单词 | 骨牌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 骨牌 noun —domino n骨牌 —dominoesExamples:多米诺骨牌—dominoes 骨牌效应—ripple effect See also:骨 n—bone n • bones pl • skull n
到最近,第二層及第三層的骨牌亦開始相繼倒下,引發連鎖反應,導致 近年破產每年達到數以萬計。 legco.gov.hk | Recently, the second and [...] third levels of dominoes have also fallen [...]down and induced a series of knock-on effect, resulting [...]in tens of thousands of new bankruptcy cases every year. legco.gov.hk |
他們說,如果現屆 [...] 及下屆政府不密切關注這問題,計劃一經推行,可能會產 生 骨牌效 應 ,引發金融危機,說得嚴重點會導致銀行擠提、金融動盪。 legco.gov.hk | They said that if the current-term Government and the next-term Government do not pay close [...] attention to this issue, after the implementation [...] of the plan, a domino effect may occur, [...]thus triggering a financial crisis and [...]on a more serious note, bank runs and financial turmoil would occur. legco.gov.hk |
歸 根 究 柢 , 這 會 令不同的 層 面出現 骨 牌 效 應 。 legco.gov.hk | After all, [...] these all have a domino effect from one [...]level to another. legco.gov.hk |
這是第二、第三層的骨牌,亦 會相繼倒下。 legco.gov.hk | They are the second and [...] third levels of dominoes about to fall down [...]as well. legco.gov.hk |
如果这样的话,我们将创造一个多米 诺 骨牌效 应,大大减少排放量。 volvospiritmagazine.com | If that happens we [...] will create a domino effect, leading [...]to huge reductions. volvospiritmagazine.com |
現 今 ,政府 發 行 200 億 元 債 券 , 可以振 興 港 [...] 人的消費信 心 , 產 生 連 串 的 骨牌效應, 完 全 扭 轉 今天的 困 局 。 legco.gov.hk | The Government's proposal to issue bonds worth $20 billion can not only boost the [...] spending confidence of Hong Kong people, but [...] also produce a domino effect to completely [...]reverse the dilemma confronting Hong Kong at present. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,“一國 兩 制 ”的要旨 在於“不變 ” , 但在過去一段 時期, 香 港 [...] 以至亞 洲 甚 至 全 球 , 都 經 歷 了 翻 天 覆 地 的 轉 變 : [...] 金 融 風暴對 亞 洲 國家地區 引 發 的“骨 牌 式 ”效應、互 聯 網 發 展 推 動的全 [...]球 一體化、 “新經濟”的出 現 、 中國即將加入 世 界 貿易組 [...]織 、 人 體 密 碼 DNA 的 解 讀 , 以至由 這 些變動 連 帶 產 生 的各種變革需求。 legco.gov.hk | However, in the period just past, Hong Kong, Asia and even the whole world have witnessed changes that could be [...] termed upheavals: The financial turmoil [...] that sparked off a "domino effect" among Asian [...]countries and regions, the development [...]of the Internet that is pushing the world towards globalization, the emergence of the "new economy", China's imminent accession to the World Trade Organization, the unravelling of the full sequence of the human genome, as well as the various reforms and demands so brought by such changes. legco.gov.hk |
因為修改《基本法》的大門一旦打開,便會引致市 民、政黨和所有渴望民主的人提出要求,會出現一連串要求修改《基本法》 的骨牌,要 求《基本法》加速民主進程。 legco.gov.hk | It is because once the floodgate of amending the Basic Law is opened, a domino effect will be triggered off as the public, political parties and people longing for democracy would request a series of amendments to the Basic Law as well as the speeding up of the pace of democratization. legco.gov.hk |
日本的核電廠有如骨牌效 應 ,核反應堆一個接一個出現問題,傳出的核事故消息一次比一次嚴 重,受影響的範圍亦日漸擴大,難免令港人感到當中的確涉及人為因 素,同時亦令港人反思,如果鄰近香港的大亞灣核電站面對相同問 題,又或其他位於華南地區的核電廠發生同類事故,我們將面對怎麼 樣的情況? legco.gov.hk | Inevitably, human factors are involved in this incident, and we cannot help but ponder, if the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station adjacent to Hong Kong has the same problems or if similar accidents happen in other nuclear power plants in the South China region, what is going to happen to Hong Kong? legco.gov.hk |
此阶段 的小孩喜欢玩多米诺骨牌、纸牌配对和乐透型游戏。 cpsc.gov | Children of [...] this age group like dominoes, card matching and [...]lotto type games. cpsc.gov |
