单词 | 高罗佩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 高罗佩—Gao Luopei or R.H. van Gulik (1910-1967), Dutch sinologist, |
内务委员会主席宣布葛佩帆议员、张 宇人议员及范国威议员获选加入香港中文大学 校董会。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman declared Dr Elizabeth QUAT, MrTommy CHEUNG and Mr Gary FAN elected to serve on the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
倘若公立医院的服务收费高於市民的承担能力,使普罗市民面对高昂的医疗服务价格,必定会令市民在生活㆖增加多㆒种困难。 legco.gov.hk | If public medical institutions set the charge at a rate higher than [...] what the public can [...] afford, the people will have to pay a highpricefor medical treatment and this will [...]surely impose an [...]extra burden on the community at large. legco.gov.hk |
该委员会建议大幅扩大高等教育。《罗宾斯报告书》的原则及建议, 成为大学界别日後发展的基础。 legco.gov.hk | The principles and [...] recommendations of the Robbins Report formed the basis [...]for the development of the university sector in subsequent years. legco.gov.hk |
内务委员会主席表示,葛佩帆议员及 田北俊议员所动议议案的主题分别是" 帮助中 [...] 产 " 及 " 优化失业综援" ,而议案措辞已送交议 员。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman said that the subjects of the motions to be [...] moved by Dr Elizabeth QUAT andMr James [...]TIEN were "Assisting the middle class" and [...]"Optimizing the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance for the unemployed" respectively. legco.gov.hk |
莫乃光议员、单仲偕议员及葛佩帆议员同 意加入该小组委员会。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Charles MOK, Mr SIN Chung-kai and Dr ElizabethQUAT agreed to join the subcommittee. legco.gov.hk |
由左至右,左五起)香港UA影院董事包伟龙先生;澳门银河影院营运行政经理翁栋良先生;澳门银河非博彩营运高级副总裁麦佩欣小姐;澳门银河市场发展高级副总裁简佩瑜小姐;澳门银河市场策略副总裁贺慧贞小姐与一众UA银河影院及澳门银河市场发展部同事共同领取由「亚洲电影博览会2012」颁发的「最佳服务奖」。 galaxymacau.com | (from left to right, starting fifth from the left) Mr. Bob Vallone, Director of UA Cinemas Hong Kong; Mr. Perry Yung, Executive Manager of Cinema Operations, Galaxy Macau; Ms. Gillian Murphy, Senior Vice President of Non-Gaming Operations, Galaxy Macau; Ms. Janette Kendall, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Galaxy Macau; Ms. Joanna Barnes, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, Galaxy Macau and the UA Galaxy Cinemas and Galaxy Macau marketing team receive the “Best Service Award” at CineAsia 2012. galaxymacau.com |
葛佩帆议员询问,根据"人人畅道通行"计 划安装的升降机的维修费用,会否由建议增设的专 用基本工程整体拨款支付。 legco.gov.hk | DrElizabeth QUAT asked whether the maintenance cost of the installed lifts under the UA Programme would be funded by the proposed new dedicated capital works block allocation. legco.gov.hk |
Jeong 博士拥有首尔国立大学电子工程学系理学士学位,韩国高等理工学院电子工程学系理学硕士学位,科罗拉多大学电子与电脑工程学系博士学位。 seagate.com | Dr. Jeong holds a bachelor of science degree in electronics engineering from Seoul National University, a master of science degree in electrical engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science andTechnology and a Ph. seagate.com |
