单词 | 魏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 魏—the Wei dynasty 221-265less common: Wei prefecture and Wei county at different historical periods tower over a palace gateway (old) surname Wei name of vassal state of Zhou dynasty from 661 BC in Shanxi, one of the Seven Hero Warring States Examples:拓跋魏—Wei of the Northern Dynasties (386-534) 魏京生—Wei Jingsheng (1950-), Beijing-based Chinese dissident, imprisoned 1978-1993 and 1995-1997, released the US in 1997 汉末魏初—late Han and early Wei (roughly, first half of 3rd century AD)
并为生产透 析机而在施魏因富特专门建立了一个 工厂。1979年,工厂开始连续生产 费森尤斯研制的第一种型号的透析 机“A 2008”。 fresenius100.de | In a plant in Schweinfurt, Germany, that was opened for precisely this purpose, the serial production of the first Fresenius dialysis machine, the A 2008, started in 1979. fresenius100.de |
如果没有人反对,我就认为,安全理事会同意根 据其暂行议事规则第 39 条向彼得·施魏格尔先生阁 下发出邀请。 daccess-ods.un.org | If I hear no objection, I shall take it that the Security Council agrees to extend an invitation under rule 39 of its provisional rules of procedure to His Excellency Mr. Peter Schwaiger. daccess-ods.un.org |
我请施魏格尔先生在安理会会议厅一侧为其保 留的座位上就座。 daccess-ods.un.org | I invite Mr. Schwaigerto take the seat reserved for him at the side of the Council Chamber. daccess-ods.un.org |
魏氏亦曾为 Echosphere International [...] 之执行董事,在任期间在新加坡建立了Echosphere的亚洲区永久营运基地,并同时处理该企业在亚洲和中东的业务。 asiasat.com | Mr. Wadehadalso served [...] as Executive Director for Echosphere International (Echostar), where he established Echosphere's [...]permanent Asian operations in Singapore while managing the company's activities in Asia and the Middle East. asiasat.com |
2008-2009 年,这些行动所用的资金十分有限,主要用于可行性研究,编制项目建议或选定的试 [...] 点活动,包括以色列全国委员会建议在雷霍沃特魏兹曼科学研究所设立一个国际生物技术 [...](基因技术、蛋白质技术和生物信息技术)中心,在第比利斯(格鲁吉亚)建立一个高加索 生物技术研究所,国际联合核研究所(JINR)基准中心开展的发展中国家青年研究者培训活 [...]动,俄罗斯联邦关于教科文组织卫星科教项目的初步建议,埃塞俄比亚和其他会员国提出的 2011 年国际化学年建议以及成立教科文组织教席国际基础科学计划多国基金会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In 20082009, these initiatives entailed very limited financial implications, principally for feasibility studies, the preparation of project proposals or selected pilot activities, including for the creation of a international Biomics [...] (genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics) [...] centre atthe Weizmann Institute of [...]Science in Rehovot proposed by the Israeli [...]National Commission; the establishment in Tbilisi (Georgia) of a Caucasian Institute of Biotechnology; the development of the activity of the International JINR Benchmark Centre for training of young researchers from developing countries; the preliminary proposal by the Russian Federation for a UNESCO satellite science education project; the International Year of Chemistry in 2011 proposed by Ethiopia and other Member States; and the foundation of the IBSP cluster of UNESCO Chairs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
副董事长雷凡培先生 因工作原因未能出席,委托副董事长谢伟良先生行使表决权;董事张俊超先生因工 作原因未能出席,委托董事王占臣先生行使表决权;独立董事曲晓辉女士因工作原 因未能出席,委托独立董事谈振辉先生行使表决权;独立董事魏炜先生因工作原因 未能出席,委托独立董事陈乃蔚先生行使表决权;独立董事石义德先生因工作原因 未能出席,委托独立董事陈乃蔚先生行使表决权。 zte.com.cn | Mr. Timothy Alexander Steinert, Independent Director, was unable to attend the meeting due to work reasons, and had authorised Mr. Chen Naiwei, Independent Director, to vote on his behalf. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