在这些情况下,集团一个或多个成员的破产必然会 导致所有成员的破产(“多米诺骨牌 效 应 ”),参照整个集团的情况或协同考虑多 [...] 个成员的情况来判断是否濒临破产都不无益处。 daccess-ods.un.org | In those circumstances, it might often be the case that the insolvency of one or more group members [...] would lead inevitably to the insolvency of [...] all members (the “domino effect”) and there [...]may be some advantage in judging the [...]imminence of the insolvency by reference to the group situation as a whole or coordinating that consideration with respect to multiple members. daccess-ods.un.org |
自金融風 [...] 暴 後 , 航空公司的虧 蝕 像 骨 牌 效 應 ,一而再傳 出 航空公司出現 [...]財政危 機 , 美 國 已 有 兩間老 牌 航空公司因 長 期處於虧 蝕 而 申 請 破 產 保 護 。 legco.gov.hk | After the financial turmoil, [...] there has been a domino effect on the losses [...]incurred by airlines and it has repeatedly been [...]reported that airlines have run into financial crises, and two airlines in the United States with a long history have applied for bankruptcy protection as a result of long-standing losses. legco.gov.hk |
如果讓這 個信心問題繼續惡化下去,它的骨牌 效 應是會很嚴重的。 legco.gov.hk | The aggravation of the confidence problem will trigger [...] off a very serious domino effect. legco.gov.hk |
上海新天地的成功,不少省市均汲取其經驗,因而帶來 骨牌效應 ,出現成都新天地、杭州新天地等。 legco.gov.hk | Many provinces and municipalities have drawn on the successful experience of the Xintiandi in Shanghai, thus setting off a chain reaction and other Xintiandis have sprung up in places like Chengdu and Hangzhou. legco.gov.hk |
小哈瓦那 [...] 在这里您可以看到当地引以为敖的西班牙文化,比如色彩斑斓的壁画,纪念碑,拉丁裔英雄等等,老人们在工作的时候喜欢玩多米 诺 骨牌 和 ci gar rollers,周围萦绕着古巴咖啡的香味。 abgcorp.com | Little Havana boasts a vibrant Hispanic culture that can be seen in colorful [...] murals, monuments to Latino heroes, elderly [...] men playing dominoes, and cigar rollers [...]deeply at work amidst the neighborhood’s [...]ever-present aroma of Cuban coffee. abgcorp.com |
他们玩的游戏 [...] 包括简单的乐透游戏、配对游戏、多米 诺 骨牌 和 以 牌或转盘来表示走棋的简单的棋盘游戏。 cpsc.gov | Games for this age group include simple lotto games, [...] matching games, dominoes, and simple [...]board games using cards or spinners to indicate movement. cpsc.gov |
第四宗罪是壓迫罪:實習計劃最大的問題是將大學生工資壓低至 [...] 4,000港元,不但損害大學生的尊嚴,而且進一步產 生 骨牌 效 應 ,在就 業市場中,那些具副學士、高級文憑、中七、中五學歷的學生,你把他 [...] 們推到一個不利的位置,政府推波助瀾,壓低工資,可謂荒謬之極 legco.gov.hk | The fourth sin is oppression: The biggest problem of the Internship Programme is that the salary for university graduates is squeezed down to $4,000, which not just demeans the [...] dignity of university students, but also [...] further triggers a domino effect of pushing [...]those with associate degrees, higher diplomas, [...]Form Seven or Form Five academic qualifications to a disadvantageous position in the job market. legco.gov.hk |
而多米诺骨牌,尤其是巨型的骨牌, 此 阶段的小孩也 会喜欢。 cpsc.gov | Dominoes—especially giant ones—also may be enjoyed by these [...] children. cpsc.gov |
兩三年前,當第一層骨牌經已 倒下來的時候,不少負資產業主面對財政 困難仍拒絕低頭,以香港人堅毅不屈的精神面對風浪,力圖扭轉形勢,重新 [...] 上路。 legco.gov.hk | When the [...] first level of dominoes fell down two [...]to three years ago, many negative-equity property owners still refused to [...]yield to the financial difficulty facing them. legco.gov.hk |
如果多米諾骨牌開始 下降,歐元區偉大實驗的結束將移動過晚餐辯論從一個有趣的一個非常現實的可能性。 danpacplus.hk | If the dominoes begin falling, the [...] great euro experiment's end will move from a fun over-dinner debate to a very real possibility. danpacplus.hk |
由香港大學電機電子工程系黃乾亨黃乾利基金教授 (電機工程) [...] 許樹源和李志群博士領導的研究小組,成功改進Tesla的無線電力傳送技術的「共震頻率」原理,研發新一代的適用於「中距離」無線電力傳送 的 骨牌 系 统。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | An HKU research team, led by Professor Ron Hui, Philip K H Wong Wilson K L Wong Professor in Electrical Engineering, and Dr. Chi Kwan Lee, of the Department of Electrical & [...] Electronic Engineering, has recently developed a new [...] wireless power domino-resonator system [...]concept for "mid-range" applications. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
