

单词 高院



supreme court


High Court


Supreme Court of the United States

External sources (not reviewed)

司法机 关由高法院、高级法院和初 级法院构成,负责《宪法》和所有法律的解释、保 护和执行。
The Judiciary comprises
[...] the Supreme Court, the High Court and subordinate courts, [...]
and has the responsibility of interpreting,
protecting and enforcing the Constitution and all laws.
依據《婚姻訴訟規則》(第 179A 章)第 91A 條 規則,凡任何婚姻法律程序的訟費及附帶引起的訟費按指示 須予評定,高院規則》第 62 號命令對原訟法庭的法律程 序的訟費具有效力,而《區院規則》第 62 號命令則對區院 的法律程序的訟費具有效力。
Pursuant to rule 91A of the Matrimonial Causes Rules (Cap. 179A), where the costs of and incidental
to any matrimonial
[...] proceedings are directed to be taxed, Order 62 of RHC shall have effect in relation to the costs of proceedings in the Court of First Instance, [...]
and Order 62 of
RDC shall have effect in relation to the costs of proceedings in the District Court.
宪法》第129 条规定了司法院( 为最高法院) ;上诉法院;高等法院;以 及国会可依法建立的下级法院。
Article 129 of the Constitution provides for the courts of
Judicature as the
[...] Supreme Court; the Court of Appeal; the High Court; and such subordinate courts as [...]
Parliament may by law establish.
政府當 局 的小組告知 法案委員會,經考慮律 政 司為研究仲裁
法改革建議而成立的工作小組所提出的意見後,督導委員會同意該 工 作小組的看
[...] 法,即 草案第 10條所載 的高院條例》擬 議 第 21N(1)(b)條 [...]
中有關"仲 裁庭"的提述 並 無 必要,因為草案第 10條是為處理批出有助 外 地法律程序的臨
時措施的事宜 而訂立,而草案第 11條 已 修訂《仲 裁條 例》第 2GC條,以處理批出有助仲裁程序的臨 時措施的事宜。
The Administration's team has advised the Bills Committee that having considered the views of the Working Group set up by the Department of Justice to consider proposals for reform of arbitration law, the Steering Committee agrees with the Working Group's views that reference to
"arbitral tribunal" in the proposed section
[...] 21N(1)(b) of the HCO in clause 10 is [...]
not necessary because clause 10 is intended
to deal with the grant of interim measures in aid of foreign court proceedings, whereas clause 11 already amends section 2GC of the AO to deal with the grant of interim measures in aid of arbitral proceedings.
自2005年10月开始,持续整整6年的上海宏源照明电器有限公司与德国西门子全资子公司欧司朗(OSRAM)有限公司之间的专利侵权纠纷案,历经上海第二中级人民 院 、 上 海 高 级 人民法院,国家知识产权局、北京第一中级人民 院 、 北 京 高 级 人民法院几轮诉讼历程,最终,上 高院 及 北 京 高院 两 纸 终审判决结案,宣告了宏源照明的全面胜诉。
Since October 2005, the 6-year-long patent infringement lawsuit between Shanghai Hongyuan and OSRAM ended up with
Hongyuan’s wining judged by
[...] Higher People’s Court of Shanghai Municipality and Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality after several rounds of litigation procedures of No. 2 Medium People’s Court of Shanghai, Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality, State Intellectual Property Office, No.1 Medium People’s Court of Beijing and Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality.
(i) 對 於 裁 判 司 或 地 方 法 院 法 官
[...] 批 准 保 釋,控 方 可高 院 原 訟 庭 申 請 覆 核 有 [...]
關 地 方 法 院 法 官 或 裁 判 司 的 決 定 —— 第 1 2 C 條 。
apply to the High Court to review the [...]
District Judge or magistrate's decision - section 12C.
(a) 中國數碼全資附屬公司大地傳播有限公司(「大地傳播」)作為原告,根高 院案件編號二零零四年HCA1130,於二零零四年五月向中國數碼附屬公司中 企動力科技集團股份有限公司兩名少數股東申索為數27,750,498.41港 元,連 同利息及堂費。
(a) Dadi Media Limited (“Dadi Media”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sino-i as plaintiff, issued a claim against two minority shareholders of CE Dongli Technology Group Company Limited, a subsidiary of Sino-i, for the sum of HK$27,750,498.41 together with interest thereon and costs in May 2004 under the High Court Number of HCA1130 of 2004.
