idea product group.
基本法》规定的平等和非歧视 的原则已实现于普通法律之上,订明公职投考人的平等条件和机会,以及在公务 系统内的平晋升。
The principles of equality and non-discrimination enshrined in the BL are expressly recognized under ordinary legislation through the equality of conditions and opportunities for all
candidates to public office and positions, and
[...] equality concerning the right to promotion within the ranks [...]
of the civil service.
2008-2009 年,这些行动所用的资金十分有限,主要用于可行性研究,编制项目建议或选定的试
[...] 点活动,包括以色列全国委员会建议在雷霍沃 魏 兹 曼科学研究所设立一个国际生物技术 [...]
(基因技术、蛋白质技术和生物信息技术)中心,在第比利斯(格鲁吉亚)建立一个高加索 生物技术研究所,国际联合核研究所(JINR)基准中心开展的发展中国家青年研究者培训活
动,俄罗斯联邦关于教科文组织卫星科教项目的初步建议,埃塞俄比亚和其他会员国提出的 2011 年国际化学年建议以及成立教科文组织教席国际基础科学计划多国基金会。
In 20082009, these initiatives entailed very limited financial implications, principally for feasibility studies, the preparation of project proposals or selected pilot activities, including for the creation of a international Biomics
(genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics)
[...] centre at the Weizmann Institute of [...]
Science in Rehovot proposed by the Israeli
National Commission; the establishment in Tbilisi (Georgia) of a Caucasian Institute of Biotechnology; the development of the activity of the International JINR Benchmark Centre for training of young researchers from developing countries; the preliminary proposal by the Russian Federation for a UNESCO satellite science education project; the International Year of Chemistry in 2011 proposed by Ethiopia and other Member States; and the foundation of the IBSP cluster of UNESCO Chairs.
晋升的 程序有了些改进,但由于不加以执行,工作人员获 晋 升 (不论其符合与 否)最常见的还是靠上级领导的好感,而不是在公平合理的基础上来决定。
Despite changes in promotion procedures, due to their non-application, most often staff members who do benefit from a promotion obtain it (whether it is merited or not) thanks to the sympathy of their supervisors and not on an equitable basis.
魏氏亦曾為 Echosphere International [...]
Mr. Wade had also served [...]
as Executive Director for Echosphere International (Echostar), where he established Echosphere's
permanent Asian operations in Singapore while managing the company's activities in Asia and the Middle East.
此外,委员 会认识到,P-2/1 员额是通过青年专业人员方案征聘工作人员的主要途径,也使 通过从其他职类转为专业职类的竞争性征聘考试的一般事务人员得 晋 升。
In addition, the Committee is aware that P-2/1 posts are the primary avenue for the recruitment of staff through the young professionals programme and also allow for the advancement of General Service staff who are successful in the competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category of staff members from other categories.
副董事長雷凡培先生 因工作原因未能出席,委托副董事長謝偉良先生行使表決權;董事張俊超先生因工 作原因未能出席,委托董事王占臣先生行使表決權;獨立董事曲曉輝女士因工作原 因未能出席,委托獨立董事談振輝先生行使表決權;獨立董 魏 煒 先 生因工作原因 未能出席,委托獨立董事陳乃蔚先生行使表決權;獨立董事石義德先生因工作原因 未能出席,委托獨立董事陳乃蔚先生行使表決權。
Mr. Timothy Alexander Steinert, Independent Director, was unable to attend the meeting due to work reasons, and had authorised Mr. Chen Naiwei, Independent Director, to vote on his behalf.
本公司執行董事及副行政總魏義軍先生於一九九六年六月三日與亞洲衛星有限公司訂立服務合約, [...]
初步為期兩年,由一九九六年六月十八日至一九九八年六月十七日,並於往後繼續生效,除非或直至任 何一方向另一方於最初兩年屆滿時或其後之任何時間發出不少於六個曆月之書面通知,予以終止。
Mr. William WADE, an ED and the [...]
DCEO of the Company entered into a service contract with Asia Satellite Telecommunications
Company Limited on 3 June 1996 for an initial term of two years from 18 June 1996 to 17 June 1998 and thereafter, the contract shall continue unless or until terminated by either party in writing giving to the other not less than six calendar months’ notice in writing to expire on or at any time after the end of the initial two-year period.
[...] 确保少数群体人员不受歧视地行使劳工权利,包括在招聘、报酬 晋 升 , 加入和 组织工会并参与其活动的权利、诉诸职业总裁法庭、产假、育儿及退休金等领 域。
Employers should ensure that persons from minority groups have access to their labour rights without
discrimination, including in the areas of hiring,
[...] remuneration, promotion, the right to [...]
join and form trade unions and to take part
in their activities, access to employment tribunals, maternity leave, childcare and pensions.