魏先生现 为 上 海 财 经 大 学 金 融 博 士(论 文 阶 段 )。 zte.com.cn | He is a doctoral candidate in finance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
本公司执行董事及副行政总裁魏义军先生於一九九六年六月三日与亚洲卫星有限公司订立服务合约, [...] 初步为期两年,由一九九六年六月十八日至一九九八年六月十七日,并於往後继续生效,除非或直至任 何一方向另一方於最初两年届满时或其後之任何时间发出不少於六个历月之书面通知,予以终止。 asiasat.com | Mr. William WADE, anED and the [...] DCEO of the Company entered into a service contract with Asia Satellite Telecommunications [...]Company Limited on 3 June 1996 for an initial term of two years from 18 June 1996 to 17 June 1998 and thereafter, the contract shall continue unless or until terminated by either party in writing giving to the other not less than six calendar months’ notice in writing to expire on or at any time after the end of the initial two-year period. asiasat.com |
在柏林墙倒塌的那一年,福伊特在上巴伐利亚的魏尔海姆雄高县建立了目前为止最大的脱墨制浆工厂。 voith.com | In the year when the Berlin Wall comes down, Voith builds its biggest deinking plant so far in Weilheim-Schongau, Upper Bavaria, for the production of recycled paper. voith.com |
(iii) 中心将制定其涵盖领域的全年培训计划(启动年 6 个,此后每年 12 个), 由以色列各大高校根据各自的专长来实施,主要包括魏兹曼科学研究院、耶 路撒冷希伯来大学、特拉维夫大学、海法大学、以色列科技(Technion)大 学、巴伊兰大学、本-古里安大学和农业研究组织(Volcani 研究所); (iv) 中心将利用这些具体领域现有的硕士和博士后研究与培训计划、奖学金和奖 项开展活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (iii) It will provide full-year training programmes (six in the start-up year and 12 annually thereafter) on fields covered by the Centre, to be hosted by various Israeli universities according to their expertise, notably, the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv University, the Haifa University, the Israel University of Technology (Technion), the Bar Llan University, the Ben-Gurion University and the Agricultural Research Organization (Volcani Institute). unesdoc.unesco.org |
董事认为,本集团的直接控股公司及最终控股公司分别为山东魏桥创业集团有限公司(「集团公司」)及邹平 [...] 供销投资有限公司(「邹平投资」),两家公司均为於中国成立的有限责任公司。 wqfz.com | In the opinion of the directors, the immediate holding company [...] and the ultimate holding company of the Group [...] are ShandongWeiqiao Chuangye Group [...]Company Limited (the “Holding Company”) [...]and Zouping Supply and Marketing Investment Company Limited (“Zouping Investment”), both of which are limited liability companies established in the PRC. wqfz.com |
魏斯布罗德先生(以色列)(以英语发言):我想告 知大会成员,以色列加入了有关援助巴勒斯坦人民的 第 64/125 号决议的协商一致意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Israel): I would like to share with Assembly members the fact that Israel has joined the consensus on resolution 64/125 concerning assistance to the Palestinian people. daccess-ods.un.org |
陈先生 [...] 现为一家於联交所主板上市的公司魏桥纺织股份有限公司(股份代号:2698)独立非执行董 事。 cre8ir.com | Mr. Chan is currently an independent non-executive [...] directorof Weiqiao Textile Company [...]Limited (stock code: 2698), a company listed [...]on the main board of the Stock Exchange. cre8ir.com |
事实表明,哈加达是在Babli更突出,它的形式,按照魏斯(“多尔,”三19),超过三分之一,而它只占耶路莎米六分之一,是由于在从某种意义上说,到了希伯来文学的发展历程。 mb-soft.com | The fact that the Haggadah is much more prominent in Babli, of which it forms, according to Weiss ("Dor," iii. 19), more than one-third, while it constitutes only one-sixth of Yerushalmi, was due, in a sense, to the course of the development of Hebrew literature. mb-soft.com |
