

单词 骚扰客蚤

See also:

骚扰 n

harassment n
nuisance n

骚扰 v

molest v


cause a commotion


(literary) poet

External sources (not reviewed)

除了和平与安 全以外,非法武器贩运所引起的其他具体问题是:跨 界犯罪、武装暴力以骚扰本地 和外国旅行者、客 和投资者。
Besides peace and security, other specific issues that arise from the problem of illicit arms
trafficking are cross-border crimes,
[...] armed violence, and harassment of travellers, tourists and investors, [...]
both local and foreign.
该政策还旨在禁止以此类理由为 骚扰 房 客 ( A / HR C/14/30,第 68 段)。
The policy is also aimed
[...] at prohibiting harassment against tenants [...]
on those grounds (see A/HRC/14/30, para. 68).
哥打基纳巴卢大多数村庄和小镇都拥有周日 蚤 市 场,售卖各种商品,包括水果、蔬菜、兰花、艺术品和手工制品,甚至传统乐器。
Most villages and towns in Kota Kinabalu
[...] feature Sunday Flea Markets selling [...]
products from fruits, vegetables, orchids,
arts and crafts to even traditional music instruments.
[...] 她哥哥被杀之后她仍在布隆迪住了相当长一段时间,而没有受到威胁或其骚 扰。
She had indirectly heard that she had been asked for by the militia but remained in the
country for a relatively long time after her brother was killed without being subjected to
[...] threats or other harassments.
她还说,她从未参加任何政党或组织,除她哥哥被杀害时发生的情况以外,她从 未受到任何威胁骚扰。
She also stated that she had never belonged to a party or
organization, and that she had never been subjected
[...] to threats or harassments, apart from the [...]
events that happened when her brother was killed.
国家 尤其应当确保法律援助提供人能够不受恐吓、阻碍 骚扰 或 不 正当干扰地行使 其所有专业职能;能够在本国及国外自由和完全保密地旅行、与 客 户 进行协 商和会晤,并且能自由地接触关于起诉的档案及其他相关档案;并且不会因为 根据公认的职业责任、标准和道德而采取的行动遭到或被威胁遭到起诉或行 政、经济或其他制裁。
In particular, States should ensure that legal aid providers are able to perform all of their
professional functions
[...] without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference; are able to travel, to consult and meet with their clients freely and in full confidentiality [...]
both within their
own country and abroad, and to freely access prosecution and other relevant files; and do not suffer, or be threatened with, prosecution or administrative, economic or other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized professional duties, standards and ethics.
赫尔辛基的购物范围广泛,包括顶级时装,大型百货商场,小精品店,廉价的 蚤 市 场 ,以及其间的一切。
Helsinki offers a wide range of shopping
opportunities, including top fashion, large department stores, small
[...] boutiques, inexpensive flea markets, and everything [...]
in between.
[...] 商戶,例如恢復簽發流動小販牌照及設立 蚤市 場 ,財政司司長表示他會與相關的政府政策局討論 [...]
In response to Mr WONG Kwok-hing's enquiry on whether the Government would introduce measures to revitalise the small businesses, such as
resuming the issue of itinerant hawker licences
[...] and setting up flea markets, FS said [...]
that he would discuss with the relevant
Government bureau regarding Mr WONG's suggestions.
(d) 德国特别指出,民间私营保安服务持续改善了公共交通安全领域,也 提高了乘客的个人安全感(特别是老年 客 和 妇 女),已经证明人身伤害 骚扰 的案 件减少了,破坏行为和涂鸦行为造成的损害也减小了。
(d) Germany noted in particular the lasting improvement that the deployment of civilian private security had made in the area of public transport security, where security had improved in terms of passenger’s subjective feelings
of safety (especially
[...] for elderly passengers and women) and it had been proved that cases of bodily injury and harassment had diminished, [...]
as well as damage caused by vandalism and graffiti.
当爱德华多得到蚤从他 的小狗,他不满的 蚤 驾 驶 他疯了。
When Eduardo gets fleas from his puppy, he becomes discontent as the fleas are driving [...]
him mad.
今年北欧纪录片电影节播放的影片的内容有关于海地太阳城危险的三角恋爱,波兰里兹救护车里的谋杀,肯尼亚大选街头的暴乱,有芬兰 蚤 市 场的发现,丹麦Roskilde音乐节的裸奔,澳大利亚以垃圾为生的环保主义者,芬兰家庭的节油,还有关于世界上最好的食品工业和美国死刑犯最后的晚餐。
A quick flick through the scenes of this year’s films will take you to a dangerous love triangle in the Cité Soleil slum in Haiti, to the ambulance murders
