单词 | 高云 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 高云 —Gao Yun (died 409) emperor of Northern or Later Yan dynastyExamples:高耸入云—tall and erect, reaching through the clouds (idiom); used describe tall mountain or skyscraper 云贵高原—Yunnan and Guizhou plateau in southwest China, covering east Yunnan, whole of Guizhou, west of Guangxi and southern margins of Sichuan, Hubei and Hunan 高积云—high cumulus cloud • altocumulus 高层云—altostratus • high stratus cloud See also:云—surname Yun • (classical) say
新的解决方案将提高云服务 和基础架构应用技术的创新和演进速度 marvell.com.cn | New offerings will speed the innovation [...] and evolution of cloud services and infrastructure [...]applications marvell.com |
与热闹的西贡相隔位于安静的富润区 陈 高云 街 上,Pergola则带着高雅、浪漫而非常精致的风格以出现。 vnnavi.com.vn | Situated on such a quiet street as Tran Cao Van, Pergola is definitely apart from the bustle of Sai Gon town. vnnavi.com.vn |
在今后的保护分析中,需要特别关注对养护生物多样性具有重要意义的 森林类别,诸如热带高山云雾林 倡议、红树林和河岸森林。 daccess-ods.un.org | Forest types of importance for biodiversity conservation, such as [...] tropical montane cloud forests, mangrove [...]forests and riparian forests, will require [...]particular attention in future protection analyses. daccess-ods.un.org |
她越来越高,在云层之 上飞行,但在阳光下,她淡淡的,并要求让她有水的地方。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | She flew higher [...] and higher above the clouds but the sun made her [...]faint and asks to get her to a place with water. ja.seekcartoon.com |
数据漏 洞的代价如此高昂 — 云服务 中如果存在不明确和不充分的安全保障,则将对更广泛地采用云计算 带来障碍,并阻碍在企业内使用公共云服务。 opendatacenteralliance.org | It is the high cost of breaches — and inadequate security monitoring capabilities offered as part of cloud services — that pose [...] a barrier to the wider [...]adoption of cloud computing and create resistance within organizations to public cloud services. opendatacenteralliance.org |
ISCCP卫星资料(1983-2006年)的结果显示:青藏高原地区 是 高云 的 高 值 中 心;而以四川为中心直到同纬度的中国东南沿海地区是 中 云 的 高 值 区 ,同时,青藏高原地区是中云的低值中心。 cmsjournal.net | Based on the [...] International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) data in 1983-2006, it is found that there is a high value center of high cloud amount over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), while there is a high value center of middle cloud amount over the Sichuan [...]Basin extending [...]to the coastal area of southeastern China along the same latitude, and a low one over the TP. cmsjournal.net |
特别是在中国,市场上云技术服务商的性质差异很大, 既有为了在本地市场立足而与本土公司设立合资公司的 [...] 跨国企业,也有与中国政府合作的大型中资企业,它们 致力提高云技术能力,以支持国有和民营企业的发展。 kpmg.com | While private cloud and global compliance roadmaps may make these legal and regulatory considerations easier to manage and measure, the fact remains that organizations need to first understand how cloud will impact compliance across each of the jurisdictions they operate within. and with the rapid pace of regulatory change these [...] days, developing the capability to monitor and react to changes will be key to [...] ‘future proofing’ the cloud environment. kpmg.com |
工业和信息化部原材料工业司副司长 高云 虎 提 出四条原则:一是统一分类,二是分类管理,三是分步实施,四是突出重点,并要求加快制定实施GHS国家方案,推进GHS的实施进程。 chemlinked.com | Deputy head of the raw material department under MIIT suggested the following principles: unified GHS classification, categorized management, stepwise implementation and focus on key points to ensure rapid progress in GHS implementation in China. chemlinked.com |
该系统集成一个高性能云台为 摄影和摄像提供精确移动,同时快装板结构利于方便安装或移除相机/摄像机。 manfrotto.cn | This system [...] has an integrated high performance head designed [...]to provide very precise and accurate movements for both photo [...]and video shooting, and with the quick camera attachment you can easily remove your video and photo cameras. manfrotto.us |
