单词 | 骋 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 骋 —hastenless common: open up • gallop Examples:驰骋—rush headlong 纵横驰骋—run unhindered across the whole country • criss-cross
溜沙之余,游客亦可跨骏马驰骋,骑金驼漫步,抑或乘溜沙船在茫茫戈壁中尽情遨游。 shangri-la.com | Apart from sand sliding, one can also ride horses and camels, or ride on sand-sliding boats. shangri-la.com |
这个在2008年拿下足总杯桂冠并在次年 驰 骋 联 盟 杯的球队现在不得不在英甲联赛中挣扎。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | UEFA cup the next season, but now is struggling in League one. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
冰冻的水域表面可以供雪地摩托随意 驰 骋 , 这 也是了解车辆性能的最佳试验场地。 visitfinland.com | Frozen waterways are free to be driven on, and they provide good training ground for getting to know your vehicle. visitfinland.com |
此外,1970年F1赛季是赛车史上最充满戏剧化的盛事之一,当时聚焦于纯粹竞赛,车手们在赛道上 驰 骋 奋 战 ,并不时出现令人惊奇、又时而惊险的画面。 oris.ch | The 1970 Formula One season was one of the most dramatic in the sport’s history. oris.ch |
新款 Murciélago R-GT 可为兰博基尼客户提供强悍无比的性能,让他们在国际级别的专业赛车活动中尽情 驰 骋 , 一 决胜负。 lamborghini.com | The new Murciélago R-GT will offer Lamborghini clients a highly competitive car to participate in professional motorsport events on an international level. lamborghini.com |
无论您是刚刚从兰博基尼驾驶学院最近在伊莫拉赛道举行的培训中获得了令人兴奋的驾驶体验,还是尚未体验由专门的兰博基尼驾驶课程提供的在赛道上任意 驰 骋 的 激 情,现在都是计划迎战 2012 年首个驾驶挑战的最佳时间。 lamborghini.com | Whether you have just returned from a thrilling driving experience at the latest Lamborghini Academy on the Imola race-track, or haven’t yet experienced the emotion of letting loose on a track with a dedicated Lamborghini driving course, now is the time to book the first driving challenge of 2012. lamborghini.com |
全年长达六个月的冬季可任你在雪域中 驰 骋 ; 而最美好的时光却是日照时间比冬日长得多的春季,和煦的阳光烘托出一路上最壮阔的自然景致。 visitfinland.com | Whisking through snowy scenery is accessible during all six winter months, but the most favoured time is the spring with long sunny days that bring out the best of the immense natural beauty along the routes. visitfinland.com |
来到清爽宜人的希拉穆仁草原,游客可跨骏马 驰 骋 , 骑 金驼漫步,可寄情于篝火晚会,亦可探访牧民的蒙古包。 shangri-la.com | Visitors to this cool Grassland can enjoy activities such as horse riding, camel riding, campfire partying and visit households of herdsmen. shangri-la.com |
此外,也由于此站正是我家乡的Grand Prix赛事,加上此赛道是我最熟悉的一站,所以德国站对我而言别具意义!在家乡车迷们的面前竞速 驰 骋 , 能 真正的感受到充满爆发力的引擎声与支持声浪,届时场上将会充满热情喧哗的赛车氛围。 oris.ch | Going to Germany is a bit special for me as it’s my home Grand Prix and the circuit is the one that I know the best. oris.ch |
为了在极速驰骋时亦 能实现驭随心动的完美操控感受,LFA超级跑车致力于以先进科技和创新设计实现完美的动态平衡。 lexus.com.cn | In order to ensure a free-spirited control while driving at extreme speeds, the LFA has incorporated advanced technologies and innovative designs to achieve a perfect dynamic balance. lexus.com.cn |
至今已有 2,150 多艘 蓝高双体船驰骋于全 球的碧海蓝天下,足以证明其在双体船中不可替代的地位。 beneteau.cn | More than 2,150 Lagoons were launched all over the world: this figure makes our brand the unrivalled leader in the cruising catamaran sector. beneteau.cn |
宽阔无垠的道路正等待您任意驰骋。 lamborghini.com | The open road awaits. lamborghini.com |
驰骋于静 寂森林中,体验爽快感受的越野赛。在冬季天空,如展翅的鸟儿般的花样竞技跳台滑雪。 tohoku.ac.jp | Our activities include alpine skiing with a high speed, cross-country skiing in the fresh air of the quiet woods, and ski jumping to feel like a bird flying in the air. tohoku.ac.jp |
最终亮相的是一辆结构紧凑的高性能双座跑车,车身长 4.3 米,最高时速超过 300 公里/小时,驾驶者既可斗志昂扬地在赛场上纵横 驰 骋 , 也 可满心愉悦地在城市和乡村公路上长途跋涉。 lamborghini.com | The result is a compact (length 4.3 m) 2-seater high performance car (maximum speed well over 300 km/h), that can be driven with pleasure both on race tracks and on long distance journeys on country and city roads. lamborghini.com |
卡地亚作为形式的艺匠,为其构思大胆的新款Tank Folle 坦克表赋予了自由驰骋的创意空间。 hautehorlogerie.org | As a crafter of forms, Cartier has given its creativity free reign in the daring new Tank Folle watch. hautehorlogerie.org |
而有别于帕加尼Zonda系列的是,Huayra装载了更为积极的空气动力系统,它可以改变车身前部离地的高度,独立依靠车后部和前部的四轮全速 驰 骋。 vantageshanghai.com | Unlike the Pagani Zonda, the Huayra incorporates active aerodynamics, it is capable of changing the height of the front from the ground and independently operating four flaps placed at the rear and front of the car. vantageshanghai.com |
驰骋在开 阔的道路上 尽享爱尔兰激情之旅吧, 以自己轻松惬意的步调领略一个国家的风貌,还有什么旅游方式能比这更好呢? discoverireland.com | Take to the open road with an exhilarating drive through Ireland. discoverireland.com |
之后的活动是驾驶,不仅在赛道上驰 骋 , 还 将沿着非比寻常的“滑道”行驶,道路两侧林立着绿葱葱的柏树和橄榄树,地里是一望无垠的麦田,一直延伸到Amiata山的斜坡以及罗马和伊特鲁里亚温泉浴场。 magazine.ferrari.com | And then driving, not only out on the track, but also along the extraordinary “toboggan” run, lined with cypress and olive trees and wheat fields, that pushes on up to the slopes of Mount Amiata and the Roman and Etruscan spas. magazine.ferrari.com |
通过本次大师赛,大家可深刻感受马术运动所赋予人的成就感并不仅仅来自于征服的快感和内心深处的自信,而更多来自于骑师与马这一灵物的忠诚相伴,以及在 驰 骋 时 相互的默契配合与心心相印,进而升华出一股超越平凡的内在力量,这正是马术运动的魅力所在。 wthejournal.com | Through the Longines Equestrian Beijing Masters, people could appreciate not just the sense of accomplishment and self-confidence from within, but also the loyalty of the riders and their horse companions. wthejournal.com |
出席这次“亚洲华商峰会”的企业家,既有德高望重的前辈,也有 驰 骋 商 场的骨干,更有初出茅庐的新兵,能够邀请到不同背景的老、中、青三代企业家一起出席,共同分享各自的经验。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The entrepreneurs attending the Asian Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit today comprise many respected business patriarchs, leading business professionals, as well as the founders of new start-ups. english.sccci.org.sg |