in Lodz, Poland, to the Kenya election
[...] riots, to magical flea market discoveries [...]
in Finland, to the Roskilde naked run
in Denmark, to Australian trash can raiders, to Finnish oil diets, to the best food industry in the world and to the last supper for those on death row in American prisons.
基于性别的 直接歧视也包括骚扰,包 括一个人因为怀孕和生子、为人父母、履行家庭义务 [...]
Direct discrimination based on sex also
[...] includes sexual harassment or less favourable [...]
treatment of a person in connection
with pregnancy and child-birth, parenting, performance of family obligations or other circumstances related to gender.
委员会建议缔约国采取适当措施确保对工会成员和领导人的保护使其免受一切形 式骚扰和恐 吓并对指控任何形式暴力的报告进行彻底的调查。
The Committee recommends that the State party take adequate measures to ensure the
protection of trade union members and leaders
[...] from all forms of harassment and intimidation [...]
and thoroughly investigate reports alleging any form of violence.
尤 其是,任何雇主均不得对雇员或求职者进行 骚扰 , 任 何雇员均不得对同事进骚扰,教 育机构的任何教职员工均不得对同事或学生进行 骚扰。
In particular, no employer may sexually harass an
[...] employee or a job seeker, no employee may harass a fellow employee, no staff of an educational institution may sexually harass a colleague or a student.
这确保您工作环境中的噪音不会 扰客 户 的 通话。
This ensures that the noise from your work
[...] environment won’t disrupt your customer’s call.
蚤市場”讓青少年售賣自製的創意產品;“文化廣 場 [...]
”舉行多項活動及演出以推廣本地文化;而“創意工廠”則為有意開 展銷售生意售賣自製產品的青少年提供訓練及意見。
Flea Market” allows young [...]
people to sell their own creative and innovative products; “Youth Cultural Square” hosts a variety
of events and performances that help to promote local culture; and “Creative Factory” provides training and advice to those young people who want to start their own business to sell the products they make.
此外,農民還會在食用動物身上施 用除害劑,以控蚤蝨等 所引致的疾病。
Pesticides are also applied to food animals for the control of diseases caused by fleas and lice, etc. In this respect, the use of pesticides is beneficial to
public health because uncontrolled
[...] fungi, insects, rats, fleas and lice, etc. can [...]
contaminate crops with natural toxins and harmful microorganisms.
The acute aquatic
[...] toxicity in fish, daphnia and bacteria [...]
ranges from low to moderate.
此外,特别报告员对网上记者和客 作 者 受到 骚扰 深 表 关切,这些扰 例如 非法侵入他们的账号、监控他们的网上活动、任意逮捕和拘留,以及封锁载 有批评当局信息的网站。
Additionally, the Special Rapporteur is
[...] deeply concerned by harassment of online journalists and bloggers, such as illegal [...]
hacking into their accounts,
monitoring of their online activities, arbitrary arrests and detention, and the blocking of websites that contain information that are critical of authorities.
蚤咬伤 版:EDS打开了一个动物梳理业务和清理所有的Rolf的肮脏的动物。
Flea-Bitten Ed: The Eds open [...]
up an animal grooming business and clean up all of Rolf's filthy animals.
周末北京到处都有蚤市场 ,黄昏时候逛逛夜市,尽享购物的无穷乐趣。
Delightful shopping experiences can also be had
[...] at the weekend flea markets and the [...]
daily night markets.
深为关切数以千计的巴勒斯坦人,包括几百名儿童和妇女,继续被关押在以 色列监狱或拘留中心,条件恶劣,尤其是环境卫生差,缺乏适当的医疗服务,不
[...] 准家属探访和剥夺适当法律程序,从而损害他们的福祉,又深为关切所有有关巴 勒斯坦囚犯受到虐待骚扰以及所有有关酷刑的报道
Expressing deep concern that thousands of Palestinians, including hundreds of children and women, continue to be held in Israeli prisons or detention centres under harsh conditions, including, inter alia, unhygienic conditions, lack of proper medical care, denial of family visits and denial of due process, that impair their well-being, and
expressing deep concern also about the
[...] ill-treatment and harassment of any Palestinian [...]
prisoners and all reports of torture
如果您想感受特别的购物体验,一定不要错过劳德代尔以物换物商店,这儿相当于一个大型室内/户外 蚤 市 场
For a unique shopping experience
