

单词 高浓缩铀

See also:


uranium enrichment


concentrate (a liquid)
espresso coffee

浓铀 n

enriched uranium n

External sources (not reviewed)

阿根廷 已成功减少了核研究反应堆使用 高浓缩铀 , 由 此 成为第一个完全依靠低浓缩铀生产全部放射性同位 素的国家。
Argentina had successfully
[...] reduced the use of highly enriched uranium in its nuclear research [...]
reactors, thus becoming the
first country to rely entirely on low-enriched uranium for its total production of radioisotopes.
浓缩设施必须宣布它们没有生 高浓缩铀 , 或 者没有将生产高浓缩铀转用于制造核爆炸装置。
Enrichment facilities would be required to declare that either no production of HEU takes place or no HEU produced is diverted to the fabrication of nuclear explosive devices.
Jacques Ebrardt 先生解释了法国原钚高浓缩铀生产 设施退役的情况,以及 法国在这方面采取的透明度措施。
Mr. Jacques Ebrardt explained the decommissioning of the former
[...] French plutonium and HEU production facilities [...]
and the transparency measures France applies in this regard.
自 2010
[...] 年文卡研究院核解除项目(文卡项目)进入第二阶段以来,塞尔维亚 境内不再拥高浓缩铀和钚,这些材料已经移送起源国俄罗斯联邦。
Since the completion of the second phase of the Vinca Institute Nuclear Decommissioning (VIND) project in
2010, Serbia has not possessed on
[...] its territory highly enriched uranium and plutonium which [...]
were transferred to the Russian
Federation as the State of origin.
正如在一份关于送返所有来自俄罗斯的最高 浓缩铀及罗 马尼亚废燃料的工作文件(NPT/CONF.2010/ WP.3)中注意到的,该文件由罗马尼亚和俄罗斯联邦 提交,所有来自俄罗斯高浓缩铀已 经于 2009 年从 罗马尼亚领土上清除,这次联合行动得到了美利坚合 众国、俄罗斯联邦和原子能机构的帮助。
As noted in the working paper on
the repatriation of
[...] all Russian-origin fresh highly enriched uranium as well as spent fuel from Romania (NPT/CONF.2010/WP.3), submitted by Romania and the Russian Federation, all highly enriched uranium of Russian origin had been [...]
removed from Romanian
territory in 2009 in a joint operation conducted with the help of the United States of America, the Russian Federation and IAEA.
[...] 重视核废物管理和辐射对环境的影响,并且认为, 处置或降级武器级材料、反应器转换、逐步保高 浓缩铀库存的安全或消高浓缩铀库 存 ,以及促进 多边化的具有成本效益和政治中立的燃料循环,是 [...]
It attached particular importance to nuclear waste management and the environmental effects of radiation and viewed as promising opportunities the disposal or downgrading of weapons-grade material, conversion
of reactors, gradual
[...] securing or elimination of highly enriched uranium stockpiles and promotion of [...]
a multilateral, cost-effective,
politically neutral fuel cycle.
[...] 管理,在技术和经济上可以做到的范围内,把用 于民用用途高浓缩铀减少 到最低限度,包括努 力转用低浓缩铀燃料,并在考虑到需要保证医用 [...]
同位素的供应的同时,重点注意研究性核反应堆 和放射性同位素生产过程。
The Security Council encourages all States to manage responsibly and minimize to the greatest extent that is
technically and economically feasible
[...] the use of highly enriched uranium for civilian purposes, [...]
including by working to convert
to the use of low-enriched uranium fuels and targets research reactors and radioisotope production processes taking into account the need for assured supplies of medical isotopes.
虽然这些分歧出现了,但值得指出的是,一位赞同“特殊裂变材料加上 镎”定义的与会者建议,按照这一定义,可以考虑不同水平的核查,取决于裂变
[...] 材料的战略敏感性,即对于经过辐照的乏燃料中的钚以及对低浓缩铀,可以进行 较低水平的核查,而对于分离的钚 高浓缩铀 可 以 进行高水平的核查。
While these differences emerged, it is worth noting that a proponent of the definition “special fissionable material plus neptunium” suggested that under that definition, different levels of verification could be considered, depending on the strategic sensitivity of the fissile material – e.g. there could be a lower level of verification for irradiated plutonium in spent fuel
and for low enriched uranium, and a higher level of verification for separated
[...] plutonium and for high enriched uranium.
不扩散条约》下 也存在舰艇燃料循环中高浓缩铀问 题 ,因此,不论有没有禁产条约都需要解 决。
The naval HEU problem exists also under [...]
NPT and will need to be resolved regardless of an FMCT.
在民用部门 彻底消高浓缩铀,将进一步促进根据《不扩散条 约》第四条的规定,安全稳妥地开发核能。
Elimination of highly enriched uranium in the civilian sector [...]
would further facilitate the safe and secure development of
nuclear energy in accordance with article IV of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
在核裁军核查措施方面,除俄罗斯联邦和美国之间达成的更新 2000 年《美
