单词 | 驾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 驾verb—ridev驾—pilotharnessless common: your good self surname Jia draw (a cart etc) 驾noun—sailnExamples:御驾亲征—the emperor leads his troops inbattle [idiom.] take part personally in an expedition 驾驶室n—cabn cabspl 试驾n—test driven
假如司机因酒後驾驶而导致交通意外,并引致他人死亡,当局可 控告司机危险驾驶引致他人死亡。 legco.gov.hk | If a traffic accident is [...] caused by drink driving andcauses the death of another person, the driver can be charged with causing death by dangerousdriving. legco.gov.hk |
另有一些成员认为,宽限时间能应付很多难以预 料的情况,并为驾驶者提供弹性。 forum.gov.hk | A few members took the view that the grace period could cater for myriad unexpected circumstances and provide flexibility to drivers. forum.gov.hk |
全新GL系列可选择配备的ON&OFFROAD套装设有六个可优化驾驶动力和安全操控的驾驶程式,优秀的驾驶系统可满足不同路况的要求。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The optional ON&OFFROAD package for [...] the new GL-Class hassix driving programs for optimizing driving dynamics and handling [...]safety, as the optimum [...]drive system control is provided for an extremely wide range of on-road and off-road operating conditions. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
(d) 若设计标准与《建筑物规例》有冲突时,《建筑物规 例》凌驾其他标准。 bd.gov.hk | (d) Building Regulations shall always take precedence over other design standards should there be a conflict between them. bd.gov.hk |
一位成员引用管制驾驶时使用流动电话的经验,表示对停車熄 匙的成效并不樂观,特别是在偏远的地区。 forum.gov.hk | Quoting the experience of the ban on using mobile [...] phones whiledriving,a member was [...]pessimistic about the effectiveness of the [...]ban on idling vehicles, especially in remote areas. forum.gov.hk |
台湾人气美女DJ Charlene 将於7月7日驾临Club Lotus,联同来自美国的Rapper MC Kozmc一起同台献技。 yp.mo | On July 7 the hottest DJ from Taiwan DJ Charlene will be performing together with rapper MC Kozmc from the US at Club Lotus. yp.mo |
任何人不得在由授权人员划供行人专用的吊车系统区内的任何部分驾驶车辆,或沿着该部分驾驶车辆。 np360.com.hk | No person shall drive any vehicle in or along any part of the Cable Car System area set apart by an authorized official for the exclusive use of pedestrians. np360.com.hk |
视乎驾驶行为及其他相关情况,若司机因酒後驾驶而导致交通意外,并引致他人死亡,当局可控告司机危险驾驶或危险驾驶引致他人死亡。 legco.gov.hk | Depending on the drivingbehaviour and other related circumstances and if a traffic accident is caused by drink driving and causes the death of another person, the driver can be charged with dangerous drivingor causing death by dangerous driving. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,如果不花大量的时间驾驶,或听更谈比音乐电台,一个完整的系统大修可能不是你的事情。 hkcarworld.com | On the other hand, if you don't spend [...] a lot oftimedriving,or listen to [...]more talk radio than music, a complete system [...]overhaul might not be the thing for you. hkcarworld.com |
车身配备一系列尖端辅助系统,为驾驶者提供全面支援,包括:标准配备的注意力辅助系统,能侦测司机睡意;另可选择独步全球的PRE-SAFE®乘客保护系统;智能照明系统提供五种照明功能(转向照明功能、郊区照明模式、高速公路模式、主动照明功能及强力雾灯),可按驾驶状况自行启动。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The third generation of the powerful trend-setter will make use of a whole host of the latest [...] assistance systems to support the driver, including the drowsiness detection system ATTENTION ASSIST, developed by Mercedes-Benz [...] and fitted as standard; the optional anticipatory occupant protection system PRE-SAFE®, which is unique in the world; the Intelligent Light System that provides five lighting functions (cornering light function, country mode, motorway mode, active light function and enhanced fog lamps), which are activated depending on the driving conditions. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
