

单词 高达


达到(某一高点或低点) v

hit v

达到性高潮 v

come v

使 ... 达到最高点 v

peak sth. v

到达最高点 v

peak v

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管有些项目可高达数万 美元,需要几个 月才能完成,但最常见的是日常有多个客户端的小项目。
While some projects can range up into the tens of thousands of dollars, taking months to complete, the most common are small projects with multiple clients on a day-to-day basis.
在内陆水域捕捞中妇女的比例被认为是 高的,至少为19%,更为重要的是,在第二产业活动中,比 高达 9 0 % , 例如加工。
The proportion of women is considered to be somewhat higher, at least 19
percent, in inland water fishing, and far
[...] more important, as high as 90 percent, in secondary [...]
activities, such as processing.
这为在9号纸机上用高质量的漂白长短纤维纸浆生产优质等级纸产品以及在10号纸机上 高达 8 5 % 的脱墨废纸浆生产胶版纸及复印纸提供了灵活性。
This provides the flexibility to produce
[...] premium grades from high-quality bleached [...]
long and short fiber pulp on the PM 9 whereas
PM 10 produces offset and copy paper from up to 85% deinked pulp.
因此,尽管每年增长高达 7%, 而且过去十年间的总体贫困人口减少了 50%以上,但 是越南的贫困问题依然严峻。
Thus, despite high annual growth rates of up to 7% and a more than 50% reduction [...]
in overall poverty over the past decade,
major poverty challenges remain for Viet Nam.
咨询委员会获悉,出现这种增长的部分原因是更多办事处搬到联 合国建筑群里,预期下一个两年期提供的公共服务将增 高达 20%。
The Committee was informed that this increase was partly due to the move of additional offices into the United Nations complex and that an increase of up to 20 per cent in the level of common services provided was anticipated for the next biennium.
对文丘里管内的压降进行控制,以实现完全的样品分散,控制精 高达 + / - 0.1 bar。
The air pressure drop across the venturi is manipulated to achieve complete sample dispersion and can be
[...] controlled to within +/-0.1 bar.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号
决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算
[...] 总额的预测数据,他估计可高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 [...]
两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见
A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates
could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or
[...] $319,811,300 more than the provision [...]
for special political missions in the proposed
programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
这包括严格的样机型式测试、功 高达 5 . M W的 现场质 量测试以及其他与客户共同进行的测试。
This includes aggressive type-testing for prototypes, field quality testing available up to 5 MW, and other joint testing with customers.
其快进速度高达到旧式加工机的 3.6 倍(A 轴的场合,表 1)。
The maximum rapid traverse rate is 3.6
[...] times greater than that of earlier [...]
models (for the A-axis, Table 1).
虽然 在各国开信用证的费用不同,但作为一个经验法则,出口商可以估计,在大部分 发达国家中,开立和支付超过 100 000 美元的信用证的费用为 0.75%(各银行最低
[...] 收费不同),而在发展中国家,签发和商付费用 高达 1.5%
Although the cost of opening a letter of credit varies from country to country, as a rule of thumb, the exporter can estimate that, in most developed countries, the percentage cost for opening and paying a letter of credit will be 0.75 per cent for letters of credit in excess of $100,000 (minimums
will vary from bank to bank); in developing countries, the issuing and negotiation cost
[...] can be upwards of 1.5 per cent.
总的说来,由于某些全国委员会反应 迟钝,有时会看到活动进展缓慢,尽管如此,与项目协调中心的密切合作以及合作伙伴的参与使得 为尼日尔的两个项目动员高达 257,000 欧元的预算外资金。
In conclusion, while the slow progress of activities has sometimes been noted, particularly in view of the lack of responsiveness of some national committees, close collaboration with the focal points of the projects and the commitment of partners have contributed to mobilizing extrabudgetary funds amounting to €257,000 for two projects in Niger.
[...] 陆面临着严重的障碍,例如供应能力有限,与贸易有关的基础设施和信贷能力有 限,缺乏多样化,以及地理情况复杂(包括有 15 个内陆国家),贸易成本因而高达货物价值的 50%,乍得就是这样。
Mr. Janneh stressed that trade was indeed the most important engine for development for Africa in many ways, although the continent faced serious obstacles, such as limited supply capacity, limited trade-related infrastructure and credit availability, a lack of diversification and
