

单词 高大

高大 ()




think of oneself as terrific (idiom); arrogant

身高马大 adj

huge adj


tall and strong

External sources (not reviewed)

此外我們亦透過宣傳及公眾 教育高大眾保護兒童的意識。
In addition, we also raise the awareness of the general public on child protection, through publicity and public education.
如果数值接近 100%,则收入不平等程度高, 大部分 的收入集中在少数人手中;如果数值趋向于 0%,则贫困程度相对较低。
If the value is near to 100%, the
[...] inequality is high, incomes are concentrated in a high proportion in [...]
the hands of a small group
of persons, if the value moves towards 0%, the poverty is not so deep.
大 赦 国际还欢迎关于制定一项全面 战 略减少
[...] 图 瓦 卢 的 家 庭暴力、包括高大众认识、 鼓励政 府 机构和民间 [...]
社会更 多地参 与对 付 家 庭暴力和性别歧视的努 力的各项建议。
It also welcomed recommendations to develop a comprehensive strategy
to reduce domestic violence in Tuvalu,
[...] including through raising public awareness [...]
and encouraging greater involvement by
government agencies and civil society in efforts to address domestic violence and gender discrimination.
[...] 域,如全球变暖、海冰覆盖面和冰体缩减、海平面 高 、 大 规 模 洋流系统发生 变化、不稳定的天气条件,以及更强烈或更极端的天气事件,如暴风雨、热带 [...]
The Committee noted that climate change had been adversely affecting all regions of the world through a variety of processes such as global warming, reduction in the
sea ice coverage and ice masses, sea-level
[...] rise, changes in large-scale current systems [...]
in oceans, unstable weather conditions
and more intense or extreme weather events such as storms, tropical cyclones, floods and droughts.
[...] 1日起,將歐盟五期柴油優惠稅率減至每公升0.56元, 惟國際油價屢創高,大大加重 了運輸業界的成本及市民的生活負 [...]
擔,本會促請特區政府將無鉛汽油稅削減一半,以及完全豁免歐盟五 期柴油稅,同時要確保油公司將稅務優惠全面反映在零售價上,以紓
That, the Government has, since 1 December last year, lowered the concessionary duty rate for Euro V diesel to $0.56 per litre, yet
international oil prices have repeatedly
[...] reached record highs, thereby substantially [...]
increasing the cost of the transportation
industry and the burden on people's livelihood, this Council urges the SAR Government to reduce the duty on unleaded petrol by half and completely remit the duty on Euro V diesel, and at the same time ensure that oil companies will fully reflect the duty concessions in the retail prices, so as to relieve the pressure of inflation and persistently high oil prices on the public and the relevant industries.
Hafiz Pasha 先生承认需要改革国际金融结构并建议一些改进的领域,例如 高大 型发 展中国家在国际金融机构的管理结构中的表决份额和作用,以及增加对 穷国的资金供应以便应对困难的经济环境。
Mr. Hafiz Pasha acknowledged the need for reform of the international financial architecture and suggested some areas for improvement, such as increasing the voting shares and role in management structures of large developing economies in the international financial institutions, and increasing the funds available for poorer countries to navigate the challenging economic environment.
他的政府忠实地执行该公约 的原则和规定,并继续高大韩民国武装部队对该文书及其议定书的认识,例 如,通过举行经常性的教育和培训班,以及通过发布关于管理战争遗留爆炸物 的指示。
His Government faithfully implemented the principles and provisions of the Convention and continued to raise awareness of the instrument and its Protocols among the Armed Forces of the Republic of Korea, for example by holding regular education and training courses and by issuing instructions on the management of explosive remnants of war.
有证据显示,增加的需求和来自认证咖啡的较高利润刺激咖 啡种植农通过砍伐灌木和高大的树木来增加生产,严重损害了森林及其生物多样性。
There is evidence that the increased demand and higher profits from certified coffee provides an incentive for coffee farmers to intensify production by slashing the undergrowth and felling larger trees, effectively destroying the forest and its biodiversity.
在欧洲新兴经济体中, 东南欧的失业率相高,大多在 10%以上,而且较多是结构性而非周期性问题; [...]
