单词 | 骨折 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 骨折noun—fracturesplless common: bone fracturen 骨折noun, plural—broken bonespl骨折—fracture(often used)less common: suffer a fracture (of a bone) break 骨折verb—breakvSee also:骨n—bonen bonespl skulln 折—fracture a loss twist rebate convinced snap turn sth.over suffer loss document folded in accordion form tip sth.out (of a container) convert into (currency) accounts book change direction break (e.g. stick or bone) turn upside-down tenth (in price) 折v—breakv foldv turnv 折n—discountn bendn 折—classifier for an act in a theatrical production
一些乘客受伤,包括一名乘客腿骨骨折。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of passengers were injured, including one [...] passenger whose legwas fractured. daccess-ods.un.org |
光透视报告中的记录是缔约国当局企图掩盖 当时已经存在骨折的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | He claims that these notes in the above X-ray [...] reports were an attempt by the State party’s authorities [...] to conceal the fractures that hadalready [...]existed at that time. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您想了解更多关于骨质疏松症的信息、骨折风险或接受骨密度评估,请与北京和睦家医院预约咨询,电话:(010) [...] 5927 7000。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | If you would like to learn more about [...] osteoporosis or receive abone density exam to [...]evaluate your risk, please call BJU's Orthopedic [...]Department to schedule a consultation with a specialist at: (010) 5927 7000. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在代表团的医生对这名男子检查以后,代表团建议警察局 [...] 长,鉴于该名男子很疲惫、痛苦并有被殴打的痕迹,以及左手腕可能骨折,应将 其送医。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the doctors of the delegation had examined this man, the delegation recommended to the Commissaire that the man [...] be taken to see a doctor in view of his exhaustion, pains, and signs of [...] beating, andpossible fractureofthe left wrist. daccess-ods.un.org |
内脏、骨骼、软组织和血管的CT扫描图像较普通X光图像更加清晰,因此CT扫描在诊断颅内出血、肺部和心血管病变、结石及复杂骨折等有其独特的优势。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Therefore, CT scans can have particular advantages when doctors are seeking to understand the effects of complex [...] problems such as a brain hemorrhage, pulmonary and cardiovascular [...] disease,a complexbone fracture,orkidneyand [...]gall stones. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
日,他的儿子作了胸部X 光检查,X 光报告注明“没有发现肋骨 骨折”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author draws the Committee’s attention to the fact that already on 11 May 2003, his son had [...] undergone an X-ray examination of his chest, with a note in the Xray [...] report that “no rib fractures have been detected”. daccess-ods.un.org |
在今天召开的美国矫形外科医师学会(AAOS)2013年年会上,研究人员展示了一项新的研究,他们对现有文献中的与长骨(长度大于宽度的骨头)有关的吸烟和骨折愈合的内容进行了回顾。 chinese.eurekalert.org | In a new study presented today at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), researchers reviewed [...] existing literature on smoking and [...] the healing offractures involving long bones (bones that are [...]longer than they are wide). chinese.eurekalert.org |
肿瘤类和病变性骨损伤可能出现恶性变或骨骼的脆性增加导致病理性骨 折,因此病变部位的关节手法治疗为相对或绝对禁忌症。 hkca.org | Tumour‐like and dysphasic bone lesions may [...] undergo malignant [...] transformation or weaken bone to the point of pathological fracture, and therefore represent a relative‐to‐ [...][...]absolute contraindication to joint manipulation at the area of pathology. hkca.org |
他们中没有任何一人骨折或受其他重伤,据报告,只有一名军队 成员受枪伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | None of them sufferedbone fractures orother serious injuries [...] and only one member of the military was reportedly wounded by gunfire. daccess-ods.un.org |
您的健康 [...] 资讯包括:医疗记录及其他相关医疗资讯,例如您的病史或伤史(例如糖尿病或骨折)、检查结果(例如 X 光或验血结 果),以及您曾服用的药物清单;得自其他医疗保健提供者的资讯;可用於识别您身份的个人资讯或私密资讯;有关您本 [...]人和您家庭的资讯;以及财务/帐单资讯。 interbororhio.org | Your health-related information may include: medical records and other related medical information, such as a history of [...] illnesses or injuries you have had (like [...] diabetes or a brokenbone), testresults(like X-rays [...]or blood tests), and lists of medicines [...]you have taken; information obtained from other providers; personal and private information that may be used to identify you; information about you and your family; and financial/billing information. interbororhio.org |
用石膏、玻璃纤维或夹板进行闭合性骨折的复位和固定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reduce and [...] immobilizeclosedfractures with a plaster [...]or fibreglass cast or splint. daccess-ods.un.org |
如病人有紧急或创伤情况 (例如意外伤、烫伤及骨折等),将按当时情况由护士安排医生诊治。 hksh.com | In case of emergency, such as accidental [...] injury, burn and fracture, consultation [...]will be carried out in the treatment room as arranged by our nurses. hksh.com |
