单词 | 骺 | ||||||
释义 | 骺—epiphysis (end of a long bone)Examples:骨骺—epiphysis (end of a long bone) 骺软骨板—growth plate (bone) epiphyseal plate
膝部:胫骨结节骨骺炎多发于12和13岁的孩子。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Knee: Osgood Schlatter Disease affects 12- and 13-year-olds. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
3、骨癌较常发病于15-25岁的青少年,骨癌常见发病部位是四肢的长管骨干骺端和膝关节上下的部位。 asiancancer.com | Bone cancer mainly happens to teenagers from 15 to 25 years old. It often [...] locates in metaphysis inthe long [...]bones of limbs and parts surrounding the knee joints. asiancancer.com |
羟色胺形成氨基酸triptofana的松果腺(骨骺),与强制性参与的阳光,以及在小肠和胰腺,化学发射机的冲动神经细胞之间的人类大脑控制食欲,睡眠,情绪和情感的权利, «指示»很多机构的职能,发挥了重要作用崩溃的血液,调节电动机和分泌的胃肠道,增强蠕动和他的sekretornuyu活动的调节血管张力, sokratimost子宫和输卵管结扎手术,参加的协调下交付,参与的过程中,排卵,是的原因之一,中风,心肌梗死,溃疡病,有些精神失常,偏头痛和其他形式的病理。 stimed.net | Serotonin formed from amino acids triptofana in the pineal gland (epiphysis), with the obligatoryparticipation of sunlight, as well as in the small intestine and pancreas, a chemical transmitter impulses between nerve cells of human brain that controls appetite, sleep, mood and emotion rights, «directs» very many body functions, plays an important role in the collapse of blood, regulation of motor and secretion in the gastrointestinal tract, enhancing peristalsis and his sekretornuyu activity regulates vascular tone, sokratimost uterine and tubal ligation, participated in the coordination of deliveries, involved in the process of ovulation, is one of the causes of stroke, myocardial infarction, ulcer disease, some mental disorders, migraine and other forms of pathology. stimed.net |