单词 | 骨髓移植 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 骨髓移植—bone marrow transplantSee also:骨髓n—marrown bone marrown 骨髓—bone marrow (medulla ossea) 移植n—transplantationn transplantspl transplantingn
其中包括 19 [...] 岁的Fida Talal Hijjy,由于以色列当局没有及 时处理她的许可申请,她在误了在一家以色列医院的骨髓移植预约后死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | These included 19-year-old Fida Talal [...] Hijjy, who died after she missed [...] her appointment fora bone marrow transplant in an Israeli hospital [...]due to a delay in the Israeli [...]authorities responding to her permit request. daccess-ods.un.org |
高剂量化学治疗配合骨髓移植或血干细胞移植并不比传统的化学治疗凑效。 hsbc.com.hk | High-dose [...] chemotherapy followedbybone marrow transplantationor peripheral [...]blood stem cell transplantation does not work [...]better than standard chemotherapy. hsbc.com.hk |
了解骨髓移植在白血病病人中可能的用途以及其他不同治疗方法的价值。 esmo.org | They should appreciate the [...] potential useofmarrow transplantation in patients [...]with leukemia and the value of differentiation therapy. esmo.org |
高剂量化学治疗配合骨髓移植或血干细胞移植并不比传统的化学治疗凑效。 hsbc.com.hk | High-dose [...] chemotherapy followedbybone marrow transplantation orperipheral [...]blood stem cell transplantation does not work [...]better than standard chemotherapy. hsbc.com.hk |
由独立评审裁定委员会(IRAC)按欧洲血液和骨髓移植组(EMBT)标准评定缓解,据此计算总缓解率。 businesswire.com | Overall Response Rate was based on responses assessed by the [...] Independent Review Adjudication Committee (IRAC) based on the European [...] Group forBloodandMarrow Transplantation(EMBT)criteria. businesswire.com |
了解化疗的根治作 用和骨髓移植在复发或耐药病人中的价值。 esmo.org | They should recognize the curative role of (immuno-) chemotherapy [...] and thevalueof marrowtransplantation in relapsed or [...]refractory disease. esmo.org |
承担包括所有手术室费用、麻醉师费用、手术费用及医院杂项费用等 进行肾脏、心脏、肝脏、肺或骨髓移植手术的全部合理且必需的医疗 费用。 hsbc.com.cn | Include all expenses of operating theatre & [...] materials, anesthetists, surgeon and hospital service [...] relating to the transplantationof heart³ kidney³³ or bone marrow. hsbc.com.cn |
婴儿初生时若欠缺有效的适应性免疫系统,例如患有严重复合性免疫缺乏症,必须采取非常步骤,如进行骨髓移植手术,方可生存。 shawprize.org | Infants born without a functioning adaptive immune system, such as those with [...] severe combined immunodeficiency, require heroic [...] measures, such asbone marrowtransplantation, if theyare to [...]survive. shawprize.org |
提供脐血干细胞咨讯,为血液病(白血病)及需要骨髓移植患者带来福音。 business-china.com | Provides navel blood cell consulting news, gets sick (leukemia) for [...] blood andneeds marrow transplants patient brings gospel. business-china.com |
血液肿瘤内科将对血液肿瘤、骨髓移植等血液疾病进行专门治疗。 chn.busanmc.or.kr | hemato-oncology professionally treats hematologic diseases such as [...] hematologic malignancies, bone marrowtransplant, etc. eng.busanmc.or.kr |
美国莫菲特癌症中心(Moffitt Cancer Center)血液和骨髓移植计划部门主任Claudio Anasetti医生博士及其同僚,利用意向治疗分析方法,对分别接受非亲缘供者周边血干细胞和骨髓移植的1:1比例随机分组患者,比较当中的2年存活率。 hongkongstemcell.com | Claudio Anasetti, MD, department [...] chair of theblood and bone marrowtransplantation program at Moffitt Cancer Center, and colleagues used an intention-to-treat analysis to compare 2-year survival outcomes among patients who had been randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to peripheral blood stem cell orbone marrowtransplantation from unrelated donors. hongkongstemcell.com |
骨髓移植有两种:自体骨髓移植会使用病人自己的骨髓细胞,而异基因骨髓移植则会使用白血球组织型吻合的捐赠者骨髓(可为兄弟姊妹或无任何亲属关系者)。 hksh.com | There are two [...] main types of bone marrow transplantation, i.e. autologous transplantusing the patient's own marrow cells, and allogeneic transplant using marrow [...]from HLA compatible [...]donors, who can be a sibling or an unrelated donor. hksh.com |
