

单词 骑鹤上扬州

See also:


ride a crane (as a Daoist adept)


a price rise
rise (i.e. number increases)


Yangzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu

External sources (not reviewed)

据传说,有位道士在一户人家的上 画 了 一只能听从人的指令起舞的 鹤 , 这 户家庭为了感谢这位道士,特建此楼。
Legend has it that the original tower was built by a
[...] family to thank a Taoist priest who had drawn a crane that could dance on request.
如果在堪萨斯或盖为一杯咖啡卖在科罗拉 州 的 平 原是热气 骑上 的 税,这些奇怪的费用不在你的钱包上造成严重损害。
If it is a tax on a ride on hot
[...] air balloon over the plains of Kansas or a lid for a cup of coffee sold in Colorado, these strange [...]
fees not inflict
serious damage on your wallet.
鹤楼位于武汉蛇山上,高 168英尺,深受清朝建筑风格的影响。
Yellow Crane Tower is located on Snake Hill in [...]
Wuhan. 168 feet high, it follows an architectural style influenced by the Qing Dynasty.
自然爱好者也可以扬州闻名 的园林及湖泊赏花散步,感 扬州 独 特的闲逸与宁静。
Nature-lovers can also seek respite in the effortless beauty of exquisite gardens and lakes, further adorned by the radiant hues of blooming flowers.
位于奥地利的西班牙骑术学校(Spanische Hofreitschule)是当今上唯一保存古 骑 术 技 艺的机构,主要致力于培训人才,从而将这项绵延数世纪之久的古 骑 术 传统 发 扬 光 大
In Austria, the Spanische Hofreitschule – the
[...] Spanish Riding School – is the only institution in the world that maintains and cultivates the art of classical riding just as it was taught several centuries ago.
但使用再生纸、尽量减少办公室废弃物 骑 自行 车上下班 等行动,都能够有效地减少温室气体排放,清查也应考虑这些行动的影 响。
The impact of using recycled paper, minimizing office waste, or commuting by bicycle to the workplace, which effectively reduce GHG emissions, is yet to be addressed in the inventory.
  除此之外,自从中扬州市政 府宣告2011下半年将会开始停止MOCVD购置补助政策之后,中国与台资芯片厂开始担心各地方政府会停止补贴政策,因此于今 上 半 年 开始大量采购MOCVD机台,希望 上 补 助 政策效期。
In addition,
[...] after the Chinese Yangzhou Municipal government announced that 2011 will start in the second half of the year will stop the MOCVD purchase subsidy policy, China and the investment from Taiwan chip factory start to worry that various Local authority will stop the subsidy policy, will therefore start in the first half of this year to purchase the MOCVD radio station massively, hoped that will catch up with the subsidy policy [...]
effective date.
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手
[...] 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 菲尔火上的骑士城 堡也是不错的选择。
Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy
reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg,
[...] or climb up the knights‘ castle on the [...]
该项目在不丹 Phobjikha
[...] 山谷--山区沼泽地和稀有濒危黑鹤的生 息地开展的活动,也是通过旅游创造可持续就业机会战略的一部分。
Activities carried out by the project in the Phobjikha Valley, Bhutan, a mountain
wetland and home to the rare and endangered
[...] black-necked crane, are also part [...]
of the strategy for the development of sustainable employment through tourism.
2000年世上第一 台具有原创技术的超音速全自动数控汽爆机,在无任何参考、借鉴的情况下 鹤 壁 制 造成功至今,在经过近十年的应用实践中,进行了不断的功能完善、可靠性完善、效率完善,克服了原始新产品的功能不完善、可靠性差、工作性能不稳定等新产品的通病,使其快速度过了新技术专利产品的初级阶段,进入了高新技术产品的工业化应用时代,使我国生物质利用预处理设备走在世界最前沿,为我国生物质利用领域提供了可靠的现代化装备保障。
2000 World's first fully automated with the original technology of supersonic steam explosion CNC machine, in the absence of any reference, drawing on the successful fabrication of the case so far in Hebi, after nearly [...]
a decade of application
in practice, carried out continuous functional, reliability improvement, efficiency improvement, new products to overcome the original function is imperfect, poor reliability, performance and other new products, a common problem of instability, it quickly through a patented new technology the initial stage, into the the era of industrial application of high-tech products, so that the use of biomass pre-treatment equipment take the forefront in the world, as the field of biomass use provides a modern and reliable equipment protection.