下 列议员同意加入该法案委员会:刘慧卿议员、 [...] 叶国谦议员、陈恒镔议员、梁志祥议员、麦美 娟议员及葛佩帆议员。 legco.gov.hk | The following Members agreed to join the [...] Bills Committee: Ms Emily LAU, Mr IP Kwok-him, Mr CHAN Han-pan, Mr LEUNG Che-cheung, Miss [...] Alice MAK and DrElizabeth QUAT. legco.gov.hk |
廖佩珊女士简述有关水果和蔬菜的营养素含量风险评估研究结果。 cfs.gov.hk | Ms. Melissa LIU presented the results of the risk assessment study on nutrient values of fruit and vegetables. cfs.gov.hk |
新管制站日後可扩建及增加设施,其旅客处理量将较罗湖站 更高,从而大大纾缓罗湖管制站的挤迫情况,以及应付不断 增长的过境人流。 legco.gov.hk | This will much alleviate congestion at the Lo Wu Control Point and help to cope with the surging cross-boundary passenger traffic. legco.gov.hk |
我希望房协今後能继续努力,务求秉承其过往的成就,进㆒步提高兴建楼宇的质 素,增加运作透明度,迎合香港普罗大众日渐提高的生活水平,好让我们能够尽快解 决香港的房屋问题。 legco.gov.hk | I hope the HS may from now on continue its good work, basing on its past achievements. I hope it can make further improvements on the quality of the housing units it builds, enhance transparency in its operation so as to meet the needs of the general public who are having a rising living standard and to enable us to solve the problems of housing in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
主席先生,在世界盃方面,俄罗斯的沙连高在今早㆒场球赛㆗射入 5 球,创出 15 届世界盃 的纪录。 legco.gov.hk | MR CHIM PUI-CHUNG (in Cantonese): Mr President, in the World Cup matches, Russia’s SALINKO this morning scored five goals and set a record for the 15th World Cup tournament. legco.gov.hk |
我 看 到 行 政长官 在 施 政 报 告第 62、 63 段 中指出他高度重 视罗湖通道 的 人 流问题, 但 接 他 认 为 落 马 洲 似 乎 可 提 供一个解决的 办 法 。 legco.gov.hk | We can see that the Chief Executive has pointed out in paragraphs 62 and 63 of the policy address that he attaches great importance to the passenger flow at the Lo Wu Control Point. legco.gov.hk |
廖佩珊女士說,泉水及矿泉水(包括经人工添加矿物质和被描述为矿泉水的水)获豁 免标示营养标签。 cfs.gov.hk | Ms. Melissa LIU advised that spring water and mineral water, including water to which minerals were artificially added and was described as mineral water, were exempted from the NL Scheme. cfs.gov.hk |
让我们看看它的常务理事会成员:主席是邓淑明,河南省政协;副主 席是郑锦钟,民建联区议员郑泳舜的父亲。此外,总干事赵钰铭是民 [...] 建联成员;现任副主席洪为民是宁夏回族自治区的政协;葛佩帆是民 建联成员,是创会主席。 legco.gov.hk | Let us take a look at the membership of its Council: the President is Dr Winnie TANG, who is also a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Henan Provincial Committee; [...] the Vice-President is Dr Eric K.C. CHENG, who [...] is the sonof Mr Vincent CHENG [...](Sham Shui Po District Council member of the [...]Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB)). legco.gov.hk |
梁美芬议员:主席,今次的财政预算案(“预算案”),我相信是最难制订 的一份预算案,因为金融海啸百年一遇,连索罗斯也在G20高峰会上说, 他觉得中国的经济制度有很多很好的地方,例如中国监管银行的制度很 严谨,所以相信中国是在金融海啸底下最容易复苏的国家。 legco.gov.hk | In the face of the once-in-a-century financial tsunami, even Soros mentioned in the G20 summit that in his opinion, China, having an economic system with many desirable qualities such as the rigorous mechanism in regulating the banks, would be the country most easily to recover from the financial tsunami. legco.gov.hk |
