单词 | 骄矜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 骄矜 —haughty骄矜 adjective —proud adjSee also:骄—arrogant 矜—boast • esteem • sympathize
但是,它在其国界内为保护 少数群体权利所做的努力,以及在国际一级为促进 全球范围内少数群体的权利所做的工作是值 得 骄傲 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was nevertheless proud of its efforts to protect the rights of minorities within its borders and of its work at the international level to promote the rights of minorities on a global scale. daccess-ods.un.org |
现 在,民间社会运动是阿尔及利亚的一 个 骄 傲 ,因为这表明在本国开始的民主长征 [...] 中取得了进步。 daccess-ods.un.org | The civil society movement was now [...] a source of pride in Algeria, [...]as it indicated the progress made in the long march towards [...]democracy on which the country had embarked. daccess-ods.un.org |
很多人認為收集回來的乾廢物都很骯髒,香港人那麼 “ 矜 貴 " ,不會願 意從事廢物分類的工作,但事實並非如此。 legco.gov.hk | Many people are of the opinion that all the wastes collected are filthy and the people of Hong Kong would be unwilling to engage in waste separation work as they are so self-conceited. legco.gov.hk |
但没有理由自满骄傲, 因为最不发达国家总人口 中仍有超过 75%的人们生活贫穷。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, there is no room for complacency, as more than 75 per cent of the least developed countries’ population still live in poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国为其成就而 感到骄傲, 但也认识到还要做更多的工作,同时一如既往地致力于做得更好并继 [...] 续推动这一对话。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States is proud of its record [...] of accomplishments, humbled by the recognition that more work remains, and remains [...]committed to improvement and to continuing this dialogue going forward. daccess-ods.un.org |
他們很矜貴的 非商業主導資訊節目,應得到政府很 的堅定政策的調校,使他們可以在眾多節目㆗佔㆒個應有份量和比重。 legco.gov.hk | RTHK’s valuable and non-commercial oriented programmes of information should be subject to adjustment through the staunch policy of the Government so that the programmes will account for a due proportion in terms of quantity among the multiplicity of programmes on offer. legco.gov.hk |
我們在這方面不得故作矜持,也不得為政治或社會目的而裝腔作勢。 legco.gov.hk | There must be no false modesty nor political or social posturing. legco.gov.hk |
雖然在兩年後多了兩 個台,但這情況對港台而言仍可說是毫無進展,反而有了這些電台,多了很多節目, 港台這類非商業主導的節目相形㆘變得更 加 矜 貴。 legco.gov.hk | Whilst there will be two more stations in two years’ time, it will not improve the situation of RTHK. legco.gov.hk |
戒指的藍寶石重達15.14克拉,帶有罕有的「皇室藍」(Royal Blue)色調,且未作人工加熱處理,份 外 矜 貴。 ravenelart.com | Of “Royal Blue” color, the unheated oval cabochon sapphire of the ring weighs 15.14 carats, exuding irresistible elegance and glamor. ravenelart.com |
如你们所知,联合国各会员国在纽约的代表过去两年里一直致力于促成这次 [...] 会议,我们应当为他们的工作,尤其是发展中国家提出的许多倡议感 到 骄 傲。 daccess-ods.un.org | As you know, delegations of United Nations Member States in New York have been working very hard over the last two [...] years to make this Conference a reality [...] and we should be proud of their work, [...]particularly the many initiatives of developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
顧客亦可選擇三種矜貴的 木料﹕ 亮澤核桃木、亮澤白蠟木、白楊木,車廂內飾亦可選高亮度鋼琴漆面飾邊,AMG 碳纖配以高亮度黑鋼琴漆面飾邊。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Customers have a choice of three exclusive wood types: high-gloss brown burr walnut, high-gloss black ash and satin-finish light-brown poplar. The interior is given an even more progressive look with the addition of piano lacquer or AMG carbon fibre/black piano lacquer trim elements. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