如果您需要基于云的存储、高性能云 计 算 或两者合一,那么 Silicon Mechanics 及其行业内领先的合作伙伴会设计一个解决方案来满足您的需求。 seagate.com | If you deliver cloud-based storage, high-performance cloud computing or [...] anything in-between, Silicon Mechanics and its many [...]industry-leading partners will design a solution to fit your needs. seagate.com |
无限可伸缩性——Openet实时解决方案 的 高 性 能 云 部 署 支持无限的基础设施可伸缩性、可用性,同时简化服务管理。 tipschina.gov.cn | Infinite [...] scalability - High performance cloud deployments of Openet [...]real-time solutions enable endless infrastructure scalability [...]and availability and simplify service management. tipschina.gov.cn |
其漂移角仅为0,03°,基本解决了影响市面上许 多 高 质 量 云 台 的 漂移角问题。 gitzo.cn | The problem [...] that affects many high quality heads in [...]the market regarding drift angle is absolutely minimized with an outstanding value of 0,03°. gitzo.ca |
高效率的云端架 构:企业就绪的 Cloud Station 支持近乎无上限的用户账号,并可简易与 LDAP 与 AD 环境整合,让 IT 人员轻松管理账号。 synology.com | Streamlined cloud architecture: The enterprise-ready Cloud Station supports [...] nearly unlimited user accounts and merges easily [...]into LDAP and AD environments. synology.com |
本装置为带有旋转云台的全高清专业 云 台 摄 像机, 配有 1/3 型全高清 MOS 传感器和数字信号处理器 (DSP)。 panasonic.net | . 31 w p This unit is a full HD camera integrated with a pan‑tilt head and featuring a 1/3‑type full HD MOS sensor and digital signal processor (DSP). panasonic.net |
高度管理云指客户拥有高度管 理权但由供应商实施控制和管理的信息技术服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | A highly-managed cloud refers to IT services upon which the customer had a high degree of management, [...] but that are controlled and managed by a provider. daccess-ods.un.org |
相关的观测包括但不 限于温室气体、悬浮颗粒和空气质量参数的测量及其变化情况;植被和土地利 [...] 用,毁林情况,包括森林火灾、土地退化和荒漠化造成的毁林情况;森林生物 量的变化;生物多样性的丧失;冰川后退和波动;以及海平 面 高 度 测 量、降 水、云和全球水循环的变化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Related observations included, but were not limited to, measurements of and changes in greenhouse gases, aerosols and air quality parameters; land cover and land use, deforestation, including from forest fires, land degradation and desertification; changes in forest biomass and loss of [...] biodiversity; glacial retreat and surges; and [...] sea surface altimetry, precipitation, clouds and global water circulation [...]changes. daccess-ods.un.org |
该公司的解决方案被广泛使用在向外扩展计算环境中, 如 高 频 率 交易 , 高 性 能 计算 , 云 计 算 ,虚拟化和大数据环境。 moderntech.com.hk | The company's solutions are widely used in [...] scale-out compute [...] environments, such as high frequency trading, high performance computing, cloud, virtualization [...]and big data. moderntech.com.hk |
城市观光之旅将引领游客探索阿布扎比最引人入胜的旅游景点。这趟旅程将带领游客穿梭在最繁忙的港口、热闹的当地集市,富丽堂皇的城堡以 及 高 耸 入 云 的 摩 天大楼之间。 shangri-la.com | The city tour affords visitors an opportunity to explore some of the best tourist hotspots in Abu Dhabi by including busy ports, local markets, palatial forts and soaring skyscrapers as part of its itinerary. shangri-la.com |
地段是一个非常具有历史意义的地区,伟大的纪念碑,将惊喜和喜悦都散落各地的部门,如罗马式教堂,城堡,宫殿和修道院的土地 , 高 耸 入 云 的 悬 崖峭壁及以上的河流很多很神奇的感觉。 leapfrog-properties.com | Lot is a very historic region- great monuments that will surprise and delight are strewn all around the department such as Romanesque churches, castles, palaces and abbeys that soar above the land on escarpments and over rivers giving Lot a quite magical feel. leapfrog-properties.com |
Chelsio的T4适配器卡设计部署在虚拟数据中心 , 云 服 务 设施 和 高 性 能 计算环境,把计算机网络行业的整体性能指标和功能提高到了一个新的水平。 moderntech.com.hk | Designed for deployment in [...] virtualized data centers, cloud service installations and high performance computing [...]environments, Chelsio [...]T4 adapters bring a new level of performance metrics and functional capabilities to the computer networking industry. moderntech.com.hk |
我们不会向所有客户都提供同样的云,我们提供的是"你 的 云 "- 通过提高 IT 交 付能力来促使您更快地取得业务成效。 bigsurtech.com | The result is not just any cloud, but your cloud – where accelerated IT delivers accelerated results for your business. bigsurtech.com |
