

单词 验光法



eyesight testing

See also:


examine the eyes

External sources (not reviewed)

建立中东同步加速光束促进实验科 学及应 用项目的筹备工作进展顺利,与双年度中预计的进度 相符。
Progress in preparations for the establishment of the SESAME project was good and corresponds to what was envisaged for the biennium.
法国科学界参与这一任务(国家科学研究中心相对论天体物理、理论、实验、 计量学、仪器设备和信号部、巴黎天体物理研究院、阿纳西粒子物理实验室、宇 宙和理论实验室、空间-时间参照系统 验 室 和 法 国 国家航天研究机构(国家航空 和航天研究局))将由天体粒子和宇宙学实验室领导,该 验 室 正为 激 光 干 涉仪 空间天线技术包的激光源提供调制台。
Participation in this mission by the French scientific community (the department of relativistic astrophysics, theory, experimentation, metrology, instrumentation and signals (ARTEMIS) of CNRS, IAP, the Annecy-le-Vieux Particle
Physics Laboratory (LAPP), the Laboratory Universe and Theories (LUTH), the Space-Time Reference
[...] Systems Laboratory (SYRTE) and the French National Aerospace Research Establishment (ONERA)) will be under the aegis of the APC Laboratory, which is providing the modulation bench for the LTP laser source.
据指 出,第 A1 条草案第 2 款在这一点上是不够的,因光是承 认驱逐国有权将一定 的程序保证扩大适用于在其境内法 居 留 的某些外国人,只是论及表面现象。
It was pointed out that draft article A1, paragraph 2, was inadequate on that point, since by simply acknowledging that the
expelling State had the right to extend
[...] certain procedural guarantees to certain aliens who were in its territory illegally, it was merely stating the obvious.
近东救济工程处企业 资源规划司法验证财 务管理系统是否有能力与《公共部门会计准则》完全兼容, 财务管理系统许多领域都需要进行修改和改进,包括消除某些缺口,以期编制可 靠的财务管理报告,每月及时结清账目,精简程序,并提高无障碍程度。
The UNRWA enterprise resource planning division was not able to verify the ability of the financial management system to be fully IPSAS compliant and noted that there were many areas in the financial management system that would need to be corrected and improved, including closing certain gaps to produce reliable financial management reports, achieving timely monthly closures, streamlining processes, and improving accessibility.
雅加达 讲习班的目的是:(a) 观察联合国在多层面维持和平行动和冲突后建设和平中面 临的挑战;(b) 审查东盟成员国在支持维持和平和建设和平中的相关 验 , 和光 大其 对联合国维持和平和建设和平努力的贡献;以及(c) 确定加强东盟-联合国 在多层面维持和平和建设和平中的伙伴关系的建议。
The objectives of the Jakarta workshop were to: (a) take stock of the main challenges facing the United Nations in multidimensional peacekeeping and post-conflict peacebuilding; (b) review the relevant experience of ASEAN member States in supporting peacekeeping and peacebuilding, and build on their contributions to United Nations peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts; and (c) identify recommendations for enhancing an ASEAN-United Nations partnership in multidimensional peacekeeping and peacebuilding.
2010 年,华为宣布与墨尔本大学宽带使能社会研究院(IBES) 签订了谅解备忘录,由华为负责为IBES 光纤到户试验台环 境提供下一代宽带技术。
In 2010, Huawei announced a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Melbourne’s Institute for a
Broadband Enabled Society (IBES), which would see Huawei responsible for next-generation broadband technology
[...] to IBES’s Fibre-to-the-Premise test-bed environment.
他结合此次磋商谈到 了本组织正在进行的各项改革,尤其是计划编制 法 方 面的改革,并强调最近对计划管理周 期所进行的修订,是为了更具有战略 光 和 更有助于决策,而且有助于在总部和总部外之 间,以及各地区和多国办事处之间更合理地分配计划资源。
He put the Consultation also in the context of the ongoing reform process of the Organization, in particular with regard to programming, and highlighted the recent revisions of the programme management cycle designed to ensure a more strategic and policy-focused approach and to facilitate a more rational allocation of programme resources between Headquarters and the field as well as between the various regions and clusters.
虽然符合逻辑框架的列报形式,但审计委员会发现 法验 证 提 及的一些成 绩。
While the formal presentation of the logical framework had been complied with, the Board found that there was no means of verifying some of the achievements mentioned.
特别委员会回顾其 2009 年报告(A/63/19)第 104 段,重申要求维持和平行
[...] 动部在其下一份年度报告中,评价设立该厅如何有助于密切本部各科室间以及与 联合国其他行动体之间的协调和协同作用,以更有效地执 法 治 任 务,而 光是 描述所有它的活动。
The Special Committee recalls paragraph 104 of its 2009 report (A/63/19) and reiterates its request to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations to include in its next annual report an assessment on how the creation of that office has contributed to closer coherence and synergies among its own sections
and between other United Nations
[...] actors to deliver rule of law mandates more effectively, [...]
rather than a description of all its activities.
麻醉药品委员会第五十二届会议高级别会议和大会第 64/182 号决议通过了
《关于开展国际合作以综合、平衡战略应对世界毒品问题的政治宣言和行动计 划》(A/64/92-E/2009/98,第二.A
[...] 节),其中强调,“在通过研究科学证据以加深 对问题的认识以及共享验、法医学 数据和信息的基础上,继续并持之以恒地 [...]
In the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem (A/64/92-E/2009/98, sect. II.A), adopted during the high-level segment of the fifty-second session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and by the General Assembly in its resolution
64/182, it is emphasized that “continued
[...] and persistent national, regional and [...]
international efforts based on improved understanding
of the problem through the examination of scientific evidence and the sharing of experiences, forensic data and information are essential to preventing the diversion of precursors and other substances under international control that are used in the illicit production and manufacturing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, including amphetamine-type stimulants”.
光盘集 合(无论是下载或运),这是许可的和下载个人图像可以不被退还因的许可交易 法验 证 的性质,除时有已被一个偶然的多个订购或充电,在这种情况下,我们将是高兴退还任何无意收费。
CD Collections (either downloaded or shipped) and individual images that are licensed and downloaded cannot be refunded because of the unverifiable nature of licensing [...]
transactions, except
when there has been an accidental multiple ordering or charging, in which case we will be happy to refund any unintentional charges.
虽然 在各国开信用证的费用不同,但作为一个 验法 则 , 出口商可以估计,在大部分 发达国家中,开立和支付超过 100 000 美元的信用证的费用为 0.75%(各银行最低 收费不同),而在发展中国家,签发和商付费用可高达 1.5%。
Although the cost of opening a letter of credit varies from country to country, as a rule of thumb, the exporter can estimate that, in most developed countries, the percentage cost for opening and paying a letter of credit will be 0.75 per cent for letters of credit in excess of $100,000 (minimums will vary from bank to bank); in developing countries, the issuing and negotiation cost can be upwards of 1.5 per cent.
若要防止因電 池暴露在高溫而導致人身傷害或產
[...] 品損壞的可能性,離開車輛時請取 下裝置,或將裝置存放於光無法 直接照射的地方。
To prevent the possibility of personal injury or product damage caused
by battery exposure to extreme heat, remove the device from the vehicle when
[...] exiting or store it out of direct sunlight.
他的研究项目包括开发第一个横跨大西洋的海底光波系统,从美国新泽西州到英国 法 国 的海 底 光 缆 系统 TAT-8,开发光纤制导导弹系统,以及开发高速紫外光固化光纤涂料,甚至是用于保护户外电信系统的控释杀虫剂产品。
His research projects included the development of
the first transatlantic
[...] undersea lightwave system, TAT-8 from New Jersey to the UK and France, fiber optic guided [...]
missile systems, development
of high speed UV curable coatings for optical fiber and even controlled release insecticide products to protect outdoor telecommunications systems.
[...] 免造成損壞,離開車子時,請從車 上取出此裝置、或將其存放於光 無法直接照射的地方。
To prevent damage, remove the device from the vehicle when
[...] exiting or store it out of direct sunlight.
全自动的仪器设计使得不论您是否具有丰富 光 谱 学 经 验 , 都 能够深入地对其颗粒样品进行了解。
This fully automated instrument is designed to allow both particle characterization scientists with limited spectroscopy experience and more experienced spectroscopists to get an in-depth understanding of their particulate samples.
法半导体公光学特 性和仿真专家Axel Crocherie博士称:“FDTD Solutions 7.0中可用的优化设计功能,有利于快速找到微透镜曲率半径或抗反射层的最佳工作点,以优化CMOS图像传感器的量子效率。
According to Dr.
[...] Axel Crocherie, Optical Characterization and Simulations Expert at STMicroelectronics, [...]
"the optimization function available
in FDTD Solutions 7.0 is useful to quickly find the best operating point for microlens radius of curvature or the antireflective layers to optimize the quantum efficiency of CMOS images sensors.
(g) 委员会决定,由于来自以色列的客户减少 ( 无 法 再 光 顾 巴勒斯坦被占领 土上的商家)造成的商业损失可能是由修建隔离墙引起,故将其列入登记册。
(g) The Board decided that commercial losses
resulting from the reduction of customers from
[...] Israel who could no longer visit businesses [...]
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
could be caused by the construction of the Wall and included in the Register.
第二,作为一条验法则 和 一项原则,秘书处从一开始规划特派团行动时就应 调动部队派遣国的参与,并在必要时调动其它行为者 和有关方面的参与,来具体处理保护平民问题,同时 要考虑到它们的利益和战略,而又不侵犯东道国的主 权。
Secondly, as a rule of thumb and a matter of principle, the planning of missions by the Secretariat should, from its inception, involve troop-contributing countries and, where necessary, other actors and stakeholders to specifically cater for the protection of civilians, taking into consideration their interests and strategies, but without violating the sovereign rights of host nations.
