

单词 驳回

驳回 adjective ()


回驳 verb ()

refute v

See also:

a barge
ship by barge
a lighter (ship)

External sources (not reviewed)

这些行为公然违反了最高司令部和国防部的政 策,应当予驳回并适当惩处。
These activities openly violate the policies of the military high command and the Ministry of Defense, and should be rejected and duly sanctioned.
(g) 拉巴特最高法驳回了判 刑的判决,认为“由于未能满足各方提出的 要求,导致上诉法院的判决丧失了一切法律依据”。
(g) The Supreme Court in Rabat set aside the sentence, considering that “the lack of replies to the requests [...]
made by the different
parties left the Court of Appeal’s decision with no legal basis”.
如果新的申请遭驳回,可 以上诉至主管移民法 院,并进一步上诉至移民上诉法院。
A rejection of the new application is subject to appeal to the competent migration court and further to the Migration Court of Appeal.
[...] 对以前的评论进行了补充,解释了国内法 驳回 申 诉 人上诉的依据,即导致其离 开原籍国和他的妻子儿女飞往安哥拉的情况业已是难民上诉委员会一项裁决的事 [...]
The State party supplements its previous observations by
explaining the basis for the dismissal by the
[...] domestic court of the complainant’s [...]
appeal, namely that the circumstances that
led to his departure from his country of origin and to the flight of his wife and children to Angola have already been the subject of a ruling by the Refugee Appeals Board and that the new evidence provided by the complainant has been found wanting and does not invalidate the Board’s analysis.
按照《世界反兴奋剂条例》第 4.4 条 的规定,根据被反兴奋剂组驳回治 疗 用约豁免的运动员的要求,世界反兴奋剂机构治疗用药 豁免委员会将审查此种决定,并有权推翻此种决定。
As specified in Article 4.4 of the Code, the WADA TUEC, upon request by Athletes who have been denied TUEs by an Anti-Doping Organization will review such decisions with the power to reverse them.
作为补充性论点,缔约国认为根据案情也 驳回 申 诉 ,因为并没有充分 理由相信将申诉人遣返回海地将使他马上面临真实和针对个人的酷刑风险。
As a subsidiary argument, the State party considers that the complaint should be dismissed on the merits, since there is no serious reason to believe that the complainant’s removal to Haiti would expose him to a real, personal and imminent risk of torture.
至于依据《美国法典》第 11 篇第 1502(2)节[《跨国破产示范法》第 2(f)条 ]在以色 列的“营业所”问题,需要根据《美国法典》第 11 篇第 1502(5)节[《跨国破产示 范法》第 2(c)条 ]认定该外国程序是“外国非主要程序”,法院认为,债务人在以 色列境内并没有“营业地点”或“经济活动” 驳回 了 外 国代表关于外国程序本 身就是这种活动的论点。
As for the concept of an “establishment” in Israel pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 1502(2) [Art. 2 (f) MLCBI], necessary to a finding that the foreign proceeding was a “foreign non-main proceeding” pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 1502(5) [Art. 2 (c) MLCBI], the court found that the debtor had no “place of operations” or “economic activity” within Israel, rejecting the foreign representative’s argument that the foreign proceeding itself constituted such activity.
鉴于他们的索赔在刑事和民事诉讼中均 驳回 , 赔 偿委 员会无法给予提交人任何补救。
As their claims were rejected in both the criminal and civil proceedings, the Compensation Board could not offer redress to the petitioners.
本案中驳回建筑许可申请的理 由绝非因为提交人是残疾人,而是遵守平等地适用于所有人的惯例。
The rejection of
[...] the application for a building permit [...]
in this case is in no way due to the author’s disability, but rather
consistent with practice that applies equally to all.
同一天,上诉分庭驳回了 Gaspard Kanyarukiga 案的上诉,确认对 [...]
Kanyarukiga 计划灭绝种族罪和灭绝反人类罪的判决,以及审判分庭判处的 30 年监禁。
On the same day, the Appeals
[...] Chamber also dismissed the appeals [...]
in the case of Gaspard Kanyarukiga, affirming in its judgement
Kanyarukiga’s convictions for planning genocide and extermination as a crime against humanity as well as the sentence of 30 years of imprisonment imposed by the Trial Chamber.
提交人强调,暂停施行强制令和要求保护基本自 由的紧急申诉被确认是可以受理的,但行政法 驳回 了 这 两个申诉,而有关案情 实质的申诉,即使一惯判例认为竞争性考试的所有阶段,诸如“确定资格”阶 段,涉及决定而不是初步行为,因此可能在考试的任何时间提出质疑而不必要等 到公布了确定资格的最后结果,也被认为是不可受理的。
