

单词 高谈阔论

See also:


brilliant views
enlightening remarks (honorific)



谈谈 v

talk about v

External sources (not reviewed)

许多高谈阔论,仿佛为了取得和平,我们所 需做的一切就是经常大声呼喊我们热爱和平、憎 恨战争。
to get peace was to say loudly and frequently that we loved peace and hated war.
我们是不 是必须继续无休无止高谈阔论,就好像根本没有人 在聆听呢?
Must we continue talking endlessly as if [...]
no one is listening?
现在是从无休止高谈阔论转向 具体行动的时 候了。
It is time that we move from
[...] endless speeches and rhetoric to specific acts.
恰恰相反,环境恶化不断加速,民生和经济遭受毁灭性破坏和大规模扰乱, 我们已经没有时间再犹豫不决 高谈阔论 , 因为时间不等人。
Far from it, it is accelerating and brings in its wake lethal devastation and mass disruptions for both peoples and economies.
要求召开本次会议的会员国 的政府并不打算——并且我召开本次会议不是为了 —高谈阔论,慷慨陈词但毫无行动。
The Governments of Member States that requested this meeting did not intend — and I did not convene this meeting to be — a talk-fest, filled with passionate speeches and leading to no action.
尽管近期国际社会对削减核武库问 高谈阔 论,但 该领域缺少实际行动,而且在废除《反弹道 导弹条约》之后继续努力扩张导弹防御系统,阻碍 了执行 2000 年审议大会达成的协定,而该次大会的 《最后文件》吁请核武器国家将其退役武器中的裂 变材料置于国际原子能机构的保障监督之下。
Notwithstanding the recent rhetoric concerning reduction of nuclear arsenals, a lack of practical action in that area and continued [...]
efforts to expand missile
defence after abrogation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty were among the obstacles to implementation of the agreements made at the 2000 Review Conference, the Final Document of which called on nuclear-weapon States to place fissile material from their decommissioned weapons under IAEA safeguards.
然而荒谬的是,在第四委员会,苏丹、 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、伊朗和叙利亚等人权和 民主的“堡垒”,竟然对以色列的开放与自由问高 谈阔论。
Yet it was absurd that in the Fourth Committee, “bastions” of human rights and democracy, such as Sudan, North Korea, Iran and Syria, should lecture the open and free state of Israel.
就在我们在联合 国大会厅高谈阔论时,地球上超过 8.84 亿人得不 到优质的饮用水;包括 10 亿儿童在内的 26 亿人得不 到良好的卫生服务。
While we deliver speeches in this Hall, more than 884 million people on our planet have no access to sources of improved drinking water and 2.6 billion, including almost 1 billion children, have no access to improved sanitation services.
而对那些媒体和伪学界中酷爱在他 们关于我国高谈阔论中使 用“失败国家”等等陈 词滥调的人,我只能说,而且可以说是带着毫不掩 [...]
And for those in the media and pseudo-academics with a
[...] penchant for inserting clichés like “failing State” [...]
into their sanctimonious lectures
on my country and several others, I can only say, admittedly with poorly disguised disdain, that we are doing very well, thank you.
天秤座在某些方面精明过头,某些方面粗线 条到了极点,天秤座看起来与世无争,其实他只 是有一堆没说出口的原则罢了。天秤座喜 高谈 阔论,但 很能把握尺度;看似合群喜欢热闹,却不 喜欢掏心掏肺。
Librans like to talk and while they look like social animals they never show 100% of themselves.
将于 11 月在釜山举行的第四次援助实效问高 级别论坛前景广阔,她希望这次论坛将重申南南合作 与三角合作的相关性。
The Fourth High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, to be held in Busan in November, held great promise and she hoped that [...]
it would reaffirm the
relevance of South-South and triangular cooperation.
经济发展是阿尔梅勒市和深圳市之间合作的重要支柱之一,从更为 广 阔 的 视野 而 论 , 阿 姆斯特丹大都市区也会从两个城市的合作中受益匪浅。
The economic development is one of the key pillars of the collaboration between Almere and Shenzhen, which will also benefit Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.
我们正谈论二十 一世纪的教 育,现在是2001年,因此,离二十一世纪结束还有99年。
We are talking about education in [...]