此外,陆教授指称,在过去几年,很多时当他的同事在报章 发表文章,批评教育改革或教育政策,莫礼时教授即会收到政府高官 ( 陆教授其後指出该政府高官为罗太) 来电,要求把那些同事“炒掉” ( “第二项指控”) 。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, Professor Luk alleged that in the past few years, often his colleagues published newspaper articles that were critical of the education reforms or education policy. legco.gov.hk |
如对本参考资料摘要有任何查询,请致电 2189 [...] 2182 与环境运输及 工务局首席助理秘书长戴家佩女士联络。 legco.gov.hk | Any enquiries concerning this brief can be [...] directed to Ms Elizabeth Tai,Principal [...]Assistant Secretary for the Environment, [...]Transport and Works, at 2189 2182. legco.gov.hk |
另外,经营者亦可就每个违例的标签被判处罚款最高达450欧罗(4,757 港元)。 legco.gov.hk | Alternatively, the operator may be asked to pay fines ofup to €450 (HK$4,757) for each label that does not conform to the regulations. legco.gov.hk |
澳门首次推出来自英国威尔士 Rhug Estate 的世界一级有机农场肉,新鲜丰富的食材再加上奥罗拉厨师精湛高超的煮食技艺,怎能错过如此特别及健康的珍馐美馔? yp.mo | Having tasted the high quality organic farm meat and other organic produce from the Rhug Farm, Michele dell’ Aquila, Chef De Cuisine at Aurora of Altira Macau, decided to further explore the “field to plate” operation, spurred by his indulgence in the freshness of ingredients. yp.mo |
何秀兰议员关注到居港的海外家庭及因工 作或投资而来港居住的家庭未必能负担哈罗香港收取的高昂学费。 legco.gov.hk | Ms Cyd HO was concerned that overseas families living in Hong Kong [...] and families coming to Hong Kong for work or investment might not be [...] able to afford thehigh fees charged byHarrow HK. legco.gov.hk |
廖佩珊女士又向与会人士简介由香港食品委员会及綠色有机生活协会聯合进行的 调查结果。 cfs.gov.hk | Ms. Melissa LIU also briefed the meeting on results of a survey conducted jointly by Hong Kong Food Council (HKFC) and Association of Green Organic at Living (AGOL) from February to March 2010 to assess the compliance of the NL requirements by the food trade. cfs.gov.hk |
继於2013年 1月 10日发出的立法会CB(3) 288/12-13号文件, 有 9位议员(郭伟强议员、郭家麒议员、梁继昌议员、张超雄议员、 单仲偕议员、易志明议员、莫乃光议员、吴亮星议员及梁美芬议员) 已分别作出预告,会在2013年 1 月 23日的立法会会议上,分别就葛佩帆议员的“帮助中产”议案动议修正案。 legco.gov.hk | Further to LC Paper No. CB(3) 288/12-13 issued on 10 January 2013, nine Members (Hon KWOK Wai-keung, Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon Kenneth LEUNG, Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG, Hon SIN Chung-kai, Hon Frankie YICK, Hon Charles Peter MOK, Hon NG Leung-sing and Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG) have respectively given notices of their intention to move separate amendments to Dr HonElizabeth QUAT’smotion on “Assisting the middle class” scheduled for the Council meeting of 23 January 2013. legco.gov.hk |
