

单词 高寒

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External sources (not reviewed)

云雾林以 及诸如安第斯山脉高寒带等 其它一些植被类型的 水释放速度都相对较慢,因此可提供重要的储水 功能。
Cloud forests, and some other vegetation types such as the paramos of the Andes, also release their water relatively slowly, thus providing an important storage function.
有时,感染向上蔓延到肾脏,会造成激烈的背部疼痛 高 热 , 寒 战 , 恶心,腹泻等症状。
Occasionally, the infection spreads upward into the kidneys, producing symptoms such as
[...] intense back pain, high fever, chills, nausea and diarrhea.
另外,尤其是在铁路工程领域必须满足严格的要求,如外部环境的影响 高 温 、 寒 冷 、 沙 尘、潮湿)抗冲击和振动,绝缘设计,及高负荷等。
In addition and particularly in the domain of railway engineering, stringent requirements must be
met in relation to external
[...] environmental effects (heat, cold, sand or moisture), resistance [...]
to shock and vibration, insulation
design, and high loading capacity.
在区系分类的基础上,根据优势种、特有种,并结合植被、地形、地貌将调查区划分为6个蚁类区:黄土高原蚁类区、荒漠蚁类区(其下设4个蚁类亚区:荒漠化草原蚁类亚区、草原化荒漠蚁类亚区、典型荒漠蚁类亚区和荒漠绿洲蚁类亚区)、荒漠沼泽蚁类区 高寒 灌 草 丛蚁类区、贺兰山蚁类区和六盘山蚁类区。
The similarities of ant communities in 9 different types of grassland, that is typical grassland(loess plateau area), desert grassland, steppe
grassland, typical desert, humid
[...] forest(Liupan Mountains), high cold shrub, desert swamp, [...]
desert forest(Helan Mountains)and
desert oasis, were analyzed by principle component analysis (PCA).
分布单元组的物种组成比较和生态型分析表明:①在我国干旱地区的海拔较低地带,景观自东向西由草原、荒漠草原过渡到荒漠,地理分布单元组亦呈现相应的分布格局,喜湿的物种逐渐减少,耐旱的种类增加;②青藏高原、帕米 高 原 寒 漠 与 蒙新温性和暖温性荒漠啮齿动物物种数和组成相近,物种多样性低;③阿尔泰山地及南麓平原啮齿动物组成较为特殊,寒湿啮齿动物成份最高;④东祁连山地及其北麓以及伊犁谷地、额敏谷地、伊犁天山、准噶尔界山及东麓山前平原的啮齿动物成份较为复杂,物种多样性较高。
They were ①ⅠAa:forest steppe and arid steppe in piedmont of Da Hinggan Mountain, east of Inner Mongolia Plateau and the area around, ⅠAb:arid steppes in Ningxia Plateau, Helan Mountain, center of Inner Monglia Plateau, Ordus Plateau and the area around, ⅠBa:Qinghai Tibet Plateau not including Qilin Mountain, and Pamir Plateau, ⅠBb:wide temperature desert from Alxa Desert to Tarim and Jungar Basin; ②ⅡA:east of Qilin Mountains, ⅡB:north slope of Qilin Mountain and its piedmont plains; ③ⅢA:Altay Mountain and the plains of south piedmont, ⅢBa:Emin Valley, boundary mountains of Jungar and its piedmont plains, ⅢBb:Tianshan Mountain in Ili and Ili Valley.
该病通常出现在二至四个月的婴儿身上 高 发 期在 较 寒 冷 的 月份。
The most deaths from SIDS occur between two to four months of age,
[...] while the peak season is during the colder months.
产品简介: 它是一种预防在车内玻璃上结雾高 效 防 雾剂, 寒 冷 和 湿气很大的天气能避免因结雾 而带来的各种不良后果的影响。
This efficient product prevents moisture condensation on the
internal surfaces of windshields. Allows avoiding the
[...] undesirable effect of window steaming in chilly and [...]
rainy weather.
非洲的新 稻米是非洲和亚洲稻杂交产生高产 、 早熟、 寒 和 普 通抗逆性强的后代。
New Rice for Africa is the result of
crossbreeding African and Asian rice to
[...] produce progeny with high yields, earlier maturity, hardiness and resistance [...]
to stress.
注意到西爱沙尼亚和北爱沙尼亚寒 武 纪 凡蒂母含水层的地下水中存 在着强化有效剂量。
A heightened effective dose was noted in the ground water of Western and Northern Estonia’s Cambrian-Vendium aquifer.
[...] 酷熱天氣下才會有人死亡,從剛才的數字來看, 寒 冷 天氣下亦一樣有人死 亡的。
Let us not forget that people die not only in hot weather, but also, judging from the
[...] figures just now, in cold weather.
硅胶管使用领域  硅胶管是:环保无公害 、
[...] [...] 经SGS严格检测,通过RoHs、PAHs与八大重金属等规范硅胶制品100 [%]完全无毒、无味:精细硅胶丝、硅胶管(条)、耐高压力硅胶管、齿轮状硅胶管、密封胶条、异形条、食品级(无毒)硅胶管(条)、医用硅胶管、药用硅胶管、编织硅胶管(用于输送有工作压力、液体食品、医药品和生物制品。)、医用硅胶管接头、硅胶密封管、阻燃管(条)、硅胶发泡管(条)、耐高温硅胶管; 性能:寒耐高温。
Silicone tube silicone tube using the fields are: environmental pollution, rigorous testing by SGS by RoHs, PAHs and heavy metals and other specifications of silicone products eight 100 [%] completely non-toxic, tasteless: fine silica gel wire, silicone tube (strip), resistant to high pressure silicone tube, the gear-shaped silicone tube, sealing strip, shaped bar, food grade (non-toxic) silicone tube (), the medical silicone
tube, medical silicone tube, woven silicone
[...] tube (used to deliver a working pressure, [...]
liquid food , pharmaceuticals and biological products.
刑事诽谤法律本质上是严苛的,且对言论 自由权有过度寒蝉效应。
Criminal defamation laws are inherently harsh and have a
[...] disproportionate chilling effect on the [...]