随着湿地的增 加和水质的提高鹤与鹳 的数量增加了三倍,区域 生物多样性得到了提高。
With the resulting increase in
wetlands and water quality, the biodiversity of the region improved
[...] with the number of cranes and storks increasing [...]
例如,长寿的松树与仙鹤相伴,而 鹤 身 上 的 白 色令人想起年份的累积。
For example, the long-lived pine is
[...] accompanied by the crane, whose whiteness [...]
recalls the accumulation of years.
2月底,太平洋造船集团在其旗扬州 大 洋 船厂举行了隆重的CROWN63命名交船仪式,将首艘CROWN63成功交付于欧洲买家,拉开了其布局大灵便型散货船市场的新篇章。
In the end of February, SINOPACIFIC Shipbuilding
Group held a grand naming and delivery
[...] ceremony at its Yangzhou Dayang Shipyard [...]
to deliver the first CROWN63 Ultra-max
bulk carrier to the European ship owner.
两个国家的代表大会代表在2010年, 扬州 市 委 书记王Yanwen代表直接了:“国务院有关部门制定建议逐步淘汰白炽灯,加快行动计划来促进节能灯,你可以开始推广公共设施,任何政府的规定项目的投标工作照明产品,财政补贴范围从普通节能灯过去一直延伸到半导体照明尽快政策,促进应用新产品开拓市场”。
Two congresses representatives of the
[...] country in 2010, the Yangzhou Municipal Party [...]
Committee Secretary Wang Yanwen representatives
bluntly:" The State Council departments concerned to formulate proposals to phase out incandescent light, speed up the action plan to promote energy-saving lamps, you can start promoting public utilities, the provisions of any government project bidding lighting products, and financial subsidies range from the ordinary energy-saving lamps over the past extended to the semiconductor lighting as soon as possible to policies to promote application of new products to expand the market".
秘书处关扬 州的信 息是正确的,但从调查结果来看,HCFC-141b 消费量只有 [...]
30 公吨/年。
The Secretariat’s
[...] information on Yangzhou is correct, but [...]
as seen from the survey, only with a HCFC-141b consumption of 30 mt /year.
如果你热爱环境,那么自行车就是实践你热情的最好方式 骑上 我 们 高质量的自行车,开启一次舒适的旅行,您将发现许多可能错过的细节。
Moving at a comfortable pace on one of our high-quality tour bikes, you’ll notice all kinds of details that you might otherwise miss.
就算你不是很喜欢水上运动,卡文还是有众多能够享受宁静的地方——可以沿着风景秀丽的乡 骑 在 马 背 上 观 光,或是在美丽的高尔夫球场打球,再或者步行穿过爱尔兰西北部地区最美丽的一些山峰和峡谷。
Even if a holiday near or by the water doesn’t suit, there’s a whole host of ways to enjoy this peaceful county – try trekking on horseback through the charming countryside, playing a round of golf at a scenic course, or walking through the hills and valleys of one of the  North West’s most scenic spots.
观赏野鸟骑自行车、扬帆出 海、划独木舟、钓鱼、徙步健行……甚至细看土地”慢慢增长”,或者您认为这需要太长时间了,但瓦尔肯群岛可提供给访客的节目实在多采多姿。
Bird-watching, cycling, sailing, canoeing, fishing, [...]
trekking – and watching the land grow out of the sea: the last one takes
a little longer than the first six, but there is no denying the variety on offer to visitors to the Kvarken Archipelago.
A city rich in history
[...] and culture, Yangzhou is a landscape [...]
of magnificent temples, towers and pavilions.
该影片随后还记录了斗牛士在场地上斗牛的情形,斗牛士的旁边有短枪手、剑侍 骑 在 马 背 上 的 长枪手,而背景则是欢呼的人群。
The film that follows shows matadors fighting the bulls in the arena, assisted by an entourage of flagmen, sword pages, and lancers mounted on horseback, with cheering crowds in the background.
然而,由于商品价格最近 出上扬,或 可造成通货膨胀上升,尤其是在增长率接近危机前水平的发展中 国家。
Yet, the recent rise in commodity prices may contribute to higher inflation, especially in developing countries with rates of growth close to pre-crisis levels.
第13页 Brompton 针对用户在公路及状况良好的道 上骑 行 而 进行设计,最大负载不超过110公斤 (包括车手和行李的重量)。
Warranty page 13 The Brompton is
designed for use on roads and well-made
[...] paths, carrying a maximum load not exceeding 110kg (rider and luggage [...]
weight included).
2009年4月28日,科学技术部在“关于同意开展“十城万盏”半导体照明应用工程试点工作的复函”中正式发布在天津市、河北省石家庄市、河北省保定市、辽宁省大连市、黑龙江省哈尔滨市 上 海 市 、江苏 扬州 市 、 浙江省宁波市、浙江省杭州市、福建省厦门市、福建省福州市、江西省南昌市、山东省潍坊市、河南省郑州市、湖北省武汉市、广东省深圳市、广东省东莞市、四川省成都市、四川省绵阳市、重庆市、陕西省西安市等21个城市开展半导体照明应用工程(以下简称“十城万盏”)试点工作。
