单词 | 骨灰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 骨灰 noun —cremains pl骨灰 —bone ash • ashes of the dead Examples:骨灰龛 n—columbarium n 骨灰瓮 n—urn n 骨灰盒—funerary casket • box for bone ashes See also:骨 n—bone n • bones pl • skull n 灰 n—ash n • dust n 灰 adj—gray adj • grey adj • lime adj 灰—discouraged • dejected 溃—break down • be dispersed
我們會繼續向市民推廣 [...] 這些服務,並鼓勵他們採用更創新及可持續推行的方式處 理 骨灰 及拜 祭先人。 legco.gov.hk | We will continue to promote these services to [...] the public, and encourage more innovative and sustainable [...] means of handling cremains and paying respect [...]to the deceased. legco.gov.hk |
市民選擇私營骨灰 龕, 主要因為其個人化服務,例如可在生前購買及可安排每日供 [...] 奉等。 legco.gov.hk | Some patrons [...] prefer private columbaria mainly because [...]of their personalised services such as pre-death purchase and daily worship services, etc. legco.gov.hk |
你認為建議 中的發牌制度對於加強規管私營骨灰 龕 是 否合適? legco.gov.hk | Do you think the proposed licensing scheme is appropriate for enhancing [...] regulation of private columbaria? legco.gov.hk |
有委員建議當局就公共龕位售價提供若干百分比的退 款,向遺屬提供誘因,以吸引他們選擇 把 骨灰 撒 海 及交回在公 眾骨灰龕的不再需要或空置龕位。 legco.gov.hk | There was a suggestion of providing a refund of a certain percentage of the purchase price of public niches to provide bereaved [...] families with an incentive to choose [...] to scatter cremains at sea and return unwanted or vacated niches in public columbaria. legco.gov.hk |
目前,部分持續進行的工 [...] 作包括:檢討小販發牌政策;檢討公眾街巿設施的供應;監察魚類統 營處在屯門興建新的魚類批發巿場的工作;推展增加政府墳場、靈灰 安置所及火葬場的計劃;尋求和推廣處 理 骨灰 的 其 他方法( 例如闢設新 的紀念花園) ;統籌各部門的控蚊工作,以防止登革熱和日本腦炎的爆 發;將所有鄉村旱廁改為沖水式廁所;以及修訂《除害劑條例》以加 [...]強對除害劑進出口和使用的管制。 legco.gov.hk | Some of the current initiatives which require on-going efforts include: review of the hawker licensing policy, review of the provision of public markets, monitoring the construction of a new wholesale fish market at Tuen Mun by the Fish Marketing Organisation, taking forward plans to [...] provide more government [...] cemeteries, columbaria and crematoria, identifying and promoting the use of alternative options for human ash disposal (e.g. provision [...]of new Gardens [...]of Remembrance), co-ordinating the anti-mosquito efforts of various departments to prevent the outbreak of dengue fever and Japanese Encephalitis, converting all aqua privies into flushing toilets, and amending the Pesticides Ordinance to strengthen control on the import and export as well as the use of pesticides. legco.gov.hk |
牌照委員會的職能是按情況就 (a)發牌;(b)豁免;或(c)暫時免責的申請作出決定,而在作出決定 時會考慮所有相關因素,包括是否符合各項規管要求、由相關界別 提出的專業意見,以及公眾利益的考慮因素,例 如 骨灰 龕 位的整體 供求情況、區內居民的意見,以及購買了在發牌制度推行前已經存 在的骨灰龕位的人士的權益。 legco.gov.hk | The functions of the Licensing Board are to decide on the merits of applications for (a) a licence; (b) an exemption; or (c) temporary suspension of liability, having regard to all relevant factors which include, among other things, compliance with various regulatory requirements, professional input from relevant disciplines and public interest considerations such [...] as the overall [...] supply of and demand for columbarium niches, views of residents in the district, as well as the interest of patrons of columbaria which came into existence [...]before the introduction of the licensing scheme. legco.gov.hk |
(e) 發牌當局可吊銷臨時豁免,以處理一些緊急或突發情 況,例如一旦發現骨灰龕的 經營構成即時危險( 例如 對消防及樓宇安全) 。 legco.gov.hk | (e) the licensing authority should have the power to revoke the temporary exemption for emergency cases, for instance [...] temporary exemption would be revoked if it is [...] found that a columbarium poses immediate [...]safety hazards (e.g. fire and building safety). legco.gov.hk |
