

单词 驻扎


使驻扎 n

station n

See also:


halt n

be stationed (of troops, diplomats etc)

classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle
run or stick (a needle etc) into
penetrating (as of cold)
jug (a classifier for liquids such as beer)

External sources (not reviewed)

在这些撤退区,哥伦比亚革命武装力量-人民军和民族解放军长 驻扎, 并 通过非法作物、走私和大规模勒索获取资源。
In these areas of retreat, FARC-EP and ELN have had a long-term presence and have been able to obtain resources from illicit crops, smuggling and extensive extortion.
此外,由于一些营地周驻扎武装 人员,营地居民的行动和其他权利受到 严重限制。
Furthermore, the presence of armed men around [...]
some of the camps severely restricted the movement and other rights of camp residents.
此外,根据从当地人 那里得到的信息,据称儿童兵仍然与人民民主阵线有关联,其部队有武装,驻 扎在中 非共和国-乍得-苏丹边境三角地带;中沙里 Korbol 山地区的和平、重建 和发展运动中也有儿童。
Furthermore, according to information received from the local population, children allegedly remain associated with FDP, whose forces are armed and stationed in the Central African Republic/Chad/Sudan border triangle; and MPRD in the hills of Korbol in Moyen-Chari.
安理会第 1885(2009)号决议核准了特别报告中提出的建议,即在 2009 年 10 月至 2010 年 5 月期间实施联利特派团缩编的第三阶段,2 029 名部队官兵任满 回国,3 架攻击直升机和 72 辆装甲运兵车运回本国,缩编后联利特派团的兵力 为 8 202 人,其中 7 952 人驻扎在利比里亚,250 人驻守塞拉利昂问题特别法庭, 警察部分保持现有的核定警力。
The Security Council, by its resolution 1885 (2009), endorsed the recommendation contained in the special report with respect to the implementation of the third stage of the drawdown of UNMIL, from October 2009 to May 2010 that 2,029 military personnel, three attack helicopters and 72 armoured personnel carriers be repatriated, leaving the Mission’s military strength at 8,202 personnel, including 7,952 troops in Liberia and 250 at the Special Court for Sierra Leone, and keeping the police component at its current strength.
而且,我要澄清的是,1956 年 1 月划定了 Abiad 湖在苏丹共和国与南苏丹共 和国之间边界,这方面不存在争议,整个 Abiad 湖地区不属于两国边境上有争议
[...] 的四个或五个地区,受到苏丹人民解放军和正义运动部队攻击的我国武装部队驻扎在苏丹共和国领土上。
Furthermore, I would like to clarify that the Abiad Lake is divided between the Republic of the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan by the border line of January 1956 and there is no dispute on that, the whole of the Abiad Lake area is not among the four or five disputed areas on the border between the two
countries, and our armed forces, which were attacked by SPLA and JEM
[...] forces, were stationed inside the territories [...]
of the Republic of the Sudan.
成年男子必须随时准备应召入伍,为期三年,履行每周操练和每年一 驻扎 营地的兼职责任。
The adult male population is subject to conscription by ballot, involving three years’ part-time liability for weekly drills, as well as an annual camp.
然而,在此次大选中,国际社会仍提供40%的大选费用,给予技术支持,并在该 驻扎 了 大约17,000人的联合国部队。
However, it still provides 40 per cent of the funding, gives technical assistance and maintains about 17,000 UN troops in country.
联合国正在部署一名专职方案协调员进驻巴格达,以此作为联合国增加 其在伊拉克的持驻扎决定的一部分。
As part of the United Nations decision to increase its continued presence in Iraq, the Organization is in the process of deploying a full-time Programme Coordinator to be based in Baghdad.
监察组虽然没有发现证据显示厄立特里亚直接参与这一 行动,但已经证实阿法尔联阵的战斗人员近期于 2011 年 12 月在厄立特里亚得到 收容和培训,而对杀戮负有责任者中的一些人最 驻扎 在 厄 立特里亚阿萨布附近 的培训营地。
Although the Monitoring Group has found no evidence of direct Eritrean involvement in the operation, it has confirmed that ARDUF fighters were hosted and
trained in Eritrea as
