单词 | 鬼怪般的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鬼怪般的 adjective—spectral adjSee also:鬼怪—phantom (aircraft type) • monstrosity • hobgoblin • bogey
因此,我們無須將集體談判權這東西說成是妖 魔 鬼怪 或洪 水猛獸般。 legco.gov.hk | Hence there is no need for us to view this right to [...] collective bargaining as a devil or a monster. legco.gov.hk |
令我感到相當 奇怪的是,一般而言,對於不同的意見總會有一些質詢、反駁或辯論, 但今天卻完全沒有。 legco.gov.hk | I find it odd that, generally speaking, there are [...] always some queries, rebuttal or debate on differing views but today, there is none whatsoever. legco.gov.hk |
一來到了福克斯冰河飯店所舉辦的萬 聖 節派對,我們馬上與妖 魔 鬼怪 一 起 合照。 4tern.com | When we arrived [...] at the party, we quickly shot some photos with the other ghosts and demons. 4tern.com |
難怪㆒般㆟相信, 本港的財富操縱於極少數的超級富豪及「打工皇帝」手㆖,不公平的情況是非常明顯 的。 legco.gov.hk | No wonder that it is generally believed that the [...] wealth of Hong Kong is controlled in the hands of a handful of super-rich [...]and those earning a high salary. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 是否知悉該等報導及節目對公眾,尤其是兒童所產生的不良心理影響;及 副主席先生,政府對有關占卜、玄學、靈魂學 及 鬼怪 異 象 的 新 聞 報導及電視節目所採 取的政策,與處理傳媒報導其他題材所採取的 ㆒ 般 政 策 並無分別。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR RECREATION AND CULTURE: Mr Deputy President, the Government's policy on press reports and television [...] programmes on fortune [...] telling, supernaturalism, spiritualism, evil spirits and weird phenomena is no different from its general policy on media coverage on other subjects. legco.gov.hk |
欲探寻更多历史往事,您可以来到奥法利郡的利普城堡(Leap Castle),据说这里盘踞着多个鬼怪, 其 中最吓 人 的 是 一个身材矮小的驼背生物,它出现时伴随着一具散发着恶臭的腐烂尸体和硫磺味道。 discoverireland.com | For more dramatic history, you could take a [...] trip to Leap Castle in County [...] Offaly, which is said to be haunted by a number of spectres, [...]the most terrifying being a small [...]hunched creature whose apparition is accompanied by a rotting stench of a decomposing corpse and the smell of sulphur. discoverireland.com |
這樣 的 情 況 使 我 感 到 他們這 些 財 團 就 好 像 吸 血鬼般 , 有機會的話 仍 會 不斷地 吸 吮 我們。 legco.gov.hk | This makes me feel that these consortia are no [...] different from vampires and they will keep on sucking blood from us whenever there is a chance to. legco.gov.hk |
我對這種安排感到有點奇怪,因為一 般 來 說 ,工 作 的 試 用 期會比較短, 在試用期滿後,如果感到滿意,便會有較長的聘任期。 legco.gov.hk | I find this [...] arrangement somewhat strange, because under normal circumstances, [...]the probation period of a job would be shorter, [...]and when the probation period has expired and the incumbent is considered satisfactory, a longer term of office would be offered. legco.gov.hk |
難怪㆒般輿論 都認為,這 份施政報告反映出「夕陽政府」無意為本 港 的 未 來 作出長 遠 的 承 擔。 legco.gov.hk | No wonder public opinion generally regards this policy address as an illustration that the "sunset Government" has no intention [...] [...] to make long-term commitment for Hong Kong's future. legco.gov.hk |
我本來不信這些迷信的話,但是當我看見在審議《行 [...] 政長官選舉條例草案》期間,死屍突然伸出一隻中央可以在任何情況下罷免 行政長官的鬼爪,令一位議員像“走 鬼 ” 般 衝 出 議事廳,我覺得很傷心,為 香港喪失“高度自治”而感到悲哀。 legco.gov.hk | I did not believe in such superstitious things originally. But then, when the Chief Executive Election Bill [...] was still under [...] scrutiny, the corpse suddenly extended a ghost hand which would enable the Central [...]People's Government to [...]remove the Chief Executive from office under any circumstances. legco.gov.hk |
我由 1991 年出任議員至今,鮮有機 會看到議員有這般奇怪的態度 :他是反對這件事,但卻又支持二讀,所持理 由是讓大家可以有機會討論一下。 legco.gov.hk | He opposed this but he supported the Second Reading for the reason of giving us a chance to discuss the issue. legco.gov.hk |
難怪 ㆒般㆟, 尤其是勞工階層和工會㆟士都把總督這 次 的 高 峰 會視作「做騷」而已。 legco.gov.hk | There no wonder that ordinary people, especially the labour classes and unionists, all eyed [...] this summit meeting of the Governor as "putting on a show". legco.gov.hk |