终审法 院裁定,只能在证明填海工程有凌驾性的公众需要时,才 算是推翻《保护海港条例》所设立的「不准许进行填海的 推定」(「凌驾性公众需要的测试准则」),而且必须要 有力和令人信服的资料,令决策者信纳已符合该测试准 则,足以推翻不准许进行填海的推定。 devb.gov.hk | The CFA ruled that the presumption against reclamation in the PHO can only be rebutted by establishing an overriding public need for reclamation (the “Overriding Public Need Test”), and that there must be cogent and convincing materials available to enable the decision-maker to be satisfied that the test is fulfilled for rebutting the presumption against reclamation. devb.gov.hk |
车辆驾驶人在吊车系统区内须遵从所有交通标志及讯号和任何授权 [...] 人员的合理指令及指示。 np360.com.hk | Vehicle drivers shall, while [...] in the Cable Car System area, obey all traffic signs and signals and the reasonable instructions [...]and directions of any authorized official. np360.com.hk |
技术注释︰ 在项目1C101中,‘导弹’指射程或航程超过300公里的完整火箭系统及 “无人驾驶飞行载具”系统。 stc.tid.gov.hk | In 1C101, 'missiles' means complete rocket systems and "unmanned aerial vehicle" systems capable of a range exceeding 300 km. stc.tid.gov.hk |
主干道本身必须 通过凌驾性公众需要的测试,以符合终审法院就《保护海 港条例》的裁决。 devb.gov.hk | The Trunk Road must, itself, pass the Overriding Public Need Test, such that it satisfies the CFA’s ruling on compliance with the PHO. devb.gov.hk |
即时调查再结合适当的跟进调查,可以把民意的发展过程立体展现,与专业评论并驾齐驱,是现代社会互动发展的重要环节。 hkupop.hku.hk | Combined with appropriate follow-up surveys, and in parallel to expert analyses, they give a multi-dimensional picture of opinion development. hkupop.hku.hk |
飞航安全调查委员会发布:立荣一架DASH-8-300型客机,正驾驶员於进场目视跑道时,因航机高度偏高故采取较大量之操作,使得正驾驶员之注意力局限於落地操作,未能确实接收管制员及副驾驶员提醒有关对错跑道之资讯,造成降落於未经指定跑道之事故。 asc.gov.tw | Aviation Safety Council (ASC) released the investigation report of an Uni Air Dash-8-300, the aircraft landed on a non-designated runway due to the captain had his attention limited to landing operations during approach, as a result of his excessive control to correctthe aircraft that was slightly abovethe glide slope, thus failed to perceive the information from both the controller and the first officer (F/O) that the aircraft was aiming at the wrong runway. asc.gov.tw |
您第一次投票时,必须在投票所出示您的驾驶执照或其他身分证件,或是连同您的「邮寄投票」选票邮寄一份身分证件副本。 easyvoterguide.org | The first time you vote, you may have to show your driverlicense or other ID at the polls or mail a copy of your ID with your “vote by mail” ballot. easyvoterguide.org |
不过CITE相信,这座城市将成为新科技面世之前的重要测试站,仿造真实世界条件後,研究员要测试构想时,即不必担心在人口稠密的市区里,太过耗时、花费太多、风险太高,例如在长五公里的高速公路上,测试无人驾驶卡车。 thisbigcity.net | Mimicking real-world conditions, CITE will allow researchers to experiment with ideas that in populated cities would be too time-consuming, costly or risky – like the driverless trucks planned for its five-mile long freeway. thisbigcity.net |
另一方面,市区旧区会势将面对高发展密度的问题,原因是终审法院在 2004 年 1 月判决,要求日後的维港填海工程必须通过「淩驾性公众需要」测试, 以致特区政府难以在维港两岸填海以增加土地供应。 procommons.org.hk | On the other hand, old urban areas are expected to face a high level of development density as it is nearly impossible for the Government to create extra supply of land through reclamation along the shore of the Victoria Harbour. procommons.org.hk |