[...] recently as December 2011, and that some of those responsible for the killings had recently been based at a training [...]
camp near Assab, Eritrea.
第三,关于空中轰炸问题,我们要回顾指出,正 如我们在 4 月 28
[...] 日致安理会的信中所详述的那样, 有鉴于南苏丹武装部驻扎在苏丹领土上,有必要增 加精确性。
Thirdly, with regard to aerial bombardment, we would like to recall the need
for increased accuracy, given the presence
[...] of armed forces from South Sudan inside [...]
the territory of the Sudan, as we detailed
in our letter to the Council on 28 April.
(b) 非国家武装团体以公办学校和教师为攻击目标,以及政府军事和准军 事部驻扎在学 校附近,使学生无法正常上学
(b) Access to education has been disrupted by the targeting of government schools and teachers by non-State armed groups and by the presence of government military and paramilitary units near the schools
除了医护人员在人数上总体不足的原因之外,一 项主要的阻力是极难招募驻扎或去 国家这些偏远地区服务的医护人员。
Other than the general shortage in medical personnel, one of the major hindrances is the great difficulty in recruiting medical personnel to reside and serve in these remote areas of the country.
尽管在多数情况下,它们对其驻扎 在 实 地的人道主义机构产 生同样的影响,但难民署对约制其接触受关注人群的能力或取得当地民众认同感 的能力的那些措施尤其容易受到影响。
While in most cases they have an equal effect on other field-based and humanitarian agencies, UNHCR is particularly sensitive to measures that curtail its ability to reach its populations of concern or gain the acceptance of local communities.
此外必须解决的一个问题是撤离并清除未经摩尔多瓦同意 驻扎 我 国 境内的 外国军队及储存的弹药。
It is also imperative to find a solution to the issue of withdrawal of foreign troops and ammunition stationed in Moldova without host nation consent.
声势浩大的人民民主联 盟示威者驻扎在政 府大楼外面,阿披实更不可能 在此时同意任何受到民族主义者强烈反对的政策决 定,使自己的民主党支持率受损。
With the vocal PAD demonstrators still camping outside Government House, Abhisit was even less likely to advance any policy that might attract nationalist backlash and undermine his Democrat Party’s popularity.
问题的焦点在于, 主要的知识产权援助组织(如世界知识产权组织和欧洲专利局)没有工作人 驻扎 在 受援 国,因此在某种程度上妨碍了援助的策划和提供工作的协调。出于这方面原因,也许援助 国可以考虑试点性地在有关发展中国家或地区派驻国家内或地区内实地经管人员,以便在 发展中国家实地改善其与知识产权相关的技术援助的协调工作。
In this respect, it might therefore be useful for donors to consider experimenting, on a pilot basis, with in-country or in-region field managers to improve co-ordination of their IP-related technical assistance programmes on the ground in developing countries.
自 1993 年以来,联 合国海地特派团、联合国海地支助团、联合国海地过 渡时期特派团、联合国海地民警特派团、联合国/美 洲国家组织驻海地国际文职人员支助团(海地文职支 助团)以及自
[...] 2004 年以来的联合国海地稳定特派团 (联海稳定团)先驻扎在海地。
Since 1993, Haiti has seen successively the United Nations Mission in Haiti, the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti, the United Nations Transition Mission in Haiti, United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti, the
International Civilian Support Mission in Haiti, and,
[...] since 2004, the United Nations Stabilization [...]
Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).
爆炸物处理自我维持类别的目的是,如会员国特遣队 驻扎 区 存 在威胁, 可就特遣队保障该区域安全的努力对该国做出补偿。
The self-sustainment category of EOD is intended to reimburse a Member State for its contingent’s efforts in securing its accommodation areas, if a threat exists.
美国国务院国际信息局(IIP)《美国参考》MacKenzie C. Babb从华盛顿报道,美国副总统拜敦(Biden)看望 驻扎 在 日 本横田空军基地的美国军队,感谢他们在今年早些时候日本遭受地震、海啸和核灾难的严重破坏后的恢复努力中提供帮助。
Washington — Vice President Biden met with U.S. troops at Yokota Air Base in Japan to thank them for their assistance in Japan’s recovery efforts following the country’s devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster earlier this year.