在中国,低价格弹性的产品总是处于基础地位边缘,所以,如果你想让 你 的 消 费 者付更多钱,那就扮演妖 魔 鬼怪 吧。 labbrand.com | In China, the products with the lowest price elasticity are those that are status based or fear based. labbrand.com |
歼-8II系列和早期的歼-8I系列有着很大的区别,前机身全部重新设计,机头和进气道看起来更像F -4 “ 鬼怪 ” II 或苏霍 伊 的 苏 -1 5,机头可以容纳新的更强力的雷达。 trumpeter-china.com | The J-8II series appear quite different from the original J-8, with a new forward [...] fuselage, intakes and nose structure more [...] reminiscent of the F-4 Phantom II or Sukhoi Su-15 to house [...]a new, more powerful radar. trumpeter-china.com |
我認為他從未說過那些人是妖魔鬼怪 , 也沒有說功能界 別 的 議員 不勤力、不做事,他並沒有談及這些問題。 legco.gov.hk | I think he has never said [...] that those people are demons and monsters, nor has he ever said that [...]FC Members are not hardworking and inactive. legco.gov.hk |
而鬼怪和巫婆也经 常出现在他们的故事之中。 cpsc.gov | Ghosts and witches are also frequently present in their stories. cpsc.gov |
所以,在處理這問題時,我對這項條例草案很多的評論是基於技術性的 [...] 問題,以及條例草案在條文上 ─ 正如在審議《基本法》第二十三條時, 有很多議員批評魔鬼在細節中般 ─ 這項條例的缺陷,是細節上的問題。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, in dealing with this issue, a lot of my comments on this Bill relate to the technical problems in the [...] provisions of this Bill ― just as a [...] lot of Members said, that the devil is in the details when scrutinizing [...]the legislation on Article [...]23 of the Basic Law ― the flaws of this legislation lie in its details. legco.gov.hk |
雖然我跟李卓人不是十分相熟,但多年來從未聽過他說功能界 別的人是妖魔鬼怪。 legco.gov.hk | Though I do not know Mr LEE Cheuk-yan very well, I have never heard him referring [...] FC Members as demons or monsters over the years. legco.gov.hk |
如果您使用曼富图的LED灯拍摄照片,就会发现在夜间和室内拍摄人像时,再也不会拍出如吸 血 鬼般 红 色眼 睛 的 照 片 ,这是因为LED提供的光源是持续性的,在您按下快门前,眼睛已经适应了LED的光源。 manfrotto.cn | If you use your Manfrotto LED for photos, you'll also [...] notice that you don't get vampire red-eyes in your night-time [...]and indoor portraits; that's [...]because LED light is continuous, allowing eyes to adjust properly to the light before you take your photo. manfrotto.us |
電腦病毒並不是什麼妖魔鬼怪;它 們只不過是一些具自行衍生功 能 的 有 害 電腦程式。 hkcert.org | Computer viruses are not Devils. hkcert.org |
F-14从1974年开始首先搭载在美国海军 的 “ 企 业”号航空母舰上服役,用来替换F -4 “ 鬼怪 ” II 战斗机。 trumpeter-china.com | The F-14 [...] first deployed in 1974 with the U.S. Navy aboard USS Enterprise, replacing the F-4 Phantom II。 trumpeter-china.com |
這情況便等於一個人的腦部 過分發達,但腳卻長 得“奀挑鬼命”,猶如鴕鳥般,一 定會命不久矣,我們現在便是這樣了。 legco.gov.hk | This is as though someone had a highly developed brain but stunted legs, just like an ostrich. legco.gov.hk |
讓 一部輪椅在彌敦道這麼繁忙的道路上停放20分鐘,對所有人來說都會 構成不便,路過的每一個人都會有如 看 怪 獸 一 般 看 着 輪椅 上 的 人。 legco.gov.hk | Just imagine, a wheelchair has to park on the busy Nathan Road for 20 minutes. It [...] will undoubtedly create inconvenience to all passers-by and they will [...] stare at the wheelchair user as if he were a monster. legco.gov.hk |
身为艺术家,卓越超群的奇才绝艺和 鬼 斧 神 工 般的 熟 练 精通,对您而言代表什么? audemarspiguet.com | As an artist, what does excellence, the idea of mastery, mean to you? audemarspiguet.com |
不足为怪,iSCSI一般被用 于不需要光纤通道提 供 的 高 带 宽 的 较 低 端应用。 emulex.com | Not surprisingly, iSCSI was typically used for less demanding applications that did not require [...] the bandwidth that Fibre Channel provided. emulex.com |
沒有欺騙你 們,當年張超雄議員提出以公投來處理,在這裏被人否決;小弟盲字 也不懂一個,就這樣“鬼劃符”般寫 了 一項公投法案,又被梁愛詩說不 可以,原因並非那份文件不行,而是中央不批准。 legco.gov.hk | Being an illiterate, I scribbled a referendum bill which was again banned by Elise LEUNG, not because the bill was substandard, but because it was not approved by the Central Authorities. legco.gov.hk |