加入 UL 之前,Chapin 博士曾在朗讯科技公司的贝尔验室 光 纤 解 决方案部铜和光纤材料开发组担任技术经理。
Before joining UL, Dr. Chapin was Technical Manager of the Copper
and Fiber Optic Materials Development Group at Lucent
[...] Technologies' Bell Laboratories Optical Fiber Solutions [...]
有很多因素影像打灯得风格:导演的要求、故事、财务预算,以及摄影师的触 觉和验,镜头种类,光器材 及胶片的感光度和特性。
Several factors influence lighting style: the director’s needs, the story, the budget, the experience and artistic vision of the cinematographer, lenses and lighting equipment, and the film’s sensitivity.
造成差异的主要原因是医疗服务所需资源减少(包括空中医疗后送、专家 咨询服务、X-光和化验以及 在非混合行动所属医院住院),因为在整个任务区建 [...]
The variance is attributable primarily to the reduced requirements for medical services, comprising aero-medical
evacuations, specialist consultation
[...] services, X-ray and laboratory services and hospitalization [...]
in non-mission hospitals,
owing to the establishment of in-house medical facilities throughout the mission area.
2005 年,加拿大最高法院作出的一个 判决,对竞争法与商标法的关系进行了验。法院对 与垒高(LEGO)积木有关的商 标权是否可以在功能特点上被扩展(例如积 木顶部的突起物)进行了审查。
The relationship between competition law and
[...] trademark law was tested in a case decided in 2005 by the Canadian Supreme Court, where it [...]
examined whether trademark
rights relating to LEGO blocks could be extended on functional features, such as the geometrical pattern of raised studs on the top of the bricks.
总共抽取了其中的 34 项活动和服务供核实,到编写本报告时 为止,尚有其中的 5 项法验证,原因在“主要问题概述”中作了说明。
At the time of formulating this report, it had not been possible to examine five out of the actions/services selected for reasons explained under Summary of Key Issues.
此类系统采用动光散射法测量 粒度及微流变;采用电 光 散 射 法 测 量 ZETA电位及电泳迁移率;采用静 光 散 射 法 测 量 分子量。
The systems measure size and microrheology
[...] using dynamic light scattering, zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility using electrophoretic light scattering, and molecular weight using static light scattering.
6) 由于法光盘的 销售体系不如盗版光盘的销售体系发达,从而给消费者购买法光盘带 来不便,购买的品种也受到限制。
6) Following from
[...] the above, with legitimate distribution networks are significantly less developed than those for pirated movies, consumers can find it inconvenient to purchase legitimate ODs, and [...]
can find more limited product offerings.
佐洱的女兒,有香港協進聯盟(即現時的民建聯)許長青的兒子,有中 國人民政治協商會議全國委員會委員(“全國政協委員”)施子清的兒
[...] 子,有前香港基本法委員會副主任黃保欣的兒子,有全國人民代表大 會常務委員會委員范徐麗泰的兒子,還有全國政協委員 法光 的兒 子。
They include the daughter of CHEN Zuoer, former Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council; the son of HUI Cheung-ching of the Hong Kong Progressive Alliance (that means the present Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong); the son of SZE Chi-ching, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC); the son of WONG Po-yan, former Deputy Director of the Committee for the Basic Law; the son of Rita
FAN, member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress;
[...] and the son of HU Fa-kuang, member of the CPPCC.
按 照流行的正统经济理论,一般验法 则 是 无论经济条件、经济扩张速度、公共 开支需要和社会保障程度如何,各国政府都应将财政赤字控制在国内生产总值 3 %以内。
Under the prevailing economic orthodoxy, the general rule of thumb has been that the fiscal deficit should be brought down to about 3 per cent of GDP for all countries regardless of their economic conditions, their rate of economic expansion, their need for public expenditure or their coverage of social protection.
但是,委员会对使用放射检验检查骨骼成长作为确定西班牙 境内无人陪伴的未成年人年龄的一种手段表示关注,因为这样做误差范围广,可 能导致有些儿童被列为成年人应有的保护 委员会促请缔约国从而得不到未成年人考虑确定儿童年龄的不同方法,并对采纳 无害于未成年人身体健全的可靠的最新 验法 进 行投资,以确保不将无人陪伴的 未成年人列为成人,并使他们受到儿童应该受到的保护。
However, the Committee is concerned about the use of radiological tests to evaluate bone development as a means of determining the age of unaccompanied minors on Spanish territory, as the wide margin of error could lead to some children being classed as adults, and therefore denied the protection to which minors are entitled (art. 6).
过去的插头没有这样的设计,因此要使用一个 验法 则 : 应将 IDE 接线与硬盘插座相连,使 [...]
带标记的一头与电源线最近,也就是说带标记一头应与插座的针孔 #1 相连。
In the past, this design of plug did not exist, so
[...] there was an empirical rule: the IDE [...]
cable is connected to the hard disc socket
so that the marked thread is the closest to the power cable, i.e. the marked thread connected to pin #1 of the socket.




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