difficult geography,
[...] including 15 landlocked countries, so that the cost of trade could reach 50 per cent [...]
of goods value, as in the case of Chad.
赞比亚的经济状况仍十分糟糕,该国不稳定的外债负 担使其成为有可能从重债穷国倡议中获益的国家之一……在重债穷国倡议 下,赞比亚将可从其双边债权人处获得更多的债务减免……特别是,双边债 权人可能需要勾销赞比高达 90%的债务,而剩下的 10%将被重新安排在 23 年或者更长时间内偿还。
Zambia’s economic situation remains dire, and the country’s unsustainable external debt burden makes it one of the countries likely to benefit from the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative … Under the HIPC initiative, Zambia will receive additional debt reduction from its bilateral creditors … In particular, bilateral creditors may need to write off up to 90 per cent of their Zambian claims and reschedule the remaining 10 per cent over 23 years or more.
在各个年龄段,单亲家庭的女性 户主占到四分之三以上,其中 50
[...] 岁以上年龄段为 74.8%,25 至 34 岁年龄高达 79.8%。
Women form three quarters or more within each age group, which is
between 74.8 per cent in the age group of 50 years old and older
[...] and up to 79.8 per cent in the [...]
age group of 25-34 years old.
在第 56/16 号决定中,执行委员会决定,2007 年氟氯烃消费量达到 100 ODP 吨的国 家有资格为该国的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的投资项目的额外项目编制获得 高达 100, 000 美 元的资金;该投资项目是氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的一部分。
The Executive Committee, in decision 56/16 decided that countries with HCFC consumption up to 100 ODP tonnes in 2007 are eligible for a maximum of US $100,000 for additional project preparation for investment projects as part of their HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP).
行政过失法》第 41 条第 3 款规定,对雇用未成年人从事任何造成健康 风险或导致限制教育过程或损害身体、智力、精神及社会发展的工作的行为,处 以高达 20 个传统单位的罚金。
Article 41/3 of the Code on administrative misdemeanours provides for application of a fine of up to 20 conventional units for involvement of minors in any works which constitute a risk for health or constitute a limitation of the educational process, or harms physical, intellectual, spiritual and social development.
与其它现有的生产方法相比,这种方法生产出来的优质卫生纸采用含量可达100%的再生纤维,并可以环保地节 高达 6 0 % 的 能源。
Compared with other available manufacturing processes, the new system allows resource-conserving production of premium tissue paper using up to 100% secondary fibers and with energy savings of up to 60%.
推出之初 TPS92510 是市面上第一款集成 FET 的 DC/DC 降压转换器,能够高达 97% 的效率提供 1.5 A 电流,具有频率用户可配置、PWM LED 电流调制以及热返送等三个直流 LED 照明领域客户要求的关键常用功能。
At the time of release, the TPS92510 is the first DC/DC buck with integrated FET in the market which can deliver 1.5 A at up to 97% efficiency with user configurable switching frequency, PWM LED current modulation and thermal foldback - three key common customer requests in DC LED lighting.
虽然全球粮食生产的一多半是女农民耕作的, 在撒哈拉以南非洲和加勒比这一比例更 高达 80%, 然而,她们在耕种者中却是 属于最穷困的,这是因为她们往往没有土地产权和土地保有权,得不到正规的银 行服务和贷款,通常不能从政府的农业投入、技术和销售安排方案中得到好处。
Even though women farmers cultivate more than half of global food production, amounting to as much as 80 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean, they are among the most disadvantaged cultivators because they tend to lack land titles and tenure, are not able to access formal banking and credit and typically do not benefit from Government programmes for the provision of agricultural inputs, technologies and marketing arrangements.
专业的视频及电视制作人员也可以利用这个高品质的媒体流服务,其服务器采用了h.264编码 高达1 Mbi t的媒体流带宽,支持亮丽的高清媒体流。
Professional video and TV producers
can take advantage
[...] of the high quality streaming services, with server sided h.264 encoding and streaming bandwidths up to 1 Mbit, allowing crystal clear High Definition streaming.
许多分析师预测,云服务需求将在未来数年里迅速扩大,欧盟指出,到2020年,企业在云计算方面的投入 高达 4 5 0 亿欧元,而Nutanix集群将是打造可持续且无存储区域网(SAN)的数据中心的理想平台。
