单词 | 骸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 骸—bones of the bodyExamples:骸骨—skeleton skeletal remains 形骸—the human body skeleton 放浪形骸—abandon all restraint [idiom.]
公墓管理机 构必须提供关于遗骸具体位置的信息,负责标记坟墓并确保进行合理维修。 daccess-ods.un.org | The cemetery administration is [...] required to provide information on the exact [...] location of theremains andis responsible [...]for marking the grave and ensuring reasonable upkeep. daccess-ods.un.org |
谨随函附上关于搜寻科威特战俘和失踪人员遗骸的行动计划副本,该计划已 提交给三方委员会并纳入了技术小组委员会的议程(见附录)。 daccess-ods.un.org | I should like to attach hereto a copy of the plan of action for the [...] search for the remainsof Kuwaiti prisoners [...]and missing persons that was submitted [...]to the Tripartite Commission and incorporated into the agenda of the Technical Subcommittee (see enclosure). daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长指出,联合 国仅负责失踪人员调查委员会第三名成员及其两名助理的费用以及他们办公室 [...] 的杂项业务费用,而挖掘、辨认和归还塞浦路斯失踪人员遗骸的项目则由预算外 资源供资(同上,第 24.117 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General indicates that the United Nations is responsible only for the expenses of the third member of the Committee on Missing Persons, his or her two assistants and the miscellaneous operating expenses of their office, and that the [...] project on the exhumation, identification [...] and return of theremains of missingpersons [...]in Cyprus is financed from extrabudgetary [...]sources (ibid., para. 24.117). daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,遗骸的识别和返 还工作仍然进展缓慢:完全确定的遗骸只有910 具,其中 796 具已移交给家属。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the identification and return of the remains andbodies continued to be very slow: 910 have [...] been fully identified, [...]of which 796 have been handed over to the families. daccess-ods.un.org |
多数底层 鱼种还靠中层水有机体为猎物,并利用各种猎物鱼种的昼夜垂直迁移、生物残骸下沉以及随着循环在水中某些深度和生境聚集的猎物。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most demersal species also depend on midwater organism as prey, and take advantage of diel vertical migrations of prey species, sinking of carcasses, and circulation-dependent concentration of prey at certain depths and habitats. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管失踪人员问题的重要性和敏感性质,尽管它是一个联合国跟踪了多年的 人道主义问题,而且尽管自 2004 年以来在红十字国际委员会的支持下运作的三 方委员会和技术小组委员会进行了巨大的努力,在 605 名失踪的科威特人和第三 国国民中,迄今为止只有 236 名科威特囚犯的遗骸得到确认。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the significance and the sensitive nature of the question of the missing persons, a humanitarian issue that the Council has been following for many years, and despite the great efforts that have been made since 2004 by the Tripartite Commission and the Technical Subcommittee, which operates under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the remains of only 236 Kuwaiti prisoners out of 605 missing Kuwaiti and third-country nationals have thus far been identified. daccess-ods.un.org |
在藏匿的宝藏,吉姆遇到弗林特本人的遗骸,BEN的认知计算机缺少的部分。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In the stash of treasure, Jim comes [...] across theskeletal remainsofFlint himself, [...]holding a missing part of B.E.N’s cognitive computer. seekcartoon.com |