医务科负责在人员出现轻伤和休克时提供急救和紧急援助、稳定伤情以备撤 离、固定骨折部位、治疗常见病和进行常规实验室分析,并进行常规体检、免疫 [...] 接种。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Medical Section is responsible for the provision of first aid and emergency assistance in the event of minor wounds and [...] shock, stabilization for evacuation, the [...] immobilizationof fractures, the treatment [...]of common illnesses and routine laboratory [...]analysis, as well as the administration of routine medical examinations, immunizations and inoculations. daccess-ods.un.org |
对长者而言,跌倒十分危险,可能会导致骨折,影响日常行动和生活质素,令长者身心受损。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Falls pose great danger to the health and well being of seniors [...] as fallsmay cause bonefractureand undermine their [...]mobility and quality of life. housingauthority.gov.hk |
骨折和脱位,或伴有韧带破裂或不稳定体徵的癒合骨折,其相关解剖位置或区域为关节手法治 疗的绝对禁忌症。 hkca.org | Fractures and dislocations, or healed fractures with signs of ligamentous rupture [...] or instability, represent an absolute contraindication to joint manipulation applied at the anatomical site or region. hkca.org |
同时,刑讯者会向受刑人的腿或脚下塞砖头或者其他硬物,使腿部向上弯曲,有时这一过程会持续到腿骨骨折。 embassyusa.cn | Bricks or other hard objects are then pushed under the victim's legs or feet, causing the legs to bend upwards, sometimes until they break. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在创伤是开放性(复合性)骨折或复杂性骨折合并血管或神经损伤的情 况下,为抢救生命、保存肢体,理想的治疗方案应是止血或控制出血、 固定骨折,并后送上一级医院。 daccess-ods.un.org | In cases where the injury is an open (compound) fractureor [...] complex fracture associated with vascular or neurological damage, with the aim to save life and limb, the ideal treatment should be stop or control the bleeding, stabilize the fracture and evacuate to [...]a higher level hospital. daccess-ods.un.org |
a. 损伤有一个好的预后(预计损伤可以全面恢复) b. 你有处理此问题的资源 c. 这只狗处于痛苦的时间相对短暂,可以用药物进行缓解 d. 狗的主人愿意而且能够在它的恢复期间恰当地照料它 确保能够找出狗的腿骨折的原因。 spca.org.tw | a. the injury has a good prognosis (a full recovery can be expected) b. you have the resources to manage the problem c. the period during which the dog is in pain will be relatively brief and can be alleviated with drugs d. the owner is willing and able to properly care for the dog during its recovery spca.org.tw |
骨质疏松症是在长者中最常见的骨骼病,情况严重时会导致骨折。 hsbc.com.hk | Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease which is particularly common in elderly when aging occurs. hsbc.com.hk |
因此,及早发现骨质流失,预早展开治疗,再储回流失的骨质,便可减低骨折的机会。 hksh.com | Early detection of bone loss can prompt treatment that may [...] restorelost bone mass and reduce the chanceof fracture. hksh.com |
防范小组委员会还收到一位民主统一党议员的证词,他本人在参加 8 月 12 [...] 日的游行时也遭到警察和军人的殴打,并且还因此导致一只手胳膊出现三处骨折并做了外科手术。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee also received testimony from a deputy from the Partido de Unificación Democrática (Democratic Unification Party), who had [...] been beaten by police and soldiers during the 12 August march and had to have [...] surgery for threebroken bones in one arm. daccess-ods.un.org |
当局部骨折脱位、韧带增厚或管内的肌腱肿胀、膨大引起腕管相对变窄,致使腕部正中神经慢性损伤产生腕管综合症。 cn.iherb.com | CTS is caused by compression on the median nerve, which is aggravated by movement. iherb.com |
蒋医师在骨与关节骨折,肌肉与韧带损伤的诊断和治疗方面拥有20年以上的临床经验,并擅长处理急慢性肌肉骨骼疼痛治疗,如硬膜外注射、痛点和关节内注射。 parkwayhealth.cn | Dr. Jiang has over 20 years, extensive experience [...] in treatment of boneand joint fracture, muscles [...]and ligament injury,meanwhile is good [...]at managing acute/chronic pain in muscular and skeletal system such as epidural, trigger point, joint injection, etc. parkwayhealth.cn |
据报,他似乎遭受了酷刑, 导致低椎骨碎裂,一根肋骨骨折,使他在医院担架上出庭。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to reports, he appears to have been [...] subjected to torture resulting in [...] shattered lower vertebrae and a broken rib, which led to his [...]attending court on a hospital stretcher. daccess-ods.un.org |
发生於 1957 年(昭和 32 [...] 年),地点在富山县神通川流域,污染源为三井金属矿业会社 [...] 神冈矿业所,致命物质为镉,受害者症状为大腿、腰部疼痛而後扩及全身,步行障碍、骨折骨骼变形、身高缩短、走路如鸭步,患者疼痛难耐常发出「痛呀!痛呀!」的哀叫 [...]声,当地医生乃取名为「痛痛病」。 hkahe.com | Victims would suffer walking difficulty, fracturing and [...] transfiguration of bones and shortening [...]of height. hkahe.com |
骨质疏松症的治疗主要以增加骨量和降低骨折率为目标,目前抗骨质疏松药物仍然以抑制骨吸收药物为主,上市的促骨形成药物只有一种,即甲状旁腺激素。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Combined subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery and endovenous laser treatment for treatment of valvular insufficiency of the lower-limb venous perforators offer the advantages of microtrauma and rapid cure. chinese.eurekalert.org |
蒋医师带领百汇骨科团队为患者提供的手术包括膝,肩关节镜手术(交叉韧带重建,半月板修复,肩关节旋转肩袖修复等),四肢及关节骨折切开复位固定。 parkwayhealth.cn | Dr. Jiang is leading a team of orthopedists in surgeries including knee and shoulder arthroscopy (cross ligament reconstruction, meniscus [...] reparing, rotator cuff repairing of shoulder etc.) and open reduction and internal [...] fixation of limbs and joint fracture. parkwayhealth.cn |