直到2011年10月24日,随着北高院的 一 纸判决,长达六年之久的无极灯专利侵权纠纷案以宏源照明的全面胜诉而告终,这不仅对于宏源,乃至对于整个照明行业,都是具有非凡意义的一件盛事。
Thus, the rapid development pace had to slow down. Until October 24, 2011, the 6-year lawsuit ended up with Hongyuan’s winning from the judgment from the Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality, which was a great event for Hongyuan and for the lighting industry as a whole.
二零零四年十二 月,兩名被告根高院案件 編號二零零四年HCA2892,向大地傳播全資附屬 [...]
公司中國企業網控股有限公司(「中國企業網」)申索根據僱傭條例第32P條 之補償合共806,250港元及為數13,000港元之利息及堂費。
In December 2004, the two defendants issued a claim against China
Enterprise ASP Limited (“CE ASP”), a wholly-owned
[...] subsidiary of Dadi Media, for the [...]
sum of HK$806,250, an award of compensation
pursuant to section 32P of the Employment Ordinance, HK$13,000, interest and costs under High Court Number HCA2892 of 2004.
2009年4月10日《2009 年司法 法令》正式生效,并且建立了以下法庭:这些法庭是 高 法 院 , 即 最后上诉法 院;上诉院;高等法院;以 及将由该法建立的其他法庭。
The Administration of Justice Decree 2009 came into force on 10 April 2009 and established the following Courts: the Supreme
Court, which is the
[...] final appellate Court; the Court of Appeal; the High Court; and such other Courts as may be established by law.
服务范围涵盖在区域院、高等法院( 包括原讼法庭和上诉法 庭 ) ,以及终审法院审理的案件。
The scope of services covers proceedings in the
[...] District Court, the High Court (consisting of [...]
the Court of First Instance and the
Court of Appeal) and the Court of Final Appeal.
此前,Light 先生曾担任金融院高级副院长兼 主席,从事投资管理、资本市场以及创业融资教学工作长达 30 年。
Prior to becoming Dean, Professor Light was Senior Associate Dean, Chairman [...]
of the Finance Area, and a Professor teaching
Investment Management, Capital Markets, and Entrepreneurial Finance for 30 years.
因此,近3500名此类大学院的大学生(即全数6400的55%)都住在上课地点(巴黎HEC商 院 、 国 立 高 等 光 学学院、巴黎综合理工 院 、 高 等 电力学院)附近。
Thus, nearly 3,500 students of the Grandes Ecoles (or 55% of the total student body of 6,400) [...]
already live very close to their
classrooms (HEC, IOGS Institut d'Optique Graduate School, Polytechnique, Supélec).
他是牛津大学圣安东尼院高级客 座学者以及 Dagestan 科学中 [...]
He cites an expert report dated 11 December 2008, written by
Robert Chenciner, a Senior Associate Member of
[...] St. Anthony’s College of Oxford and [...]
Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Science, Dagestan Science Centre.
在促进文化多样性的艺术教育方面,叙利亚的呈件重点介绍了在文化部的鼓 励下,高等音乐院、高等戏 剧艺术学院、音乐学院局、应用艺术技术学院、大 众教育学院、与文化部有联系的艺术中心以及私营部门在艺术教育和提高公众认 识方面所发挥的作用。
Regarding art education for cultural diversity, the submission highlights the roles played by the Higher Institute of Music, the Higher Institute for Dramatic Art, the Directorate of Music Institutes, the Technical Institute of Applied Arts, the Institutes of Popular Education and Centres of Fine Arts affiliated with the Ministry of Culture and the private sector, with the encouragement of the Ministry of Culture, in art education and public awareness-raising.
74 例如,Boosaaso高级法院高级法 官Mohamed Abdi Aware于 2009 年 11 月 11 日在做完晚间祈祷后离开清真寺时被两名蒙面枪手杀害。