大多数独联体国家的官方失业率已回复到危机前的水平,即低于 10%。
In the European emerging economies,
[...] unemployment has been quite high in most of South-Eastern [...]
Europe, where it is over 10 per
cent and is more structural than cyclical; official unemployment rates in most CIS countries have returned to their pre-crisis levels of below 10 per cent.
我们欢迎今年早些时候通过关于调解的第 65/283 号决议,其中除其他外,建立了一个会员国可 就调解问题与秘书长进行交流的论坛, 高大 会 履 行 其应有的监督作用的能力,并提出具体办法,以便将 调解手段的使用纳入整个联合国系统的主流。
We welcome the adoption of resolution 65/283, on mediation, earlier this year, which, inter alia, establishes a forum in which Member States can interact with the Secretary-General on the issue of mediation, strengthens the ability of the Assembly to perform its rightful oversight role and proposes concrete ways to mainstream the use of mediation across the United Nations system.
瑞士指出,即使不能准确确定民间私 营保安服务为预防犯罪和社区安全所做贡献的质与量,该国还是感到它们有助 于高大众的安全感。
Switzerland noted that even though it could not qualify and quantify exactly the contribution of civilian private security services to crime prevention and community safety, it felt they were contributing to the sense of security of the population.
表示注意到秘书长最近关于协助各国制止小武器和轻武器非法贩运并加以 收集及关于小武器和轻武器非法贸易的各方面问题的报告,5 为此欢迎欧洲联盟决定大力支持经济共同体努力打击小武器和轻武器非法 扩散,确认在制止小武器和轻武器非法贩运的努力中,民间社会组织在 高大 众认
Taking note of the latest report of the Secretary-General on assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them and the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects,5 Welcoming, in that regard, the decision of the European Union to significantly support the Economic Community in its efforts to combat the illicit proliferation of small arms and light weapons
亚太信通技术培训中心也启动了《青年人利用信通技术促进发 展入门系列》,以便高大学生 对利用信通技术促进发展的认识,并 与 16 个国家的相关伙伴举行了积极的协商,以便利用这一教材。
APCICT has also launched the “Primer Series on Information and Communication Technology for Development for Youth” to build awareness on ICTD amongst university students, and active consultations have been held with partners in 16 countries for its utilization.
澳大利亚的大高校学 府以及社区内大多设有开展各类宗教活动的设施与场所。
Most universities and communities within Australia have facilities and places of worship for all types of religions.
自上一个双年度以来,捐资者数量和 捐助规模都有了增长,使开展的项 大大高 于 最初设定的标准。
The number of contributors and the size of contributions to the Programme have increased since the last biennium, enabling the launch of far more projects than the initial benchmarks.
这个项目着眼于那些科学、技术、工程和数学专业的学生;巴尔 的摩县马里兰大学
(UMBC) 的麦耶霍夫学者项目旨在帮助那些
[...] 有前途的本科学生取得成功,为他们能够进入研究生院的科学和 工程专业就读做好准备;院校合作委员会(涉及 大高 校 和 芝加 哥大学)通过其暑期研究机会项目 (SROP) 为学生和教职员工提 [...]
For example, the University of California’s Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees (UC LEADS) program focuses on students in the STEM disciplines; the Meyerhoff Scholars Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) works to help promising undergraduates thrive and prepare themselves for graduate school in the fields of science and engineering; and the Committee for
Institutional Cooperation
[...] (involving the Big Ten schools and the University of Chicago), has provided [...]
opportunities for both students
and faculty as part of the Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP).
甚至有一些工作的薪水已大大高于 平 均工资水平, 如港口作业、施工作业、呼叫中心等等,从中反映出这些变化。
Sectors paying wages that are far above average pay levels, such as ports, the construction industry and call centres, have contributed to these changes.
例如,在中国的厦门、智利的圣地亚哥或哥伦比亚的波 大 , 高 效 率的高速公交系统(BRT)每天运送数百万人。
For example in Xiamen, China and also in Santiago de
[...] Chile or Bogota, high-performance buses [...]
