单词 | 高雄市 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 高雄市—Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city in south TaiwanSee also:高雄—Gaoxiong or Kaohsiung city and county in south Taiwan 雄—grand mighty imposing staminate person or state having great power and influence
有关台北和高雄市长选举对香港民情的影响,请参阅本新闻公报『附加资料』部分。 hkupop.hku.hk | For the effect ofthemayor elections, please [...] refer to the supplementary section of this release for details. hkupop.hku.hk |
公司位於台湾高雄市的废料回收焚化厂录得足够的废物处理量, 但收费继续偏低。 swirepacific.com | Waste volumes for the company’s waste-to-energy incinerator in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, were adequate but fees continued to be low. swirepacific.com |
位於台湾高雄市的废料回收焚化厂业绩有所改善,但仍录得亏损。 swirepacific.com | In Kaohsiung, Taiwan,the waste-to-energy incinerator reported improved results but it is still operating at a loss. swirepacific.com |
5月14日高雄市谢市长与体委会林德福主委分别致函IWGA表达高雄市申办2009年世界运动会之意愿,开启了高雄市申办世界运动会之门。 eservice.seti.com.tw | In May 2003, Mayor Hsieh and SAC・s Mr. Lin formally notified the IWGA of Kaohsiung・s intention to host The World Games 2009. eservice.seti.com.tw |
在两次调查期间,台湾经历了『倒扁』群众运动的高潮,和最近的台北和高雄市长选举。 hkupop.hku.hk | In between our last two rounds of surveys, [...] Taiwan has experienced the peak of the 'anti-Chen' campaign, as [...] well as the recentmayor elections in Taipei and Kaohsiung. hkupop.hku.hk |
现任长荣交响乐团驻团指挥,先後多次指挥乐团於国家音乐厅、日本东京国际会议中心、美国洛杉矶、上海音乐厅及台湾各地等演出音乐会数十场,并先後与钢琴家陈伟茵、Mariya Kim、陈瑞斌及陈冠宇先生等人合作演出;也应邀担任高雄市交响乐团及高雄市国乐团等客席指挥。 evergreensymphony.org | She has performed at Taipei National Concert Hall, Tokyo International Forum , Los Angeles and Shanghai Concert Hall and cooperated with the pianist, Mariya Kim, Weiyin Chen, Rueibin Chen, Eric [...] Chen etc. She worked also as a guest [...] conductor withKaohsiung CitySymphony Orchestra and KaohsiungCity Chinese Orchestra. evergreensymphony.org |
二零一一年“世界设计大会”在台湾举行,高雄市广告创意协会以“城市的脸”为题,举办全球海报创作邀请展,徵得十四个国家,共二十五个城市,二百八十五件作品於高雄展出。 yp.mo | During the ‘IDA Congress’ held in Taiwan in 2011, the Kaohsiung Creators Association hosted an invitational exhibition for global poster creation in Kaohsiung city themed on ‘City Face’. yp.mo |
台北及高雄市长选举在12月9日举行,适值民研计划正在进行是次定期调查。 hkupop.hku.hk | The mayor elections of Taipei and [...] Kaohsiung were held on December 9, 2006, while we were conducting this tracking poll. hkupop.hku.hk |
今年(2005)适逢Tatooine创站五周年,也是星际大战系列最後一部电影的上映年,为了荣耀这部引领电影科幻文化风潮近30年的史诗级巨片的最後一部曲,更为了使国人有机会免费目睹在国外是必须收费展出的星际大战相关道具及文物展览(美、日、英等国都是在博物馆级之场所展出),因此Tatooine野人献曝,向高雄市立文化中心申请了-雅轩展览馆,以作为本次「Tatooine的瑰宝-星际大战收藏展」展出之用。 starwars-tw.com | To honor the last episode of Star Wars series which are in the leading position of science fiction films in the past 30 years, and to make an opportunity for people who lives in Taiwan to visit a free exhibition of Star Wars props and collectibles (The same kind of exhibition always needs to charge in U.S.A, Japan or U.K.), Tatooine decides to apply to Kaohsiung Culture Center for “Ya Gallery” to be the exhibition site of “Treasures of Tatooine-Star Wars Exhibition”. starwars-tw.com |