在葡萄牙殖民战争的背景下,前法国殖民地几内亚指 驻扎 在 几 内亚比绍的葡萄牙部队侵略其领土。
Against the backdrop of the Portuguese colonial war, Guinea, a former French colony, accused Portuguese forces based in Guinea-Bissau of aggression against its territory.
由于联合国军司令 部驻扎在南 朝鲜的美利坚合众国武装部队成员组 成,该国代表团认为南朝鲜代表就该事项发表评论是 不合适的。
Since the Command consisted of members of the armed forces of the United States of America stationed in South Korea, his delegation considered it inappropriate for the representative of South Korea to comment on the matter.
在被占领的约旦河西岸,22 岁的 Khaldoun Samoudi 被驻扎在西岸 Tubas 以东 Al-Hamra 军事检查站的以色列占领军残忍地杀 害。
In the occupied West Bank, Khaldoun Samoudi, 22 years old, was killed in cold blood by Israeli occupying forces positioned at Al-Hamra military checkpoint, east of Tubas in the West Bank.
根据 该报告,收到了 24 项指控,涉及到几乎所驻扎在布 尼亚的特遣队的士兵,以 及军事观察员和文职人员。
According to that report, 24 allegations had been received involving soldiers from almost all of the Bunia-based contingents, as well as military observers and civilian staff.
驻扎上海 的摄影师Jonathan Tay 和CliqAsia的团队密切合作,这对二人组合创作了一个整合性的店头和海报广告。
Working closely with Shanghai based photographer Jonathan Tay and the team at CliqAsia the duo were able to fabricate an integrated instore and poster campaign.
但是我们注意到,很多地区性会议倾向于在曼谷举行,那里坐落着 教科文组织驻亚太地区第一大办事处--地区教育办事处,同时,联合国的各种机 构驻扎在曼谷。
It is however noted that many regional meetings are held in Bangkok, where the Regional Bureau for Education, the largest UNESCO Office in the Asia and the Pacific Region, is located and where all United Nations agencies are present.
However, an army of
[...] robotic drones now stationed at the facility [...]
complicates matters and they de-translated Odd.
FOSS在全球范围内大约有1150名员工,他们都高度胜任他们的工作,比如许 驻扎 在 全球各地靠近用户的工程师都是经过培训和认证的。
FOSS employs around 1150 staff worldwide, all of whom are highly qualified for their job such as the many factory-trained and certified support engineers stationed close to our customers across the globe.
个 “ 情况不 明地区”
(Rushinga、Lusulu、 Mukumbura和Kariba) 进行非技术调查,对5 个“已知雷场”的若干小区域进行
[...] 技术调查,将津巴布韦排雷行动中心“迁出军 驻扎 区 ”,并在24 个月内以 《国际排雷行动标准》为基础制订津巴布韦排雷行动标准。
The Meeting noted in particular the commitments made by Zimbabwe to undertake, within 12 months, non-technical survey of the four “unknown areas” (Rushinga, Lusulu, Mukumbura and Kariba) and technical survey of parts of the five “known minefields”,
to relocate, within 12 months, ZIMAC
[...] “out of military cantonment area”, and, to [...]
develop, within 24 months, Zimbabwean mine
action standards that are based on the IMAS.
米斯郡(County Meath)的特里姆城堡(Trim Castle)
[...] 是爱尔兰最大同样也最重要的城堡,拥有数百年的历史,当时盎格鲁诺曼人 驻扎 在 内注视着下面所谓“危险的国民”,他们采取一切手段保证这个城堡不被人进入。
Trim Castle in County Meath. The largest and
most important castle in Ireland for several
[...] centuries, its garrison of Anglo Normans [...]
watched over the ‘dangerous natives’,
and took every precaution to ensure the castle was seriously unwelcoming.
在 2011 年 1 月 2 日发生的另一起悲剧性事件中驻扎 在 西 岸图巴斯以东的 哈姆拉军事检查站的以色列占领军枪杀了上班途中 25 岁的 Ahmed Daraghma。
In another tragic incident, on 2 January 2011, Israeli occupying forces positioned at Al-Hamra military checkpoint, east of Tubas in the West Bank, shot and killed 25-year-old Ahmed Daraghma, while on his way to work.




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