单词 | 高锰酸钾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 高锰酸钾 —potassium permanganateSee also:高锰酸 n—permanganate n 锰酸 n—manganate n
加入足量的 5%高锰酸钾氧化 全部汞,过量时溶液将显紫色。 cn.lubrizol.com | Add enough 5% Potassium Permanganate to oxidize [...] all the mercury, an excess will show the solution to be purple in color. lubrizol.com |
全球高锰酸钾贸易主要出现在拉丁美洲以外 区域;在五个主要进口国中,只有巴西是拉丁美 洲国家。 incb.org | Global trade in potassium permanganate occurred mainly [...] outside the Latin American region; of the five major importers, only Brazil is from that region. incb.org |
因此,可以得出结论认为,从国内销售 渠道挪用之后随即跨境走私的 高锰酸钾 仍 然 是用 于非法制造可卡因的该物质的另一个来源。 incb.org | It can therefore be concluded [...] that diversion of potassium permanganate from domestic [...]distribution channels with subsequent [...]cross-border smuggling is still another source of the substance for use in the illicit manufacture of cocaine. incb.org |
加入足量的 1.5%羟基胺盐酸盐还原过量的高锰酸钾。 cn.lubrizol.com | Add enough 1.5% Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride to [...] reduce any excess Potassium Permanganate. lubrizol.com |
正如以往的报告所提到的,在南美洲之外缉获的 一些高锰酸钾有可 能涉及制造苯丙胺类兴奋剂而 不是可卡因。 incb.org | As noted in earlier [...] reports, some of the potassium permanganate seizures outside [...]South America are likely to have been related [...]to the manufacture of amphetamine-type stimulants rather than cocaine. incb.org |
麻管局注意到并赞 [...] 扬各个主管当局日益警惕运往拉丁美洲之外其他 区域尤其是那些可卡因贩运路线沿线区域 的 高锰 酸钾货物。 incb.org | The Board notes and commends the increasing alertness [...] of competent authorities towards shipments [...] of potassium permanganate to regions other [...]than Latin America, in particular [...]those along cocaine trafficking routes. incb.org |
这一下降趋势实际上反映了哥伦比亚 的缉获量在下降,近年来该国的缉获量约占全球 高锰酸钾缉获量的 90%至 94%。 incb.org | The downward trend is essentially a reflection of the decline in [...] seizures in Colombia, which accounted for about 90 to 94 per [...] cent of global potassium permanganate seizures in recent years. incb.org |
哥伦比亚当局在 2009 年通过表格 D 通报缉获了 595 公斤的锰酸钾(高锰酸钾前体 )但并未缉获过 氧化锰,这一数量不足以评估非法制 造 高锰酸钾 的规模。 incb.org | The amounts of potassium permanganate precursors notified by Colombian authorities on form D for 2009 — 595 kg for potassium manganate and no seizures of manganese dioxide — do not lend themselves to an assessment of the extent of illicit potassium permanganate manufacture. incb.org |
特别 是,这项行动计划建议:为改善关于 高锰酸钾的 国 家合法需求量、用途及有权处理该物质的公司 的知识而投资;利用出口前网上通知系统;以及 [...] 交换关于相关未列入清单物质货物的信息。 incb.org | Specifically, the plan includes recommendations to invest in improving knowledge [...] of legitimate national [...] requirements and uses of potassium permanganate, and the companies [...]authorized to deal with the substance; [...]to use the PEN Online system; and to exchange information on shipments of relevant nonscheduled substances. incb.org |
建议勿将再生纤维素膜与浓度大于 25% 的 盐酸、浓度大于 [...] 25% 的硝酸、浓度为 96% 的硫酸、浓度 为 25% 高氯酸、1N 氢氧化钾以及浓度为10%的含水酚 共用。 cn.spectrumlabs.com | solvents containing nitrogen. RC membranes are not recommended for use with [...] hydrochloric acid > 25%, nitric acid > 25%, 96% sulfuric acid, [...] 25% perchloric acid, 1N potassium hydroxide and 10% aqueous phenol. eu.spectrumlabs.com |
一种陶瓷材料,具有损耗低和频率高 的 特 点,含氧化铁,并与含有一种或多种金属, 如 锰 , 锌 ,镍或镁的 碳 酸 盐 或氧化物相混合。 spellmanhv.cn | A ceramic material that [...] exhibits low loss at high frequencies, and which contains iron oxide mixed with oxides or carbonates of one or more metals such as manganese, zinc, nickel or [...]magnesium. spellmanhv.com |
目前香港在指定食物中使用硝酸盐(以硝酸钠或 硝 酸钾 的 形 式)的情况及有关的 最 高 准 许 含量受《食物内防腐剂规例》(第132章)规管。 cfs.gov.hk | In Hong Kong, the use of nitrates (in forms of [...] sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate) in specified food and their respective maximum permitted levels [...]are governed under [...]the Preservatives in Food Regulations (Cap. 132). cfs.gov.hk |