本标(ACL212标)工程范围介於永久轨里程UK405+450~UK406+700之间,即起自高雄市哈尔滨街附近,止於大港街附近,工程范围东西向约1,250公尺,主要包含台铁高雄车站及隧道;南北向约1000公尺,主要包含中博地下道及高雄捷运R11车站。 rseaec.com.tw | This project(No. ACL212) starts at Ha¡¦erbin Street and ends at Dagang Street, [...] the scope of the underground works is [...] 1,250 meters longin East-West direction, [...]mainly includes TRA Kaohsiung underground [...]station and railway tunnel; 1,000 meters long in North-South direction , mainly includes the Jung-Bo underpass and Kaohsiung MRT R11 station. rseaec.com.tw |
高雄市一心一路土地,原系本公司高雄厂,於民国九十年起即受外在环境影响断 断续续停产中,而该厂於民国九十二年底正式停产,并於停产後随即进行相关污染调 查检测与清理等工作,目前经调查检测发现尚有部份区段土地有遭受总石油碳氢化合 物污染之情形,并经高雄市政府依「土壤及地下水污染整治法」公告为「土壤污染控 制场址」。 cpdc.com.tw | The land located at Yi [...] Xin Yiroad in Kaohsiung city was originally used as the Company’s Kaohsiung plant, whose production was intermittently suspended because of the economic factors. When the plant production was finally discontinued at the end of 2003, the pollution inspection and remediation work immediately proceeded as it was designated as under pollution control by the Kaohsiung Municipal Government Environmental [...]Protection Bureau [...]in accordance with the “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law”. cpdc.com.tw |
z 有关外国学生入学相关资讯 連络人员:研究发展处 蔡芷颖小姐 电话:+886-7-6011000 转 1412 +886-7-6011166 传真:+886-7-6011046 連络信箱:admission@ccms.nkfust.edu.tw 本校住址:高雄市楠梓区卓越路 2 号 研究发展处 z 有关外国学生奖学金相关资讯 www7.nkfust.edu.tw | z For information concerning international student admissions, please contact the Academic and International Exchange Section, Office of Research and Development, NKFUST. www7.nkfust.edu.tw |
在录音方面,有由香港雨果唱片公司录制及发行的个人演奏专辑“如歌”、与指挥兼作曲大师关乃中和高雄市立国乐团合作,首录其第一号小提琴协奏曲、及与指挥家叶聪和香港小交响乐团合作的“鹿回头”小提琴协奏曲。 hifitrack.com | Leung has also distinguished himself in the recording world with his solo album “Violin Encores” recorded and released by the Hugo Production Company in Hong Kong, the Violin Concerto No.1 [...] produced with composer Mr. Guan [...] Nai-Zhongand the KaohsiungCity Chinese Orchestra, [...]as well as the violin concerto "Legend [...]of Deer's Turn-about" with conductor Yeh Tsung and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. hifitrack.com |
我们的制造工厂位于中国台湾高雄和中国大陆中山市。 digikey.cn | Manufacturing sites are located [...] in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and Zhongshan City, China. digikey.ca |
为了更好地立足于亚洲市场,艾伯纳公司在 中国上海开设了一个代表处,并在台湾高雄成立了一个服务中心。 ebner.cc | In order to gain a better foothold in the Asian market, EBNER opens a representative office in Shanghai, China and [...] a service center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. ebner.cc |
亚新顾问在这个领域中规划、 设计及施工监造的经验包括台北市捷运机厂、基隆河废河道及社子岛、高雄南星机场、泰国曼谷第二国际机场、 越南南西贡公园大道及新加坡与上海高层大楼深开挖工程、印尼Surlaya电厂等。 maa.com.tw | Planning, design and construction supervision services carried out by MAA in this field include Keelung River reclamation and Shezihdao Development in Taiwan, Airfield Pavement and Landside Road System of Survarnabhumi Airport in Thailand, Ho Chi Ming B.T. Roadway in Vietnam, Surlaya Power Plant in Indonesia, etc. maa.com.tw |