[...] 是外勤部设立的尊重多样性工作队的积极成员,设立该工作队是为确保秘书处最 大限度地利用征聘、甄选晋升工 作带来的机会,以吸引和留住在外地行动各级 [...]
The Secretariat Focal Point for Women would be an active member of the task force on respect for diversity, which was established by DFS to ensure that the Secretariat maximizes the
opportunities afforded by the recruitment,
[...] selection and promotion processes to [...]
attract and retain highly qualified women
to serve at all levels in field operations.
该国 政府还指出,“在针对尼泊尔军队的指控本身就是未加证实且自相矛盾的情况 下,在证明某人有罪之前不晋升的 做法违背了自然公正原则。
The Government further stated that when “the allegation against the NA itself is unproven and
contradictory, it would be against the principle of natural justice to
[...] withhold the promotion of a person [...]
until proven guilty.
(iii) 中心将制定其涵盖领域的全年培训计划(启动年 6 个,此后每年 12 个), 由以色列各大高校根据各自的专长来实施,主要包 魏 兹 曼 科学研究院、耶 路撒冷希伯来大学、特拉维夫大学、海法大学、以色列科技(Technion)大 学、巴伊兰大学、本-古里安大学和农业研究组织(Volcani 研究所); (iv) 中心将利用这些具体领域现有的硕士和博士后研究与培训计划、奖学金和奖 项开展活动。
(iii) It will provide full-year training programmes (six in the start-up year and 12 annually thereafter) on fields covered by the Centre, to be hosted by various Israeli universities according to their expertise, notably, the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv University, the Haifa University, the Israel University of Technology (Technion), the Bar Llan University, the Ben-Gurion University and the Agricultural Research Organization (Volcani Institute).
魏教授的見解,也令我思考中國在過去20年來所出現的翻天覆地的 [...]
改變及突飛猛進的發展,而各種自由度逐漸增加與這場運動是否有密切 的關係呢?
Prof WEI's views inspired [...]
me to contemplate whether there is any close relation between this movement and the increase in
the degree of various freedoms through the radical changes and tremendous progress over the past 20 years.
董事認為,本集團的直接控股公司及最終控股公司分別為山 魏 橋 創 業集團有限公司(「集團公司」)及鄒平 [...]
In the opinion of the directors, the immediate holding company
and the ultimate holding company of the Group
[...] are Shandong Weiqiao Chuangye Group [...]
Company Limited (the “Holding Company”)
and Zouping Supply and Marketing Investment Company Limited (“Zouping Investment”), both of which are limited liability companies established in the PRC.
2.1 在第一次世界大戰後,新成立魏瑪 共 和國5 (Weimar Republic) 根據其憲法成立了一個議會制的政府,即由聯邦議院 的多數黨組成執政政府。
2.1 After the First World War, parliamentary government was established by the constitution of the newly formed Weimar Republic5 , which meant the majority party in the Bundestag would form the ruling government.
魏斯布 罗德先生(以色列)(以英语发言):我想告 知大会成员,以色列加入了有关援助巴勒斯坦人民的 第 64/125 号决议的协商一致意见。
(Israel): I would like to share with Assembly members the fact that Israel has joined the consensus on resolution 64/125 concerning assistance to the Palestinian people.
[...] 現為一家於聯交所主板上市的公魏 橋 紡 織股份有限公司(股份代號:2698)獨立非執行董 事。
Mr. Chan is currently an independent non-executive
[...] director of Weiqiao Textile Company [...]
Limited (stock code: 2698), a company listed
on the main board of the Stock Exchange.
因此,附件 I(修订的预算拨款表)简要介绍了在拨款项目之间进行的所有预算调整和 转账情况,包括与第 IV 篇以及重新定级/择晋升储备金有关的调整和转账。
Consequently, Annex I (Revised Appropriation Table) provides a summary of all budgetary adjustments and transfers made between appropriation lines, including those relating to Part IV and the reserve for reclassification/merit-based promotions.
并为生产透 析机而在魏因富特专门建立了一个 工厂。1979年,工厂开始连续生产 费森尤斯研制的第一种型号的透析 机“A 2008”。
In a plant in Schweinfurt, Germany, that was opened for precisely this purpose, the serial production of the first Fresenius dialysis machine, the A 2008, started in 1979.
现行《劳动法》第 5 条规定,不带任何歧视地确保雇员平等,包 晋 升等 级,同时考虑到劳动生产率、资格和某种专业经历的年限,是劳动关系管理的一 项基本原则。
Ensuring equality of employees, without any discrimination, including at promotion stage, while taking into account the labour productivity, qualifications and length of experience with a certain specialisation, is amongst the fundamental principles of regulation of labour relations, set by article 5 of the Labour Code in force.