标准型但是附以煅烧云母纸,用于最 高 输 出 电压。 isovolta.bjb.at | Standard [...] type with calcined mica for highest output and voltage isovolta.bjb.at |
徒步旅行:从亚瑟通道的高山村落可以通往许多高山健行步道,沿途可以观赏到瀑布以 及 云 雾 缭绕 的 高 山 景色,美不胜收。 cn.yha.co.nz | Go hiking on one the many alpine walks accessible from Arthur’s Pass village – see waterfalls and spectacular mountain views shrouded in mist. yha.co.nz |
PEPFAR的关键贡献有,15个省随访和转诊率的提高,全国艾滋病参比实验室试验能力改善,以及 在 高 发 病率 的 云 南 省 开发一个获得殊荣的一揽子全面预防服务。 embassyusa.cn | Among PEPFAR’s key contributions are increasing follow-up and referral rates in 15 provinces, improvements in laboratory capacity at the National AIDS Reference Laboratory and in the provinces, and developing an award-winning comprehensive prevention package of services in the high-prevalence province of Yunnan. eng.embassyusa.cn |
ASKLEP加入了在亚太市场里不断扩大的合同研究组织社区,以期充分利用我们 的 云 端 平台 提 高 生 产力和降低成本。 mdsol.com | ASKLEP joins a growing community [...] of CROs in the Asia-Pacific market [...] that are leveraging our cloud-based platform to improve [...]productivity and reduce costs. mdsol.com |
利用 Brocade MLX [...] 系列,关键任务型数据中心能够以更少的基础结构支持更多流量,实现更高程度的虚拟化并提供基 于 云 的 高 价 值服务,进而简化运营并降低成本。 mtechpro.com | By leveraging the Brocade MLX Series, mission-critical data centers can support more [...] traffic, achieve greater [...] virtualization, and provide high-value cloud-based services [...]using less infrastructure—thereby simplifying [...]operations and reducing costs. mtechpro.com |
报告《IDC 预测 2013 年:第 3 [...] 平台上的竞争》(来源:IDC)指出“2013 [...] 年最重要的趋势和事件将围绕在 IDC 所称的 IT 业增长和创新的‘第 3 平台’- 它由以下因素构建而成:移动设备、 云 服 务、社交技术和海量数据,及建于它们之上的新 兴 高 价 值行业解决方案和将在下一个八年的大部分增长中扮演非常重要角色的不断浮现的供应商(例如服务提供商和行业 [...] PaaS 提供商)与客户(例如消费者、中小企业、企业高管及新兴市场客户)。 seagate.com | The report "IDC Predictions 2013: Competing on the 3rd Platform" (source: IDC) identifies “the most important trends and events in 2013 will cluster around what IDC calls the "3rd Platform" for IT industry growth [...] and innovation — built [...] on mobile devices, cloud services, social technologies, and Big Data, as well as the emerging high-value industry solutions [...]built on top of [...]them, and the rising vendors (e.g., service providers and industry PaaS providers) and customers (e.g., consumers, SMBs, line-of-business executives, and emerging market customers) that will play leading roles in much of the next eight years' growth. seagate.com |
启动仪式 云集众多高层人 士,也成功标志着教科文组织出席了为国际生物多样性年的启动组织的全部 [...] 活动(分别于 2010 年 1 月 6-7 日在库里蒂巴,1 月 11 日在柏林,1 月 21--22 日在巴黎)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The launch was attended by a [...] significant number of high-level personalities [...]and succeeded in marking UNESCO’s presence in [...]the landscape of events organized on the occasion of the IYB launch (Curitiba, 6-7 January; Berlin, 11 January; and Paris, 21-22 January 2010, respectively). unesdoc.unesco.org |
粮食与药物管理局服从的Fluorosint HPV是能提供压力速度的一个云母被 填装 的 高 性 能 轴承等级(PV)表现改善超过在其他PTFE材料的40%根据Quadrant进行的机构内部的测试。 professionalplastics.com | FDA-compliant [...] Fluorosint HPV is a mica-filled high-performance bearing grade [...]that can deliver a pressure velocity (PV) performance [...]improvement of more than 40 per cent over other PTFE materials according to in-house tests conducted by Quadrant. professionalplastics.com |
该项目成功地促使许多当地的合作伙伴参与有关活动,如在中国,有中国社会科学院 (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国妇女联合会(ACWF)、华东师范大学 、 云 南 社 会科学院哲学 所、地方当局(大连市政府、金堂县政府(2002 年)、云南迪 庆藏族自治州)以及中国教 科文组织全国委员会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal [...] University, Institute of [...] Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, the local authorities (Dalian City Government, Jintang Country Government (2002), the Yunnan Diqing Tibetan [...]Autonomous Prefecture) [...]and Chinese National Commission for UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |