

单词 高中毕业生

See also:


senior high school student

毕业 n

graduates pl
alumni n

毕业 v

graduateAE v

External sources (not reviewed)

10 年内,100%的高中毕业生都能 操国家语言。
In 10 years,
[...] 100 per cent of high-school graduates will speak the [...]
State language.
最近议会颁布用来资助优 高中毕业生 上 大 学的国家优秀奖学金方案8 。
Congress recently enacted the National Merit Scholarship Program8 to fund undergraduate
[...] studies of qualified high school valedictorians.
在北京和上海这一类的地方,几乎每一 高中毕业生 都 可 以获得更高等的教育。
In places like Beijing and
[...] Shanghai, almost every high school graduate has [...]
access to higher education.
业务总部位于北京的中介机构Wiseway国际有限公司之董事陈桦认为 高中毕业生 将 成为自2011年在国外学习学生的主要组成部分。
Chen Hua, business director of Beijing-based intermediary agency
Wiseway International
[...] Co Ltd, believes high school graduates will become the main component of students studying abroad [...]
from 2011.
[...] 改组苏丹南方警察局,所采取的手段包括通过新的警察法、任命新的警察总监以 及征聘 6 000 名高中毕业生来取代苏丹南方警察局年老体弱人员。
During the reporting period, the Government of Southern Sudan took encouraging steps to reorganize, reform and restructure the Southern Sudan Police Service, including through the passage of the new Police Act, the appointment of a new
Inspector General of Police, and the
[...] recruitment of 6,000 high school graduates to replace the elderly [...]
and infirm personnel of the Police Service.
[...] 提倡中等教育以就业为目的,并支持会员国制订职业指导和咨询服务和创业培训的战略,以便高 中学毕业生的就业率。
Particular focus was devoted to the promotion of the vocationalization of secondary education and support to Member States in developing strategies for career guidance and
counselling and entrepreneurship training, with the objective to improve
[...] the employability of secondary school leavers.
面对不断增加的就业压力高中毕业生 在填报志愿时,高校毕业生的就业率和就业质量是一项重要的考虑因素,利用产学合作 [...]
来提高大学在产业界声誉和毕业生就业能力,可以吸引更多的高素质、品学兼优的学生, 从而形成更好的良性循环。
Therefore, utilizing University-Industry Cooperation
[...] to improve college students’ ability to succeed [...]
in job placement and raise the reputation
of universities in industrial sector will help attract more high school students with good character and scholarship, thus forming a favorable circle for higher education.
这些美国人口普查的数据9 显示, 大多数的16 到 21 岁的亚裔和非西班牙裔的白 高中毕业生 都能 进入大学学习,只有少于一半的黑人和西班牙 高中毕业生 才能 进入两年制或者四年制大学读书。
These U.S. Census data9 show that while
the majority of Asian and
[...] White non-Hispanic high school graduates ages 16–21 enrolled in some type of college, less than half of Black and Hispanic high school graduates continued on to [...]
either a 2-year or 4-year college.
政府方面提议招募 400 名高中毕业生,经 过培训后充实分 遣队队伍,通过协助改善行动区安全,为人道主义援助的运送和人道主义工作人 [...]
The Government also proposes to recruit and train 400
[...] secondary school graduates in order to strengthen [...]
the DIS force and facilitate the
delivery of humanitarian aid and the free movement of humanitarian personnel by helping to improve security in the areas of operation.
这九所中国大学包括了中国一些领先的研究密集型大学,中国政府选中后发放大量拨款,资助世界一流研究基础设施与研究人员,这些院校同时也是中 高中毕业生 的 首 选大学。
The China 9 includes some of China’s leading research-intensive universities, which have been selected by the Chinese government to receive intensive funding for investment
in world class research infrastructure and staff,
[...] and they are the first choice for the very best Chinese school leavers.
从图1上最左边的条形 图我们看以看出,在 2006 年,有超过一半高中毕业生进入大 学学习(两年制或者四年制大学)。
While more than half of 2006 high school graduates enrolled in some type of postsecondary education (a 2-year or 4-year college), as seen in the far-left bar in Figure 1, great disparities remain in enrollment levels by ethnicity and race.
在 2006 年的调查中,55%的受访生力求通过 高中 毕业考试,男生仅为 47%。
In 2006, 55 % of the girls surveyed were working towards their school-leaving exams, in contrast to only 47% of boys.
生毕业时将 举行中学毕业 会考,完成本阶段学业、考试及格的学生将获 中 学 毕业 文 凭,并且有机会升高等学府。
The lyceum education concludes with the baccalaureate examination, and upon successful completion thereof a baccalaureate diploma is awarded, which offers the possibility to enter higher education.
教育调查现在包括班级规模中等教 育 毕业生 等 项 目。
The education survey, for example, now
[...] includes items on class size and secondary graduates.
许多在这 个等级的教师已经完成了高等教育,是大学或高等学校(师范学院)毕业生。
Many teachers at this level have completed
[...] higher education and are graduates of universities or higher [...]
education schools (pedagogical academies).
为了提高劳动市场的竞争力,提供实现经济独立和享受就业权的条件,提 供了劳中介服务、专业意识和协调服务、启动创业活动的咨询与援助、职业培 训和指导、高级信贷,以及劳动力流动的刺激、对雇主雇 高 等 教 育机构年毕 业生的激励等。
In order to improve competitiveness of the labour market, offer conditions to attain economic independence and enjoyment of the right to employment, labour mediation services, professional awareness and conciliation services, consultancy
and assistance to
[...] initiate an enterprise activity, vocational training and guidance, advantageous crediting, as well as stimulation of workforce mobility, motivation of employers to employ young graduates of higher educational institutions etc is offered.
高中毕业率不 能保证教育系统已令毕生 获得 了进入劳动力市场必备的基本技能与知识,因为这项指标并未针对教育成果 的质量,不过,它可以说明,教育系统在帮助学生达到劳动力市场最低要求的准 [...]
While the upper secondary graduation rate does not guarantee that an education [...]
system has adequately equipped its graduates
with the basic skills and knowledge necessary to enter the labour market because this indicator does not capture the quality of educational outcomes, it does, however, provide an indication of the extent to which an education system succeeds in preparing students to meet the minimum requirements of the labour market.
合课学生的上课时间由家庭学校辅导员制定, 以确保每位生都能够达高中毕业 所 要求的必要标准。
Individual class schedules for shared-time students are completed by
home school Guidance Counselors ensuring that each student has
[...] all the necessary requirements for high school graduation.
虽 然它们在包括减少贫困、实现全民小学教育和实现中学和小学 生 性 别 平 等在内的某些目标方面的确取得了一些进展,但它们在某些其他目标方面 进展要么十分缓慢,要么很不充分, 中 包 括 创造 业 机 会、 提 高 小 学毕 业率、 为妇女创造更多就业机会、降低孕妇死亡率、提高森林覆盖率、以 及信息和通信技术的更广泛应用等。
Although progress had been made with regard to some Goals, including poverty reduction, achieving universal primary school enrolment and attaining gender parity in secondary and primary school enrolment,
there were several Goals
[...] in which progress had been either slow or insufficient; they included employment generation, increase in the primary school completion rate, creation of more wage employment for women, reducing maternal mortality, increasing forest coverage, [...]
and greater use
of information and communications technology.
(c) 审查现有的奖学金制度(该制度 高中毕业 考 试中成绩最优秀的 生颁 发去海外学习的全额奖学金),力求使这一制度更为公平,为低收入家庭的优秀 学生提供机会,否则他们尽管十分出色,也可能拿不到奖学金。
(c) The review of the existing laureate scheme (which offers fully funded scholarships for overseas studies to the best candidates at the Higher School Certificate examinations) aims at bringing more equity into the system and providing opportunities to bright students from low-income families who would otherwise have been deprived of a scholarship although they are highly meritorious.
大会部通过三管齐下的办法努力提 高 质 量 的笔译和口译服务:(a) 依靠严 格的标准,只通过相关语文专业的定期竞争性语文考试征聘语文工作人员;(b) 在 初级语文工作人员初期试用期间和以后,对其进行培训,并进行严密、持续的监 督,并为长期服务的工作人员提供更多学习实质性和技术性技能的机会;(c) 实 施推广方案,旨在使伙伴语文培训机构 毕业生 获 得 语文事务所需的整套技能, 以期增加可能应聘的后备人员总数。
The pursuit by
[...] the Department of high-quality translation and interpretation services is based on a three-pronged approach: (a) reliance on exacting standards in recruiting language staff only through periodic competitive language examinations in the relevant language professions; (b) provision of training and close and continuing supervision of junior language staff throughout their initial probationary period and beyond, as well as expanded opportunities for upgrading substantive and technical skills for longer-serving staff; and (c) an outreach programme aimed at helping equip graduates of partner language [...]