此外,还值得骄傲的 是,厄 瓜多尔获得正式成员资格将提升拉丁美洲和加勒比 [...] 国家集团在委员会中的代表比例,使巴勒斯坦人民 的事业在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区更加引人瞩目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, it was [...] also a source of pride that its membership [...]would boost the representation of the Group of Latin American [...]and Caribbean States in the Committee, and give greater visibility to the cause of the Palestinian people in the Latin American and Caribbean region. daccess-ods.un.org |
產品加入了豐富矜貴的 天然活躍成份︰濃縮魚子精華、鑽石微晶粉末、黃金箔及珍貴琥珀等;亦同時混合了玫瑰、茉莉、木槿等花卉成份。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | The natural richness of active ingredients [...] provided by Caviar, Diamond, Gold, and Amber have been mixed with the ingredients [...]supplied by flowers, such as Rose, Jasmine and Hibiscus. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
我早陣子在電視上看到英國的雞種已發展至非 常 矜 貴 的 階段,有些雞種 的每隻售價更達三十多英鎊,而且還是走地雞,有各種不同的品種。 legco.gov.hk | Earlier on, I saw from television that chicken breeds in the United Kingdom had developed to a stage where the chickens are of high value. legco.gov.hk |
秉承着“全人關顧、矜憫為懷”的基督精神,該院自 1970 年代開始提 供院牧服務,關顧病者及其家人心靈的需要,並於 1997 年 6 月起開辦“臨 床牧關教育訓練”課程,培訓專業院牧和義工,為醫院牧養工作提供優質的 專才。 legco.gov.hk | Following the Christian spirit of holistic care and compassionate love, the AHMLNH started its Chaplaincy Service since the 1970s to look after the spiritual need of the patients and their family members, and launched in June 1997 the Clinical Pastoral Education course to train professional chaplains and volunteers for quality chaplaincy work in the AHMLNH. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,司法獨立,對我們的司法機關是非 常 矜 貴 的,這真的是一個 無價之寶。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy Chairman, judicial independence is very precious to our Judiciary. legco.gov.hk |
時至今日,甜夢®(Beautyrest®)系列床褥,憑其獨立袋裝彈簧結構 ﹑ 矜 貴 綿 層及布藝等享譽全球,更是優質床褥的指標。 sogo.com.hk | Nowadays, the Beautyrest® mattress series, upholstered with pocketed coil skeleton and a selection of quality foams and fabrics, has been the standard of a quality mattress. sogo.com.hk |
來自澳洲知名護膚品牌,為品牌中的王牌產品,質地超薄透氣,不現形,可阻隔刺激物及吸收痘痘分泌物,更含多 種 矜 貴 天 然草本及袪痘成分,加速痘痘凋謝及減少發炎症狀。 bonjourhk.com | This acne patch is made by Lalisse of Australia and is one of the hero products in the series. This acne patch differentiates itself by its super thin transparent breathable layer, which easily absorb serum stimulated by the acne. bonjourhk.com |
成员们很清楚我国和我国人民所经历的困难,但 这些困难并未能动摇我们在同一个家园中共同生活的 意志,多样性和开放是我们的财富,我们对基督徒和 穆斯林伙伴合作设计国家共同未来和命运感 到 骄 傲。 daccess-ods.un.org | Members are well aware of the difficulties that have tested our country and people, but that have not shaken our will to live together in one homeland, enriched by its diversity and openness and proud of its partnership between Christians and Muslims in designing a common national future and destiny. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些骄人的成绩是执行了“零饥饿”政策的结果,即从小农户采购粮食 [...] 供应,提供给儿童、青少年和有需要的成年人,并通过家庭补助金计划(家庭津 贴),给贫穷家庭发放资金,让其子女保持健康并就学。 daccess-ods.un.org | These remarkable achievements were [...] the result of a zero hunger policy that sourced food supplies from small farmers to feed [...]children, adolescents and needy adults and, through the Bolsa Familia (Family Grant) programme, gave money to poor families to keep children healthy and in school. daccess-ods.un.org |
這種雌性鱘魚的魚卵由於營養價值豐富 , 矜 貴 美 味,因而盛名不衰。 think-silly.com | This very type of roe laid by female sturgeon is especially nutritious, and therefore recognized as a valuable delicacy. think-silly.com |
