

单词 验毒


验毒只 n

drug testing n

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

所有手 续
[...] 的进行都保证尊重 居民的隐私权和保密 权;(d) 毒性检验:毒性检验是感 化院的一种例行工作,既是出于医疗目的,也是 [...]
为了执行 纪律;(e) 扩大探亲 :自 2004 年起,感化院的所有居民,在监禁一年之 后,除正常探访和其他出狱假特权之外,还可定期享受扩大探亲。
All procedures are carried out in full respect of the
privacy and confidentiality rights of the
[...] resident; (d) Toxicology testing: Toxicology testing is [...]
an on-going practice at CCF.
我们对HDK®系列产品的物理化学性质进行仔细 验 , 并 提供关 毒 理 学 、生 毒 理 学 和流行病学方面的详细数据。
The physicochemical properties of the HDK® product group have been examined in detail, and extensive toxicological, eco-toxicological and epidemiological data exist.
改善生物安全和生物安保包括验室 病 原体 毒 素 的安全和安保的国 家、区域和国际措施。
(c) National, regional and international measures to improve biosafety and biosecurity,
[...] including laboratory safety and security of pathogens and toxins.
实际上,我们在协助国家法庭方面拥有丰富验,例如联合毒品和犯罪问题办公室在协助肯尼亚 和塞舌尔方面取得的经验。
In practice, we have good experience in assisting
national courts, such as the assistance provided to Kenya and
[...] Seychelles by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
3、新品种向食品中迁移水平为 0.05-5mg/kg(包括
[...] 5mg/kg), 应提供三项致突变试验(Ames 试验、体外哺乳动物细胞染色体畸变 试验和骨髓细胞微核验)、90 天大鼠亚慢毒性试验资料
(3) For new species from which the migration level into foods is between 0.05 and 5mg/kg (including 5mg/kg), the following data should be provided: three tests for mutagenicity (i.e., Ames test, In vitro mammalian
cells chromosome aberration test, and micronucleus test of
[...] bone marrow cells) and 90 days subchronic toxicity test in rats.
用比较器检查游离性余氯的浓度是 验 氯 剂 消 毒 效 果的最简单方法。
The easiest way to check the effectiveness of chlorination [...]
is to test the free residual chlorine concentration by means of a comparator.
湖南省公安厅法医专家组复核鉴定结论认为:游济安尸体体表无外伤,内脏无损伤,后枕部头皮未见损伤所致的出血征象,左侧第六、七肋骨横断系死后形成、锐器作用所致,可排除机械性暴力损伤致死;经湖北同济法医学司法鉴定中心和南方医科大学司法鉴定中 毒 物 检 验 , 可排除游济安系常见毒物、毒品中毒死亡;死者尸体有溺水征象,且经湖北同济法医学司法鉴定中心和中山大学法医鉴定中心检验,在其肺、肝、肾等器官内均检出和现场水样、种类、形态一致的硅藻,证实游济安系溺水死亡。
Hunan Public Security Bureau forensic identification expert review concluded that: An economic body surface travel without injury, no damage internal organs, the occipital scalp after no signs of bleeding due to injury, the left sixth and seventh ribs after the death of the formation of transverse lines, sharp device caused by an injury can be ruled out mechanical violence, death; by Hubei Tongji forensic forensic Center
and the Southern
[...] Medical Center poison forensic examination can rule out the travel economic security department common toxins, drug poisoning; signs of [...]
drowning body of the
deceased, and by the Hubei Tongji Center and Sun Yat-sen forensic forensic forensic testing center, in the lung, liver, kidney and other organs were detected in water samples and field, type, and shape of the diatom, economic security department confirmed travel drowning http://www.welltar.com/.
改进验室病原体毒素生 物安全和安保的国家、区域和国际措施
(d) national, regional and international
[...] measures to improve laboratory biosafety and security of pathogens and toxins
28.吁请各国按照共同分担责任的原则,加强国际和区域合作,以消除源 自阿富汗的毒品非法生产、贩运和消费对国际社会构成的威胁,包括加强毒品管 制方面的执法能力以及为打击毒品及前体化学品的非法贩运和打击与此种贩运 有关的洗钱和腐败活动而开展合作,同时考虑到 2006 年俄罗斯联邦政府在《巴 黎公约》倡议及其“巴黎——莫斯科”进程的框架内与联合国毒品和犯罪问题办 事处合作在莫斯科召开的阿富汗贩毒路线问题第二次部长级会议的成果
(S/2006/598),并为此要求全面执行安理会第 1817(2008)号决议;
[...] 29.呼吁继续实施《巴黎公约》倡议以打击毒品非法生产、贩运和消费, 铲除罂粟作物毒品实验室和 商店,拦截运送毒品队伍,强调边界管理合作的重 [...]
States to strengthen international and regional cooperation to counter the threat to the international community posed by the illicit production, trafficking, and consumption of drugs originating in Afghanistan, in accordance with the principle of common and shared responsibility including through strengthening the law enforcement capacity in drug control and cooperation for the fight against the illicit trafficking in drugs and precursor chemicals and against money-laundering and corruption linked to such trafficking, taking into account the outcome of the Second Ministerial Conference on Drug Trafficking Routes from Afghanistan organized by the Government of the Russian
Federation in cooperation with the United
[...] Nations Office on Drugs and Crime held in [...]
Moscow in 2006 (S/2006/598), within the
framework of the Paris Pact initiative and its “ParisMoscow” process, and, in this regard
城市及地方政府联盟保证与现有的网络和机构合作,通过在地方当局之间交流该领域 的验,加强艾滋毒/艾滋 病和其他传染病的防治工作。
United Cities and Local Governments is committed to working with existing networks by promoting the exchange of knowledge between local authorities in this field.
代表团被告知,约 20%的尿液验结果显示毒,在这些情况中,囚犯要接受咨询。
The delegation was told that about 20 per
[...] cent of the urine tests showed drug use and that, [...]
in those cases, the inmates receive counselling.
这项立法同样关注挽救和延长生命的服务,增加了资金使用的问责制,并资助H IV 检 验 , 防 止艾滋 毒 的 进 一步传播。
This legislation also focuses on life-saving and life-extending
services, increased accountability for
[...] funding, and supports HIV testing to prevent the further [...]
spread of this disease.
毒学中心的验室负责研究慢性 毒 疾 病(如艾滋病病毒、丙型肝炎和乙型肝炎)和急性病(如流感)。
Laboratories within the Centre for Virology conduct research into [...]
chronic viral diseases such as HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis
B, and acute diseases such as influenza.
研究单位:中心由下列五个研究单位/实验室组成:生态水文学和生态系统 生物技术验室、生态毒物学实验室 、 淡水生态系统结构和动力学监控实验 室、生物互动与水产养殖实验室以及科学与决策支持系统的数学模型实验 室。
(iii) Research units: the Centre will be made up of the following five research units/laboratories: Laboratory of Ecohydrology and Ecosystem Biotechnology, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Laboratory of Monitoring of Freshwater Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics, Laboratory of Biotic Interactions and Aquaculture, and Laboratory of Mathematical Modelling for Science and Decision Support System
随着数量更多的人前来进行艾滋毒 检 验 , 使 之能 更迅速地检测到新的艾滋病毒病例。
Having a greater number of people tested for HIV makes it possible for new cases of HIV infection to be detected more rapidly.
2009 年,每 1 000 人中接受艾滋毒检验的平均人数增加 了 22%,提供艾滋毒检验服务的医疗设施也相应增加。
In 2009, the median
[...] number of HIV tests performed per 1,000 persons rose by 22 per cent, with comparable increases in the number of health facilities delivering HIV testing services.
本 署 就 将 一 九 九 八 年 至 二 零 零 零 年 的 黄 曲 霉 毒 素 监 察 结 果 作 分 析 , 在 这 段 期 间 总 共 抽 取 了 五 百 二 十 六 个 食 物 样 本 来验 黄 曲 霉 毒 素 的 含 量 , 而 大 致 分 成 三 大 组 别 , 即 花 生 及 花 生 食 品 , 植 物 油 及 脂 肪 食 品 , 以 及 谷 类 及 谷 类 食 品 , 结 果 与 公 众 卫 生 及 市 政 条 例 ( 第 132 章 ) - 《 食 物 内 有 害 物 质 规 例 》 所 厘 定 的 法 定 标 准 作 一 对 比 , 发 现 其 中 一 个 在 一 九 九 八 年 抽 取 的 花 生 酱 样 本 含 高 出 法 定 标 准 , 而 整 体 不 符 规 定 比 率 为 0.19% 。
We evaluated the aflatoxin surveillance from 1998 to 2000 in this report.  Throughout this period, a total of 526 food samples, under the three food groups namely peanuts and peanut products, vegetable oil and fat, cereals and cereal products, were taken for aflatoxin analysis and the findings were compared against the statutory limits stipulated in the Harmful Substances in Food Regulations of Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap.132).
继毒品和犯罪问题办公室支持亚洲法医科学网络在 2008 年成立之后,又为 加强协作、推动区域活动、促进交流信息和专门知识、提供培训机会和科学家
[...] 参与有关的研讨会和会议以及鼓励网络的成员 验 室 积 极参 毒 品 和 犯罪问题 办公室国际协作演练方案作出了贡献。
Further to UNODC support for the establishment of the Asian Forensic Sciences Network in 2008, contributions have been made towards strengthening collaboration, promoting regional activities, facilitating the exchange of information and expertise, providing training opportunities and for the participation of scientists in relevant workshops and conferences and
encouraging active participation
[...] of Network member laboratories in the UNODC international [...]
collaborative exercise programme.
结核病患者接受艾滋毒检验的比率从 2003 年 4%增加到 2009 年 26%,有 55 个国家为至少 75%的结核病患者进行艾滋毒检 验。
The percentage of tuberculosis patients
[...] tested for HIV increased from 4 per cent in 2003 to 26 per cent in 2009, and 55 countries tested at least 75 per cent of tuberculosis patients for HIV.
由于毒试验所用 试剂含有磷脂成分,如果患者血中存在抗磷脂抗体,那么其 毒 试 验 可 能出现假阳性结果。
The reagents used to test for syphilis contain phospholipids and can cause a false positive result in patients with antiphospholipid antibodies.
MOTIVATE研究结果用于为加拿大、美国和欧盟针对仅携带CCR5-tropic HIV-1可检测毒并有治疗验的患 者批准马拉韦罗提供支持。
Results from MOTIVATE were used to support the
approval of maraviroc in Canada, the U.S. and the EU for treatment-experienced
[...] patients with only CCR5-tropic HIV-1 detectable.
浮游动物,尤其是轮虫类,由于对环境变化十分敏感而且是淡水中的常见组成部分,因此被广泛用于生 毒 理 试 验 以 确 定水质标准。
Zooplankton, particularly rotifers, being sensitive
and common components of freshwater, are
[...] widely used in ecotoxicological tests for establishing [...]
water quality criteria.
同时制定并实施了一系列行业标准:《对受艾滋病毒感染人群保守治疗标 准》(2001 年)、《针对受艾滋病毒感染人群的抗转录酶病毒药物治疗和防止艾滋
病毒的母婴传播和职业感染的标准》(2001 年和 2003 年)、《艾滋病毒感染的流
[...] 行病学监测标准》(2002 年)、《艾滋病、肝炎和其他毒感染 实 验 室 与诊断机构 组织实施抗击流行病计划操作指南》(2004 [...]
年)、《艾滋病毒母婴传播》单元 (2004 年)、《艾滋病毒检测咨询前后的方法指导》(2005 年)。
Sector standards have been developed and implemented: “Palliative treatment of the persons infected with HIV and AIDS” (2001), “Treatment with antiretroviral medicine specific for persons infected with HIV and AIDS and the prophylaxis of transmission of the mother-child HIV infection, professional exposure” (2001 and 2003), “Epidemiologic supervision of the HIV/AIDS infection” (2002); Instructions on the organisation of the antiepidemiologic
programme in the AIDS, hepatitis and other
[...] viral infections laboratories and diagnosis sections” [...]
(2004), The module “HIV
and AIDS infections with mother-child transmission” (2004), Methodological Guide “Before and after HIV test counselling” (2005).
如果您遇到一个可疑的文件,请发送到我们的 毒 实 验 室 进 行分析。
If you’ve encountered a suspicious file, please
[...] send it to our Virus Lab for analysis.
2008 和 2009 年期间独联体国家间展开合作,从而调查了
61 000 多起罪行, 逮捕 12 000 多名通缉犯,制止 341 个犯罪集团的活动,逮捕 42 名宗教极端主义 组织成员,缴获 6
[...] 800 件武器和 10.9 吨以上的麻醉物品,关闭 36 个毒品实验室 和切断 76 条非法移徙通道。
As a result of operations conducted in CIS countries in 2008 and 2009, more than 61,000 crimes had been investigated, over 12,000 wanted persons had been arrested, the activities of 341 criminal groups had been stopped, 42 members of extremist religious organizations had been arrested, 6,800 firearms and more than 10.9
tons of narcotic substances had
[...] been seized, 36 drug laboratories had been shut down [...]
and 76 channels for illegal migration cut off.
将通过在以下主要实务领域集中采取措施来实现 有关目标:(a) 及时提供准确统计数据和对世界毒品和犯罪问题的分析,尤其注意犯罪的具体 表现形式;(b) 分析跨国毒品和犯罪问题的演变,帮助确定威胁和轻重缓急;(c) 为监毒品 的实验室和 法医机构提供指导和专家咨询;(d) 扩大用于决策的证据依据。
The objectives will be achieved by focused interventions in the following main substantive areas: (a) providing timely and accurate statistics and analyses of the world drug and crime problems, with particular attention to specific manifestations of crime; (b)
analysing the evolution of
[...] transnational drugs and crime issues to help identify threats and priorities; (c) providing guidance and expert advice to drug-testing laboratories and forensic institutions; [...]
and (d) expanding
the evidence base for policymaking.
正如我们手头上的报告指出的,有效 根除的努力加之替代性生计方案等举措,加强了对于 有关省份的善政的支持,而捣毒品 实 验 室 、 打击腐 败和更认真地起诉毒品走私犯,都是有助于应对这一 巨大挑战的措施。
As mentioned in the report at hand, such initiatives as effective eradication efforts, coupled with alternative-livelihood programmes, increased incentives for good governance in the
relevant provinces, the
[...] destruction of drug laboratories, the countering of corruption and more serious prosecution of drug traffickers are among [...]
the measures that can
help counter this daunting challenge.
2005 年和 2006
[...] 年,纽约市儿童服务局监护的非洲裔和拉美裔儿童接受 了非法的、有时是致命的艾滋毒/艾 滋病 实 验 , 本 组织在揭露、让公众了解和 组织反对这些实验方面发挥了重要作用。
The organization was instrumental in 2005 and 2006 in exposing, publicizing and
organizing opposition to illegal and
[...] sometimes fatal HIV/AIDS experiments being conducted [...]
on Black and Latino children under
the custody of the New York City Agency for Child Services.




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