don’t miss the Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop, a
[...] large indoor/outdoor flea market – we’re [...]
sure you won’t return to the ship empty handed!
Lice, mosquitoes are a problem in Chinese prisons and many prisoners suffer from scabies.
关于 以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯坦领土和被占领 的叙利亚戈兰的定居点的决议草案
A/C.4/65/L.14,她 提请注意序言部分第十二段至第十五段及第 3 段、第 4 段和第 6 段,前者严重关切修建和扩大定居点以及
[...] 继续非法修建隔离墙,后者除其他外再次要求以色列 立即全面停止一切定居点活动,并防止以色列定居者 的暴骚扰行为
In draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.14 on Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan, she drew attention to the twelfth through fifteenth preambular paragraphs expressing grave concern about the construction and expansion of settlements and the continuing unlawful construction of the wall and to paragraphs 3, 4 and 6, which, inter alia, reiterated the demand for the immediate and complete
cessation of all Israeli settlement activities and the prevention of all acts
[...] of violence and harassment by Israeli settlers.
危害包括 但不限于:机械危害(如碰撞、跌倒、滑倒/绊倒、缠绕、与设备有关的伤害)、 物理危害(如噪音、振动、光、辐射、电、窒息、冷应激、热应激)、化学危害(如
酸、贱金属和重金属相关危害)、接触铅溶剂和微粒(如石棉)、接触烟雾和高放 射性化学物质、火/火灾/爆炸、生物危害(如细菌、病毒、真菌、血源性病原体、
[...] 肺结核)、心理社会危害(如压力、暴力、 骚扰 ) 和 不 良人体工程学设计造成的 肌肉骨骼疾病。
Hazards include, but are not limited to: mechanical hazards (e.g., collisions, falls, slips/trips, entanglements, equipment-related injuries); physical hazards (e.g., noise, vibration, lighting, radiation, electricity, asphyxiation, cold stress, heat stress); chemical hazards (e.g., related to acid and base heavy metals); exposure to lead solvents and particulates (e.g., asbestos); exposure to fumes and highly reactive chemicals; fires, conflagrations and explosions; biological hazards (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi, blood-borne pathogens,
tuberculosis); psychosocial hazards (e.g., stress,
[...] violence, sexual harassment); and musculoskeletal [...]
disorders resulting from bad ergonomic design.
Bullying and harassment involve a more powerful [...]
person or group oppressing a less powerful person or group because of a
perceived difference, such as culture, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion or physical appearance.
他们重点指出了其因面临的被羞辱、歧视 骚扰 的 问 题而被动 受到的影响,并说这些问题影响到他们就业和获取医疗护理服务以及 [...]
They highlighted the impact of stigma,
[...] discrimination and harassment that they had [...]
faced and that had impeded their access
to employment, health-care and a range of other services to which all citizens were entitled.
该组织强调指 出,与当局有联系 的 准军事部队没有 解 散 , 而 且得益于有罪 不 罚 现象; 行政部门干 涉 司法部门的工作; 由 于在执行“ 正 义与和平 ” 法 方 面 的 许 多 失 误 , 受 害 者 没 有 得到赔偿; 人权维护者、工会分子 和 新闻工作者日益 遭 到 高 官骚扰; 不 平等现象没 有 减 轻 ; 许 多 人的健 康 、 教育、 粮食和 适足住房没 有保障 。
It stressed that paramilitaries linked to the authorities were not dismantled and were benefiting from impunity; the executive meddles in the judicial branch; victims have not received compensation due to the many failures in the implementation of the “justice and peace” law; increased harassment of human rights defenders, unionists and journalists by high-ranking officials; that inequalities have not decreased; and there are no guarantees to health, education, food and adequate housing for many.
深为关切工程处工作人员、车辆和货物的自由流动和进出继续受到限制,工 程处工作人员受到伤害骚扰和恐 吓,这危害和妨碍工程处的工作,包括其提供 [...]
Deeply concerned about the continuing imposition of restrictions on the freedom of movement and access of
the Agency’s staff, vehicles and goods,
[...] and the injury, harassment and intimidation [...]
of the Agency’s staff, which undermine
and obstruct the work of the Agency, including its ability to provide essential basic and emergency services




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