

单词 高桥留美子

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 国的经济发展机会息息相关的话,那么我们现在看到的中国和印 度学生美居留率很高的这种现象就很可能不会长久。
If stay rate is related to economic opportunity in one’s
[...] country of origin, the high stay rates currently seen [...]
with students from China and India seem unlikely to persist.
另一个子是担留社区和农村经济的需要,需要平衡燃油补贴、当地粮食安全、向更广的市 场供应以及与避免社会崩溃有关的机会成本。
Another example would concern the need to retain communities and [...]
rural economies, where it would be necessary to strike
a balance between fuel subsidy, local food security, supply into wider markets, and opportunity costs associated with avoiding social breakdown.
中国政府大力支持该动议并已承诺给到中 留 学 的 美 国 学 生10,000份 桥 奖 学 金”。
The Chinese government strongly
supports the initiative and has already
[...] committed 10,000 “Bridge Scholarships” for American students to study [...]
in China.
该项目着重为亚洲和非洲地区 的发展中国家建设国际等离子研究与教育中心,并在发展中国家建立基准科学教育实验室网 络,以与世界上等子物理学最著名的中心开展合作,如俄罗斯联邦的 MITP 和 IHED、美 国的 麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学、英国的 桥 大 学 、南非的约翰内斯堡大学、意大利的比萨 大学、和其他一些国际研究中心,如瑞士日内瓦的 CERN 和俄罗斯联邦杜布纳的联合核研究 所(JINR)。
The project is focused on the development of an international plasma research and education centre for developing countries in the Asian and African regions, and of a network of benchmark scientific-educational laboratories in developing countries for cooperation
with world centres of
[...] excellence in plasma physics such as MITP and IHED in the Russian Federation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University in the United States of America, Cambridge University in [...]
the United Kingdom, Johannesburg
University in South Africa, Pisa University in Italy, and international research centres, such as CERN in Geneva (Switzerland) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation).
萨克米上海(机械)设备预先公司-市中心办公室:中国上海卢湾区淮海中93号时代广场办公楼25楼06-07室200021,电话:+86-21-53062455/5306247/53066443/53069384,传真:+86-21-53061464;萨克米上海机械贸易有限公司,仓库地址:中国上海 高桥 保 税区华京路461号39号厂房C部位 200131,电话:+86-21-5046 0860,传真+86-21-5046 2729,(此后称为“萨克米上海”),作为您个人信息的掌握者,特此告知在商业关系中获取的个人信息将会被萨克米上海用作如下用途:i)根据法律或法规义务必须提供;ii) 在留区域 、要约或信息中使用,iii)为履行合同义务和以保护公司权益为目的;iv) 根据您的要求提供技术支持;v)回复您要求成为萨克米上海供应商的申请;vi)发送新闻;vii)管理发给萨克米上海的简历或要约等。
(Warehouse), Section 102C, Building 1, No.379 North Fute Road, Waigaoqiao Bounded Zone, PC 200131, Shanghai, China - Tel: +86-21-50460860 / 50462010 / 50462033, Fax: +86-21-50462729, (hereinafter referred to as “SACMI SHANGHAI”), as holder of your personal data, hereby informs you that personal data supplied in the course of business relations with SACMI SHANGHAI shall be processed for the following purposes: i) fulfilling obligations provided by
laws and regulations,
[...] and, if applicable, by the EC rules; ii) providing access to reserved areas, information and offers; iii) for fulfilment of contractual obligations and for the purposes of protecting the rights and interests of the Company); iv) processing your requests for technical assistance; v) reply to your candidacies as suppliers of SACMI SHANGHAI, vi) newsletters sending, vii) [...]
managing any CVs and
offers to collaborate or work with SACMI SHANGHAI that may be forwarded to us.