With many analysts predicting cloud services to rapidly increase in the next few years and the EU stating that businesses will be investing EUR 45 billion in cloud computing by 2020, the Nutanix Cluster is the ideal platform for building a sustainable, SAN-free datacentre.
艾默生网络能源的 Netsure 直流电源系统用于实现最高效率的电源转换(转换率 高达约 96%),同时降低总拥有成本。
Emerson Network Power’s Netsure DC power
system is used to
[...] achieve the highest efficiency power conversion (approximately 96 percent) and reduce [...]
the total cost of ownership.
在这方面的主要特点是令人印象深刻 高达 1.6 G 的直线轴动态响应,以高达 60 m/min 的显著提高 了生产率的快速轴运动。
Key features in this context are the impressive dynamic response of up to 1.6 G in the linear axes as well as fast axis movements up to 60 m/min, which significantly increases productivity.
事实上,补充供 资在捐助国给基金的捐助高达 20% ,而补充供资的性质就是捐助以外的款项。
In fact, bilateral contributions were a way for donor countries to make up to 20 per cent of their contributions to the Fund, and additional funding was, by definition, over and above those contributions.
农业也是一项在摩尔多瓦经济中占主要份额的基础产业:占 GDP 的 15%,如果将初级农产品加工行业的产值计算在内,农业产业对 GDP 的贡献高达 30%以上,而且约占出口总额的 50%。
Agriculture is a basic sector with a major share in the economy of Moldova: 15% of the GDP, whilst if taken with the raw agricultural products processing industry contributes with over 30% of the GDP and is around 50% of the total amount of exports.
关于退休的预测表明,今后五年内,目前工作人员从一些方案退休的比例高达 42%(大会和会议管理部)、45%(联合国日内瓦办事处)和 [...]
48%(人力资源管 理厅和西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会))(见 A/61/257/和 Corr.1,第 55 段)。
Forecasts of anticipated retirements show that, within the next five years, percentages
of present staff retiring from some
[...] programmes will be as high as 42 per cent (Department [...]
for General Assembly and Conference
Management), 45 per cent (United Nations Office at Geneva) and 48 per cent (Office of Human Resources Management and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) (see A/61/257 and Corr.1, para. 55).
其图像输出质量极高,在标清制式下 高达 到 800线水平清晰度;智能算法打造出优越的曝光系统,实现宽动态应用范围;其独特的逐行扫描模式,可抓拍高速运动场景每个细节;智能帧累积配合拓邦独有的电子ICR(IR [...]
CUT Removal)装置,可实现星光级照度;使摄像机在白天和夜晚都能同样能获得清晰的图像;还有背光补偿、光圈修正、自动跟踪白平衡等。
The high quality image output, the highest in [...]
the SD format to the next level of resolution of 800 lines; intelligent algorithm
to create a superior exposure system, to achieve wide dynamic range of applications; its unique progressive scan mode, can capture every detail of high-speed sports scenes ; Smart frame with Topband cumulative unique e-ICR (IR CUT Removal) devices, can achieve star-level illumination; to the camera during the day and night can also get a clear image; also backlight compensation, aperture correction, automatic tracking white balance.
基本上,顾客得到一个精确的腔体模具,它可以以一个很有竞争力的价格提出一个尺寸上很精确的原型部 件 ( 高达 1 , 0 00件取决于模具的材料).就如和其它的CAD/CAM项目一样,和产品和模具设计相关的数据,和加工都被电子储存起来为将来的参考做准备:因为原型产品经过了多中循环,并且从市场和领域测试中得到反馈,储存的CAD/CAM信息允许快速,准确和廉价的更改产品,模具或注塑模塑过程来在大规模生产之前完善最终产品。
Basically, the customer gets a precision cavity mold that faithfully renders dimensionally accurate prototype parts (up to 1,000 pieces depending on the mold material) at a very competitive price. As with all CAD/CAM projects, data relating to product and mold design, and processing is retained electronically for future reference: as the prototype product moves through multiple iterations given feedback from marketing and field testing, the stored CAD/CAM information allows for quick, accurate, inexpensive changes to the product, mold or injection molding process to perfect the finished good before large scale production.
商品出口国的增长率在商品价格强劲的 2007 年高达到 两 位数,而资源贫乏的小岛屿发展中国家的出口增长率则远远低于世界平均值。
While the trend growth rate of commodities exporters was in the double digits at the height of the commodities price boom in 2007, the export growth of resource-poor small island developing States remained well below the world average.




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