利坚合众国政府和俄罗斯联邦政府关于管理和处置已指定不再用于防卫目的的 钚及相关合作的协定》的协定以外,国际原子能机构在制定具有法律约束力的适
[...] 当核查安排,以确保不可逆转地消除被认定不再需要用于军事用途的裂变材料 (特别是武器高浓缩铀)方面 ,没有取得进一步的进展。
In terms of nuclear disarmament verification measures, besides the agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States to update the 2000 Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the Management and Disposition of Plutonium Designated as No Longer Required for Defence Purposes and Related Cooperation, no further progress has been made in the development of appropriate legally binding verification arrangements, in the context of the International Atomic Energy Agency, to ensure the irreversible removal
of fissile material,
[...] particularly weaponsgrade highly enriched uranium, designated as no [...]
longer required for military purposes.
根据《减少 全球威胁倡议》,培训、研究、同位素、一般原子能 (TRIGA)研究反应堆产生的所有废弃 高浓缩铀 已经 于 2009 年返回起来源地美国。
Under the Global Threat Reduction Initiative, all the spent highly enriched uranium fuel from the Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics (TRIGA) research reactor had been returned to the United States, its country of origin, in 2009.
几年来,塞尔维亚一直与原子能机构密切合作, 根据温萨核退役计划研究所(VIND)项目,为安全存 储目的从塞尔维亚向俄罗斯联邦安全转移 48 公斤辐高浓缩铀—— 这是在三个关键领域进行多边合作 的典范:乏燃料去除;中低级放射性废物管理和大 型设施退役。
For several years, Serbia had been working closely with IAEA to transfer 48 kilograms of irradiated highly enriched uranium from Serbia to the Russian Federation for safe storage under the Vinča Institute Nuclear Decommissioning (VIND) project — a model for multilateral cooperation in three crucial fields: spent fuel removal; low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste management; and large-scale facility decommissioning.
用于和平目的的裂变材料可继续生产,但仍在使 高浓缩铀 的 研 究反应堆 应在技术和经济可行的情况下,在现有方案框架内转为采用低浓缩铀。
Fissile material for peaceful purposes may continue to be produced but research reactors still using HEU should be converted to LEU within existing programs, where technically and economically feasible.
还应针对海上军事目的所用 高浓缩铀 制 定 有效的核 查技术手段。
Effective technical means of verification would also have to
[...] be found regarding HEU used for naval military [...]
乌克兰参加了 2010
[...] 年在华盛顿举行的核安全首脑会议,并宣布乌克兰决定 在下次核安全首脑会议之前销毁所有储存 高浓缩铀 , 同 时,美利坚合众国将提 供必要的技术和财政援助支持这一努力。
Ukraine participated in the Washington Summit on nuclear security in 2010 and
declared its decision to get rid of
[...] all stocks of highly enriched uranium by the time of the [...]
next nuclear security summit, while
the United States of America will provide necessary technical and financial assistance to support this effort.
辐照靶中所包含的钚高浓缩铀或铀 233。
Plutonium, HEU or uranium-233 contained [...]
in irradiated targets.
谨以智利、墨西哥和乌克兰代表团的名义,随函转递我们三国作为自愿采取 具体步骤消除在民用设施中使 高浓缩铀 的 国 家发表的一项联合声明(见附件)。
On behalf of the delegations of Chile, Mexico and Ukraine, I have the honour to transmit herewith a joint declaration of our States, as countries that
have voluntarily taken concrete steps to
[...] eliminate the use of highly enriched uranium for civilian purposes [...]
(see annex).
停止生产核武器裂变材料(1992 年停止钚生产,1996 年停止生高 浓缩铀),停止核试验生产。
NB: Cessation of the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons
[...] (plutonium in 1992, highly enriched uranium in 1996), end of [...]
nuclear tests.
2010 年 10 月 6
[...] 日,乌克兰、墨西哥和智利这些自愿采取措施尽量减少高 浓缩铀用于 民用目的的国家代表团的联合声明,已作为一个大会和安全理事会的 [...]
On 6 October 2010, a joint declaration by the delegations of Ukraine, Mexico and Chile, countries which have
voluntarily taken steps to
[...] minimize the use of highly enriched uranium for civilian purposes, [...]
was circulated as an official
document of the General Assembly and the Security Council (A/65/494-S/2010/511) at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
加拿大在履行该承诺方面取得了良好进展,因为 第一高浓缩铀乏燃 料已在 2010 年顺利运回美国,计划于今年下半年运送第二 批。
Canada has made good progress in this
commitment, in that the first
[...] shipment of spent highly enriched uranium fuel was successfully [...]
returned to the United States