the twenty-first century, it is now 2001, and we therefore have 99 years of the twentieth century ahead of us.
尤其是,非洲集团回 顾,尽管人权是关键的高于一 切的因素,发展问题同样也是影响人权的关键因 素,没有发展就无法理所当然谈论 粮 食 权、健康权和受教育权。
In particular, it recalled that while human rights were the key and overriding factor, the issue of development was likewise the key factor impacting of human rights, without which the rights to food, health, and education could not be taken for granted.
实行这种安排之后,商业银行愿意与拥有明确战略、 广 阔 农 村 网络高 信贷 回收率和安全金融工具的国际金融机构合作。
Under this arrangement, commercial banks are willing to work with MFIs that have clear strategies, extensive rural networks, strong credit recovery rates and secure financing instruments.
谈论今天关于工作方法的公开辩论会的主题 时,我必须赶紧重申我们支持开展迅速和全面的改革 进程,其中包括所有可谈判的组别,从而使安全理事 会变得更具代表性、更透明、更包容各方、更负责、 更有效和更高效地 履行职责,以确保它作出的决定 具有合法性,并代表广大会员国的观点和立场。
In addressing the theme of today’s open debate on working methods, I must hasten to reaffirm that we support an expeditious and comprehensive reform process, embracing all the negotiable clusters, that will make the Security Council more representative, transparent, inclusive, accountable, effective and efficient [...]
in executing
its responsibilities in order to ensure that its decisions are legitimate and representative of the views and positions of the wider membership.
以 开展培训和教育,通过电子和印刷媒体,循环宣传表演以及持续开展的 谈 ,来 提高社会对人权的认识。
Training and education were
[...] undertaken to raise society’s perspective on human rights through electronic and print media, roadshows and ongoing talks.
她感谢建立高级专 员办事处的各国,呼吁这些国 家把办事处看作有用资源,并建议同意人权理事会 应对某些参数引起重视的俄罗斯联邦代表与她就该 问题进谈论。
She thanked the countries that hosted an OHCHR country office and urged States to see such offices as
[...] [...] useful resources. She invited the representative of the Russian Federation, who had expressed the view that certain parameters should be brought to the attention of the Human Rights Council, to discuss the matter with her.
这个办公室的优点是它面向浦东的广 阔 视 野 ,室内 高 5 . 3 米 ,并且是一个整体的大空间。
The most impressive qualities of this Loft are the grand views towards Pudong, the clear height of 5.3 meters, and its large, open space.
这归功于自东向西经大西洋吹到美洲大陆的季风,以及从赤道流向挪威海的暖流, 挪威海岸线的角度以及北冰洋的阔 路 径 将温和的气流和水流引向 高 纬 度
This is due to the trade winds that blow east-west across the Atlantic to the American continent and the warm currents flowing from the Equator to the Norwegian Sea, where the angle of
the Norwegian coastline and the open path to the Arctic
[...] Ocean guides the temperate air and waters to more northerly latitudes.
联阿援助团支持设立受害者群体,尤其是在中 高 地 设立 亚 阔 郎 受 害者协 会,并为加强过渡时期司法进程的理解提供技术支持。
UNAMA supported
[...] the setting up of victims’ groups, in particular the establishment of the Yakawlang Association of Victims in the central highlands, and provided [...]
technical support to
broaden understanding of transitional justice processes.
主席先生,我今天谈论贵国代表团为本次辩论 会编写的概念文件(S/2010/322,附件)中提议的三大 专题,即在冲突中和冲突后局势中促进法治,国际司 法与和平解决争端,以及制裁制度的效力和可信度。
Today, I will address the three main topics suggested in the concept paper prepared by your delegation, Sir, for this debate (S/2010/322, annex), namely, the promotion of the rule of law in conflict and post-conflict situations, international justice and the peaceful settlement of disputes, and the efficiency and credibility of sanctions regimes.
自 2008 年以来,我一谈论国际 和国内法治之间的重要衔接,建议联合国 注重寻找更好的方法,支持会员国及其民众在国内落实国际规范和标准,致力于 遵守国际义务,并且最重要的是,加强确保有效实行和享有公正的国内和国际秩 序的机构、政策、进程和条件。