The author stresses that the temporary suspension injunction and the urgent application for the protection of a fundamental freedom were found to be admissible but were rejected by the Council of State, whereas the application on the merits was found to be inadmissible, even though consistent jurisprudence has held that the stages of a competitive examination, such as the “qualification” stage, involve decisions and not preliminary acts and that it should therefore be possible to contest them at any time during the examination without it being necessary to await the publication of the final results on qualification.
如 果无力偿还的债务人没有足够的资金负担法 院的诉讼费用,那么法院也可驳回 破 产申 请。
The court will also dismiss a bankruptcy petition in which the assets of the insolvent debtor are not sufficient to cover the costs of the court proceedings.
有一种看法认为,只要有条件解释性 声明的关于正确性的状况没有显示出来、或无法予以确定,这一有条件的解释性 声明便必须同时符合一解释性声明的允许性条件(如果该解释最终获得其他当事 方的认同或得到一主管机构予以确定)和一保留的允许性条件(如果提出的解释驳回)。
According to one view, so long as the status of the conditional interpretative declaration as to correctness has not been, or cannot be, determined, such a conditional interpretative declaration must meet both the conditions for the permissibility of an interpretative declaration (in the event that the interpretation is ultimately shared by the other parties or established by a competent body) and the conditions for the permissibility of a reservation (in the event that the proposed interpretation is rejected).
他指出,他对检察官办公室拒绝对虐 待他的警察提出刑事指控提出上诉,但其案件被分配 驳回 其 第一次申诉的同一 名检察官。
He submits that when he appealed the refusal of the Prosecutor’s Office to file criminal charges against the police officers who had mistreated him, the case was assigned to the same prosecutor who rejected his complaint the first time.
其次,该国还辩称提交人的指 称根据不足,应根据案情予驳回。
Subsidiarily, it contends that the petitioners’ allegations are ill-founded, and should be rejected on the merits.
她举例说明了良好做法,比如批准人权维护者驳回他们 的注册申请提出上诉、给予他们保护或 者向他们发放签证,取消国家法律中关于暴动的 条款,给予他们直接财政补助,邀请联合国机制 到相关国家执行任务,人权维护者和民间社会参 与制定政策和法律文本,打击有罪不罚现象。
She gave examples of good practices, such as allowing human rights defenders to appeal against the rejection of their applications for registration, granting them protection or issuing visas to them, deleting clauses relating to sedition in national legislations, allocating direct financial assistance, inviting United Nations mechanisms to undertake country missions, allowing human rights defenders and civil society to participate in the framing of policies and legislation, and efforts to combat impunity.
2010年,曼海姆行政法驳回了施 瓦本地区一个农民反对建造南德乙烯管线(EPS)的起诉,法院认为EPS的管道铺设不存在安全隐患;EPS和巴登-符腾堡州之间的公共法合约继续有效。
In 2010, Baden-Württemberg’s Higher Administrative Court in Mannheim overruled a local farmer’s objection to the construction of the EPS.
为了维护国家主权及其独立并维护国际安全、和平与稳定,叙利亚呼吁联合 国及其负责打击恐怖主义和打击资助恐怖主义行为的机构,包括安全理事会及其 专门附属委员会以及人权理事会 驳回 恐 怖 主义分子和支持恐怖主义分子的人对 其实施的破坏性做法进行的任何掩饰。
In order to preserve States’ sovereignty and their independence, and to maintain international security, peace and stability, Syria calls on the United Nations and its bodies concerned with countering terrorism and the financing thereof, including the Security Council and its specialized subsidiary committee, as well as the Human Rights Council, to deny terrorists and those who support them any cover for their destructive practices.
此外,条约应设立一个在国家间交流信息的机制,以确保条约执行情况的透 明性,并应包括有关批准驳回的信 息。
In addition, the treaty should create a mechanism for information exchange among States
in order to ensure transparency in its implementation, and it should include information
[...] regarding approvals and denials.
2010年8月5 日,最高行政法院决定不 批准上诉,从而最终决驳回提交人的申请,且提交人不得再上诉。
On 5 August 2010, the Supreme Administrative Court decided not to grant leave to appeal, whereby the decision to reject the author’s application became final and not subject to further appeal.
对临驳回申请 复审或上诉,或者对异议提交答辩的时限 (时限应合理),以及受理复审或上诉的主管机关;如果复审或上诉申请必 须通过其地址在宣驳回的主管局的缔约方领土上的代理人提出,亦应 说明。
the time limit, reasonable under the circumstances, for filing a request for review of or appeal against the provisional refusal or for filing a response to the opposition, and the authority to which such request for review [...]
or appeal shall lie;