在蛋白质合成中,钾的存在提高了将 吸收的 硝 酸 盐 转 化为蛋白质的转化率,从而提高肥料中氮的效率(SQM, 2006)。 kno3.org | The action of potassium on protein synthesis enhances the conversion [...] of absorbed nitrate into proteins which contributes [...]to an enhanced efficiency of the supplied N fertiliser (SQM, 2006). kno3.org |
硝酸钾的最大溶解度比硫酸钾(SOP)的 高 2 至3 倍。 kno3.org | The maximum [...] solubility of potassium nitrate is 2 to 3 times higher than potassium sulphate (SOP). kno3.org |
FP型粉状速溶硅酸钾比FS 型粉状速溶硅酸钠具有更好的水溶性能和 更 高 的 粘 结性能。 diazonium.com | FP Powdery Instant Potassium Silicate has better solubility and higher adhension compared with FS powdery [...] instant sodium silcate. diazonium.com |
食典委注意到食品添加剂委员会没有通过酒 石 酸 一 钾 ( mo nopotassium tartrate) 食品添加剂规定,要求亚洲协调委员会提供最大数字用量。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission noted that the Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) [...] had not endorsed the food additive [...] provision for monopotassium tartrate and asked [...]the CCASIA to provide a numeric maximum use level. codexalimentarius.org |
至 2007 年,中国环境监测总站建立了全国性的水质自动化监测网,由建在 63 条河流和 17 个湖泊里的 100 [...] 家自动监测站负责水温、PH 值、溶解氧、电导率、浊度、高锰酸 盐 指 数、总有 机碳和氨氮的监测。 ecegp.com | By 2007, the CNEMC has established national automated water quality monitoring network comprised of 100 automated monitoring stations on the 63 rivers and 17 [...] lakes for monitoring water temperature, PH, DO, [...] conductivity, turbidity, permanganate index, TOC, and [...]ammonia nitrogen. ecegp.com |
智利代表团指出,由于特定的地理结构,某些矿泉水天然含有一 些 高 含 量 物质, 如砷、锰、硼 和氟化物,不支持通过这些标准。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Chile indicated that some natural mineral waters due to certain geological structure naturally [...] contained higher levels of some [...] substances such as arsenic, manganese, boron and fluoride and [...]did not support the adoption of these levels. codexalimentarius.org |
该材料必须如非易燃,非爆炸性材料:石灰石,方解石,重晶石,白云石 , 钾 长 石 ,大理石,滑石,石膏 , 高 岭 土 ,麦饭石,磷矿石 , 锰 矿 , 铁矿,玻璃,陶瓷,活性炭,炭黑,耐火材料,保温材料,化工原料等(300种材料)。 chinatrader.ru | The materials must be non-flammable and non-explosive materials such as: [...] limestone, calcite, [...] barite, dolomite, potassium feldspar, marble, talcum, gypsum, kaoline, medical stone, rock phosphate, manganese ore, iron ore, [...]glass, ceram, active carbon,carbon [...]black,fireproof materials, heat preservation materials, chemical materials and so on(300 kinds of materials). chinatrader.ru |
本研究以由单体不能形成磁石的锰元 素和镓元素组成 的 高 磁 异 向性 镓 锰 合 金的薄膜为着眼点。 tohoku.ac.jp | The present study has focused on [...] a film of manganese gallium alloys with a large magnetic anisotropy, combined manganese and gallium, [...]which are the non-magnetic elements. tohoku.ac.jp |
食物安全中心(中心)现正进行为期两年的计划,检测本港市面上初生婴儿及较大婴儿奶粉中的营养素含量(分别是能量、蛋白质、总脂肪、亚油酸、α-亚麻酸、总碳水合物、维生素A、维生素D3、维生素E、维生素K、维生素B1、核黄素、烟酸、维生素B6、维生素B12、 泛 酸 、 叶 酸 、 维 生素C、生物素、铁、钙、磷、镁、钠、氯 、 钾 、 锰 、 碘 、硒、铜、锌、胆碱、肌醇、L-肉碱)。 cfs.gov.hk | The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) has embarked on a two-year programme to test the nutritional composition (i.e. energy, protein, total fat, linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, total carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, folic [...] acid, vitamin C, [...] biotin, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chloride, potassium, manganese, iodine, selenium, copper, zinc, choline, [...]myo-inositol, and L-carnitine) [...]of infant and follow-up formulae available in the local market. cfs.gov.hk |
侧素对于损坏木 材的真菌有很高的毒性;它们的毒性 可 以 达 到 高 锰 酸 钠 的 等 级 ( B a r to n 和 M a c D o n a l d 1971 )。 wrcea.cn | The thujaplicins are highly toxic to wood- destroying fungi; their toxicity being of the order as that of sodium pentachlorophenate [...] (Barton and MacDonald 1971). wrcea.org |