in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems (BRT)
move millions of people every day.
(c) 2006
[...] 年使“人权和基本自由问题高级委员会”拥有实际权利,以处 理个人申诉,并大高级委 员会有权访问的机构的范围,据此也包 [...]
(c) The empowerment in 2006 of the High Committee on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms to deal with
individual complaints and the extension of the
[...] list of bodies the High Committee is authorized [...]
to visit so as to include “social
bodies responsible for persons with special needs”.
作为“志同道合集团”的 主席,我们在《罗马规约》
[...] 的谈判过程中发挥了核心的 作用,为建立一个独立、大、高效的司法体系而 努力。
We played a key role in the negotiation of the Rome Statute as Chair of
the Like-Minded Group, working towards the establishment of an independent
[...] and robust court with effective jurisdiction.
他补充说,自己认为该数据中心有望通过美国绿色建筑委员会颁发的 LEED 金牌认证,“虽然设计如此高标准的数据中心对我们来说是一大挑战,但是我们能够利用我们旗下各公司的技术,打造一个功能 大 、 高 效 、行业领先的数据中心,以支持我们的全球网络,并更好地服务于我们的全球客户。
While designing a data center with such standards can be a challenge, we were able to leverage the expertise of our businesses to deliver a powerful, efficient, best-in-class data center to support our global network and better serve our customers around the world.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision [...]
for special political
missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
所发放的奖学 金在男性和女性之间的分配情况为 : 男性受益者占 51%,女性受益者占 49%,后一比大大 高于联 合国及姐妹机构达到的女性受益者占 26%的比例。
The gender distribution of the fellowships awarded is 51% to male beneficiaries and 49% to female beneficiaries, the latter far exceeding the 26% of awards in favour of women achieved by the United Nations and sister agencies.
为了减轻经济衰退的潜在影响,国际卫生伙伴关系、 全球基金和世界银行将在下一个两年期间,集中努力加强卫生系统, 大高 效 率、 高成效防治艾滋病规模,从而影响目标 4、5 和 6 的实现。
To mitigate the potential effects of the downturn, the International Health Partnership (IHP+), the Global Fund, and the World Bank will, in the next biennium, focus their efforts on health systems strengthening, to scale up efficient and effective AIDS responses that affect achievement of Goals 4, 5 and 6.
考虑到需要在本区域特别是农村地区 大高 效 和 负担得起的交通,相关 政策的重点不是减少运输量,而是扭转运输部门温室气体排放的增长趋势,包 [...]
Given the
[...] need to expand access to efficient and [...]
affordable transportation in the region, especially in rural areas, policies
to that end should focus not on reducing transport, but on reversing the growth in the greenhouse gas emissions of the sector, including through appropriate technologies.
随着委员会在全球范围内不断拓展经营、将于2012年6月推出新一代GMAT考试并竭力在全球范围内 大高 质 量 研究生管理教育的范围和影响,这些带头人将成为我们的成功不可或缺的一部分,成为商业和管理对于全世界人民的经济和社会福祉至关重要这一理念不可或缺的一部分。
As the Council expands its operations internationally, launches the Next Generation GMAT exam in June 2012, and seeks to expand the reach and impact of quality graduate management education globally, each of these leaders will be integral to our success and to the idea that business and management are critical to the economic and social well-being of people worldwide.
在我们目前的策略计划中,我们正致力于三个项目目标:减少幼儿生活中的暴力、 大高 质量 早期教育的比重和改善幼儿的物理环境。
In our current strategic plan, we are pursuing three programme goals: reducing violence in young children’s lives, taking quality early education to scale, and improving young children’s physical environments.
表明了世界经济的这种变化:若干中等收入国家,主要是亚洲国家,并没 有出现资本净流入,但其发展速度 大大高 于 其 他国家。
UNCTAD’s Trade and Development Report 2008 (UNCTAD/TDR/2008) demonstrated that change in the world economy: several middle-income countries, mainly in Asia, were growing much faster than other countries, without the benefit of net capital inflows.




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