香港、吉达、约翰内斯堡、高雄、吉隆坡、伦敦、洛杉矶、马尼拉、米兰、墨尔本、莫斯科、名古屋、纽约、大阪、巴黎、槟城、珀斯、金边、罗马、三藩市、札幌、上海(虹桥)、上海(浦东)、新加坡、悉尼、台北、台中、东京、多伦多及温哥华机场出发的国泰航空/港龙航空旅客及其同行旅客。 dragonair.com | Hong Kong, [...] Jeddah, Johannesburg, Kaohsiung, Kuala Lumpur, London, Los Angeles, Manila, Melbourne, Milan, Moscow, Nagoya, New York, Osaka, Paris, Penang, Perth, Phnom Penh, Rome,San Francisco, Sapporo, Shanghai (Hongqiao), [...]Shanghai (Pudong), [...]Singapore, Sydney, Taipei, Taichung, Tokyo, Toronto and Vancouver, including those transiting in Hong Kong, can print a boarding pass online. dragonair.com |
活粒T-BLEND® TPE应用材料在台湾高雄、上海松江、山东济南设有生产基地,年产量达27,000公吨,并在台湾、华东、华北、华南四处设有行销据点,并将不断拓展其他亚太地区市场,便於推广新产品及进行各种新材料的研发。 tblend.com | TSRC operates the vital granule T-Blend®TPE Application Material plants in Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Song-Jiang, Shanghai; and Jinan,Shandong;providing an annual capacity of 27,000 metric tons, as well as sales offices in Taiwan, [...] Eastern China, Northern China, and Southern China. tblend.com |
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可能指定之有关比例另发两张或以上代表该等股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金额,而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关 其他款项)後酌情遵照有关要求。 asiasat.com | (B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine. asiasat.com |
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to [...] secure [...] sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation [...][...]of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment. unesdoc.unesco.org |
13 由亚洲水产协会和其伙伴发起,包括1998年在泰国清迈召开的亚洲渔业中妇女 的参与国际探讨会;在中国台湾省高雄举办的2001妇女在渔业中作用的全球研 讨会;2004年在马来西亚槟城召开的关于性别和渔业(GAF)的第一次全球研讨 [...] 会;2007年在印度高知召开的GAF2;以及2011年在中国上海召开的GAF3。 fao.org | 13 Initiated by the Asian Fisheries Society and its partners, these have included the 1998 [...] International Symposium on Women [...] in Asian Fisheriesheld in Chiang Mai, Thailand; the 2001 Global Symposium on Womenin Fisheries held in kaohsiung, [...]Taiwan Province [...]of China; the 2004 First Global Symposium on Gender and Fisheries (GAF) held in Penang, Malaysia; GAF2 2007 held in kochi, lndia; and GAF3 2011 held in Shanghai, China. fao.org |
(29) 与任何政府或机关(最高、市、地方或其他级别)或任何可能有助实践本公 司全部或其中任何目的之法团、公司或人士订立任何安排,并向任何该等政 [...] 府、机关、法团、公司或人士取得任何约章、合约、法令、权利、特权及优 惠以及实行、行使及遵守任何该等约章、合约、法令、权利、特权及优惠; [...]申请、促进及取得任何可直接或间接令本公司受惠之法规、法令、规例或其 他授权或颁令,及反对任何可能直接或间接损害本公司利益之法案、法律程 序或申请;及促使本公司在任何其他海外国家或地方根据当地法例登记或取 得认可地位。 equitynet.com.hk | (29) To enter into any arrangements with any Governments or [...] authorities (supreme, municipal, local orotherwise), [...]or any corporations, companies, or [...]persons that may seem conducive to the attainment of the Company's objects, or any of them, and to obtain from any such Government, authority, corporation, company or person any charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions; to apply for, promote and obtain any statute, order, regulation or other authorisation or enactment which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the Company, and to oppose any bills, proceedings or applications which may seem calculated or likely directly or indirectly to prejudice the Company's interests; and to procure the Company to be registered or recognised in or under the laws of any other foreign country or place. equitynet.com.hk |