无效保留的无效性的后果产生了两个相互矛盾的命题,第一个命题是可分 割性的命题,根据这一命题,无效保留的提出者受条约的约束而没有得到提出保
[...] 留的好处,第二个命题是“纯粹共同同意”的命题,根据这个命题,保留的无效 性将保留者排除到缔约国的子以 外, 保 留 是 保 留 方 同 意受条约约束的一个先决 条件。
The consequences of the nullity of an invalid reservation gave rise to two conflicting theses, the first being the thesis of severability, according to which the author of an invalid reservation was bound by the treaty without the benefit of its reservation, and the second being the thesis of “pure consensualism”, according to which the invalidity of the
reservation excluded the author
[...] from the circle of States parties, the reservation being a sine [...]
qua non for the author’s
consent to be bound by the treaty.
东北大学 研究生院理学研究科的中山耕辅助教和同 子 分 子 材 料 科学高等研究机构 高桥 隆 教授的的研究小组与波士顿大学以及中国科学物理研究所共同研究,成功解明了被期待应用于次世代能源技术方面的,铁系高温超导体中超传导转移温度(Tc)被抑制的原因。
A research group consisting of Assistant Professor Kosuke Nakayama at Graduate School of Science, Tohoku
[...] University and Professor Takashi Takahashi at WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, [...] [...]
Tohoku University, has succeeded in revealing the reason why the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) is so suppressed in iron-based high-temperature superconductors, in collaboration with Boston University and Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences.
关于地区办事处和地区顾问,总体上将继续 留 更 多 的 高 级 计 划专家,以便随时支援 多国/国家办事处的工作。
As far as the regional bureaux/advisers are concerned, these will continue in the main to constitute more senior programme expertise ready to backstop cluster/national offices.
由于查厂美国国旗上的“橡皮子 ” 留 在 地 面上的人,他的步骤。
As Chuck plants the
[...] U.S. flag, he steps on a “rubber ducky” someone left on the ground.
尽管分阶段实施是基于一个重要的假设,即 36 C/5
[...] 将反映现行预算的通胀增加额,总干事还是在备选预算方 留 出 了约 900 万美元作为 改革总部外网络的经费,这项改革的第一阶段只局限于非洲(见下文第 [...]
57 段)。
Although the phased implementation was based on the assumption that the 36 C/5 will reflect inflationary increases over the current budget,
she has succeeded in the
[...] alternative budget option in preserving some $9 million for [...]
the financing of the field network
reform, which will in the first phase now only be carried out in Africa (see para. 57 below).
公司十分注重科技进步,与冶金研究院、建材研究设计院、电力设计院建立长期技术协作关系,不断加大对技改的投入,2007年新上了处于国内同行领先水平的V法铸造生产线,2008年新上了汽车桥壳专机生产线,产品保 高 效 、 优质领先地位,成为徐 美 驰 车 桥 有 限 公司、南汽集团公司、三一重工集团公司、沃得集团等大型上市公司的备件指定供应商。
The company places great emphasis on scientific and technological progress, and the Institute of Metallurgy, Building Materials Research & Design Institute, Electric Power Design Institute to establish long-term technical cooperation relationship, and constantly increase input in technological transformation, new in 2007 on a peer-leading level in domestic
law of the V casting
[...] production lines, 2008 new automobile axle housing plane production lines, products [...]
to maintain efficient
and high-quality leadership, becoming Xugong Meritor Axle Co.
宽敞客房配备光线充足的子、高速 上 网、客房内保险箱及迷你吧,而位于第 30 层的行政酒廊更可欣赏天际线美全 景
Inside hotel,
[...] guests will enjoy spacious accommodations featuring well-lit desks, high-speed Internet, in-room safes and mini-bars, as well as a 30th-floor [...]
Executive Lounge with panoramic skyline views.