展览包括世界各地水下遗产的大幅图片、泰国沉船残骸实物尺寸复制品、海底发现的遗 产展示、水下文化遗产电影、水下考古学家在水族箱工作的特别演示以及儿童的互动游戏区 ,展览还放映了教科文组织--Moonscoop 卡通片。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The exhibit included large format photographs of underwater heritage scenes from around the world, a life-size replica of a Thai ship wreck, a showcase of discoveries recovered from the seabed, a film on the underwater cultural heritage, special demonstrations of underwater archaeologists in action in the aquarium tank and an interactive play zones for children and featuring among others the UNESCO-Moonscoop Cartoons. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在一个巨大的荷叶边领蜥蜴,当他们遇到她的蛋离合器后,他们被救出由亚历山大(迈克尔·凯恩),带他们去一个大的小屋,他会带他到岛上的船的残骸构建,蓝眼睛的露西。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After coming across a massive frill-necked lizard when they come across her egg clutch, they are rescued by Alexander (Michael [...] Caine) who takes them to a large hut [...] he’d builtfromthe wreckageof the shipthat brought [...]him to the island, the Blue-Eyed Lucy. seekcartoon.com |
在以西结的干骨头的山谷,那里的尸体神圣的气息呼吸进入新生活的憧憬,一个国家的复活,是在观点:“这些骸骨就是以色列全家”(结37:11)。 mb-soft.com | In Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones, where the divine breath breathes new life into corpses, a national resurrection is in view: "These bones are the whole house of Israel" (Ezek. 37:11). mb-soft.com |
我们同 [...] 情他们的家属,同时衷心希望他们都能找到他们亲人 的遗骸,希望将斯雷布雷尼察灭绝种族行为负责的人 [...]绳之以法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our heart goes to their families along with sincere hope that all of [...] them will find theremains of theirloved ones [...]and that all those responsible for the [...]genocide in Srebrenica will be brought to justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
我谨随函附上“对以色列侵犯人权行为采取紧急行动:关于亵渎耶路撒冷圣 城Ma’man Allah(Mamilla)坟场”的请愿。这项请愿是由有祖先葬在 Ma’man Allah 坟场的巴勒斯坦人以及巴勒斯坦、以色列和美国一些反对在葬有穆斯林死者残骸的坟场上建立所谓的“人类尊严中心和容忍博物馆”的其他几个非政府组织提出 的(见附件)。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have the honour to enclose herewith a petition for “Urgent action on human rights violations by Israel: Desecration of the Ma’man Allah (Mamilla) Muslim Cemetery in the Holy City of Jerusalem”, filed by Palestinian individuals whose ancestors are buried at Ma’man Allah cemetery in addition to several other non-governmental organizations from Palestine, Israel and the United States, who oppose the establishment of so called “Centre for Human Dignity and Museum of Tolerance” on the human remains of the dead Muslims buried in the Cemetery (see annex). daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,他请塞尔维亚政府充分合作,找到并返还 [...] 在塞尔维亚境内失踪的 1 500 名阿尔巴尼亚人的遗骸,并强调必须恢复由欧洲联盟促成的科索沃共和国 [...]与塞尔维亚之间的技术性对话,这对于稳定和区域合 作非常重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, he invited the Government [...] of Serbia to fully cooperate in finding [...] and returning the remainsof 1,500 Albanians [...]who had gone missing in Serbian territory [...]and stressed that the technical dialogue between the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia, being brokered by the European Union must resume as it was important for stability and regional cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
受雇参加雇佣军活动的南非人通常具有双重国 [...] 籍,在出现人员伤亡的情况下,通常使用其南非护 照,这在遗骸运送回国方面给南非带来了不必要的 [...]负担。 daccess-ods.un.org | South Africans recruited for mercenary activities usually had dual nationality, and, in cases of casualties [...] and deaths, their South African passports were often used, placing an undue burden on [...] South Africa to repatriateremains. daccess-ods.un.org |
秋季的落叶和死亡植物的遗骸可为藻类提供理想的营养基础。 oase-livingwater.com | Falling leaves [...] in autumnand theremains of dead plants offer [...]algae an ideal nutrient basis. oase-livingwater.com |