建立Haifa是为了将以色列的自然资源变成 硝 酸钾 , 硝 酸钾 是 具 有 高 附 加值的优质化肥,也是很多工业生产的重要原料。 kno3.org | Haifa was established to turn Israeli natural [...] resources into potassium nitrate, a premium fertiliser with high added value and [...]an essential ingredient in various industries. kno3.org |
美标所还在调查一个关于 某些工厂可能使用氯酸钾来 替代高氯酸钾的报告。 afsl.org | Some factories may be cutting the length of the tube in an effort to reduce the costs of producing the items. afsl.org |
硝酸钾的另一个优点就是溶解速度快: 硝 酸钾 的 溶 解速 度 高 于 硫 酸钾。 kno3.org | Another advantage of [...] potassium nitrate is its high speed of dissolution: potassium nitrate dissolves much faster than potassium sulphate. kno3.org |
工作组 还建议在克拉里昂-克利珀顿区模型中考虑到秘鲁盆地产生的分析意见和结果, 特别是观察到的代表成岩结核端元类型 的 高锰 - 铁 比 率。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also recommended that the analyses and results from the Peru Basin, particularly the high manganese-iron ratios representing the type of end member composition of diagenetic nodules observed, also be considered in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone model. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然上述协议是直线前进的惰性条件下,一些常见故障排除程序是:(一)确保焦 磷 酸钾 , 脱 气和干,(b)如钐金属有长期暴露在空气中,它可能有一个外层氧化,用研钵和pestal清洁的金属表面暴露的金属研磨,(三)火焰干燥所有玻璃器皿和冷却的氩气下,(四)随着氮,优选氩气惰性气氛中作为购买已被证明与该金属相互作用,(e)在存在下,过量的金属的Sm-有助于保持SMI的浓度如图2所示 [...] [...] ,(六)resublime的碘晶体。 jove.com | While the above protocol is straight forward when done under inert conditions, some of the common [...] troubleshooting procedures are: (a) make [...] sure the THF is properly degassed and [...]dry, (b) if Sm metal has had prolonged exposure [...]to air it could have an oxidized outside layer, grind the metal with a mortar and pestal to expose the clean metal surface, (c) flame-dry all glassware and cool under argon, (d) argon is preferred inert atmosphere over Nitrogen, as the later has been shown to interact with the metal, (e) The presence of excess Sm-metal helps to maintain the concentration of SmI2, (f) resublime the iodine crystals. jove.com |
跨骏工程塑料制品公司(Quadrant [...] EPP)材料的本粘合剂使用手册中提及了许多用于表面处理或溶剂粘结的 化学品:二甲基乙酰胺、二甲基甲酰胺、二氧杂环已烷、乙醇(酒精)、甲酸、六氟丙酮半水合物、异丙醇、 [...] 二氯甲烷、全氯乙烯(四氯乙烯)、苯酚、磷酸、重 铬 酸钾 、 p-甲苯-磺酸、间二苯酚、重铬酸钠、硫酸、1,1,1三氯乙烷和三氯三氟乙烷。 quadrantplastics.com | Plenty of chemicals, to be used for surface pre-treatment or solvent cementing, are mentioned in this guide for adhesive bonding of Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products’ materials: dimethylacetamide, dimethylformamide, dioxane, ethanol (ethyl alcohol), formic acid, hexafluoroacetonesesquihydrate, isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), methylene chloride, [...] perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene), phenol, [...] phosphoric acid, potassium dichromate, [...]p-toluene-sulfonic acid, resorcinol, sodium [...]dichromate, sulphuric acid, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichlorotrifluoroethane. quadrantplastics.com |
南乳的氨基甲酸乙酯含量最高,但 即使攝入 量高的市民,消費量也很低;至於啤酒∕麥酒,雖然消費量 最 高 , 但氨 基甲酸乙酯含量卻很低。 cfs.gov.hk | The former had the highest level of EC contamination but very low consumption value even for the high consumers, while the latter had the highest consumption value but very low level of EC contamination. cfs.gov.hk |
47. 食典委通过了执委会建议的国际编码系统拟议修正草案,并建议食品添加剂法典 [...] 委员会根据粮农组织/世卫组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会第七十四届会议编制的规格专 论中的描述为“铝硅酸钾,珠 光染料”安排一个新的INS编码。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission adopted the proposed draft amendments to the INS as proposed by the CCEXEC and recommended to the CCFA [...] to reconsider a new INS number for [...] “potassium aluminium silicate, based pearlescent [...]pigments” on the basis of the description [...]of the specifications monograph prepared by the 74th JECFA. codexalimentarius.org |