罗德尼无意中不小心打翻多米诺骨牌 , 多米 诺 骨牌 的 连锁反应,Bigweld出现。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Rodney [...] inadvertently knocks over a domino, setting off a chain reaction [...]of dominoes, Bigweld appears. seekcartoon.com |
后来,通过操纵原子和分子,Eigler 和 他的学生能够生成多种图像;例如“量子栅栏” (见图 4),在原子水平上生动地显示了电子的 波粒二象性;并通过使用排列精密可像多米诺 骨牌一样 “倒下”的一氧化碳原子来根据原子的 输入“门”的不同显示逻辑门的存在(如在计算 机中用来确定逻辑函数的“门” ,如“和”、“或”和“非” 等)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Later, Eigler and his students were able to use the STM to create a wide variety of images based on the manipulations of atoms and molecules, such as the ‘quantum corral’ (Image 4) which visually demonstrates the wave/ particle duality of electrons at the atomic scale, and the creation of logic gates (gates like those used in computers to determine the logical functions AND, OR and NOT) using carbon monoxide atoms arranged precisely to ‘fall’ like dominoes, depending on the input to the gate.13 unesdoc.unesco.org |
主席,另有一點也令我有點擔憂的,便是我們的銀行體系並非單是 要面對雷曼事件事主的問題,在金融海嘯期間,社會各階層其實均要倚 [...] 賴銀行的機構好好運作,而不致造成任 何 骨牌 效 應 ,或希望經營不致有 阻滯,我想從這個角度來看,例如不致影響中小型企業(“中小企”)的貸 [...]款等各方面。 legco.gov.hk | During the financial tsunami, all sectors across society need to [...] rely on the proper functioning of banking institutions, so as [...] to prevent any domino effect or any [...]problems in operation. legco.gov.hk |
不过,如果不果断处理 [...] 政变重新抬头的现象,这些政变可能在该地区引发的 多米诺骨牌效应绝不应被低估。 daccess-ods.un.org | If, however, the resurgence of [...] coups is not addressed in a decisive manner, [...] their potential domino effect across the [...]region should not be underestimated. daccess-ods.un.org |
大家基本上有3個共識:第一,香港會 [...] 面對一個比較長時間的寒冬;第二,中小企業在香港扮演一個非常重要 的角色,但抗衰退的能力卻最薄弱;第三,中小企業正受到銀行收緊銀 [...] 根的影響,如果政府不採取措施支援中小企業,銀行不“放水”給經營穩 健的企業的話,一定會出現骨牌效應 ,令中小企業接連倒閉的。 legco.gov.hk | Basically, a consensus has been reached on three points: First, Hong Kong will experience a relatively long and cold winter; secondly, while small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a very important role in Hong Kong, they are least capable of resisting recession; and thirdly, SMEs are currently subject to the impact of banks' tightening of credit, so if the Government does not take any initiative to support SMEs and banks do not provide credit facilities to [...] enterprises which have been operating soundly [...] and steadily, a domino effect will definitely [...]be triggered, which will cause the [...]closing down of SMEs one after another. legco.gov.hk |
企業的運作其實非常依賴無中斷的現金流,在環環緊扣的情況下, [...] 如果其中一環脫扣,下一環就立即受影響,產 生 骨牌 效 應 ,整個商業經 濟就可能會出現系統性癱瘓,繼而令經濟大幅收縮。 legco.gov.hk | Since all links of the cash flow are articulated, the dislocation of [...] one link will inevitably affect the next, [...] thus producing a domino effect which may [...]bring forth a system collapse that affects [...]all businesses and the economy as a whole. legco.gov.hk |
那次失敗經驗發生在數年前,但運輸政策界多數人士至今仍深深受創,也仍在感嘆錯失機會,雖然舊金山、邁阿密等地有些小型收費系統,美國民眾大多未曾仔細看待塞車費制度,紐約市構想原本像 是 骨牌 的 第 一塊,應該會立刻引起話題與廣受歡迎,帶動其他城市起而效尤;若紐約市都能成功,洛杉磯或愛荷華州德梅因等地沒有道理無法跟進。 thisbigcity.net | The defeat happened years ago, but for most people in transportation policy the wound is still open and the opportunity is still missed. thisbigcity.net |
最後,我要警告那些有權勢有能力的人,不要只顧自己利益,不要只為 自己賺取最大的利潤,如果負資產問題 的 骨牌 效 應 加速及惡化,香港經濟將 會有災難性的損失。 legco.gov.hk | Finally, I have to warn those people with power, influence and ability that they should not focus solely on their own interests or strive to reap the most profits for themselves. legco.gov.hk |