當局正就餘下的選 [...] 址進行可行性研究,並會在確定選址用 作 骨灰 龕 發 展之前,徵詢當區區議會的意 見。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration is conducting feasibility studies on the [...] remaining sites and will consult the relevant District Councils before the sites are [...] confirmed for columbarium development. legco.gov.hk |
法例亦會訂明,已獲臨時豁免的私營 骨灰 龕 在 獲發 正式牌照之前,必須凍結骨灰龕位數目,並須停止出 售 骨灰 龕位。 legco.gov.hk | The legislation should also stipulate that [...] a private columbarium that has been granted temporary exemption must freeze the number of niches and stop further sale of niches before [...]a proper licence is issued. legco.gov.hk |
在發牌制度實施之前,我們會加強消費者教育,並繼續 [...] 推動社會移風易俗,鼓勵市民接受以更環保及可持續推行的方 式處理先人骨灰。 legco.gov.hk | Prior to the introduction of the licensing scheme, we will strengthen consumer education and continue our efforts in facilitating transformation of [...] social custom by encouraging the public to use more environmentally friendly and sustainable [...] means of handling cremains. legco.gov.hk |
(e) 進入和視察任何私營骨灰龕, 包括懷疑經 營 骨灰 龕的 處所。 legco.gov.hk | (e) enter and inspect any private columbaria including those premises suspected to be such. legco.gov.hk |
部分委員認為,在發牌制度生效前已經存在的私 營 骨灰 龕若 違反法定規例或非法佔用官地,即使對建築及消防安全沒 [...] 有構成明顯或即時危險,但由於它們將不會符合發牌規定,故 不應獲得豁免。 legco.gov.hk | Some members held the view that [...] exemption should not be granted to those [...] pre-existing private columbaria which had breached [...]statutory regulations or illegally [...]occupied Government land even if they posed no obvious or imminent danger in terms of building and fire safety, as they would not be able to secure compliance with the licensing requirements. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 署方會調撥多少資源及採取甚麽措施進行改變土地用途 為 骨灰 龕 場 的公眾 諮詢工作? devb.gov.hk | (d) How much resources will be set [...] aside and what measures will be taken to conduct public consultations on the change of [...] user restrictions on columbarium use? devb.gov.hk |
雖然公眾亦支持設立發牌制度,以 加強規管私營骨灰龕, 不過,社會各界對於發牌制度的規管範 圍及力度,以及如何處理在發牌制度生效前已經存在的私 營骨 灰龕,則意見不一。 legco.gov.hk | While there was also public support for a [...] licensing scheme to enhance the [...] regulation of private columbaria, there were divergent views on the scope and level of regulation under the licensing scheme and the arrangements for pre-existing private columbaria. legco.gov.hk |
如果城市附例許可,骨灰可撒 佈在海 上、陸地、空中,任何具有個人意義的地 方。 publiclegaled.bc.ca | if you are the executor or the person seeking to be the administrator, excellent information is available about what you need to do. publiclegaled.bc.ca |
為盡快增加骨灰龕設施的供應,你是否同意應鼓勵華人永遠墳場管理委 員會及宗教團體擴建現有骨灰龕設 施或在其他地方 擴展設施? legco.gov.hk | To augment [...] the supply of columbarium facilities as soon as possible to meet public demand, do you agree that the BMCPC and religious bodies should be encouraged to expand their existing columbarium facilities [...]or develop such facilities in other places? legco.gov.hk |
(d) 在處理修訂地契條款以更改土地用途 作 骨灰 龕 場的申請時,地政總署通常會 諮詢相關的決策局及政府部門,包括當區的民政事務專員,而民政事務專員 [...] 可進行他們認為所需的地區諮詢;處理這類申請是地政總署相關職系人員工 作的一部分。 devb.gov.hk | (d) When processing the applications for lease [...] modification involving the change of user [...] restrictions on columbarium use, Lands D [...]normally would consult the relevant policy [...]bureaux and government departments including the District Officers concerned who may conduct such local consultation as they consider necessary. devb.gov.hk |