if such request for review or appeal must be filed through the intermediary of a representative whose address is within the territory of the Contracting Party whose Office has pronounced the refusal, this will also be indicated.
向请愿人提供关于其除名理由为何被接受或驳 回的详 细理由,对于确保遵守适当程序至关重要。
Providing a petitioner with detailed reasons as to why their delisting request was accepted or denied is fundamental to ensuring that due process is followed.
驳回的人 口只需向这些部门简单注册,还可以享受其支持。
Individuals whose request is refused can still receive support by registering with its services.
此外,行政法庭还审议了大会第 37/126 号决议、A/C.5/47/43 号文件、秘 书长 ST/SGB/278 号和 ST/SGB/280 号公报及 Amend.1、A/C.5/51/34 号文件、大 会第 51/226
号决议和秘书长 ST/SGB/2009/10 号公报,认为“秘书长有权……根 据所有情况 [包括在所述期间发生金融危机和联合国采取重组措施],并根据大会
[...] 关于这一事项的决议,拒绝审议申诉人提出的将其合同状况改划为长期任用的要 求”,因驳回了整个申诉。
Additionally, the Tribunal reviewed General Assembly resolution 37/126, document A/C.5/47/43, Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/278 and ST/SGB/280 and Amend.1, document A/C.5/51/34, General Assembly resolution 51/226 and Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2009/10 and found that “the Secretary-General was entitled to refuse consideration of the Applicants for conversion of their contractual status to permanent appointments … in light of all the circumstances [including the financial crisis and the reorganization measures of the United
Nations at the time at issue and] General Assembly resolutions on the
[...] matter” and dismissed the Application [...]
in its entirety.
A High Court judge dismissed the rape charge [...]
only a week before the elections, suggesting the prosecution had badly abused
the court process (the treason charge was dismissed in 2010).
在此基础上,我们不能赞同高级代表 3 月 27 日 决驳回中央 选举委员会关于由波什尼亚克族组建 新政府的决定。
On that basis, we cannot agree with the decision taken by the High Representative on 27 March that overruled the Central Election Commission’s decision on the formation of a new Government by the Bosniak entity.
委员驳回了这项控诉,因为当时埃 塞俄比亚人不是被厄立特里亚政府或因政府的政策被驱逐,而是由于不属于厄立 特里亚责任的经济原因或战争造成的动乱。
In rejecting that claim, the Commission concluded that the Ethiopians were not expelled by the Eritrean Government or due to Government policy, but instead left for economic reasons or owing to dislocation associated with the war, reasons for which Eritrea was not responsible.
(2) (a) 凡欲行使此权利的局应在所适用的法律规定的期限内并最迟于国际局通知
[...] 其第(1)款规定的延伸之日起一年期限届满前,将 驳回 通 知 国际局,并说明全部理 由,第(b)和(c)段另有规定的除外。
(2) (a) Any Office wishing to exercise such right shall notify its refusal to the International Bureau, together with a statement of all grounds, within the period prescribed by the law applicable to that Office and at the latest, subject to subparagraphs (b) and
(c), before the expiry of one year from
[...] the date on which the notification of [...]
the extension referred to in paragraph (1)
has been sent to that Office by the International Bureau.
关于秘书长提议联合国争议法庭要有一个机制快 驳回 显 然 不可受理 的案件(A/66/275 和 Corr.1,第 255 段),各代表团认为无需通过修正联合国上诉 法庭规约来解决这一问题,而是应通过修正法庭程序规则加以解决。
In relation to the Secretary-General’s proposal concerning the provision of a mechanism for the dismissal of manifestly inadmissible cases by the United Nations Appeals Tribunal (A/66/275 and Corr.1, para. 255), delegations were not convinced that an amendment to the statute of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal was necessary in order to address the issue, which should be addressed through an amendment of the rules of procedure of the Tribunal.
2006 年 12 月 13 日,最高法驳回 Adal ah 对城建与住房部提起的申诉, 控诉政府――以低利率政府贷款的形式――为服过兵役或当过公务员的以色列公民 [...]
On December 13, 2006, the
[...] Supreme Court rejected a petition filed by Adalah against [...]
the Ministry of Construction and Housing,
challenging the governmental policy of providing financial support — in the form of low-interest governmental loans — for home mortgages to Israeli citizens who have completed their military or national-service.




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