单词 | 高薪酬 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 高薪酬—high salarySee also:高薪—high salary 薪酬n—salaryn salariespl emolumentspl 薪酬pl—wagespl remunerationspl 酬—entertain compensate repay
年内,本集团并无向本公司董事或任何五名最高薪酬雇员支付作为加入本集团时之酬金或加入 本集团後之奖励,又或作为失去职位之赔偿(二零零八年:无)。 cflg.com.hk | During the year, noemoluments were paid by the Group to the Company's directors or any of the five highest paid individuals [...] as an inducement [...]to join, or upon joining the Group, or as compensation for loss of office (2008: Nil). cflg.com.hk |
於 年 内,概 无 董 事 或 监 事 放 弃 或 同 意 放 弃 任 何 酬 金,而 本 集 团 亦 无 支 付 任 何 薪 酬 予 董 [...] 事、监 事 或 任 何 五 名最高 薪 酬雇员,作 为 加 入 本 集 [...]团 的 诱 因 或 离 职 补 偿。 zte.com.cn | During the year, no director or supervisor waived or agreed to waive any emolument, and no emoluments were paid by [...] the Group to the directors, supervisors or [...] any of the fivehighest paidemployees [...]as an inducement to join or upon joining [...]the Group or as compensation for loss of office. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
刚果民主共和国政府加大努力确保获得教育、医疗和适当的生活水准,采 [...] 取的措施包括建造医院,改善经营环境、加强电力供应,以及逐步提高薪酬等。daccess-ods.un.org | The Government was stepping up efforts to ensure access to education, health and an adequate standard of living, including through the building of [...] hospitals, the improvement of the business climate and the electricity supply, and the [...] progressiveincrease in remuneration. daccess-ods.un.org |
信息权法规定了各种不适宜当选的情况,包括个人担任高薪酬职务,而不是从事科学、 教育或创造性的工作;对外国承担了义务;被判刑且刑期未满,或法院已宣布其无资格。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Various exclusions are provided for in the Law, including [...] individuals holding remunerative positions, other [...]than scientific, pedagogical or creative [...]work, under obligations to foreign States, with prison sentences that have not been discharged or whom a court has declared incapable. unesdoc.unesco.org |
年内本集团之五名最高薪酬人士包括两位(二零零七年:两位)董事,彼等酬金已列载 於上文列示之分析内。 asiasat.com | The five [...] individualswhose emoluments were the highest in the Group [...]for the year include two (2007: two) directors whose [...]emoluments are reflected in the analysis presented above. asiasat.com |
(a) 已采取何种措施确保妇女平等获得高薪酬就业机会,并改进她们在劳 工决策职位上的代表权 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) The measures it has undertaken to ensure equal opportunities for women to access higher paying employment [...] and to improve their [...]representation in decisionmaking positions in the labour force daccess-ods.un.org |
本年度本集团最高薪酬之五位人士,其中四位(2003:四位)为本公司董事,以上之分析已列出彼等之酬金。 wingtaiproperties.com | Among the five [...] individuals whose emolumentswere thehighest [...]inthe Group for the year, four (2003: four) of them were Directors [...]of the Company and whose emoluments are disclosed above. wingtaiproperties.com |
在竞争中,企业不仅面临来自员工高薪酬期望值,还需逐年提升薪酬奖金,劳动力成本因此直线上升。 euccc.com.cn | Both face high salaryexpectations and [...] must offer significantly better compensation packages year on year, thereby increasing their labour costs. euccc.com.cn |
他表示,这一相对比例关 [...] 系在前几年有所减弱,因此提议,除了通常按消费价格指数进行的调整外,还提高薪酬数额,以恢复 1996 年上次全面审查时的报酬对应关系(即上述 [...]97%的对应 关系)(同上,第 8 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | He observed that, in previous years, that relativity had been eroded, and therefore proposed, in addition to [...] the usual CPI-related adjustment, an [...] increase in theremuneration with a view to restoring [...]the compensation relationship [...]that had existed at the time of the previous comprehensive review in 1996 (i.e. the aforementioned 97 per cent relationship) (ibid., para. 8). daccess-ods.un.org |
截至二零一一年及二零一零 年三月三十一日止两个年度,董事或五名最高薪酬人士概无获派发或可收取任何酌情或根据本集 团表现厘定之花红。 equitynet.com.hk | No bonuses were paid or receivable by the directors or the five highest paidindividuals which are discretionary or are based on the Group’s performance during the two years ended 31st March 2011 and 2010. equitynet.com.hk |
下列为本集团的主要管理人员酬金,包括付予本公司董事的款项(载於附注8)及付予若干最高薪酬雇员的款项(载 於附 注9 cre8ir.com | Remuneration for key management personnel of the Group, including amounts paid to the [...] Company’s directors as disclosed in note 8 and [...] certain ofthe highest paidemployees as [...]disclosed in note 9, is as follows cre8ir.com |
因此,法庭法官 的最高薪酬自2012 年 1 月 1 日起调至 169 098 美元,即与国际法院法官的薪酬 相等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, the maximum remuneration of judges of the Tribunal was adjusted to $169,098, i.e., the same level as the remuneration [...] of the members of the [...]International Court of Justice, as of 1 January 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一状况反映了男女之间的经济和社会不平等,女性从事的职业技术含量不高,薪酬也较少(三分之二低薪职业由女性从事),82%的非全职工作由女性承担, 有的非全职工作工时很短,合同期限也被限定。 daccess-ods.un.org | This situation reflects the economic and social inequalities between women and men: women hold less-qualified and lower-paid jobs (two thirds of low-paid jobs areheld by women) and 82 per cent of part-time jobs are held by women, who sometimes work much shorter hours and on fixed-term contracts. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府 制定战略,包括依靠石油收入来扩大公共部门就业,向人口中的弱势群体进行现 金转移支付,提高薪酬以及政府在基础设施和其他项目方面订立合同,这些多少 [...] 缓解了上述问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | These issues have been somewhat mitigated by the Government’s strategies, which include relying on oil money for expanded public employment, cash [...] transfer payments to vulnerable segments of [...] thepopulation,salary increases and Government [...]contracts for infrastructure and other projects. daccess-ods.un.org |
截至二零零八年、二零零九年及二零一零年十二月三十一日止年度,以及截至二零一一年七月三日 及二零一零年七月四日止六个月内,飞利浦业务并无支付予五位最高薪酬人士薪金、奖金或福利,作为加 入业务集团之奖励或离职补偿。 cre8ir.com | During the years ended 31 December 2008, 2009 and 2010 and the six months [...] ended 3 July 2011 and 4 [...] July 2010, nosalaries,bonus or benefits were paid by the Philips Business to the five highest paidindividualsasaninducementtojoinoruponjoiningtheBu sinessGrouporasaconsequenceoflossof office. cre8ir.com |
但是,从 2011 年 10 月起到第 16 号案件结案为止,法庭除 了必须支付 2011 年 6 月新当选法官的年度津贴之外,还必须支付任期已经届满 但继续审理第 16 号案件的法官的年度津贴(按年度最高薪酬的三分之一计算,并 按月支付)。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, as of 1 October 2011 and until the completion of Case No. 16, the Tribunal will have to pay an annual allowance (calculated on the basis of one third of the annual maximum remuneration and payable on a monthly basis) to the judges whose terms of office will have expired and who continue to sit in Case No. 16, as well as to the Judges who will have been newly elected in June 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |