

单词 高楼

高楼 ()

high building
multistory building

高发 ()

score highly in imperial exams (and obtain a post)



high-rise apartment building
tall buildings and large mansions


great oaks from little acorns grow
towering buildings are built up from the ground [idiom.]

See also:


floor n

storied building
house with more than 1 story

External sources (not reviewed)

已经实行立法,从法律核准在最近的将来减少空气污染、噪音、放射和振 动,减少人口稠密地高楼加大 灾难威胁的影响的措施。
Legislation has been introduced to legalise measures to reduce, in the near future, air
pollution, noise, radiation and vibration, and
[...] the effect of buildings raising the [...]
threat of disasters in densely populated areas.
如今,商家们已将公司进驻在清真寺及老迪拜塔边的国际化、优美现代 高楼 大 厦 内。
Today the merchants have gone international, and
[...] beautiful, modern skyscrapers stand alongside the mosques and wind towers [...]
of Old Dubai.
更定期的財務披露令我們有機會高 發 行人與投資大眾之間 溝通的質素,及增加投資者的信心,因季度匯報可 高 透 明度及市場效率、 減少資訊不對稱,令內幕交易風險降低。
More regular financial disclosures will provide an opportunity to enhance
the quality of the
[...] dialogue between issuers and the investing public and will enhance investor confidence as quarterly reporting will enhance transparency [...]
and market efficiency,
reduce any information asymmetry and in turn reduce the risk of insider dealing.
濰坊高授予漢高愛爾 蘭一項合同更新權, 高愛 爾蘭可在總供應協議的初始期限及任何後續合同期限(取適用者)屆滿前至少提前一 個月向濰坊高發出 書面通知,將總供應協議的初始期限及後續合同期限另行更新三 年,惟須符合適用法律法規(包括但不限於本公司履行其根據上市規則應承擔的義 務)。
Weifang Dekel grants to Henkel Ireland the right to renew the initial term and any further term of the Master Supply Agreement by a further period of three years by notice in writing to Weifang Dekel no later than one [...]
month prior to the
expiration of the initial term and any further term of the Master Supply Agreement, subject to applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to compliance by the Company with its obligations under the Listing Rules.
友邦保險集團首席執行官兼總裁杜嘉祺(Mark Tucker) 先生就業績表現創高發表 評論:「我們在 2011 年為股東締造優秀的業績,引以為榮。
Commenting on the record performance, Mark Tucker, AIA’s Group Chief Executive and President, said: “We are proud to have delivered an excellent set of results for our shareholders in 2011.
贝尔蒙先生强调所有建议实施的工程都是 从保护和高楼房建 筑质量的角度加以研究的,因为它们是 1950 年代不朽建筑的重要典 范。
Mr Belmont emphasized that all the proposed work has been studied with a view to safeguarding and improving the architectural quality of the buildings, which are an important example of the monumental architecture of the 1950s.
参与者攀爬上位于曼哈顿时尚街区和时代广场中心的 42 层高楼,为 inMotion 募捐并引起人们对 inMotion [...]
[...] climbed the 42-story skyscraper in the heart of [...]
Manhattan’s Fashion District and Times Square to raise financial
support and awareness for inMotion.
另一方面,市區舊區會勢將面高發 展密度的問題,原因是終審法院在 2004 [...]
年 1 月判決,要求日後的維港填海工程必須通過「淩駕性公眾需要」測試, 以致特區政府難以在維港兩岸填海以增加土地供應。
On the other hand, old urban areas are
[...] expected to face a high level of development [...]
density as it is nearly impossible for
the Government to create extra supply of land through reclamation along the shore of the Victoria Harbour.
香港發售股份數目將視乎香港發售的超額認購情況而被調整,若超額 100 倍或以上, 香港發售股份數目將增加至最多 125,000,000 股,佔根據全球發售初步可供認購的 高 發 售股份數目(超額配 股權獲行使前)的 10%。
This number is subject to adjustment in the event that the Hong Kong Offer is oversubscribed, up to 125,000,000 shares if the Hong Kong Offer is 100 times or more oversubscribed, representing 10 per cent. of the maximum number of shares initially available under the Global Offer (prior to exercise of the over-allotment option).
国际救援系统研究机构、千叶工业大学和日本东北大学为中心的研究小组,研制开发了在地下商场 高楼 大 厦 中发生危险物质泄漏或者遭受使用化学物质的恐怖袭击的情况下,能收集救援信息的机器人昆斯(Quince)。
A research group led by International Rescue System Institute, Chiba Institute of Technology and Tohoku University has developed Quince, a rescue robot, to collect rescue information in case of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRNE) disasters, including hazardous substance leaks in the underground malls or tall buildings, and terrorist attack using chemical agents.
2012 年 5 月 23 日 22
[...] 时,一个武装恐怖团伙从居民楼群向 Hamzah 高楼附近 的执法检查点开火。
At 2200 hours on 23 May 2012, an
armed terrorist group opened fire from among residential buildings on a law enforcement
[...] checkpoint near the Hamzah towers.
荣邦公司目前的主要经营产品有:气体自动灭火系统;雨淋报警阀系统;湿式报警阀系统;泡沫灭火系统;洒水喷头系列;消防水泵结器系列;消火栓系列;消防警铃、消防应急照明灯、消防应急标志灯系列;手动火灾报警按钮系列;卡拉OK火灾音视频报警切换器 高楼 救 生缓降器;木质、钢质防火门、防火卷系列;防火涂料系列;各类手提、推车式灭火器;悬挂式自动灭火装置等。
The present main products of Rongbang Company have: Automatic fire extinguishing system of gas; Drenched with rain the alarm valve system; Wet type alarm valve system; Foam fire extinguishing system; Watering shower nozzle series; Water pump forming device series of fire control ; Series of the fire hydrant; Fire control alarm bell, fire control meet an urgent need light , little projector marker light series; Manual fire alarm button series; Karaoka disc fire audio frequency and video report to the police the
switching over device ; Surviving
[...] and lowering device of high building; Wooden, the fire [...]
door of the steel, a series that
fire prevention; Coating series of the fireproofing; All kinds of receptors, push the car type fire extinguisher ; Hanging type automatic fire extinguisher ,etc..
我们设计了两条室外商业街,分别在入口层面和在一层屋顶,从而提 高楼 层 的 商业价值。
We create two exterior shopping streets on entrance level
[...] and first floor roof level to promote [...]
the value of the upper levels of the retails.
在為有癲癇病史的病患及癲高發病 患(如正在服用藥物來降低癲癇發作閾值的病患)(例如三環抗抑鬱劑)、 正在戒酒或停服苯並二氮卓類藥物的病患,或已確診或疑似患低鈉血症的病患開具 SUPREP 清腸套裝時要謹慎。
Use caution when prescribing SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit for patients with a history of seizures and in patients at increased risk of seizure, such as patients taking medications that lower the seizure threshold (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants), patients withdrawing from alcohol or benzodiazepines, or patients with known or suspected hyponatremia.
第二段,是上海轻轨内部一情境,旁边的对话文字和画幅是有关系的,意在和最右边 高楼 画 幅 产生内容上的整体断裂。
There is also a section of abstract brush strokes to balance the “representational” sections.
但在 GPS
[...] 导航精度至关重要的城市环境中,天空视线经常受阻 高楼 大 厦 反射的 GPS 信号造成严重的多径效应,降低了 [...]
GPS 的信号质量。
However, in urban environments where the accuracy of GPS
navigation is crucial, the view to the sky is often
[...] obstructed, or high-rise buildings [...]
reflect GPS signals causing severe multipath
effects, degrading the quality of GPS.
世界銀行電力項目中的新變壓器及作為與SNEL的Katanga協議一部分的新同步調相機預期於二零一二年第四季度啓用,並將 高 發電 量與供電可靠性。
The new power converter under a World Bank power project and the new synchronous condenser as part of Katanga’s agreement with SNEL are expected to be commissioned in Q4  2012 and will improve the availability and reliability of power.
该研究能够建立一套统一标准,保证强风条件下建筑的优越性能,提高居住者的生活品质,减 高楼 晃 动 应对措施的成本,并减少 高楼 晃 动 的负面影响所导致的生产力降低情况。
This research will establish a unified standard that will deliver superior building performance and enhanced living quality for those building inhabitants under conditions of strong winds, as well as helping reduce costs associated with adopting mitigation measures and related to lost productivity if people are adversely affected by the experience.
酒精會造成身體變化(失去平衡、聲帶痙攣、體溫降低風險增加)以及行為變化(缺乏協調性、有風險的行為、反應時間變慢、判斷能力下降),這些都會 高 發 生水上事故的可能性
Alcohol can create physical changes (loss of balance, spasm of the vocal chords, increased risk of hypothermia) and behavioural changes (lack of coordination, risk-taking behaviour, impaired reaction time and judgement) that increase the chances of a water-related accident
我们中国人都喜欢坐北向南的房子,不光风水好,家里的采光也好,而在西温, 坐北朝南的房子和土地更是来自世界各地人们争相追捧的热点,因为有机会看到海天一色的美景,如果在西温山上眺望,东起高贵林,本拿比,温哥华,北温,正南看到温哥华市中心 高楼 林 立,五帆酒店,史旦立公园,狮门桥,列治文, 西到温哥华岛,中间由大海连接,大山陪衬,难怪人说“Million Dollar View” (百万难买的风景)。
From top of Glenmore, view from the east of Coquitlam, Burnaby, Vancouver and North Vancouver, then south of Vancouver Downtown, Lions Gate Bridge, and Stanley Park, to the west of Vancouver Island…Once you see the view, you will understand why people saying “Million Dollar View”.
在2004年,世高楼协会 授予台北101三项第一的称号,“世界 高 使 用 楼 层 ( 438米)”,“世界最高屋顶高度(448米)”和“世界最高建筑物(508米)”。
In 2004, the international
[...] Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) awarded TAIPEI 101 with its three important Number One titles, “the World’s Highest Occupied Floor (438m),” “the World’s Tallest Roof Height (448m),” [...]
and “the Tallest Building in the World (508m).
占地面积为惊人的344,000平方米,迪拜塔代表了终极奢华的生活;居住公寓,酒店(包括阿玛尼的新旗舰酒店),拥有4个游泳池,数个饭店,一个图书馆以及一个15,000平方米的健身房,这都将在808米 高楼 上 一 应俱全。
Covering a staggering 344,000sqm, the Burj Khalifa represents the ultimate in luxury accommodation; residential units, hotels – including the flagship new Armani Hotel – four swimming
pools, several restaurants, a library, and a 15,000sqm fitness suite which will all
[...] be enclosed in the 808m high tower.
12 例如,在发达国家和发展中国家的大城市贫民窟中,包括
[...] 纽约、洛杉矶、内罗毕或其他被全球化“加剧了不平等现象”的城市,贫民居住 区就与昂贵高楼大厦 直接毗邻或在后者之间。
The highly visible inequalities between the urban poor and higher-income city dwellers are made starker by the effects of globalization in cities.12 For instance, in the slum areas of big cities in both developed and developing countries, including Los Angeles, Nairobi, New York or other cities
where globalization has “aggravated inequality”, the poor live directly adjacent to or
[...] amidst expensive high-rise buildings.
Fully self-supporting, the structure rises some 20 stories into the air.
东方海港国际大厦以LEED绿色建筑金质认证为基准,邀请美国建筑师协会副会长、美国赫勒·马努斯建筑设计事务所(HellerManusArchitects)主席----JeffreyHeller先生担任总设计,按照当今国际高端智能化写 楼高 舒 适 度、低能耗、低碳排放、健康的国际绿色建筑的认证标准建造,且更具人性化与舒适化,设有:全球先进5A智能体系、双VAV中央空调及独立新风系统、地暖式大堂、门禁访客识别系统、健康直饮水系统、环保雨水回收系统、电子信报箱系统、新能源车辆充电管理系系统等。
The Eastern Harbour International Building LEED Green Building Gold certification basis, to invite the vice president of the American Institute of Architects, the President of the United States of Heller Manus architectural design firm (HellerManusArchitects) ---- President
JeffreyHeller chief
[...] design, according to the high office of today's international high-end intelligent [...]
comfort, low energy
consumption, low carbon emissions, the health of the international green building certification standards for the construction, and more user-friendly and comfortable, and features: advanced global 5A intelligent system, double VAV central air conditioning and independent new wind system to warm the lobby, access control and visitor identification system, health direct drinking water system, environmental protection, rainwater recycling system, the electronic newspaper boxes, new energy vehicle charging Management system.
雖 然尚未有研究證實受污染塵埃或受感染羽毛能在大範圍內 傳播 H5N1 高致病 性禽流感病毒,不過,在加拿大一宗爆高致病 性禽流感的事件中,有指受污染塵粒可能有助禽流 感的傳播。
Spread of H5N1 HPAI by contaminated dust or infected feathers has not been proven to occur over extended distances but there have been some suggestions from an outbreak in Canada of HPAI that contaminated dust particles might have played a role in the spread of infection.
本集團在控制成本的同時,根據市場需 求,及時調整產品結構和品種組合,開 高 附 加值產品,實施靈活的銷售策略, 高 產 品 的綜合毛利率,以綜合 效益最大化為目標發展業務。
In addition, the Group made an inventory provision as at the end of the Year following the decrease in selling prices, which in turn affected the gross profit of the Group.
这个城镇四楼高的红 色沙岩造成的克费欧塔(Curfew Tower)是为了禁锢那些游手好闲和喧闹滋事的人,塔楼周围则是漂亮的建筑和一些汩汩流淌的水泉。
Here, the town’s four-storey red sandstone Curfew Tower, built “to imprison idlers and rioters” is surrounded by pretty buildings and some convivial watering-holes.




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