根据制定报告前召开的专家会议在审 查了妇女在联合国的任职条件并与其他机构提供的 条件进行比较之后得出的结论,联合国通常使妇女 处于 P-3 和 P-4
[...] 级别,因为她们可能在联合国组织之 外获晋升机 会,而有时她们并不希望在联合国终 [...]
A meeting of experts held in the context of preparation of the report, to review the working conditions of women in the Organization as compared to conditions elsewhere, had concluded that the Organization had difficulty retaining women at
the P-3 and P-4 levels because they had
[...] opportunities for promotion outside the [...]
Organization, they did not necessarily wish
to be employed for life in the Organization, or because mobility was encouraged.
(b) 在不妨碍以工作人员细则 4.15 规定晋升作为承认责任加重和确有能 [...]
力的通常办法的原则之下,定期或连续任用工作人员奉命临时承担某一职位的全 部职务和责任时,如该职位显然高于其原职,而且为期超过三个月,可在例外情 况下,自担任较高职位后的第四个月开始,准予领取不计养恤金的特别职位津贴。
(b) Without prejudice to the
[...] principle that promotion under staff [...]
rule 4.15 shall be the normal means of recognizing increased
responsibilities and demonstrated ability, a staff member holding a fixed-term or continuing appointment who is called upon to assume the full duties and responsibilities of a post at a clearly recognizable higher level than his or her own for a temporary period exceeding three months may, in exceptional cases, be granted a non-pensionable special post allowance from the beginning of the fourth month of service at the higher level.
如果没有人反对,我就认为,安全理事会同意根 据其暂行议事规则第 39 条向彼得·施魏格尔先生阁 下发出邀请。
If I hear no objection, I shall take it that the Security Council agrees to extend an invitation under rule 39 of its provisional rules of procedure to His Excellency Mr. Peter Schwaiger.
事实表明,哈加达是在Babli更突出,它的形式,按 魏 斯 ( “多尔,”三19),超过三分之一,而它只占耶路莎米六分之一,是由于在从某种意义上说,到了希伯来文学的发展历程。
The fact that the Haggadah is much more prominent in Babli, of which it forms, according to Weiss ("Dor," iii. 19), more than one-third, while it constitutes only one-sixth of Yerushalmi, was due, in a sense, to the course of the development of Hebrew literature.
魏生先 生是上海茂昌眼鏡派駐香港的職員,於1961年創立了AOC (ASIA OPTICAL CO.)。
Mr. Cheung founded AOC (Asia Optical Co.) in 1960, when he was a Hong Kong based staff from Shanghai for Hong Kong Optical Co.
(iv) 於二零零三年五月十四日訂立的土地使用權租 賃協議,開始日期及屆滿日期分別為二零零三
[...] 年五月十四日及二零二三年五月十四日,有魏橋第 三生產區土地的年度租金開支為人民幣 [...]
(iv) Land use rights lease agreement dated 14 May 2003 with the commencement date and expiry date on 14 May 2003 and 14 May
2023, respectively, at an annual rental expense of RMB1,503,000 for the land
[...] relating to the Weiqiao Third Production Area.
梅賽德斯-奔馳香港有限公司營運總 魏 德 博 士表示:「作為汽車的發明者,我們長遠的目標是刺激和推動本港在環保科技上的發展,引進嶄新技術和零排放車輛,創造更綠化的香港。
Dr. Claus Weidner, Chief Operating Officer, Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited, said, "As the in-ventor of automobile, our long-term ambition is to stimulate environmentally friendly technology development in Hong Kong, bringing in new technologies and emission-free mobility to build a greener Hong Kong.
梅賽德斯-奔馳香港有限公司營運總 魏 德 博 士表示﹕「全新平治CLS 系列不但擁有令人怦然心動的設計及極緻動感的魅力,我們更於四門轎車汽車類別上領先一代。
Dr. Claus Weidner, Chief Operating Officer of Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited says “With its exciting design and refined sportiness, the new edition of the CLS also benefits from the fact that we are a whole generation ahead of the competition with our four-door Coupé.
今天集團響應了社會企業 Green Monday 的活動,為後勤同事舉辦了「素食星期一」午餐,並邀請了兩位創辦人楊駿業先生 魏 華 星 先生出席,向大家推廣綠色生活態度,提倡綠色飲食文化。
To support the activities of the social enterprise Green Monday, the Group held a "Meatless Monday" Lunch for its back office staff today and invited Mr. David Yeung and Mr. Francis Ngai, co-founders of Green Monday, to promote the green lifestyle and advocate the culture of green diet.




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