However, the killing of security officers and civic officials has been a hallmark of Shabaab operations in southern Somalia, and the group is suspected by the Puntland authorities of involvement in several cases.74 For example, Mohamed Abdi Aware, a senior judge at Boosaaso High Court, was killed on 11 November 2009 by two masked gunmen while leaving a mosque after evening prayers.75 He had recently handled a case in which five Al-Shabaab suspects were sentenced to from 5 to 10 years’ imprisonment.76 145.
(c) 於二零零六年十二月三十一日之結餘主要包括一筆存於香港特別行政 高 等 法 院 ( 「高 等 法 院」) 與訴訟 (於財務報表附註26(a)中披露)有關之保證金3,300,000港元。
(c) The balance as at 31 December 2006 mainly included a security
deposit of HK$3,300,000
[...] placed at the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the “High Court”) in relation [...]
to the litigation
as disclosed in note 26(a) to the financial statements.
院高级课 程班还开设“人权与内务部机关实 务”课程,共 30 小时。
Students taking advanced courses are also offered [...]
a course on human rights and the work of law enforcement agencies (30 hours).
关于 2010-2011 两年期预算,院高兴地 注意到,它提出的增设新员额和 [...]
Regarding the budget for the
[...] 2010-2011 biennium, the Court was pleased to note [...]
that its requests for new posts and for an
appropriation for the modernization of the Great Hall of Justice, where it holds its hearings, were largely granted (also see chapter I of the present report).
1999年他被公司推荐到圣保罗大学攻读MBA,并在2004年,就读于欧洲工商管理 院 ( 高 级 管理课程,法国)。
In 1999 he was awarded an MBA by the University of São Paulo and studied at INSEAD (Advanced Management Program, France) in 2004.
教科文组织高级官员已经与中院高 级 官 员,就拟建的由教科文组织赞助的“国际文 化与自然遗产空间技术中心”(第 2 类)应该确定什么样的共同目标问题进行了深入的探 讨。
Therefore, senior staff of UNESCO have been working closely with senior staff of CAS to identify joint objectives towards the establishment of a category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO under the name: International Centre on Space Technologies for Cultural and Natural Heritage.
这座宏伟的购物中心由4幢大楼组成,内设典雅的餐厅、先进的多观众厅电 院 、 高 端 时 尚专卖店、超市和书店等。
This prestigious shopping mall offers a selection of international brand fashion apparel for men and
[...] women, exquisite dining and cinemas.
香港特別行政區教育局副秘書長陳嘉琪博士 (前排左三);香港大學教育學院副院長及教育資訊科技中心總監羅陸慧英教授
(前排右四);聯合國教育、科學及文化組織總監 Dr Gwang-Jo Kim
[...] (後排左一);歐盟委員會「未來科技研究 院 」 高 級 科 學家 Dr Yves Punie (後排左五);香港大學教育學院院長顏哲思教授 [...]
(後排左六);香港大學「科學專題策劃研究」會議召集人程介明教授 (後排右一)及嘉賓。
Dr K K Chan, Deputy Secretary of Education Bureau of HKSAR (first row left 3); Professor Nancy Law, Director of CITE and Associate Dean of Faculty of Education of HKU (first row right 4); Dr Gwang-Jo Kim, Director of UNESCO, BKK (second row left 1); Dr Yves Punie, Senior Scientist of Institute for Prospective Technology Studies of European
Commission (second row left 5); Professor
[...] Stephen Andrews, Dean of Faculty of Education [...]
of HKU (second row left 6); Professor
Cheng Kai Ming, Co-Convenor of Strategic Research Theme on Science of Learning of HKU (second row right 1) and our honorable guests.
委員要求政府當局確保:(a)在工程設計方面採納適當的 措施,盡量利用可再生能源和高能 源 效益;(b)該計劃所包括 的各項新設施,應在離河畔較遠的地點興建,以便城門河沿岸 可有更多綠化地帶供市民享用;(c)重建後的香港 院 會 為殘疾 運動員提供足夠的體育及配套設施和無障礙通道;及(d)拆卸位 於火院址的 室外單車場以騰出地方建造的新的多用途大樓會 提供單車訓練設施。