right to freedom of expression.
多民族玻利维亚国的情况非常相似 (A/HRC/7/5/Add.2,第14段) 。该国西部
[...] 的贫困和饥饿人口大多是生活在农村地区的土著人,他们在多风 寒 冷 的 高 原上 靠耕种小块土地勉强过活。
In the west, the poor and hungry are mostly indigenous people, living in
rural areas and struggling to survive from small-scale and
[...] subsistence farming on the cold, windy plateau of [...]
the altiplano.
思銳是國內首家率先進行三腳架出廠極端環境測試的廠家,高低溫測試就是其中必經的重要環節,考慮到攝影師和攝影愛好者有時候會在極為殘酷的環境下使用三腳架,譬如炎熱的 沙漠寒冷的高原,思銳在對其出廠的三腳架進行了最低溫度達零下40度、最高溫度高達125度的破壞性測試,測試時間分別為低溫四個小時、高溫四個小時。
Sharp thinking is the first domestic manufacturers to take the lead on a tripod factory extreme environmental testing, high and low temperature testing is an important part of a necessary, taking into account the photographers and photography enthusiasts sometimes use a tripod
in extremely harsh
[...] environments, such as hot plateau of desert and cold, sharp thinking its [...]
factory tripod minimum temperature
of minus 40 degrees, the highest temperature up to 125 degrees-destructive testing, test time, respectively, for the four hours of the low temperature, high temperature four hours.
粮农组织正在肯尼亚西部推广的一种 寒 、 高 产 油 棕榈品种对小农和企业生产者都具有很大好处,可以增加收入,改善饮食,减少食用油的进口以及为当地糖类作物种植者提供非常需要的作物多样性。
A cold-tolerant, high-yielding oil palm [...]
being promoted by FAO in western Kenya could be a boon to small-scale farmers and
industrial producers alike, increasing incomes, improving diets, reducing imports of food oil and providing much-needed crop diversification for local sugar growers.
没有得到 维护和整修、经费不足的寄宿学校会危害健康 ,
[...] 因为儿童会因种种原因而受到伤害 : 如寒冷、 潮湿或是煤烟 , 食品不足 , 教师不够精心 [...]
, 以 及低质量的教学环境和不良的社会环境所导致 的糟糕的教育状况。
Under-funded boarding schools that are not maintained
and repaired can compromise health as
[...] children suffer from cold, dampness or coal [...]
smoke fumes; insufficient or inadequate
food; poor attendance of teachers; and low quality teaching/a poor social environment that leads to a poor education.
這 些措施包括:規定 肉 食 攤檔檔主在攤檔裝設 展 示 式冷凍機, 展 示出售的豬 肉
、禽肉 、 牛 肉 及 羊 肉;規定所有處理食 物 人 員 必 須 修
[...] 讀基本的食物衞生課 程並通 過考試 、 接 受寒疫苗注 射 ,以及年屆 45歲 時接受 [...]
肺 病 檢查;以及實 施 分 級制,讓 市民知悉光 顧 的 熟 食 檔 的衞生水平 。
These include the requirement for meat stallholders to equip their stalls with display chillers for the sale of pork, poultry, beef and mutton, for all food handlers to attend basic food
hygiene course and pass examination, be
[...] vaccinated against typhoid, and go for tuberculosis [...]
screening for those age 45 and
above, and the adoption of a grading system to let the public know the hygiene standards of the cooked food stalls they patronise.
预算文 件第
[...] 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管理专门知识; 高 秘 书处工作人员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职业发展和 高 实 务 技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; improve the human and financial resources management expertise of programme managers and staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade
the information
[...] technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的 高金 額 ,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情遵照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训; 高 教 师 地位;制定标 准进行评估;制订关于优质教育的国家标准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the introduction of values education and ethical approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号
决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算
[...] 总额的预测数据,他估计可高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 [...]
2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见
A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he
estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or
[...] $319,811,300 more than the provision [...]
for special political missions in the
proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
鑒於政府當局未有採取有效行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 例作出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 完成就《個人資料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲遲未將明文規定對" 官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表 高 度 關 注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。
That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances.




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