郑魏生先生是上海茂昌眼镜派驻香港的职员,於1961年创立了AOC (ASIA OPTICAL CO.)。 think-silly.com | Mr. Cheung founded AOC (Asia Optical Co.) in 1960, when he was a Hong Kong based staff from Shanghai for Hong Kong Optical Co. think-silly.com |
(iv) 於二零零三年五月十四日订立的土地使用权租 赁协议,开始日期及届满日期分别为二零零三 [...] 年五月十四日及二零二三年五月十四日,有关魏桥第三生产区土地的年度租金开支为人民币 [...]1,503,000元。 wqfz.com | (iv) Land use rights lease agreement dated 14 May 2003 with the commencement date and expiry date on 14 May 2003 and 14 May [...] 2023, respectively, at an annual rental expense of RMB1,503,000 for the land [...] relating to the Weiqiao ThirdProduction Area. wqfz.com |
这是不正确的,但是,谈论的巴比伦犹太法典缺少的部分,因为在所有的概率部分被完全忽略了它在工作的最后节录忽视,并因此永远致力于写作(对于不同的意见看魏斯,“多尔,”三271)。 mb-soft.com | It is incorrect, however, to speak of missing portions of the Babylonian Talmud, since in all probability the sections which it omits were entirely disregarded in the final redaction of the work, and were consequently never committed to writing (for a divergent opinion see Weiss, "Dor," iii. 271). mb-soft.com |
的与艾尔莎Zylberstein街道被捕後,莫布森推出了一个新的运动与城市的缪斯女神,盖亚魏斯,一个年轻的女演员後,康斯弗洛伦特。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Arrested after the street with Elsa Zylberstein, Mauboussin launched a new campaign with the urban muse, Gaia Weiss, a young actress after the Cours Florent. en.horloger-paris.com |
梅赛德斯-奔驰香港有限公司营运总裁魏德博士表示:「作为汽车的发明者,我们长远的目标是刺激和推动本港在环保科技上的发展,引进崭新技术和零排放车辆,创造更绿化的香港。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Dr. Claus Weidner, Chief Operating Officer, Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited, said, "As the in-ventor of automobile, our long-term ambition is to stimulate environmentally friendly technology development in Hong Kong, bringing in new technologies and emission-free mobility to build a greener Hong Kong. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
魏德米勒提供了新的 防雷及电涌保护器系列VPU 并确保规划的安全性和投资保护。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Weidmüller offers the new [...] Lightning and surge protection series VPU and ensures planning security and investment protection. en.developmentscout.com |
梅赛德斯-奔驰香港有限公司营运总裁魏德博士表示﹕「全新平治CLS 系列不但拥有令人怦然心动的设计及极致动感的魅力,我们更於四门轿车汽车类别上领先一代。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Dr. Claus Weidner, Chief Operating Officer of Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited says “With its exciting design and refined sportiness, the new edition of the CLS also benefits from the fact that we are a whole generation ahead of the competition with our four-door Coupé. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
艾讯应用电脑暨网路设备事业处产品经理魏炳琨表示,iCON-1141系列产品符合 [...] IEC61850-3、IEEE1613 以及 EN50121-4 等多项国际认证标准,充份满足光纤网路的布线需求,提供使用者轻易且超值的光纤网路通讯布线技术。 taiwanslot.com.tw | According toPhilip Wei, Product Manager [...] of Applied computing & Network Device Business Unit at Axiomtek, the iCON-1141 [...]series products comply with multiple international standards including IEC61850-3, IEEE1613 and EN50121-4, can fully meet the emerging deployment needs of optical fiber network and allow users to connect a twisted-pair network to optical-fiber network easily and cost-effectively. taiwanslot.com.tw |
今天集团响应了社会企业 Green Monday 的活动,为後勤同事举办了「素食星期一」午餐,并邀请了两位创办人杨骏业先生及魏华星先生出席,向大家推广绿色生活态度,提倡绿色饮食文化。 convoyfinancial.com | To support the activities of the social enterprise Green Monday, the Group held a "Meatless Monday" Lunch for its back office staff today and invited Mr. David Yeung and Mr. Francis Ngai, co-founders of Green Monday, to promote the green lifestyle and advocate the culture of green diet. convoyfinancial.com |
