单词 | 鬲 | ||||
释义 | 鬲—surname Geless common: iron cauldron ancient ceramic three-legged vessel used for cooking with cord markings on the outside and hollow legs earthen pot 鱄—surname Zhuan fish (meaning variable: mackerel, anchovy, fresh-water fish)
椰壳;平唇、没有站立功能的凹底,腹由两片凸形椰壳块作成,唇与颈上部由两片环形椰壳块作成,颈与肩再由两片椰壳块接上,皆以细椰壳钉沿边接合;一面刻梅花一枝,其上刻“孙筠绶为若褱四弟写”, 另一面刻回环状的金文铭记: “中斯大它铸其宝鬲其万年子子孙孙永宝用”,其中刻楷体“仲斯鬲”,又刻 “乙亥春若褱摹古 e-yaji.com | Coconut-shell; with a flat lip and concave, non-functional foot; made up of two convex segments for the main body and four more for the neck (two horizontal, disc-shaped sections for the lip and main neck, and two smaller sections to join it to the body on each main side), held together with coconut-shell pins around the edges; carved on one main side with a branch of flowering prunus, inscribed above with ‘Designed by Sun Yunshou for fourth younger brother Ruohuai’, and on the other with an engraved bronze-script text encircling two further inscriptions in regular script, the title ‘Zhongsi li’, and ‘[Engraved] copying antiquity by Ruohuai in the spring of the yihai year e-yaji.com |
博物馆中设有金银饰物室、青铜器室、货币室、古物展览室、史前展览室、木器展览室、民俗展览室、东印度公司陈列室等,其中包括30万年前爪哇猿人头骨化石、三四千年前中国青铜时代的鼎和鬲、中国古代的陶瓷器和古币、爪哇岛上的象首人身佛像、苏门答腊岛独特的房屋模型以及皮影戏、木偶戏道具等。 shangri-la.com | Its broad and fascinating collections covers all of Indonesia's territory and almost all of its history. shangri-la.com |