早前有研究表明,人类白细胞抗原(HLA)相同的亲属注射Filgrastim(粒细胞集落刺激因子)所驱动的周边血干细胞,植入过程与骨髓移植快,但也同时增加急性和慢性移植物抗宿主疾病的代价。 hongkongstemcell.com | Previous research has indicated that transplantation of filgrastim-mobilized peripheral blood stem [...] cells from HLA-identical siblings is linked [...] to accelerated engraftment at the cost of [...]increased risk for acute and chronic graft-versus-host [...]disease when compared with bone marrow transplant. hongkongstemcell.com |
这将导致严重的后果,如果不是在经处理的时间,因为它可以成为血液中的癌症"警告在采访 Efe,罗伯托 · Ovilla,医疗 hematologist 和医院的墨西哥城的洛杉矶洛马斯骨髓骨移植股股长。 cn.500healthy.com | This causes serious consequences if not treated in time, since it can become a cancer in the blood," warns in an interview with Efe, Roberto Ovilla, [...] medical hematologist and Chief [...] of the unit of transplantationof marrow bone of the Hospital Angeles [...]Lomas for city of Mexico. 500healthy.com |
IGNITE®骨移植产品为 外科医生提供了将 IGNITE® 粉剂与随附的灭菌水稀释液相混合,或与自体骨髓抽取液 (BMA) 相 混合的选项。 wmt.com | The IGNITE® Bone Graftproducts provide surgeons the option of mixing the IGNITE® powder with included sterile water diluent or mixing with autologous bonemarrow aspirate (BMA). wmt.com |
移植:Bagges发现一只袋鼠怪物的骨头时的尤斯塔斯试图拍卖他们的发现者,他结束了他的脊椎扭。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Transplant: The Bagges find thebones of a kangaroo monster [...] and when Eustace attempts to auction them to discoverers, [...]he ends up twisting his spine. seekcartoon.com |
研究已证实,肠胶质细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤,可促进轴突再生、减轻组织损伤、改善功能。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Previous studies [...] have shownthattransplanted entericglia cells enhance axonal regeneration, reduce tissue damage, and promote functional recovery following spinalcord injury. chinese.eurekalert.org |
该注射器可用 于混合骨移植材料与抽取出的体液,并将混合后的移植材料送入整形手术部位。 wmt.com | The syringe [...] can be usedto mix bone graft materials with [...]aspirated fluids and deliver the compositegraft material to the orthopedic surgical site. wmt.com |
但是,前方的道路并不平坦;政治 不满和不信任已深入骨髓,强势的经济参与者在经 济体中的基础仍根深蒂固。 crisisgroup.org | However, the path ahead is not easy; political grievances and mistrust run deep, and powerful economic actors are deeply entrenched. crisisgroup.org |
手术以微创方式进行,用一个填充着人造骨移植物的塑料保持架取代椎间盘,用螺丝锁定脊椎的背面来进行固定。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Stabilization is achieved with screws locking the back side of the spine. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
天然的骨移植替代物,用于引导自体牙槽骨再生。 sic-invent.com | Natural bone substitution material for use with guidedbone regeneration. sic-invent.com |
1 有关切除移植器官费用所支付的实报实销赔偿不得超过捐赠者切除器官或抽取骨髓的手术费用及受保人接受器官之手术费用两者总和的百分之三十(30%)。 aia.com.hk | 1 The maximum coverage of the donor’s surgical costs is [...] 30% of the [...] aggregate of the surgical costs of removal of the organ or bonemarrow from thedonor and the surgical costs of procedures performed [...]on the Insured as recipient. aia.com.hk |
虽然他后来放弃了拉比他的mishnaic的许多意见,因为他的意见,随着时间的推移发生变化,他保留在他的米示拿这些废弃的意见,他曾于年轻时他们(骨髓44A条。 mb-soft.com | Though Rabbi himself subsequently renounced many of his Mishnaic opinions, as his views changed in the course of time, he retained such discarded opinions in his Mishnah as he had held them in his younger days (BM 44a; 'Ab. Zarah 52b; Yer. 'Ab. Zarah iv. 44a). mb-soft.com |
3、新品种向食品中迁移水平为 0.05-5mg/kg(包括 5mg/kg), 应提供三项致突变试验(Ames 试验、体外哺乳动物细胞染色体畸变 试验和骨髓细胞微核试验)、90 天大鼠亚慢性毒性试验资料。 agrichina.org | (3) For new [...] species from whichthe migration level into foods is between 0.05 and 5mg/kg (including 5mg/kg), the following data should be provided: three tests for mutagenicity (i.e., Ames test, In vitro mammalian cells chromosome aberration test, and micronucleustest of bone marrow cells)and 90days [...]subchronic toxicity test in rats. agrichina.org |