单词 | 骨肉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 骨肉—kinless common: blood relation one's flesh and blood Examples:情逾骨肉—as close as flesh and bones (idiom); deep friendship 情同骨肉—as close as flesh and bones (idiom); deep friendship 骨肉相残—close kindred slaughter one another (idiom); internecine strife See also:骨n—bonen bonespl skulln 肉n—meatn fleshn 肉—(of a person) flabby irresolute pulp (of a fruit) (coll.) (of a fruit) squashy
GEA 的绞肉、搅拌、乳 化、骨肉分离机 和其他预处理设备将帮助您优化您的产品质量、提高运营效率、 [...] 降低生产成本。 gea-foodsolutions.com | GEA grinding, [...] mixing, emulsifying, meat recoveryand other [...]preparation equipment provide the means to optimize your product [...]quality, increase operational efficiency and manage the price per kilogram. gea-foodsolutions.com |
国家应为妇 女提供生育保健服务,而不是向她们宣传虚妄的幻想,认为毁灭亲生 骨肉能让自 己的日子过得更好。 daccess-ods.un.org | What nations must offer women is life through procreativecare, not the false hope that destroying their children will make their lives better. daccess-ods.un.org |
晚期恶性肿瘤患者,如患骨肉瘤、 横纹肌肉瘤或转移癌患者,可有贫血、消瘦、食欲不振、体重下降、发热等恶病质表现。 asiancancer.com | Late malignant tumor [...] patients, such as bonesarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma [...]or metastatic carcinoma, can have cachexia symtoms, [...]such as anaemia, emaciation, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, etc. asiancancer.com |
招牌菜包括上等T骨牛排、纽约西冷牛排以及带 骨肉眼牛排,以及烤波士顿龙虾、亚历山大凤尾虾和智利鲈鱼等名贵海鲜。 diningcity.com | The mouth-watering menu features the city’s finest grain-fed aged beef, [...] such as the signature Porterhouse, New [...] York Strip Steakand Bone-In Ribeye Steak, plus [...]fresh premium seafood – such as the [...]Whole Baked Maine Lobster, Colossal Shrimp Alexander and Chilean Sea Bass. diningcity.com |
肿瘤学家发现益菌的细胞膜有种名为 [...] Blastolysin 的细胞溶解素,对治疗骨肉瘤癌、血癌、皮肤癌及其他癌症非常有效。 organicmama.com.hk | Oncologists found a cell membrane called [...] Blastolysin from probiotics, which is proved effective to the [...] treatment of osteosarcoma, leukemia, [...]skin cancer and other cancers. organicmama.com.hk |
叛国集团通过向美国献媚邀宠并加紧对 骨肉同胞的对抗,以图苟延残喘,他 们在这两起案件的借口下,极力寻找维持对抗的办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | But the group of traitors prolonging their remaining days through sycophancy towards the United States and escalated confrontation with fellow countrymen is working hard to find a way out in keeping the phase of confrontation under the pretext of the two cases. daccess-ods.un.org |
在牛津的伊拉斯谟(1497-9)旅居他发现在威廉Grocyn和托马斯Linacre,他们两人曾在意大利接受教育 骨肉希腊 精神。 mb-soft.com | During the sojourn of Erasmus at Oxford (1497-9) he found kindred hellenistic spirits in William Grocyn and Thomas Linacre, both of whom had been educated in Italy. mb-soft.com |
38,和一个由俄拉(第4美分)回答记者提问就此事影响;另外,意见和反对由四世纪亚摩兰加上一个说法的学者“的那个地方”被引用的(即,巴比伦,56B,52 56C,15);对骨肉科目,特别是那些内容涉及halakic训诂学(56C,15 - 56D,14)的各种讨论。 mb-soft.com | 38, and a reply by Ela (4th cent.) to a question bearing on this matter; additional, remarks and objections by amoraim of the fourth century, together with the citation of a saying by the scholars "of that place" (ie, Babylonia; 56b, 52-56c, 15); various discussions on kindred subjects, especially those whose content involved halakic exegesis (56c, 15-56d, 14). mb-soft.com |
1979 年 1 月 7 日,柬埔寨从红色高棉种族灭绝政权的统治下彻底解放出 来,但是内战拖延了 20 多年,这使柬埔寨人民遭受了悲剧性灾难: 骨肉分离、贫 困潦倒、痛苦不堪。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 7 January 1979, Cambodia was completely liberated from Khmer Rouge genocide regime, but civil war still dragged on more than two decades that made Cambodia suffer from tragic disaster, separation, poverty, and serious misery. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,某些 强国以所谓的反恐战争为借口,发起 骨肉相残的侵 略,践踏别国的主权,但却指控别国无视人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, certain powerful countries used the pretext of the so-called war on terror to inflict fratricidal invasions and violate the sovereignty of others, while accusing them of flouting human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管家庭团聚是临时性的,在短暂会面后,家庭成员必须返回他们所来自的国 家,但团聚活动为数十年骨肉分离的家庭提供了缓解思念之情的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the family reunification is temporary in nature, with members of the families having to return back to the country from which they came after their brief meeting, it provides some respite to families who have not seen their loved ones for decades. daccess-ods.un.org |