Since 2008, I have remarked on the critical interface between international and national rule of law, recommending that the United Nations focus on finding better ways to support Member States and their populations in the domestic implementation of international norms and standards, working to achieve compliance with international obligations and, most critically, strengthening the institutions, policies, processes and conditions that ensure effective enforcement and enjoyment of a just national and international order.
修建另一条替代 石油管道的计划已谈论了很 多年;无数的选择都 在考虑之中,其中大多是去往肯尼亚或吉布提的海 [...]
Plans for an alternative
[...] pipeline have been talked about for decades; [...]
numerous options are under consideration, most of
which are destined for seaports in Kenya or Djibouti (via Ethiopia).
在 2010 年 9 月于纽约召开的千年发展
[...] 目标审查峰会期间,联合国教科文组织与欧洲联盟、非洲联盟共同组织了一场“文化与发展高级别圆桌谈,会谈肯定 了文化在人类及社会、经济发展中的核心地位。
In the context of the MDG Review Summit held in New York in September 2010, UNESCO
organized a High-Level Round Table
[...] on Culture for development in cooperation with the European [...]
Union and the African Union,
which affirmed the place of culture at the core of human and socio-economic development.
[...] 以及(2)开发有关艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教学材料(针对年轻人的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病 的教育剧目、针对教育工作者的以戏剧技巧为基础的培训手册、 高 妇 女 的 谈 判 能力 手册……)。
Educational content and methods are being updated by (1) strengthening the capacities of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) through the use of new contents, and (2) developing educational material on HIV/AIDS (Theatre, HIV/AIDS Toolkit for Youth in
Africa, training manual for peer educators based on stage
[...] techniques, handbook on building women’s negotiation skills).
近年来,斯凯孚 的产品在中国铁路和轨道交通行业得到了更加 广阔 的应,无论是CR H系列动车组、HXD系列电力机 车、25K/T准高速列 车、城市轨道交通车辆,还是25 吨轴重货车,斯凯孚的产品日日夜夜运行在中国广阔 的土地上,为中国经济高速发 展贡献自己的力量。
SKF products have been widely used in CRH series high speed train units, HXD electric locomotives, 25K/T quasi-high-speed train, mass transit vehicles, and 25 ton heavy axle load wagon.
谈论和平 解决中东冲突将仍然是梦想,除非以色 列愿意停止其做法和侵犯人权的行径,尊重在这方面 [...]
的国际意愿,遵守法律,以及停止我们在世界各地的 电视上都能看到的对无辜巴勒斯坦人民的袭击。
Talk of settling the conflict [...]
in the Middle East peacefully will remain a dream until Israel is willing to stop its practices
and violations of human rights and respect the international will in that regard, abide by laws and stop its attacks on the innocent people of Palestine, which we see on television throughout the world.
由于本多国办事处分管的国家众多,地理区域广大,新任命的主任无法访 问所有国家,因此在目前阶谈论对 该 地区发展和趋势的分析性看法还为时尚早。
Given the vast geographical area and number of countries to be covered by this cluster, the newly-appointed Director has not been able to visit all countries and thus a regional analytical view on developments and trends is premature at this stage.
我们也非常相信,由于互联网充分实现互联网潜力的力量,我们要确保每个人都能够表达自己的想法,并使用互联网力量进行 论 、 谈论 事 情,即使这些事情可能是不受欢迎的,并且即使他们可能是敏感的。
We also believe very much that because of the power of the internet to realize the full potential of the internet we have to ensure that everybody is able to express
their ideas and to use the power of the
[...] internet to debate, to talk about things, [...]
even if they might be unpopular, and
even if they might be sensitive.




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