此外,紀念館年前更曾與美國太空總署Celestis衛星公司合作推出太空葬禮,將先 人 骨灰 經 美 國以火箭射往太空,圍繞地球運轉。 givegift.com.hk | In addition, the Memorial Hall [...] co-operated with NASA Celestis satellite company to launch "Space Burial" a year ago, shooting deceased's bone ashes to space by a [...]rocket from the U.S. [...]and circulating around the earth. givegift.com.hk |
我踩着这片地,参渗了多少巴仙的 骨灰 在 里 头? 4tern.com | The land that I stepped on, how many [...] percentage of human ashes were in it? 4tern.com |
火葬场发行的将骨灰埋葬 在墓地或存放于纳骨堂所需的许可证。 tokyo-icc.jp | A document, issued at the place of cremation, required to bury remains in a graveyard or place them in a crypt. tokyo-icc.jp |
埋於淺水灣的骨灰已於1957年移葬廣州,在聖士提反的另一半至今仍在原地,但確切位置已難以稽考。 travelsouth.hk | The remaining half was buried in St. Stephen’s Girls’ College on Hong Kong Island, but the exact location is not known. travelsouth.hk |
有關公眾利益的考慮因素可 包括全港骨灰龕位的整體供應、居民或區內團體的意見,以及購買了 在發牌制度訂立前已存在的骨灰龕位 人士的權益。 legco.gov.hk | Relevant public interest considerations may include the [...] overall supply of columbarium niches in the territory, views from residents or district bodies, as well as interest of patrons of columbaria which came into [...]existence before [...]enactment of the licensing scheme. legco.gov.hk |
原葬者的墓地或龕位仍可以加葬或加放遺骸或骨殖 或 骨灰 壹 次。 vgoffice.catholic.org.hk | After the first interment in the Permanent Burial Lot, [...] Permanent Urn Burial Lot or Niche, one subsequent co-burial of human [...] remains, exhumed human remains or ashes may be permitted vgoffice.catholic.org.hk |
对于在第一阶段公众咨询期间有意见认为政府应以务实态度处理现有违规私 营 骨灰 龛 这个存在已久的问题,政府就相关豁免想法及条件持开放态度,并希望听取市民意见,再制定相关政策及有关细节。 forum.gov.hk | Regarding views suggesting that the Government should handle the historial legacy of the pre-existing unauthorised private oclumbaria in a pragmatic manner during the first consultation, the Government is open-minded about the concept and conditions of exemption and would like to gauge the public views before proceeding to the formulation of the relevant policy and its details. forum.gov.hk |
火葬的骨灰會歸還給遺囑執行人或擁有 法定授權去處理骨灰的人。 publiclegaled.bc.ca | An executor must get a grant of probate of the will from the court to confirm his or her authority. publiclegaled.bc.ca |
他的骨灰于 1949 年被移至先贤祠安放。 unesdoc.unesco.org | His ashes were transferred [...] to the Pantheon in 1949. unesdoc.unesco.org |
政府现建议制定一条名为《私营骨灰 龛 条 例》的新法例,规定除非获豁免,所有私 营 骨灰 龛 必 须受发牌制度规管;并成立法定私 营 骨灰 龛 牌 照委员会作为发牌当局。 forum.gov.hk | The Government proposes to formulate a new piece of legislation titled the Private Columbaria Ordinance, under which all private columbaria, unless exempted, shall be subject to regulation under the licensing scheme. forum.gov.hk |
凡亡者之 骨灰 加放 龕位者,加放費用需於辦理加放手續當日即時繳付。 vgoffice.catholic.org.hk | For co-burial of ashes in the niche, the [...] co-burial fee shall be paid at the time of application. vgoffice.catholic.org.hk |
一个严格的礼仪纯度方面,甚至超越的犹太法利赛人,产生了一个purifactory仪式,如洗澡,用清水洒无尽的继承, 与 骨灰 或 牛 粪,水sippings,呼吸镇压抹黑 - 所有圣事的性质和罪恶的有效缓解。 mb-soft.com | A scrupulous regard for ceremonial purity, surpassing even that of the Jewish Pharisee, gave rise to an endless succession of purifactory [...] rites, such as baths, sprinkling with [...] water, smearing with ashes or cow-dung, sippings [...]of water, suppressions of breath--all [...]sacramental in character and efficacious for the remission of sin. mb-soft.com |