Members requested the Administration to ensure that: (a) the design of the Project should incorporate appropriate measures to maximize the use of renewable energy and promote energy efficiency; (b) the new facilities for the Project would be constructed further away from the riverside in order to provide a larger green
area along the Shing
[...] Mun River for public enjoyment; (c) adequate sports and ancillary facilities and barrier-free access would be provided for disabled athletes in the redeveloped HKSI; and (d) training facilities for cycling would be provided following the demolition of the outdoor velodrome at Fo Tan venue to make way for the construction of [...]
the new multi-purpose building.
在中东欧,项目 2-RU-04“自然、实验室及应用中的等离子教育及基本研究”由莫斯
[...] 科物理及技术研究所(MITP)、俄罗斯科 院高 能 物 理密度研究所(IHED)与莫斯科实验 [...]
In Central and Eastern Europe, Project 2-RU-04 on the “Educational and fundamental study of plasma in nature, laboratory and applications” was initiated by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MITP) and the
Institute for Higher Energy Densities (IHED)
[...] of the Russian Academy of Sciences in [...]
cooperation with the Institute of Experimental
and Theoretical Physics in Moscow (Russian Federation), Al Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty (Kazakhstan), the Institute of Physics and Viet Nam National University in Hanoi (Viet Nam), and the Institute of Plasma Research in Gujarat (India).
奥 贡 州 Ago-Iwoye, Olabisi Onabanjo 大学麻醉和重症监护系客座教授 (2006-2007 年);伊巴丹大学临床科学系系主任(2002-2004 年);Latunde Odeku 医学图书馆委员会主席(2002-2004 年);伊巴丹大学学院医院麻醉系系主任 (2000-2002 年);伊巴丹大学学院医院麻醉系代理系主任(1988 年至 2000 年曾中 断);伊巴丹大学医院高级讲 师(1986-1998 年)。
Visiting Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State (2006-2007); Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, University of Ibadan (2002-2004); Chairman, Latunde Odeku Medical Library Committee (2002-2004); Head, Department of Anaesthesia, University College Hospital, Ibadan (2000-2002); Acting Head, Department of Anaesthesia, University College Hospital, Ibadan (with interruptions, between 1988 and 2000); Senior Lecturer, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (1986-1998).
摩洛哥负责预防和打击腐败行径的主要机构有:中央预防腐败机构(根据《宪 法》第 36 章建立,该章规定成立一个国家机构,负责廉政以及预防和控制腐
[...] 败);金融情报处理股;总检察院和警察局;金融监察总局;领土管理监察总 局;以及金融院(高级会 计委员会和区域会计委员会)。
The main institutions which are mandated to prevent and combat corrupt practices in Morocco are: The Central Body for the Prevention of Corruption (established by Chapter 36 of the Constitution, which provides for the creation of a national body for integrity and the prevention and control of corruption); the Financial Information Processing Unit; the General Prosecution’s office and police; the Inspectorate General of Finance; the Inspectorate
General of Territorial Administration;
[...] and the Financial Courts (the Higher Council [...]
of Accounts and the Regional Councils of Accounts).
孟瑟曾于 1980 年获得美国伊利诺理工大学电力工程学学士学位,还获得了美国东密执安大学教育学学士学位,并是斯坦福大学商 院高 级 管 理人员培训项目学员。
Monser received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology in 1980. He also has a bachelor's degree in education from Eastern Michigan University and is an alumnus of the executive education program at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.




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