吴佳林,泰格林纸集团,岳阳纸业公司的母公司董事长,对项目的执行方式感到同 样 骄 傲 : “到10号纸机的开机我们仅用了短短的16个月,这可能是有始以来在中国完成的同等大规模项目所用的最短时间“。 voith.com | Wu Jialin, Chairman of the Tiger Forest [...] & Paper Group, parent company of Yueyang [...] Paper, is equally proud of the way the [...]project was executed: “We took only 16 month [...]until the commissioning of the PM 10 – possibly the shortest time ever for the completion of such an extensive project in China. voith.com |
世服宏图是澳大利亚的骄傲,澳大利亚、新西兰、亚洲、美国,欧洲、中东的 22 个国家的120 处黄金商务地址任您选租,其中悉尼 CBD,邦迪汇,北悉尼,诺西工商业园区,北怀德以及巴拉玛特等区是我们的八大黄金商务地址。 servcorp.com.cn | A proudly Australian owned company and the world's leading provider, offers over 120 locations in 22 countries throughout Australia and New Zealand, Asia, the USA, Europe and the Middle East—including eight premier locations in Sydney's CBD, Bondi Junction, North Sydney, Norwest Business Park, North Ryde and Parramatta. servcorp.com.cn |
此外,又於同年成立“那打素全人健康持續進修學院”,為在職醫護 人員提供訓練課程,繼續發揚“矜憫 為 懷”、“全人關顧”的理念,薪火相 傳。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, the Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education was established in the same year to provide training courses for serving medical personnel, so as to further give play to the beliefs of compassionate love and holistic care and pass them on from generation to generation. legco.gov.hk |
这首先包括彻底结束始于 1967 年的以色列对巴勒斯坦土地的占领,实现巴 勒斯坦人民不可剥夺的自决权,建立一个以东耶 [...] 路撒冷为首都的独立巴勒斯坦国,在自己的国家 作为有尊严和骄傲的 人民享有和平、自由、民主、 [...]安全和繁荣。 daccess-ods.un.org | This includes, foremost, bringing a complete end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian land that began in 1967 and the achievement of the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination in their independent State of Palestine, with East [...] Jerusalem as its capital, where they can live as a [...] dignified and proud people, enjoying [...]peace, freedom, democracy, security and prosperity in their homeland. daccess-ods.un.org |
值此国际日之际,美国骄傲地 保证,要同其他国 家一道,在联合国领导的努力中,继续致力于提倡人 [...] 权教育和学习,以此作为我国对促进各地人民的人权 和基本自由的长期承诺的组成部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | On this Day, the [...] United States takes pride in pledging, [...]alongside other countries and as a part of the United Nations-led [...]effort, to continue working to promote human rights education and learning as an integral part of its long-standing commitment to advance the human rights and fundamental freedoms of people everywhere. daccess-ods.un.org |
让我感到作为视觉艺术家的骄傲, 也感到作为视觉艺术家的危险:简单到如:插画和纯粹的艺术作品的界限在哪里这样的问题,让自己不断地考虑,到底谁在利用形式,可能都是自己的主观态度而已,但是,审美的一种魅惑的东西,它恰好跨越了行业。 shanghaibiennale.org | It makes me proud to be a visual artist, and also aware of the dangers of visual art: something as simple as the distinction between illustration and pure artwork can push me into endless questioning: who exactly is making use of form? shanghaibiennale.org |
Lilliana了,药水,芭比公主Graciella可以是一个正常的公主并没有继续作用下的爱情药水,他们到达洛杉矶光泽,登上小马穿越宫,Graciella公主意识到,他们是泰勒和Carrie她发送Raquelle和芭比娃娃里面一笼锁定,笼子里是无敌的一个童话充满激情 的 骄 傲 , 但说话的芭比娃娃和Raquelle和道歉后,他们意识到,笼子里的酒吧开始断裂,突然有真正的翅膀在他们的背上和记住的短语“宽恕让你飞”。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Lilliana gave to Barbie, a potion, for Princess Graciella can get to be a normal princess and do not keep acting under a love potion,them arrived to Gloss Angeles, crossing the Palace aboard ponies,Graciella Princess realizes that they are Taylor and Carrie then she sends Raquelle [...] and Barbie inside a cage locked ,the cage is [...] invincible to pride of a fairy passionate, [...]but after talking Barbie and Raquelle [...]and Apologize,they realizes that cage’s bars begin to breaking, suddenly have real wings on their backs and remember a phrase “forgiveness makes you fly”. seekcartoon.com |