单词 | 骡 | ||||||||||||||
释义 | 骡—muleExamples:骡子n—mulespl 驴骡—hinny 马骡—mule 头骡n—beastn 骡马大车—mule and horse carts 骡马—horse and mule pack animal
电骡采用TCP 和UDP 通讯方式,连接的网络:eD2K 和 Kad。 imfirewall.com | Edonkey(Emule) uses TCP and UDP to connect to eD2K and Kad networks. imfirewall.us |
想象一下,一个机械化的驮骡能够跋涉多岩地带、蹚过泥坑、滑过冰层、钻过灌木丛并攀上陡峭的山丘。 tss.trelleborg.com | Imagine a [...] mechanized pack mule thatcan trudge [...]through rocky terrain, wade across mud puddles, skid over ice sheets, wiggle [...]through underbrush and climb steep hills. tss.trelleborg.com |
在2010年业绩的基础上,矩阵预测,如宙斯的数据窃取木马,易于部署的Web漏洞,钱骡将继续在2011年患病率上升。 technologeeko.com | Based on performance in 2010, the matrix predicts that the [...] data-theft Trojans such as Zeus, easy-to-deploy Web [...] exploits, and money mules willcontinue to rise [...]in prevalence in 2011. technologeeko.com |
Applejuice 是一个类似于电骡网络的半集中点对点文件共享网络。 imfirewall.com | Applejuice is a semi-centralized peer-to-peer file sharing network similar to the original eDonkey network. imfirewall.us |
关于骡不育以及个别母骡偶然生育的现象,历来存有争议,认为因亲本染色体歧异导致杂种不能进行减数分裂的理论,否认骡生育的事实;而为母骡生育提出解释的理论则认为一定是母骡产生了只含单一亲本染色体组的卵子,回交后代已回归为马或驴。 actazool.org | Another theory explained the fecundity of female mules inthe way thatthe female mule must have produced oocyte containing only a single parental set of chromosome, and the offspring from backcross would be horse (Equus caballus) or donkey (Equus asinus). actazool.org |
因为它们是两 个不同的种,同时这两个种又分属于不 同的科,因而不能进行杂交 [...] [ 或者它们的 后代(如果有)不能进行繁殖,如同马 和驴的杂交品种骡子一样 ]。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | No, we get nothing, because they are two different species which, furthermore, belong to different families and, therefore, cannot be crossed (or their descendants – [...] should there be any – are unable for their part [...] to reproduce, like mules who are across between [...]a horse and a donkey). netzhammerbreiholz.de |
钱穆棱:随着经济的扩张和网络犯罪分子获得犯罪分子甚至更多的金融凭证,有一个越来越需要钱骡-“以人招募设立银行帐户,甚至使用自己的银行帐户,以帮助骗子”套现或洗钱。 technologeeko.com | Money Muling: As the cybercriminal economy expands and criminals gain access to even [...] more financial credentials, there is a [...] growing needformoneymules —peoplerecruited [...]to set up bank accounts, or even use [...]their own bank accounts, to help scammers “cash out” or launder money. technologeeko.com |