training institutions
with the skill sets required by language services, with a view to expanding the pool of potential recruits.
教育体系的主要教育目标是:改善教学质量, 高 考 试 成绩;实现义务教 育的全覆盖;增加儿童教育机构、中学和培训机构;增 中 学 和 职业培训学毕 业生人数 ;对公民提供民主意识宣传;推广终身学习;强化教育体系中的公平; 与欧盟其他国家保持一致。
The main objectives of the educational system with regard to the teachings are to: improve education and school performance, achieve success for all in compulsory education, increase enrolment in early childhood education, baccalaureate programmes and vocational training, provide education on democratic citizenship, encourage lifelong learning, reinforce the equity of the educational system and converge with EU countries.
本科课程——本科课程要求生提 供澳 洲 高中毕业 证 书(12年级)或海外同等学历。
Undergraduate – To gain entry into an Australian undergraduate course you will need to have an Australia Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (Year 12), or the overseas equivalent.
虽然小学入学率有了提高,但需要 高 质 量 和 毕业 率 , 中 学 和 大学入学率也 需要提高。
Although enrolment in primary education has improved, quality and completion rates need to be enhanced and enrolment rates at the secondary and tertiary levels need to increase.
总体而言,有60%的毕业生用贷款方式支付学费,但比例因课程类型不同而差异巨大, 中 6 7 % 的 全日制 M B A 毕业生 、 50% 的 高 级 M B A 毕 业 生 、48%的非MBA专业硕士毕业生以及47%的兼职MBA毕业生采用贷款方式。
Overall, 60 percent of alumni took out loans to pay for their education, but the proportions varied by program type, with 67 percent of full-time MBA alumni, 50 percent of executive MBA alumni, 48 percent of non-MBA specialized master's alumni, and 47 percent of part-time MBA alumni taking out loans.
基础职业学校(2至3年)——完成学业后,毕 业生上商业学校或职业补习学校 普通高中补习学校(2年)——目的是为基础 职业学毕业生提供普通高中教 育,并帮助其 准高中毕业考试。
Basic vocational school – szkoła zasadnicza
[...] (twothree years), after finishing school, graduates have access to the trade or occupation of [...]
supplementary schools.
[...] 定措施来应对以下挑战:高等教育市场的开放 高 校 毕业生 日 益 严峻的就业问题,在系统分 析和预测的基础上对课程设置进行调整,使其适应新的全球环境。
There was an exigent need for strategies to be developed to deal with challenges like the opening of the higher
education market, the increasing
[...] unemployment of university graduates and the adaptation [...]
of curricula to remain relevant in a
new global setting based on systematic analysis and forecasting.
比例,地 方当局可以决定从其预中拨出 资源来增加教师工资基金,免费提供住所,或吸 引大毕业生到周 边地区当教师,替他们偿还其学生贷款本金。
A local authority may, for example, decide to
allocate resources from its budget to increase the wage fund for teachers, to offer
[...] a dwelling free of charge or attract young university graduates to go as teachers to peripheral areas by offering to repay [...]
the principal sum of their student loans for them.
在这方面,亚太技转中心在以下方面帮助成员国加 强能力:高中小企业规划 和执行技术转让项目的技能;在各优先技 术领域(新兴技术和传统技术)促进研发协作、促进关键技术(包括可生能源技术生物技 术和纳米技术)的交流和应用;建立能够支持 所有这些举措的国家创新制度,特别强调促进公司一级创新、加强知 识产权管理能力、以及促进跨境协作。
In this regard, APCTT, helped build the capacity of member States to improve skills in SMEs to plan and implement technology transfer projects; promote research and development collaboration in priority areas of technology – both emerging and traditional, promote the flow and utilization of critical technologies, including renewable energy technologies (RETs), biotechnologies and nanotechnologies; and structure national innovation systems (NIS) that can support all these interventions with special emphasis being place on promoting innovation at the firm level, strengthening intellectual property management capacity, and fostering cross-border collaboration.




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