Wincell赢胜PVC/NBR橡塑绝热产品为高品质橡塑绝热材料,专门为中央空调机组及分体式空调厂家设计,其产品具有表面光滑,密度高,导热系数低,湿阻 子高 , 防 火性能佳等优点,同时还通过了中国 美 国 、 英国等多国的标准认证。
Wincell PVC/NBR rubber insulation products for higher quality rubber insulation materials, especially for central air conditioning unit and split air conditioning factory design,
the product has smooth surface, high density, low thermal conductivity, wet
[...] resistance factor is high, good fireproof performance advantages, but also through the China, America, UK and other multilateral [...]
standard authentication.
在这种情况下,子桥处于 与硅烷组分的硅原子相对的α-位置,有助于加快固化反应速度,即便没有锡催化剂,整个反应也能非常快速地进行,”瓦克有机硅大客户经理Michael Graw博士解释道。
In this case, the bridge is in the α-position relative to the silane component’s silicon atom and accelerates [...]
the curing reaction,
which then proceeds very briskly even without a tin catalyst,” explains Dr. Michael Graw (key account manager at WACKER SILICONES).
这种新颖、创新的系统,高层建 筑混凝土核心筒以及外围墙体 桥 墩 、 桥 塔 提供 完 美 解 决 方案。
This novel,
[...] innovative system is the perfect way of forming high-rise cores, bridge piers and pylons, and also building-facades.
[...] 地位的降低令人遗憾;因工作重点数量减少,34 C/5 中国际水文计划预算未予以明确解释;因 口译和笔译费用高,建议保留理事 会目前所使用的 4 种工作语言;用于预算外资金的管理费 用需要高度灵活性,这笔费用通常比其他机构的管理费用高很多;建议国际水文计划资金仅分 [...]
With reference to the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee, he recalled the unfortunate downgrading of the principal priority status of water within UNESCO, the lack of clarity regarding the IHP budget in document 34 C/5 due to the reduced number of
MLAs, the recommendation
[...] on maintaining the four working languages used so far in the Council due to the associated high cost of interpretation [...]
and translation,
the need for a high flexibility of the overheads applied to extrabudgetary funds which were perceived as much larger than those of some other agencies, and the recommendation that IHP funds should only be decentralized to UNESCO offices with expertise in water sciences.
2012 年 7 月 16 日,武装恐怖主义子企图到达 Yabrud 桥附近的高速公 路, 以公路上的司机为目标,并袭击执法人员。
On 16 July
[...] 2012, armed terrorists attempted to reach the highway near Yabrud bridge to target drivers [...]
on the highway and
attack law enforcement personnel.
本公司對有關股份於固定時間催繳或應支付全部股款(無論現時是否可 予支付股款)的每股股份(一股未繳足股份)擁有第一及 高留 置 權;而對以股東名 義登記(無論是單一或與任何其他人士聯名持有)的所有股份(已繳足股份除外),本 公司亦就有關股東或其遺產結欠本公司的所有債務及負債擁有第一及 高留 置 權 及 押記權,無論上述權利是否於通知本公司有關該股東以外任何人士的任何同等或其他 權益之前或之後產生,亦無論支付或解除上述權利的期間是否實際已到,及上述權利 屬有關股東或其遺產及任何其他人士的聯名債務或負債,或該人士是否為本公司的股 東。
The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every share (not being a fully paid up share) for all moneys, whether presently payable or not, called or payable at a fixed time in respect of such share; and the Company shall also have a first and paramount lien and charge on all shares (other than fully paid up shares) standing registered in the name of a member, whether singly or jointly with any other person or persons, for all the debts and liabilities of such member or his estate to the Company and whether the same shall have been incurred before or after notice to the Company of any equitable or other interest of any person other than such member, and whether the period for the payment or discharge of the same shall have actually arrived or not, and notwithstanding that the same are joint debts or liabilities of such member or his estate and any other person, whether a member of the Company or not.
[...] 题包括:电子通信的法律效力,包括经由移动设施展开的电子通信法律效力; 尤其在身份管理情况下的识别、认证和授权;数据使用、 留 和 隐 私; 子记 录 的证据价值及其他与执行有关的问题;以及各种技术基础设施备选方案所涉 法律问题。
Such issues included: legal validity of electronic communications, including via mobile devices; identification, authentication and authorization, in particular in the
context of identity
[...] management; data use, retention and privacy; evidentiary value of electronic records and other [...]
issues; and legal implications of the various technical architectural options.
波多黎各的自由邦身份并未改变它与美 国的殖民关系,波多黎各所谓的宪法允 美 国 国留控制 该岛经济和生活重要方面的权力。
Puerto Rico’s status as a Commonwealth had not changed its colonial relationship with the United States, while its
so-called Constitution allowed the
[...] United States Congress to retain power over vital areas [...]
of the island’s life and economy.
墨西哥代表团建议留拉丁美洲及 加勒比协调委员会目前的五天会议,而非拟议 时间表中提到的四天会议。
The Delegation of
[...] Mexico proposed to retain the current five-day meeting of the Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean [...]
instead of the four-day
meeting mentioned in the proposed Schedule.
根据临时协议第 7 条第 3 款,本着睦邻精神,我部欣然告知希腊共和
[...] 国联络处,经过进一步对所提问题的调查,已经采取行动,确保马其顿共和 国国旗以前有的这个标志图案不出现在 Goce Delcev 公桥完工的狮子雕像 上。
In accordance with article 7, paragraph 3, of the Interim Accord and in the spirit of good-neighbourly relations, the Ministry is pleased to inform the Liaison Office of the Hellenic Republic that, subsequent to further investigations into the matters raised, it has taken action to ensure that the symbol formerly displayed on the
national flag of the Republic of Macedonia will not appear on the
[...] completed lion statues at the Goce Delcev road bridge.
希腊共和国联络处可能知道,在马其顿外交部提出这个问题的时候和外 交部采取行动的时候,Goce Delcev 公桥的狮子雕像仍在建造之中,到目 前为止也是如此……”。
As the Liaison Office of the Hellenic Republic may be aware, at the time this matter was raised with the Macedonian Foreign Ministry, and at the time the action by the Foreign Ministry was taken, the lion statues at the Goce Delcev road bridge were still under construction, and remain so to date …”.
美国麻省剑桥和中 国上海, 2012年5月22日– 巨点能源和中国万向控股有限公司今日正式宣布:双方在 2012 年2月19日美政府高级官 员的官方签字仪式上签订的投资及合作协议已完成交割。
Cambridge, MA, USA and Shanghai, China, May 21, 2012 – GreatPoint Energy and China Wanxiang Holdings today officially announced the closing of their investment and partnership agreement [...]
which was highlighted
during an official signing ceremony between senior U.S. and Chinese government officials on February 19, 2012.
外交部重申其立场,即该区域重要历史人物的艺术形象,例如出现在 Goce Delcev 桥狮子像上的那些形象,绝对没有违背 1995 年临时协议的要求。
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates its position that artistic representations of important historic figures from the region, such as those which appear on the lions on the Goce Delcev bridge, are in no way inconsistent with the requirements of the 1995 Interim Accord.
继续改善签证程序使一些重要领域的国际学生和学者的来 美求学留美工作 之路更加通畅从而使之有助于美国的创 新和在全球的竞争力。
Continue to improve the visa process to make the pathway for international students and scholars in high-priority fields more efficient, allowing them to contribute to U.S. innovation and global competitiveness.
据几名在事发前被留的和平高级理 事会成员说,在布卡武起义 后,“增援的卢旺达国防部队将从卢旺达的尚古古/ [...]
Rusizi 出发,借口是前来援 助据称将成为示威运动迫害对象或目标的讲卢旺达语人口或卢旺达公民”(见图 14)。
According to several CONSUP members detained before it [...]
could take action, following the uprising in Bukavu, “reinforcements
from the RDF were to come from Cyangugu/Rusizi in Rwanda on the pretext of coming to assist the Rwandophone population or Rwandan citizens supposedly the victims of persecutions or targeted by the manifestation” (see image 14).




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