这宗事件发生後,那麽多人挑战政府的决定,不单是因为葛辉辞 职,更是由於在过程中,政府原本拣选了社联作为执行计划的主要考 虑机构,但资料显示,政府内某些人员却建议社联考虑,与另一个具 政治背景的机构 ⎯⎯ [...] 最低限度其创会会长是民建联区议员葛佩帆⎯⎯ 合作,一起进行这项计划。 legco.gov.hk | However, information showed that some government officials had suggested the HKCSS to consider implementing the project in collaboration with another [...] organization with political background ― [...] at least Elizabeth QUAT, its Co-founder, [...]is a District Council member of the DAB. legco.gov.hk |
陈监林议员、刘皇发议员、谭耀宗议员、张宇 人议员、方刚议员、王国兴议员、林健锋议员、 黄定光议员、李慧琼议员、陈健波议员、黄国 健议员、叶国谦议员、田北辰议员、田北俊议 [...] 员、吴亮星议员、何俊贤议员、易志明议员、 姚思荣议员、马逢国议员、陈恒镔议员、陈婉 [...] 娴议员、梁志祥议员、麦美娟议员、郭伟强议 员、张华峰议员、葛佩帆议员、廖长江议员、 潘兆平议员、邓家彪议员、蒋丽芸议员、卢伟 [...]国议员、锺树根议员及谢伟铨议员。 legco.gov.hk | Mr CHAN Kam-lam, Dr LAU Wong-fat, Mr TAM Yiu-chung, Mr Tommy CHEUNG, Mr Vincent FANG, Mr WONG Kwok-hing, Mr Jeffrey LAM, Mr WONG Ting-kwong, Ms Starry LEE, Mr CHAN Kin-por, Mr WONG Kwok-kin, Mr IP Kwok-him, Mr Michael TIEN, Mr James TIEN, Mr NG Leung-sing, Mr Steven HO, Mr Frankie YICK, Mr YIU Si-wing, Mr MA Fung-kwok, Mr CHAN Han-pan, Miss CHAN Yuen-han, Mr LEUNG Che-cheung, Miss [...] Alice MAK, Mr KWOK Wai-keung, Mr Christopher [...] CHEUNG, DrElizabeth QUAT, MrMartin [...]LIAO, Mr POON Siu-ping, Mr TANG Ka-piu, Dr [...]CHIANG Lai-wan, Ir Dr LO Wai-kwok, Mr Christopher CHUNG and Mr Tony TSE. legco.gov.hk |
陈监林议员、谭耀宗议员、王国兴议员、林健 锋议员、黄定光议员、李慧琼议员、林大辉议 [...] 员、陈克勤议员、梁美芬议员、黄国健议员、 叶国谦议员、吴亮星议员、何俊贤议员、姚思 荣议员、陈恒镔议员、陈婉娴议员、梁志祥议 [...] 员、麦美娟议员、郭伟强议员、张华峰议员、葛佩帆议员、潘兆平议员、邓家彪议员、蒋丽 [...]芸议员、卢伟国议员及锺树根议员。 legco.gov.hk | Mr CHAN Kam-lam, Mr TAM Yiu-chung, Mr WONG Kwok-hing, Mr Jeffrey LAM, Mr WONG Ting-kwong, Ms Starry LEE, Dr LAM Tai-fai, Mr CHAN Hak-kan, Dr Priscilla LEUNG, Mr WONG Kwok-kin, Mr IP Kwok-him, Mr NG Leung-sing, Mr Steven HO, Mr YIU Si-wing, Mr CHAN Han-pan, Miss CHAN Yuen-han, Mr LEUNG Che-cheung, Miss [...] Alice MAK, Mr KWOK Wai-keung, Mr Christopher [...] CHEUNG, Dr Elizabeth QUAT, MrPOON [...]Siu-ping, Mr TANG Ka-piu, Dr CHIANG Lai-wan, [...]Ir Dr LO Wai-kwok and Mr Christopher CHUNG. legco.gov.hk |
在今年复活节4月 22日的高峰期,罗湖的出入境旅客已经达到372 000 人次,已经非常接近设计的每天最大容量的40万人次。 legco.gov.hk | During the peak period of Easter on 22 April this year, the cross-boundary passenger traffic at Lo Wu reached 372 000 trips, which was very close to the daily maximum capacity of 400 000 trips as designed. legco.gov.hk |
而今年,该标签的认受性更扩大至整个欧洲,由P.D.O. 标签所取代;采用生长在普罗旺斯高地最纯净的狭叶薰衣草(Lavandula Angustifolia),又名《纯薰衣草》,配合传统蒸馏法,调配出全新的薰衣草香氛及身体护理系列,散发出比经典薰衣草系列更独特的草本花香,让您时刻放松心情。 hk.loccitane.com | This year, the label is upgraded for a European recognition and become the P.D.O. label by using the traditional distillation methods and Haute-Provence ‘s purest Lavender, Lavandula Angustifolia, also known as “Fine Lavender” for a new Lavender Fragrance and Bodycare Collection with an exceptional quality and distinctive floral, aromatic scent which help you truly relax. hk.loccitane.com |