

单词 高阁



pay no attention to [idiom.]
lit. place on a high shelf


put sth on the back burner
no longer a high priority
tied up in a bundle on a high shelf

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

根据安全理事会的 授权,它应在所有情况下,特别是在那些几十年来 在其议程上被束高阁的情 况下,采取不偏不倚和 非政治化的行动。
The Security Council, in accordance with its mandate, trying to do in that field, amidst all types of difficulties and often confronted with deliberate opposition to their efforts.
大量汞(“汞池”)被 “存储”在社会上仍在 使用和“被使用者束高阁”的产品中
Large amounts (“reservoirs”) of mercury are "stored" in society within products still in use and "on the users’ shelves
这项充满以色列对和平憧憬的建议仍被巴勒斯 坦领导人束高阁,他们为坐下来与以色列谈判不断 提出一项又一项新的前提条件。
That proposal, filled with Israel’s vision for peace, continues to gather dust as Palestinian leaders continue to pile up new pre-conditions for sitting down with Israel.
奥地利代表在第三委员会发言时,综述了 各方面对《宣言》的重视。他指出:《宣言》通过后,不应当束 高阁 、 被人遗 忘,而应当加以实施、使之充满活力,从而帮助消弭涉及少数群体的紧张局势(见 A/C.3/47/SR.47,第 89 段)。
The importance attached to it was summed up by the representative of Austria, who, speaking before the Third Committee, observed that once the declaration had been adopted, it should then not be filed and forgotten, but implemented and filled with life, so as to contribute to overcoming situations of tension relating to minorities (see A/C.3/47/SR.47, para. 89).
检查专员承认编写有关病假旷职问题的报告有其长处,但是相关的组织或 实体在多数情况下却缺乏后续行动,使得报告成为单纯的学术作业而已,事后存 档,束高阁,待后人利用。
While the Inspectors recognize the merits of preparing reports on sick leave absenteeism, the lack of follow up action by the organizations or entities concerned in most cases renders them mere academic exercises that are filed and shelved for posterity.
正如秘 书长在报告中指出的,重要的是,要尽早让妇女建设 和平者和妇女调解者参与预防冲突和解决冲突的全 过程——不仅要吸收妇女谈判者,而且也要采纳更广 泛的性别平等视角,以便把性别平等作为贯穿所有主 要建和问题的一条主线,而不是把它作为一个单独问 题束高阁。
As the Secretary-General points out in his report, it is critical that women peacebuilders and mediators be engaged as early as possible in the conflict prevention and resolution cycle — and not just by the inclusion of women negotiators, but by a broader gender perspective, so that gender is established as a thread running through all major peacebuilding issues, rather than being parked on its own as a discrete topic.
[...] 的例外――将这种案件的影响尽量缩小,指出已经根据相关准则展开调查工作, 然而有职工代表提出,有些行政首长将某些重大案件的调查报告束 高阁 , 或 者 举报的工作人员受到合同不予续签的严重威胁或其他形式的间接(软性)打击报 复。
While management – with some notable exceptions – consistently minimized the impact of such cases and pointed out that investigations had been conducted according to relevant standards, staff representatives mentioned that, for some serious cases, investigation
reports were shelved by
[...] some executive heads, or staff members blowing the whistle seriously threatened with non-renewal of [...]
contract or other
forms of indirect (soft) retaliation.
自 2009 年起,Brad 全面负责监督 IPNav
[...] 各类客户的专利战略性申请工作,确保客户的申请战略与其整体货币化战略相适应,从而使客户通过对专利申请的投资获得实实在在的高价值资产,而非只是束 高阁 的 “ 奖杯”。
Since 2009, Brad has overseen all aspects of strategic patent prosecution for IPNav’s wide variety of clients, ensuring that their prosecution strategy is meshed with their overall
monetization strategy and that clients’ investments in
[...] prosecution result in high-value assets and [...]
not merely “trophies.
产学合作互动缓解了高校智力资源和科研成果束 高阁 与 企 业难题 无法解决之间的矛盾。
Cooperation and interaction between higher education and industries have to some degree reduced the contradiction between the waste of intellectual resources and research results of universities and the difficulty in solving technical issues by enterprises.
我们也要感谢瓦伦丁·因兹高级代 表 阁 下 对土 耳其所作的真诚努力的溢美之辞。
We also thank His Excellency High Representative Valentin [...]
Inzko for his generous words of recognition and praise concerning Turkey’s sincere efforts.
SED的创建是为了使我们两国政府能在 高 级 别的 内 阁 层 面 进行跨部门的对话,而不是每个部门只与他们的同行对话。
The SED was created to enable our two governments to speak
[...] to each other at the highest levels across the cabinet [...]
departments, rather than each
department only talking to their counterparts.
主席宣读了联合国文明同高级代表 Jorge Sampaio 阁下的致词。
The Chairperson read the
[...] address of the United Nations High Representative for the Alliance [...]
of Civilizations, H.E. Jorge Sampaio.
我愿借此机会阁下致以最高的敬 意。
I should like to avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate,
[...] Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
我关切地注意到,以色列在位 于巴勒斯坦东耶路撒冷 Ras-al-Amud 社区中心的 Ma'aleh Zeitim 定居点举行了有以色列议会议长高 级内阁成员出席的落成仪式。
I note with concern the conduct of a dedication ceremony at the settlement of Ma’aleh Zeitim, in the heart of the Palestinian East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Ras Al-Amud, in the presence of the Knesset Speaker and senior Cabinet members.
例如,孟加拉 国总理召开了一次执行《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》专题 阁 会 议, 提 高 了 各 职能部 委的认识。
The Prime Minister of Bangladesh, for instance, held a cabinet meeting dedicated to the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action, thus raising awareness among all line ministries.
济南和青岛的服务外包业目前正在蓬勃发展,目前澳大利亚已有三家公司在此站稳了脚跟:澳派景观设计工作室(ASPECT Studios)、高登(Gruden) 和阁(Argyle)。
In Jinan and Qingdao, where service outsourcing is developing vigorously, three Australian companies have found footholds: ASPECT Studios, Gruden and Argyle.
务虚会汇集了 22 位阁部长和高级官 员,审查各项国家方案和预 算执行的进展情况,并讨论过渡进程。
The retreat
[...] brought together 22 cabinet ministers and senior [...]
officials to review progress on national programmes and on
budget execution, as well as to discuss the process of transition.
世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)主席 John Fahey 阁下高度赞 扬教科文组织在全球反对在体 [...]
John Fahey, President of the World Anti-Doping [...]
Agency (WADA), highlighted the commendable role UNESCO has played in the
fight against doping in sport throughout the world.
主席(以阿拉伯语发言):由于这是 5 月份安全理
[...] 事会的第一次会议,我谨借此机会代表安理会赞扬日 本常驻代高须幸雄先阁下在 2010 年 4 月份担任 安全理事会主席期间所提供的服务。
European Union ): As this is the first meeting of the Security Council for the month of May, I should like to take this
opportunity to pay tribute, on behalf of
[...] the Council, to His Excellency Mr. Yukio Takasu, Permanent [...]
Representative of Japan, for
his service as President of the Security Council for the month of April 2010.
基于支持政府战略行动计划各项成果的具体结果将在 2009 年 12
[...] 月中旬召开的战略规划研讨会上进行讨论,并于 2010 年 1 月 19 日召开的由副总统和阁参 加的高级别会议上通过。
Specific results-based outcomes for support to the strategic action plan of the government were discussed at the strategic
planning workshop held in mid December
[...] 2009, and endorsed at a high level meeting on 19 [...]
January 2010 with the Vice-President and cabinet.
粮农组织助理总干事兼亚太区域代表 Hiroyuki Konuma 先生、庆尚北道知事金 宽容 (Kim Kwan-Yong)
[...] 先生以及韩国农林水产食品部部长刘正福 (Yoo Jeong-Bok) 阁下在高级官员会议的开幕式上讲话。
The Senior Officers Meeting was opened with addresses by Mr Hiroyuki Konuma, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative of FAO, Mr Kim Kwan-Yong,
Governor of the Province of
[...] Gyeongsangbuk-do, and His Excellency, Yoo Jeong-Bok, [...]
Minister for Food, Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries, Government of the Republic of Korea.
问题核心为这些委员会是否具有宪 法所定义的“联邦级别”(Union-level)资质—— 即与阁、最高法院 、宪法法庭、公务员委员会、 选举委员会等处于同一级别。
At issue was whether they could be considered to have “Union-level” status as that term is used in the constitution – that is, a status equivalent to the cabinet, Supreme Court, Constitutional Tribunal, civil service board, election commission and so on.
[...] 员包括离任的吴丁昂敏乌副总统和他的一些 阁同 僚(见下文第五点)。
It has been associated with the departing vice president, Tin Aung Myint
[...] Oo, and some of his colleagues in [...]