April 28, 2009, the Ministry of Science and Technology, "agreed to carry out" City 10000, "semiconductor lighting application engineering pilot's reply," the official release in Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Baoding,
Hebei Province, Liaoning Province
[...] Dalian, Harbin, Shanghai, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Ningbo, [...]
Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou,
Xiamen, Fujian Province, Fuzhou, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, Weifang City, Shandong Province, Henan Province, Zhengzhou City , Wuhan, Hubei Province, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, Dongguan City, Sichuan Province, Chengdu, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, Chongqing, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, 21 cities in semiconductor lighting application engineering (hereinafter referred to as "ten thousand ten cities ") pilot.
集团下属扬州大洋造船有限公司(截至发稿之日)已成功交付52艘CROWN58散货船,其营运友好性的设计、良好稳定的建造质量为该船型赢得了市场的赞誉和广泛认可,集团再接再厉,大胆创新,在CROWN58基 上 升 级的CROWN63,对各项指标进行了充分优化,与CROWN58相比,在保证同等航速的前提下,CROWN63实现了载重量增加9%、而耗油下降了13%,废气排放也大大降低,多方面为船东的运营增强了竞争力。
The Group
[...] has always worked hard to improve on its past success and to boldly pursue innovation, which is reflected in the development of the Crown 63, the upgrade from the Crown 58. All the performance indicators of the Crown 63 have been further optimized, so while guaranteeing an operating speed [...]
that is
equivalent to the Crown 58, the Crown 63 also provides 9% more deadweight tonnage and 13% less fuel consumption.
开支显示,自从使用新的合同框架以后,合同业务费用呈 上扬 趋 势 ,因为该合同框架 将通常列入一般性运作开支或办公用品预算的开支分类转划到合同业务费项下。
Expenditures show an upward trend in contractual services following the introduction of the new contractual framework which has shifted the classification of expenses that would have normally been budgeted under, e.g., general operating or supplies and materials to contractual services.
不安全局势(例如在琼莱州、尤尼州 、 上 尼 罗 州 和 西 加扎勒河州)、一些苏 丹人民解放军指挥官缺乏合作(例如在拉克斯州)以及恶劣的道路状况,这些均对 执行苏丹人民解放军的行动计划构成挑战。
Insecurity (such as in Jonglei, Unity, Upper Nile and Western Bahr el-Ghazal States), lack of cooperation from some SPLA commanders (such as in Lakes State) and poor road conditions were key challenges faced in the implementation of the SPLA action plan.
桑拿馆集大型男、女宾休闲、桑拿于一体,设施先进、装修豪华,装饰典雅的VIP房为您提供纯个人的洗浴空间,提供专业推拿按摩服务并有中式、泰式、韩式及多款理疗设备以供选择;休息厅宽敞舒适, 扬州 足 底 保健、修甲、采耳、等多项服务,闲来小憩,劳顿尽逝。
The Sauna Room integrates the leisure and sauna as one whole for the men and women with the equipments being very advanced and the decoration being very luxury, and the well-decorated VIP rooms provide you with the bathing place for the individual and provide you with professional massage of Chinese style, Thai style and Korean style and there are many treatment equipments for your
choice; the rest hall is vast and comfortable,
[...] and there are Yangzhou foot massage, [...]
nails and ears services and other services.
联苏特派团在本报告所述期间接到 66 次关于苏丹南方族裔间暴力事件的报告, 特别是在瓦拉布州、琼州、上尼罗 州 、 西 加扎勒河州和西赤道州。
During the reporting period, UNMIS received reports of 66 incidents of intercommunal violence in Southern Sudan, in particular in Warrap, Jonglei, Upper Nile, Western Bahr El Ghazal and Western Equatoria States.
陷于冲突中的阿富汗儿童的困境依然令我国代 表团感到关切,在这方面,我们强烈谴 上 周 日骑摩托车的疑似武装分子袭击一所学校的行为,此人 向学校大门投掷了一枚手榴弹。
My delegation remains concerned by the plight of children caught up in conflict in Afghanistan, and in this connection we strongly condemn the attack on a school on Sunday by a suspected militant on a motorcycle, who threw a hand grenade at the gates of the school.




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