承办人员同时建议,虽然驾驶员皆习惯使用吉普逊航图 飞行,但仍应参考飞航指南中之资讯,因飞航指南为民 [...] 航局之正式文件。 tacare.org.tw | The CAA officials further suggested [...] that although itis common for [...]cockpit crew to utilize the Jeppesen approach plate as [...]the primary source to conduct instrument approaches, it is imperative that cockpit crew still refer to Taipei AIP since it is the official document published by the government. tacare.org.tw |
(b) 披露资料涉及重大且迫切的公众利益,凌驾於谘询第三者的责任(例如公共衞生或紧急救援情 况)。 access.gov.hk | (b) there is an overwhelming and urgent public interest in disclosure which overrides the obligation to consult (for example a public health or safety emergency). access.gov.hk |
庞巴迪宇航公司(Bombardier Aerospace)今天宣布,C系列飞机首飞试验机(FTV1)的驾驶舱和机身各部分已经运抵魁北克省米拉贝尔,装配工作随后展开。 tipschina.gov.cn | Bombardier Aerospace announced today that the cockpit and all fuselage sections for the CSeries aircraft's first flight test vehicle (FTV1) have arrived at Mirabel, Quebec, and that the assembly of FTV1 is in progress. tipschina.gov.cn |
保持活力﹗依照处方服药会提高你能有效控制发作的机会﹗这会让你有更大机会取得驾驶执照﹑避免在 公众地方有发作及活得更好。 bcepilepsy.com | That betters your chances [...] of getting a driving license, avoiding [...]seizures in public and living a better life. bcepilepsy.com |
不得干扰驾驶者和行人的视线、遮挡任何交通标 志及交通灯号。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Nothing shall interfere with the [...] sightlines of motoristsand pedestrians, [...]obscure any traffic sign and traffic light signal. housingauthority.gov.hk |
视整 体系统设计而定,使用特定架构的优点可能会凌驾於该架构的相关问题,要做出恰当的决策有赖 於彻底的分析。 seagate.com | Depending on the overall system design, the benefits of using a specific architecture may outweigh the issues associated with that architecture, and a careful analysis is required to make the appropriate decision. seagate.com |
如果能够找到一个方法,让中央政府和香港市民相信,民主、自由、繁荣、安定可以并驾齐驱、并行不悖,则社会肯定会更加团结,减少内耗。 hkupop.hku.hk | If a method can be found so that the Central People's Government and Hong Kong people will believe that, democracy, freedom, prosperity and stability can co-exist and run neck and neck, then the society will definitely be more united with less internal arguments. hkupop.hku.hk |
来宾也可参与由XBOX 360提供的体感互动游戏机驾驶保时捷多款跑车角逐计时赛,荣登冠亚军的来宾还可赢得由MARKUS T所提供的精美眼镜奖项。 pap.porsche.com | They also participated in specially designed interactive Porsche racing games on the XBOX 360, and winners received prizes from the exclusive GTS Limited Edition selection by renowned German brand, MARKUS T. pap.porsche.com |
保时捷展出车款阵容强大,除了甫上市之全新四轮驱动 911 Carrera 4 与 911 Carrera [...] 4S 之外,展出车型还包括:加装空气力学套件之最新一代 911 Carrera S 跑车、双门双座饶富驾驭乐趣的中置引擎 Boxster S 跑车、保时捷 Gran Turismo 车系中最具个性的车型Panamera GTS 四门跑车、典型跑车运动性却经济环保的 [...][...]Panamera S Hybrid 、以及保时捷最为畅销之出色性能与效率兼具之 Cayenne Diesel 运动休旅车。 pap.porsche.com | The Porsche booth features an exciting line-up of new [...] cars namely: the [...] all-wheel drive 911 Carrera 4 and 911 Carrera 4S, the new 911 Carrera S equipped with Aerokit, the fun-to-drive mid-engine [...]Boxster S, the sportiest [...]four-door Gran Turismo Panamera GTS, the most economical Panamera S Hybrid as well as the popular SUV with outstanding performance and efficiency Cayenne Diesel. pap.porsche.com |