cabinet (see Section V below).
主任在回答时表示,秘书处一开始也同样感到关切,但在与莫斯科的环境和自然资源 部的相关联络点交换信函后,让秘书处相信政府初期的变动仅涉及 阁 和 少 数 高 级 职 位。
In response, the Chief Officer said that the Secretariat had initially shared that concern, but exchanges by correspondence with the relevant focal points in Moscow in the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, had convinced the Secretariat that initial changes within the Government would affect only the Cabinet and a few senior director positions.
4月9日电 据外媒8日报导,克日在德国的下萨克森州(Lower Saxony),一名法拉利车主为了躲避公路上一只刺猬,撞 阁 下 的 高 速 护栏板,幸未变成生命伤害,但该车主却要为此支出近3万英镑(约合干部币30万元)修车费。
In April 9, according to foreign media reports8 days, today in the German state of Lowersaxony ( Lower Saxony ), a Ferrari owners in order to avoid the highway a hedgehog, hit your fence, escaped into a life-threatening injury, but the owners are therefore spending nearly 30000 pounds ($ cadre coin 300000 yuan ) to repair the car.
法院 院长小和田恒法官及其夫人小和田由美子女士与书记官长菲利普·库弗勒先生迎 接了玛丽·麦卡利斯女士以及陪同她的官方代表团成员,包括她的丈夫马丁·麦
[...] 卡利斯、儿童和青年事务部部长弗朗西斯·菲茨杰拉德女士阁下、爱尔兰驻荷兰 王国大使玛丽·惠兰女阁下以及其 高 级 官 员。
On 2 May, the Court was visited by the President of Ireland, H.E. Ms. Mary McAleese, who was accompanied by an official delegation which included her spouse, and the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs of Ireland, H.E. Ms. Frances
Fitzgerald, the Ambassador of Ireland to the Netherlands, H.E. Ms. Mary
[...] Whelan, as well as other high-ranking officials.
为了在 4 月 22 日就上述主题进行卓有成效的辩论,从而实现改进安理会工 作方法的这一共同目标,我在此附上 2009 年 7 月在沙姆沙伊赫举行的不结盟运 动国家元首和政府首脑第十五届峰会通过的《最后文件》(A/63/965-S/2009/514) 有关段落所规定的不结盟运动关于安全理事会工作方法的立场, 阁 下 考 虑和大 会会员国审议,以协助安全理事会在改革安理会工作方法方面取得预期的进展 (见附件)。
In order to have a rich debate on the subject matter on 22 April, that could lead to achieving our mutual goal of improving the working methods of the Security Council, I am attaching herewith, for your consideration and the consideration of the members of the General Assembly, the Non-Aligned Movement’s position concerning the working methods of the Security Council as stipulated in the relevant paragraphs of the Final Document (A/63/965-S/2009/514), adopted by the Fifteenth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement, held in Sharm el-Sheikh, in July 2009, with a view to assisting the Security Council in its efforts to achieve the desired progress in reforming the working methods of the Council (see annex).
以色列违反国际法、人权法和国际人道主义法的 行为一直在增多,其很多做法就证明了这一点,例如 在没有任何合法理由的情况下将 10 000 名巴勒斯坦 人拘押在以色列监狱和拘留所中;无视国际法院的咨
询意见,持续修建种族主义隔离墙;违反安全理事会 第 1860(2009)号决议和大会第 ES-10/18 号决议,对
[...] 加沙地带实行严密封锁;在西岸设置障碍和检查站; 以色列阁规定犹太人作出效忠宣誓,以孤立以色列 [...]
境内的以色列籍阿拉伯人口;以色列议会最近的立法 对撤出已被以色列吞并的阿拉伯被占领土规定了新
的苛刻条件,但通过全民投票或经议会三分之二多数 通过则除外;以及由于时间关系,我们不能一一列举 的其他许多违法行为。
Israel’s violations of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law have been increasing, as manifested by many practices, such as the detention of 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails and detention facilities without any legal grounds; the continued construction of the racist separation wall, in defiance of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the tight siege of the Gaza Strip, contrary to Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and General Assembly resolution ES-10/18; the barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank;
the Jewish loyalty oath instituted by the
[...] Israeli Cabinet to isolate the Arab-Israel [...]
population in Israel; the recent Knesset
legislation setting stringent new conditions on any withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories annexed to Israel except through a referendum or the approval of a two-third majority of the Knesset; and many other violations that time will not permit us to list.




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