我们正在努力掌握一切有关轨道残骸与再入残骸的信息,以保护太空任务和地球上人类的利益。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are trying to learn everything that we can about orbital and reentry debris so that we can protect space missions and human interests on the ground. tipschina.gov.cn |
巴基斯坦信德省格什莫尔(KASHMORE)地区,2013年4月4日——在坎德侯特(Kandhkot),这是一个阳光明媚的早晨,孩子们下船后兴奋地奔向他们的学校 —— 见到的或许只是学校的残骸。 unicef.org | KASHMORE DISTRICT, Sindh province, Pakistan, 4 April 2013 – On a bright, [...] sunny morning, children disembark from a boat in Kandhkot and run excitedly towards [...] their school–orwhat remainsofit. unicef.org |
如今,雪莉在墨尔本生活,她还在继续倡导东帝汶的民主和自由,以及争取将格雷格的遗骸运送回国。 china.embassy.gov.au | Today she lives in Melbourne and continues to advocate for democracy and freedom in East Timor and for the [...] repatriationof Greg’s remains. china.embassy.gov.au |
申请人必须於其先人捡掘遗骸日期前 7 个工作天 缴付清拆墓碑及重铺三合土地台之费用及通知办 [...] 事处捡掘日期,以便办事处安排清拆墓碑 (通知日期及捡掘日期不计算在内)。 vgoffice.catholic.org.hk | The applicant shall pay the grave demolition and [...] cement paving fees 7 days prior to [...] exhumation ofthe humanremains of the first interred [...]and notify the Cemetery Office the [...]date of exhumation (the date of notification and exhumation are not included) vgoffice.catholic.org.hk |
作为教育公园,“时间花园(Garden Of Time)”让人回想起汝拉山谷内地质和动植物种群的演变,其范围远从上古时期开始,一直到1969年再度发现的最古老“居民”猛犸象遗骸(死亡年龄约17,时间则大概在1万6000年前)为止。 audemarspiguet.com | Educational public park, the garden of Time evokes the evolution of the geology, flora and fauna of the Vallée de Joux since primitive times to the oldest "living", rediscovered in 1969, a 17 year old mammoth died some sixteen thousand years ago. audemarspiguet.com |
一位“白军”将领Andrey Denikin的遗骸最近被运回了莫斯科,另一位“白军”将领Vladimir Karpel的遗骸被运回了伊尔库茨克。 project-syndicate.org | The remains of Andrey Denikin, a “white” general, have recently been moved to Moscow, and the remainsofVladimir Karpel, [...] another “White” general, to Irkutsk. project-syndicate.org |
当皮脂腺分泌太多油时,毛孔便会阻塞,积聚污垢、死皮残骸和细菌。 lavedo.com | When glands produce too much oil, the pores can become blocked, accumulating dirt, debris, and bacteria. lavedo.com |
这一传说中的天文计算机可追溯至公元前二世纪,能显示天空中月亮与太阳的运动与位置,其残骸于1900年在希腊水域被发现。 hautehorlogerie.org | This fabled astronomical calculator, which dates from the 2nd century BC, and whose remains were discovered in Greek waters in 1900, describes the movements and position of the moon and the sun in the sky. hautehorlogerie.org |
最近在塞尔维亚发现了一个万人冢,其中有数百 具科索沃阿族人的遗骸,这又唤起大家的伤痛。 daccess-ods.un.org | The recent discovery in Serbia of a mass grave containing the bodies of hundreds of Kosovo Albanians has triggered a new wave of profound sadness, with thousands of Kosovar families affected by still unresolved questions concerning missing persons from the Kosovo war. daccess-ods.un.org |
尊重失踪人士家属了解真情的权利,包括那些居住在波斯尼亚和 [...] 黑塞哥维那境外的失踪人员家属的了解真情权利,随时向他们通报挖掘和确 认遗骸进程的进展,并在这一进程中向他们提供心理社会援助 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Respect the right of families of missing persons, including those who live outside Bosnia and Herzegovina, to know the truth by keeping them informed of the progress made in [...] the processes of exhumation and [...] identification of mortal remains and providethem [...]with psychosocial assistance during the process daccess-ods.un.org |
全毁飞航事故(Hull losses occurrence):飞航事故导致航空器严重受损且修理超过 经济效益,全毁也包括航空器失踪,残骸位置未知且停止搜寻,或严重受损且残骸无法取得。 asc.gov.tw | This would include aircraft that are Hull Loss or aircraft that are missing, including the wreckage of unknown position or wreckage that are seriously damaged and unreachable. asc.gov.tw |