诚邀临床医生、内分泌学家、整形外科医生及与骨质疏松症和肌 肉骨关节疾病相关的众多专业人士参加2013年亚太地区重要骨科盛会。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Clinicians and researchers are invited to attend [...] Asia-Pacific’s key clinicalbone eventin 2013. chinese.eurekalert.org |
脊骨神经医学治疗不使用药物和手术,强调对神 经-肌肉-骨骼系统疾患的保守治疗。 hkca.org | Chiropractic practice emphasizes conservative management of the neuromusculoskeletal system, without the use of medicines and surgery. hkca.org |
通过外科手术和保守方法检查、诊断并治疗肌 肉骨骼系统的疾病和损 伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Examine, diagnose and treat diseases and [...] injuriesof musculoskeletal system by [...]surgical and conservative means. daccess-ods.un.org |
ORTHOSET®不透射线骨水泥适用于在骨科肌 肉骨骼手 术中将假体固定到活体骨上,可用于 类风湿性关节炎、骨性关节炎、创伤性关节炎、镰状细胞性贫血、骨质疏松症、无血管性坏 死、胶原病、继发于创伤或其它病症的严重关节破坏、以前进行的关节成形术的翻修及病理性 骨折的固定。 wmt.com | ORTHOSET® Radiopaque BoneCement is indicated for the fixation of prostheses to living bone in orthopedic musculoskeletal surgical procedures for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis, sickle cell anemia, osteoporosis, avascular necrosis, collagen disease, severe joint destruction secondary to trauma or other conditions, revision of previous arthroplasty and the fixation of pathological fractures. wmt.com |
蒋医师在骨与关节骨折,肌肉与韧带损伤的诊断和治疗方面拥有20年以上的临床经验,并擅长处理急慢性肌 肉骨骼疼痛治疗,如硬膜外注射、痛点和关节内注射。 parkwayhealth.cn | Dr. Jiang has over 20 years, extensive [...] experience in treatment of boneand jointfracture, muscles andligament injury,meanwhile is good at managing acute/chronic painin muscular andskeletal system [...]such as epidural, trigger point, joint injection, etc. parkwayhealth.cn |
脊骨神经医学的核心是研究结构和功能,尤其是脊柱和肌 肉骨骼系统的结构同神经系统调节功 能之间的关系,并运用适当的方法恢复维持健康(9,10:167)。 hkca.org | The relationship between structure, especially the spine and musculoskeletal system, and function, especially as coordinated by the ne rvous system, is central to chiropractic and its approach to the restoration and preservat ion of health (9, 10:167). hkca.org |
长方形、三角形、圆圈以及平行四边形取代肌肉、骨骼与组织,以一种新的视觉词汇对人体重新进行定义。 wdl.org | Squares, triangles, circles, and parallelograms [...] take the place of muscle, bone, and tissue,defining [...]the body in a new visual vocabulary. wdl.org |
在欧洲联盟国家,非传染病的发病率相对较高, [...] 例如癌症、糖尿病、心血管病、肥胖症和肌 肉骨骼疾 病等,它们可归因于遗传和环境因素的相互作用,特 [...]别是吸烟、酗酒、不良饮食习惯以及缺乏体力活动等 生活方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the European Union countries, there are relatively high rates of non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, [...] diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity [...] disorders and musculoskeletal disorders, [...]that can be attributed to an interaction [...]of genetic and environmental factors, and, especially, lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol abuse, poor diet and lack of physical activity. daccess-ods.un.org |
Magnetom Trio 已成为功能性神经系统造影的最佳诊断方法,包括磁力共振频谱技术、 磁力共振脑部灌注扫描、磁力共振脑功能及扩散张量造影(神经纤维网造影)等,并为磁力共振血管造影、颅底和鼻咽造影、肌 肉骨骼造 影、脊椎造影、腹部和骨盆腔造影设立崭新的标准。 hksh.com | Magnetom Trio provides the gold standard for functional neuroimaging i.e. MR spectroscopy, MR brain perfusion, MR brain function, diffusion tensor imaging (fiber tract imaging). A new standard is set for MR angiography, base of skull and nasopharynx imaging, musculoskeletal imaging, spine imaging, abdominal and pelvic imaging. hksh.com |
在肌肉骨骼手术中使用ORTHOSET®不透射线骨水泥的禁忌症有:感染性关节炎、活动性感 染、未完全治愈的可能会累及装置植入部位的感染、或有此类感染的病史。 wmt.com | The use of [...] ORTHOSET® Radiopaque Bone Cementin musculoskeletal surgery [...]is contraindicated in the presence of infectious [...]arthritis and in active infection, an incompletely treated infection that could involve the site where the device will be implanted, or if there is a history of such infection. wmt.com |
医学科的 KOTÈK 公寓 «贝奇»bal′neoapparaturoj [...] 配有最新的和现代诊断设备的治疗和康复的疾病的肌 肉骨骼、 心血管、 呼吸、 泌尿和神经系统的系统,以及违反代谢、 [...]不孕不育和皮肤病的情况下。 vesna-pansionat.g-sochi.ru | Medical Branch of KOTÈK boarding house «Vesna» bal′neoapparaturoj is equipped with the newest and modern diagnostic equipment [...] for the treatment and rehabilitation of [...] diseasesof musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, [...]respiratory, urinary and nervous systems, [...]as well as in case of violation of metabolism, infertility and dermatological diseases. g-sochi.ru |
纤维肌痛是一种非关节性风湿病,临床表现为肌 肉骨骼系统多处疼痛与发僵,并在特殊部位有压痛点,多发生在睡眠障碍人群,表现为睡眠易醒、多梦、晨起精神不振、疲乏、有全身疼痛和晨僵感 。 cn.iherb.com | Fibromyalgia is an ongoing condition recognized by specific [...] tender points on various parts of the body, [...] widespread musculoskeletal discomfort, [...]morning stiffness, fatigue and impaired sleep. iherb.com |