大会开幕式的嘉宾包括:澳门特别行政区行政长官代表、运输工务司司长刘仕尧, 中央人民政府驻澳门联络办公室副主任李本钧,国家发展和改革委员会国家能源局副局长赵小平,中华人民共和国外交部驻澳门特别行政区公署副特派员宋彦斌,亚太电协代主席兼台湾电力公司董事长陈贵明,亚太电协筹委会主席兼澳电行政总裁魏立民(Franklin Willemyns)及西门子有限公司输电部行政总裁Dr. cem-macau.com | Opening ceremony officiating guests included Lau Si Io, the representative of the Macau SAR Chief Executive, Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Li Benjun, Deputy Director of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the MSAR, Zhao Xiaoping, Deputy Director General of National Energy Bureau and Vice Minister of Development and Reform Commission Energy Bureau, Song Yanbin, Deputy Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the MSAR People’s Republic of China, Edward Chen, Acting President of AESIEAP and Chairman of Taiwan Power Company, Franklin Willemyns, CEPSI Organizing Committee Chairman and CEM Chief Executive Officer, and Udo W. H. Niehage, CEO of the Division Power Transmission, Siemens. cem-macau.com |
WAI的作品、研究和写作在杂志、期刊上发表,其中包括纽约和柏林的Pin-Up杂志,鹿特丹的城市规划杂志MONU,奥斯陆的Condition杂志,阿姆斯特丹的Mark杂志和Pop Up City杂志,Horizonte杂志在魏玛,米兰的Domus杂志以及Studio杂志,DPR-巴塞罗那杂志在巴塞罗那,以及亚伯达的On Site期刊,等等。 chinese-architects.com | WAI’s work, research and writings have been published in magazines and journals around the world including Pin-Up Magazine in New York and Berlin, MONU Magazine on Urbanism in Rotterdam, Conditions Magazine in Oslo, Mark Magazine and the Pop Up City in Amsterdam, Horizonte Magazine in Weimar, Domus Magazine and Studio Magazine in Milan, DPR-Barcelona in Barcelona, and On Site Journal in Alberta, among others. chinese-architects.com |
於本公布发表日期,本公司董事会包括三名执行董事陈策先生、魏华生先生及王大明先生,以及三名独立 [...] 非执行董事陈炳权先生、TAN Yee Boon 先生及王家骅先生。 earnest-inv.com | As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company [...] consists of three executive directors, Mr. CHAN [...] Chak Paul,Mr.NGAI Wah Sang and [...]Mr. WANG Daming and three independent non-executive [...]directors, Mr. CHAN Francis Ping Kuen, Mr. TAN Yee Boon and Mr. WANG Jia Hua. earnest-inv.com |
我们主要客户包括Visa、荷兰银行、德意志银行、香港贸易发展局、联合国、曼谷医院、雅高亚太地区、香格里拉大酒店集团、澳大利亚保险集团、泰国联合广播公司、世邦魏理仕、 乐购集团、索尼、马来西亚航空公司、香港旅游发展局、泰国航空公司、松下、沃达丰电讯,新加坡电信和东方海外货柜航运等大型本地和跨国公司。 inetasia.com | Our flagship clients include major local and multinational corporations such as Visa, ABN AMRO, Deutsche Bank, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the United Nations, Samitivej Hospitals, Accor Asia Pacific, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, IAG Insurance, United Broadcasting Corporation, CB Richard Ellis, Tesco Lotus, Sony, Malaysia Airlines, Hong Kong Tourism Board, Thai Airways, Panasonic, SmarTone-Vodafone, SingTel and Orient Overseas Container Line. inetasia.com |
世邦魏理仕全球多重管理人分部 (GMM) 是全球最大房地产机构投资管理人之一,世邦魏理仕全球投资部的私募股权间接投资分部,截止 2012 年 6 月 30 日旗下管理资产为 122 亿美元。 glprop.com | CBRE Global Multi Manager (GMM) is a multi manager with $12.2 billion in assets under management* as of June 30, 2012, and is the private equity indirect investment division ofCBRE Global Investors, which is one of the largest institutional real estate investment managers in the world. glprop.com |