in 2010, and a second shipment is planned for later this year.
维也纳集团进一步注意到安全理事会第 1887(2009)号决议的相关规定,该决
议除其他外,呼吁普遍恪守《核材料实物保护公约》及其 2005 年修正案,重申 须全面执行第
[...] 1540(2004)号决议,吁请会员国分享最佳做法,以确保所有易流失 核材料的安全,尽职管理并尽量减少为民用目的使 高浓缩铀 , 提 高本国探测、 慑止和阻止非法贩运核材料的能力。
The Vienna Group further notes the relevant provisions of Security Council resolution 1887 (2009), which, inter alia, calls for universal adherence to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its 2005 amendment, reaffirms the need for full implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) and calls on States to share best practices with the aim of securing all vulnerable nuclear
material, manage responsibly and
[...] minimize the use of highly enriched uranium for civilian purposes [...]
and improve national capabilities
to detect, deter and disrupt illicit trafficking in nuclear materials.
在 2012 年的预
[...] 算中,加拿大扩大承诺,在两年内追加 1 700 万美元,以进一步加速开发这些不 采高浓缩铀生产同位素的技术。
In its 2012 budget, Canada reinforced its commitment by providing an additional $17
million over two years to further the accelerated
[...] development of these non-highly enriched uranium isotope technologies.
2010 年,乌克兰宣布,我们决定在下一次核安 全首脑会议之前消除所高浓缩铀库 存 ,与此同时我 们的伙伴们将提供支持这一努力所必须的技术和财 [...]
In 2010 Ukraine announced its decision to get rid of
[...] all stocks of highly enriched uranium by the time of the [...]
next Nuclear Security Summit, while
our partners will provide necessary technical and financial assistance to support this effort.
从 2009 年 7 月至 2011 年 6
[...] 月,国际原子能机构收到两起涉及未经授权拥 高浓 缩铀或钚事件的报告,使 1993 年以来的总数达到十六起事件。
From July 2009 to June 2011, two
incidents involving the unauthorized
[...] possession of highly enriched uranium or plutonium were [...]
reported to IAEA, taking the total number to 16 since 1993.
Ramamurti Rajaraman 教授介绍了禁产条约
[...] 的技术背景,特别介绍了可用于爆炸性装置的核材料― 高浓缩铀 和 钚,二者的 生产方法以及目前全世界范围内可获得的数量。
Mr. Ramamurti Rajaraman, Prof., Co-Chair International Panel on Fissile Materials, gave an introduction on the technical background of an FMCT, especially on nuclear materials
that can be used for explosive
[...] purposes, namely highly enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium, [...]
their production methods and
respective quantities presently available around the world.
(a) 国际保障措施承认,三种材料可以大量生产用于制造核武器: (一 )高 浓缩铀,其中铀
(a) International safeguards recognize that three materials can be produced in
large quantities to manufacture nuclear
[...] weapons: (i) high-enriched uranium containing 90 [...]
wt% U-235, (ii) weapon grade plutonium
(Pu-239 above 90 wt%), and (iii) U-233.
原子能 机构及其全面保障协定和附加议定书体系,应通过
[...] 有关核燃料循环的进一步国际合作、加强敏感核材 料的安保工作以及在研究反应堆中以低 缩铀 取代 高浓缩铀而得到加强。
IAEA and its system of comprehensive safeguards agreements and additional protocols should be strengthened through greater international cooperation on nuclear fuel cycles, greater security for
sensitive nuclear materials and the substitution of
[...] low-enriched uranium for high-enriched uranium in research [...]
2010 年在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿举行的核保安峰会上,加拿大致力于与 美国合作,在 2018 年年底前将原产美国高浓缩铀乏燃 料运回该国,这些乏燃 料目前存储在乔克河实验室。
At the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., Canada committed to work with the United
States to repatriate spent, United
[...] States-origin, highly enriched uranium fuel that is currently [...]
stored at Chalk River Laboratories by the end of 2018.
为了鼓励各国尽量减少使用民用储存 高浓缩铀 , 美国实施了一项反应堆转 用方案,支持国内和国际的民用研究反应堆和同位素生产设施从使用可用于核武 器高浓缩铀,转 用技术上和经济上可行的低浓缩铀燃料。
In order to encourage States to
[...] minimize the use of highly enriched uranium in civilian stocks, the United States implements a reactor conversion programme, which supports the conversion of domestic and international civilian research reactors and isotope production facilities from the use of highly enriched uranium, which is usable [...]
in nuclear weapons,
to low enriched uranium fuel, where technically and economically feasible.




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